SIP Inspector

SIP Inspector Overview


Inspector (service)



Instance Type


Other Inspectors Required




The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) manages the creation, modification, and teardown of real-time call sessions that include one or more participants. The applications that SIP can control include: internet telephony, multimedia conferencing, instant messaging, online gaming, and file transfer. The SIP protocol is a text-based, request and response protocol.

A SIP request includes a method field that identifies the purpose of the request, and a Request-URI which specifies where to send the request. A status code in each SIP response indicates the outcome of the requested action. The SIP protocol uses TCP (port 5060) or UDP (port 5061).

After SIP creates a call session, SIP can transmit audio and video streams over the real-time transport protocol (RTP). The SIP message body embeds the data-channel parameter negotiation, session announcement, and session invitation in the Session Description Protocol (SDP) format.

The sip inspector detects and analyzes SIP messages in network traffic. The sip inspector extracts the SIP header and message body and passes any data in the SIP message body to the detection engine.

The sip inspector detects anomalies and known vulnerabilities in SIP traffic, including disordered and invalid call sequences.


  • The sip inspector does not decode RTP messages. The sip inspector identifies the RTP channel based on the port defined in the SDP data.

  • UDP typically carries media sessions supported by SIP. The sip inspector obtains session tracking information from the decoded UDP stream.

  • SIP rule options allow you to position the detection cursor to the SIP packet header or message body and to limit detection to packets for specific SIP methods or status codes.

SIP Inspector Parameters

SIP service configuration

The binder inspector defines the SIP service configuration. For more information, see the Binder Inspector Overview.

        "when": {
            "role": "any",
            "service": "sip"
        "use": {
            "type": "sip"


Specifies whether to inspect audio/video data channel traffic. When enabled, the sip inspector decodes all non-data SIP channel traffic and ignores audio/video SIP data channel traffic.

Type: boolean

Valid values: true, false

Default value: false


Specifies the maximum number of bytes to allow in the Call-ID header field. The Call-ID field uniquely identifies the SIP session in requests and responses. The sip inspector does not generate an alert when the max_call_id_len is 0.

You can enable rule 140:5 to generate events, and in an inline deployment, drop offending packets. The sip inspector generates an event when the Call-ID header length is greater than the value of max_call_id_len.

Type: integer

Valid range: 0 to 65535

Default value: 256


Specifies the maximum number of bytes to allow in the Contact header field. The Contact field provides a URI that specifies the location to contact with subsequent messages. The sip inspector does not generate an alert when the value is 0.

You can enable rule 140:15 to generate events, and in an inline deployment, drop offending packets. The sip inspector generates an event when the Contact header field length is greater than the value of max_contact_len.

Type: integer

Valid range: 0 to 65535

Default value: 256


Specifies the maximum number of bytes to allow in the content of the message body. The sip inspector does not generate an alert when the value is 0.

You can enable rule 140:16 to generate events, and in an inline deployment, drop offending packets. The sip inspector generates an event when the content length is greater than the value of max_content_len.

Type: integer

Valid range: 0 to 65535

Default value: 1024


Specifies the maximum number of dialogs allowed within a stream session. If the number of dialogs is more than the set limit, the sip inspector drops the oldest dialogs until the number of dialogs does not exceed the maximum number specified.

You can enable rule 140:27 to generate events, and in an inline deployment, drop offending packets.

Type: integer

Valid range: 1 to 4,294,967,295 (max32)

Default value: 4


Specifies the maximum number of bytes to allow in the From header field. The From field identifies the sender of the message. The sip inspector does not generate an alert when the value is 0.

You can enable rule 140:9 to generate events, and in an inline deployment, drop offending packets. The sip inspector generates an event when the From field length is greater than the value of max_from_len.

Type: integer

Valid range: 0 to 65535

Default value: 256


Specifies the maximum number of bytes to allow in the request name. The SIP request name refers to the name of the method specified in the SIP CSeq transaction identifier. The sip inspector does not generate an alert when the value is 0.

You can enable rule 140:7 to generate events, and in an inline deployment, drop offending packets. The sip inspector generates an event when the request name length is greater than the value of max_request_name_len.

