FTP Server Inspector

FTP Server Inspector Overview


Inspector (service)



Instance Type


Other Inspectors Required

ftp_client, stream_tcp



File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a network protocol used to transfer files between clients and servers over TCP/IP. Once a client and server establish a connection, the client issues commands to the server to upload files to or download files from the server, and interprets responses from the server.

The ftp_server inspector examines and normalizes commands on the FTP command channel.

Given an FTP command channel buffer, the ftp_server inspector identifies the FTP commands and parameters, and enforces correctness of the parameters. The ftp_server determines when an FTP command connection is encrypted and when an FTP data channel is opened.

FTP Server Inspector Parameters

FTP Server port configuration

The binder inspector defines the FTP Server configuration. For more information, see the Binder Inspector Overview.

        "when": {
            "ports": ""
        "use": {


Specifies a list of FTP commands to check for string format attacks. You can enable rule 125:5 to generate an alert, and in an inline deployment, drop offending packets when the inspector detects this condition. Separate multiple commands with a space character.

Type: string

Valid values: A list of valid FTP commands.

Default value: None


Specifies a list of FTP commands to check for correct formatting. Separate multiple commands with a space character.

Type: string

Valid values: A list of one or more of the following commands: PORT PASV LPRT LPSV EPRT EPSV.

Default value: None


Specifies a list of data transfer commands. Check for correct formatting of the commands. Separate multiple commands with a space character.

Type: string

Valid values: A list of one or more of the following commands: RETR STOR STOU APPE LIST NLST.

Default value: None


Specifies a list of PUT commands. Check for correct formatting of the commands. Separate multiple commands with a space character.

Type: string

Valid values: A list of one or more of the following commands: STOR STOU APPE.

Default value: None


Do not change the file_put_cmds parameter unless directed to do so by Support.


Specifies a list of GET commands. Check for correct formatting of the commands. Separate multiple commands with a space character.

Type: string

Valid values: A list of GET command, such as RETR.

Default value: None


Do not change the file_get_cmds parameter unless directed to do so by Support.


Specifies a list of commands related to secure connections. Check for correct formatting of the commands. Separate multiple commands with a space character.

Type: string

Valid values: A list of commands related to secure connections, for example: AUTH.

Default value: None


Specifies a list of commands related to the login process. Check for correct formatting of the commands. Separate multiple commands with a space character.

Type: string

Valid values: Specify a list of one or more commands: USER, PASS.

Default value: None


Specifies whether to check an encrypted session for a command to end encryption. Use with the encrypted_traffic parameter.

You can enable rule 125:7 to generate events and, in an inline deployment, drop offending packets for this parameter.

Type: boolean

Valid values: true, false

Default value: false


An array of FTP commands and the criteria the inspector uses to validate them. These validity checks override the default checks performed by the ftp_server inspector (RFC 959).

You can enable rules 125:2 and 125:4 to generate events, and, in an line deployment, drop offending packets for this parameter.

Type: array (object)

   "cmd_validity": [
           "command": "CWD",
           "format": "abc",
           "length": 250


Specifies the name of an FTP command to validate.

Type: string

Valid values: A valid FTP command enclosed in double quotation marks.

Default value: None


Describes the valid format for cmd_validity[].command

Type: string

Valid values: One of the following formats:

  • int – The parameter must be an integer

  • number – The parameter much be an integer between 1 and 255

  • char chars – The parameter must be a single character from chars, a list of one or more characters with no separators between them.

  • date datefmt – The parameter follows the format specified, where datefmt is constructed using the following elements:

    • # = Number

    • C = Char

    • [] = Optional format enclosed

    • | = OR

    • {} = Choice of formats enclosed

    • .+- literal characters

  • string – The parameter is an unlimited string.

  • host_port – The parameter must be a host port specifier, per RFC 959.

  • long_host_port – The parameter must be a long host port specifier per RFC 1639.

  • extended_host_port – The parameter must be an extended host port specifier per RFC 2428.

  • {},| – The parameter must be one of the choices enclosed within the braces, separated by |.

  • {}, [] – The parameter must be one of the choices enclosed within the braces. Optional values are enclosed within the brackets.

Default value: None


Specifies the maximum length in bytes for the cmd_validity[].command parameter, overriding the default value defined in def_max_param_len. If the parameter for the FTP command exceeds the cmd_validity[].length, and rule 125:3 is enabled, Snort generates an alert. Use cmd_validity[].length to restrict specific commands to small parameter values.

Specify 0 to indicate unlimited length.

Type: integer

Valid range: 0 to 4,294,967,295 (max32)

Default value: 0


Specifies the default maximum length in bytes that the inspector permits for all FTP commands handled by the server. Use def_max_param_len for basic buffer overflow detection. (This can be overridden for individual commands using cmd_validity[].length.) You can enable rule 125:3 to generate events and, in an inline deployment, drop offending packets for this parameter.

Specify 0 to indicate unlimited length.

Type: integer

Valid range: 0 to 4,294,967,295 (max32)

Default value: 100


Specifies whether to check for encrypted FTP traffic. Use with the check_encrypted parameter. You can enable rule 125:7 to generate events and, in an inline deployment, drop offending packets for this parameter.

Type: boolean

Valid values: true, false

Default value: false


A list of FTP commands the server supports beyond those described in RFC 959. (If your installation uses the "X" commands specified in RFC 775, for instance, you can add them to the inspector using this parameter.)

Type: string

Valid values: Space-separated list of valid FTP commands, enclosed in double quotation marks.

Default value: None


Specifies whether to ignore the FTP data channels.

Type: boolean

Valid values: true, false

Default value: false


Specifies whether to ignore the telnet escape sequences for the erase character (TNC EAC) and the erase line character (TNC EAL) when normalizing the FTP command channel. Set ignore_telnet_erase_cmds to match how your FTP server handles telnet erase commands. Newer FTP clients typically ignore these telnet escape sequences, while legacy clients typically process them.

If telnet erase commands are not ignored, and rule 125:1 is enabled, Snort generates an event, and, in an inline deployment, drops offending packets.

Type: boolean

Valid values: true, false

Default value: false


Specifies whether to print the configuration for each FTP command for this server on initialization.

Type: boolean

Valid values: true, false

Default value: false


Specifies whether to check for telnet commands on the FTP command channel. The presence of such commands could indicate an evasion attempt on the FTP command channel.

Type: boolean

Valid values: true, false

Default value: false

FTP Server Inspector Rules

Enable the ftp_server inspector rules to generate events and, in an inline deployment, drop offending packets.

Table 1. FTP Server Inspector Rules


Rule Message

125:1 TELNET command on FTP command channel


invalid FTP command


FTP command parameters were too long


FTP command parameters were malformed


FTP command parameters contained potential string format


FTP traffic encrypted


evasive (incomplete) TELNET cmd on FTP command channel

FTP Server Inspector Intrusion Rule Options

The ftp_server inspector does not have any intrusion rule options.