HTTP Inspect Inspector

HTTP Inspect Inspector Overview


Inspector (service)



Instance Type


Other Inspectors Required




Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application layer protocol that enables the exchange of hypermedia (audio, video, images, and text) between a client and server. HTTP is a stateless protocol that requires reliable message transmission. Communication between a client and a server is in the form of HTTP requests and responses.

An HTTP/1.1 server typically uses port 80 over TCP/IP. The secure version of HTTP (HTTP/TLS or HTTPS) uses port 443. HTTP defines access control and authentication mechanisms in the protocol.

HTTP/2 contains improvements to increase speed and push more information than the client requested, but operates over the same ports and protocols as HTTP/1.1. HTTP/2-specific rules are configured with service:http2.

HTTP/3 is connection-less, using the QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections) protocol rather than TCP, and can support more active streams with better loss recovery. HTTP/3 uses the same messaging as prior versions of HTTP. HTTP/3-specific rules are configured with service:http3.

The HTTP inspector supports all three versions of HTTP in an identical fashion.

The http_inspect inspector detects and analyzes the protocol data unit (PDU) of the HTTP message. http_inspect receives the TCP payload from the TCP stream and examines the encapsulated HTTP message.

The HTTP inspector can detect the following HTTP message sections:

  • Request line

  • Status line

  • Headers

  • Content-Length message body (message body defined by Content-length header)

  • Chunked message body

  • Previous message body (message body with no Content-Length header

  • Trailers

The http_inspect inspector detects and normalizes all HTTP header fields and the components of the HTTP URI. The http_inspect inspector does not normalize the TCP port.

The http_inspect inspector can detect four types of URI:

  • Asterisk (*): not normalized

  • Authority: a URI used with the HTTP CONNECT method

  • Origin: a URI that begins with a slash (no scheme or authority present)

  • Absolute: a URI that includes a scheme, host, and an absolute path

An HTTP URI can include:

  • Scheme (ftp, http, or https)

  • Host (domain name of server)

  • TCP port

  • Path (directory and file)

  • Query (request parameters)

  • Fragment (part of the file)

You can configure the http_inspect inspector to alert on the sections of the HTTP message. For example:

  • Specify the amount of bytes to read from the HTTP request or response body

  • Enable JavaScript detection and normalization

  • Handle various types of file decompression

  • Customize the decoding of the HTTP URI


The http_inspect inspector can partially inspect the stream TCP payload.

Best Practices for Configuring the HTTP Inspect Inspector

Consider the following best practices when configuring the http_inspect inspector:

  • Set the request_depth and response_depth parameters if your HTTP traffic includes large video files.

  • Use the default settings for the HTTP URI inspection parameters:

    "utf8": "true"
    "plus_to_space": "true"
    "percent_u": "true"
    "utf8_bare_byte": "true"
    "iis_unicode": "true"
    "iis_double_decode": "true"

HTTP Inspect Inspector Parameters

HTTP service configuration

The binder inspector defines the HTTP service configuration. For more information, see the Binder Inspector Overview.

        "when": {
             "service": "http",
             "role": any
        "use": {
            "type": "http_inspect"


Specifies the number of bytes to read from the HTTP message request body.

Specify -1 to place no limit on the number of bytes to inspect. We recommend that you specify the request_depth and response_depth parameters to limit the amount of HTTP body data to analyze.

To inspect only the HTTP headers, set request_depth to 0.

Type: integer

Valid range: -1 to 9,007,199,254,740,992 (max53)

Default Value: -1


Specifies the number of bytes to read from the HTTP message response body.

Specify -1 to place no limit on the number of bytes to inspect. We recommend that you specify the request_depth and response_depth parameters to limit the amount of HTTP body data to analyze.

To inspect only the HTTP headers, set response_depth to 0.

Type: integer

Valid range: -1 to 9,007,199,254,740,992 (max53)

Default Value: -1


Specifies whether to decompress gzip files and deflate message bodies before inspecting them. When you turn off decompression, the HTTP inspector is unable to process all parts of the HTTP message body. The http_inspect inspector can process the HTTP headers.

Type: boolean

Valid values: true, false

Default value: true


Specifies the maximum number of bytes allowed in the Host HTTP header value.

Specify -1 to place no limit on the header value length.