Type: integer

Valid range: 0 to 65535

Default value: 20


The max_requestName_len parameter is deprecated. Use the max_request_name_len parameter instead.


Specifies the maximum number of bytes to allow in the To header field. The To field identifies the recipient of the message. The sip inspector does not generate an alert when the value is 0.

You can enable rule 140:11 to generate events, and in an inline deployment, drop offending packets. The sip inspector generates an event when the To field length is greater than the value of max_to_len.

Type: integer

Valid range: 0 to 65535

Default value: 256


Specifies the maximum number of bytes to allow in the SIP Request-URI. The Request-URI indicates the destination path to the requested resource. The sip inspector does not generate an alert when the value is 0.

You can enable rule 140:3 to generate events, and in an inline deployment, drop offending packets. The sip inspector generates an event when the Request-URI field length is greater than the value of max_uri_len.

Type: integer

Valid range: 0 to 65535

Default value: 256


Specifies the maximum number of bytes to allow in the Via header field. The Via field identifies the transport to use in the request and the location of the recipient. The sip inspector does not generate an alert when the value is 0.

You can enable rule 140:13 to generate events, and in an inline deployment, drop offending packets. The sip inspector generates an event when the Via field length is greater than the value of max_via_len.

Type: integer

Valid range: 0 to 65535

Default value: 1024


Specifies a list of SIP methods to detect. Method names are case-insensitive. Use a comma or space to separate method names in the list. A method name can only include alphabetic characters, numbers, and the underscore character.

Type: string

Valid values: ack, benotify, bye, cancel, do, info, invite, join, message, notify, options, prack, publish, quath, refer, register, service, sprack, subscribe, unsubscribe, update

Default value: invite cancel ack bye register options

SIP Inspector Rules

Enable the sip inspector rules to generate events and, in an inline deployment, drop offending packets.

Table 1. SIP Inspector Rules


Rule Message


empty request URI


URI is too long


empty call-Id


Call-Id is too long


CSeq number is too large or negative


request name in CSeq is too long


empty From header


From header is too long


empty To header


To header is too long


empty Via header


Via header is too long


empty Contact


contact is too long


content length is too large or negative


multiple SIP messages in a packet


content length mismatch


request name is invalid


Invite replay attack


illegal session information modification


response status code is not a 3 digit number


empty Content-type header


SIP version is invalid


mismatch in METHOD of request and the CSEQ header


method is unknown


maximum dialogs within a session reached

SIP Inspector Intrusion Rule Options


A SIP request method identifies the purpose of the request. Use the sip_method keyword to match the method in a SIP request. Method names are case-insensitive. Separate multiple method names with a comma.

Type: string

Syntax: sip_method: <methods>;

Valid values: ack, benotify, bye, cancel, do, info, invite, join, message, notify, options, prack, publish, quath, refer, register, service, sprack, subscribe, unsubscribe, update

Examples: sip_method: "ack,service,info,bye";


A SIP response includes a three-digit status code. The SIP status code indicates the outcome of the requested action. Use the sip_stat_code keyword to match a SIP response with the specified status codes.

You can specify a one-digit number that represents the first digit of a three-digit status code, a three-digit number, or a comma-separated list of numbers using either number combination. A list matches if any single number in the list matches the code in the SIP response.

Type: integer

Syntax: sip_stat_code: <codes>;

Valid ranges:

  • 1 to 9

  • 100 to 999

Examples: sip_stat_code: "1";

Table 2. SIP Parameter Values and Status Codes

Parameter Value

Detected Status Codes




Set a specific status code.


100 - 199

Set a single digit.

222, 3

222; 300 - 399

Set a comma-separated list of three-digit or single digit numbers.


Use the sip_header keyword to position the detection cursor to the beginning of the extracted SIP header buffer. Restricts inspection to the header fields.

Syntax: sip_header;

Examples: sip_header;


Use the sip_body keyword to position the detection cursor to the beginning of the extracted SIP message body. Restricts inspection to the message body.

Syntax: sip_body;

Examples: sip_body;


The sip inspector extracts the entire message body and makes it available to the rules engine. The rules engine is not limited to searching for session description protocol (SDP) content.