Type: integer

Valid range: -1 to 9,007,199,254,740,992 (max53)

Default value: -1


Specifies the maximum number of bytes allowed in an HTTP message body chunk.

Specify -1 to place no limit on the number of bytes in an HTTP chunk.

Type: integer

Valid range: -1 to 9,007,199,254,740,992 (max53)

Default value: -1


Specifies whether to normalize UTF encodings (UTF-8, UTF-7, UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE, UTF-32LE, and UTF-32BE) found in the HTTP response body. The http_inspect inspector determines the UTF character encoding from the HTTP Content-Type header.

Type: boolean

Valid values: true, false

Default value: true


Specifies whether to decompress the deflate-compatible compressed portions of the application/pdf (PDF) files found in the HTTP response body. The http_inspect inspector decompresses PDF files with the /FlateDecode stream filter.

Type: boolean

Valid values: true, false

Default value: false


Specifies whether to decompress application/vnd.adobe.flash-movie (SWF) files found in the HTTP response body.


You can only decompress the compressed portions of files found in the HTTP GET responses.

Type: boolean

Valid values: true, false

Default value: false


Specifies whether to decompress Microsoft Office Visual Basic for Applications macro files found in the HTTP response body.

Type: boolean

Valid values: true, false

Default value: false


Specifies whether to decompress application/zip (ZIP) files found in the HTTP response body.

Type: boolean

Valid values: true, false

Default value: false


Specifies whether to inspect the JavaScript content after detecting the script end element (<\script>). When http_inspect detects the end of a script, it immediately forwards the partially read message body for early detection. Script detection enables Snort to quickly block response messages that may contain malicious JavaScript.

Type: boolean

Valid values: true, false

Default value: false


Specifies whether to use the legacy mechanism to normalize JavaScript in the HTTP response body. This option configures the legacy JavaScript normalizer. The http_inspect inspector normalizes obfuscated JavaScript data including the unescape and decodeURI functions, and the String.fromCharCode method. The HTTP inspector normalizes encodings within the unescape, decodeURI, and decodeURIComponent functions: %XX, %uXXXX, XX, and uXXXXi.

The http_inspect inspector detects consecutive white spaces and normalizes them into a single space. When normalize_javascript is enabled, you can set max_javascript_whitespaces to limit the number of consecutive white spaces in the obfuscated JavaScript.

Type: boolean

Valid values: true, false

Default value: false


Specifies the number of input JavaScript bytes to normalize. This option is specific to the enhanced JavaScript normalizer.


If you use the enhanced JavaScript normalizer, the default settings from the Lightweight Security Package (LSP) and Snort 3 are used. JavaScript-specific configurations are blocked from the network analysis policy (NAP) user interface. To override the default settings and customize the normalizer settings, you can modify the NAPOverride.lua file located at /ftd/app_data/Volume/root1/ngfw/var/cisco/deploy.

The http_inspect inspector detects consecutive white spaces and normalizes them into a single space. The inspector keeps track of scripts in different PDUs where the start <script> is in one PDU and the end </script> is in another PDU to normalize the traffic effectively. A new buffer js_data was added to the Snort 3 IPS buffer that uses the Just in Time (JIT) approach to detect and normalize JavaScript code where the normalizer is called only when this option is used in the rule.

The http_inspect inspector normalizes the function name, variable name, and the label name associated with the JavaScript code. In addition, the inspector normalizes JavaScript code transferred in the form of external script using the application/javascript or similar MIME type. The normalizer performs automatic semicolon insertion where the JavaScript functionality is not altered from its original input from the client side.

The http_inspect inspector normalizes obfuscated JavaScript data including the unescape, decodeURI, and decodeURIComponent functions, and the String.fromCharCode and String.fromCodePoint methods. The HTTP inspector normalizes encodings within the unescape, decodeURI, and decodeURIComponent functions: %XX, %uXXXX, \uXX, \u{XXXX}\xXX, decimal code point, and hexadecimal code point.

The http_inspect inspector also normalizes the Javascript plus (+) operator and concatenates strings using the operator.

Specify -1 to place no limit on the number of JavaScript bytes.

Type: integer

Valid range: -1 to 9,007,199,254,740,992 (max53)

Default value: -1


Specifies the maximum number of unique JavaScript identifiers to normalize. This option is specific to the enhanced JavaScript normalizer.


If you use the enhanced JavaScript normalizer, the default settings from the Lightweight Security Package (LSP) and Snort 3 are used. JavaScript-specific configurations are blocked from the network analysis policy (NAP) user interface. To override the default settings and customize the normalizer settings, you can modify the NAPOverride.lua file located at /ftd/app_data/Volume/root1/ngfw/var/cisco/deploy.

Type: integer

Valid range: 0 to 65536

Default value: 65536


Specifies the maximum depth of JavaScript bracket nesting to normalize. This option is specific to the enhanced JavaScript normalizer.


If you use the enhanced JavaScript normalizer, the default settings from the Lightweight Security Package (LSP) and Snort 3 are used. JavaScript-specific configurations are blocked from the network analysis policy (NAP) user interface. To override the default settings and customize the normalizer settings, you can modify the NAPOverride.lua file located at /ftd/app_data/Volume/root1/ngfw/var/cisco/deploy.

Type: integer

Valid range: 1 to 65535

Default value: 256


Specifies the maximum depth of JavaScript scope nesting to normalize. This option is specific to the enhanced JavaScript normalizer.


If you use the enhanced JavaScript normalizer, the default settings from the Lightweight Security Package (LSP) and Snort 3 are used. JavaScript-specific configurations are blocked from the network analysis policy (NAP) user interface. To override the default settings and customize the normalizer settings, you can modify the NAPOverride.lua file located at /ftd/app_data/Volume/root1/ngfw/var/cisco/deploy.

Type: integer

Valid range: 1 to 65535

Default value: 256


Specifies the maximum depth of JavaScript template literal nesting to normalize. This option is specific to the enhanced JavaScript normalizer.


If you use the enhanced JavaScript normalizer, the default settings from the Lightweight Security Package (LSP) and Snort 3 are used. JavaScript-specific configurations are blocked from the network analysis policy (NAP) user interface. To override the default settings and customize the normalizer settings, you can modify the NAPOverride.lua file located at /ftd/app_data/Volume/root1/ngfw/var/cisco/deploy.

Type: integer

Valid range: 0 to 255

Default value: 32


Specifies the maximum consecutive whitespaces allowed within the JavaScript obfuscated data.

Type: integer

Valid range: 1 to 65535

Default value: 200


Specifies whether to normalize the %uNNNN and %UNNNN encodings. The four N characters represent a hex-encoded value that correlates to a Microsoft internet information services (IIS) Unicode code point. As legitimate clients rarely use %u encodings, we recommend that you normalize the HTTP traffic encoded with %u encodings.

Type: boolean

Valid values: true, false

Default value: false


Specifies whether to normalize the standard UTF-8 Unicode sequences in the URI. The http_inspect inspector can normalize two or three byte UTF-8 characters into a single byte.

Type: boolean

Valid values: true, false

Default value: true


Specifies whether to normalize UTF-8 characters which include bytes that are not URL or percent encoded. We recommend that you enable the utf8_bare_byte parameter.

Type: boolean

Valid values: true, false

Default value: false


Specifies whether to normalize the characters in the HTTP message with the Unicode code point.


We recommend that you enable the iis_unicode parameter. Unicode is commonly seen in attacks and evasion attempts.

Type: boolean

Valid values: true, false

Default value: false


Specifies whether to use the code page from the IIS Unicode map file.

Type: integer

Valid range: 1 to 65535

Default value: 1252


Specifies whether to normalize characters by performing double decoding of URL encoded characters. Decodes IIS double encoded traffic by making two passes through the request URI. We recommend that you enable the iis_double_decode parameter. Double encoding is typically found only in attack scenarios.

Type: boolean

Valid values: true, false

Default value: true


Specifies the maximum number of bytes allowed for the URL directory.

Type: integer

Valid range: 1 to 65535

Default value: 300


Specifies whether to replace the backslash (\) with forward slash (/) in the URIs.

Type: boolean

Valid values: true, false

Default value: true


Specifies whether to replace the plus sign (+) with <sp> in the URIs.

Type: boolean

Valid values: true, false

Default value: true


Specifies whether to reduce the URI directory path to the simplest form. A URI directory path that includes extra traversals may include: ., .., and /.

Type: boolean

Valid values: true, false

Default value: true


Specifies the types of X-Forwarded-For HTTP header to examine. In the xff_headers parameter, list the X-Forwarded-For headers from highest to lowest preference.

You can define custom X-Forwarded-For type headers. The HTTP header, which carries the original client IP address, can have a vendor-specific header name. In this scenario, the xff_headers parameter provides a way to introduce custom headers to the HTTP inspector.

The xff_headers default value is x-forwarded-for true-client-ip, two commonly known headers. If both default headers are present in the stream, x-forwarded-for is preferred over true-client-ip. When specifying multiple X-Forwarded-For HTTP headers, delimit the header names with a space.

Type: string

Valid values: x-forwarded-for, true-client-ip

Default value: x-forwarded-for true-client-ip

HTTP Inspect Inspector Rules

Enable the http_inspect inspector rules to generate events and, in an inline deployment, drop offending packets.

Table 1. HTTP Inspect Inspector Rules


Rule Message


URI has percent-encoding of an unreserved character


URI is percent encoded and the result is percent encoded again


URI has non-standard %u-style Unicode encoding


URI has Unicode encodings containing bytes that were not percent-encoded


URI has two-byte or three-byte UTF-8 encoding


URI has unicode map code point encoding


URI path contains consecutive slash characters


backslash character appears in the path portion of a URI


URI path contains /./ pattern repeating the current directory


URI path contains /../ pattern moving up a directory


Tab character in HTTP start line


HTTP start line or header line terminated by LF without a CR


Normalized URI includes character from bad_characters list


URI path contains a segment that is longer than the oversize_dir_length parametery


chunk length exceeds configured maximum_chunk_length


URI path includes /../ that goes above the root directory


HTTP header line exceeds 4096 bytes


HTTP message has more than 200 header fields


HTTP message has more than one Content-Length header value


Host header field appears more than once or has multiple values


length of HTTP Host header field value exceeds maximum_host_length option


HTTP POST or PUT request without content-length or chunks


HTTP request method is not known to Snort


HTTP request uses primitive HTTP format known as HTTP/0.9


HTTP request URI has space character that is not percent-encoded


HTTP connection has more than 100 simultaneous pipelined requests that have not been answered


invalid status code in HTTP response


HTTP response has UTF character set that failed to normalize


HTTP response has UTF-7 character set


more than one level of JavaScript obfuscation


consecutive JavaScript whitespaces exceed maximum allowed


multiple encodings within JavaScript obfuscated data


SWF file zlib decompression failure


SWF file LZMA decompression failure


PDF file deflate decompression failure


PDF file unsupported compression type


PDF file with more than one compression applied


PDF file parse failure


not HTTP traffic or unrecoverable HTTP protocol error


chunk length has excessive leading zeros


white space before or between HTTP messages


request message without URI


control character in HTTP response reason phrase


illegal extra whitespace in start line


corrupted HTTP version


format error in HTTP header


chunk header options present


URI badly formatted


unrecognized type of percent encoding in URI


HTTP chunk misformatted


white space adjacent to chunk length


white space within header name


excessive gzip compression


gzip decompression failed


HTTP 0.9 requested followed by another request


HTTP 0.9 request following a normal request


message has both Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding


status code implying no body combined with Transfer-Encoding or nonzero Content-Length


Transfer-Encoding not ending with chunked


Transfer-Encoding with encodings before chunked


misformatted HTTP traffic


unsupported Content-Encoding used


unknown Content-Encoding used


multiple Content-Encodings applied


server response before client request


PDF/SWF/ZIP decompression of server response too big


nonprinting character in HTTP message header name


bad Content-Length value in HTTP header


HTTP header line wrapped


HTTP header line terminated by CR without a LF


chunk terminated by nonstandard separator


chunk length terminated by LF without CR


more than one response with 100 status code


100 status code not in response to Expect header


1XX status code other than 100 or 101


Expect header sent without a message body


HTTP 1.0 message with Transfer-Encoding header


Content-Transfer-Encoding used as HTTP header


illegal field in chunked message trailers


header field inappropriately appears twice or has two values


invalid value chunked in Content-Encoding header


206 response sent to a request without a Range header


HTTP in version field not all upper case


white space embedded in critical header value


gzip compressed data followed by unexpected non-gzip data


excessive HTTP parameter key repeats


HTTP CONNECT request with a message body


HTTP client-to-server traffic after CONNECT request but before CONNECT response


HTTP CONNECT 2XX response with Content-Length header


HTTP CONNECT 2XX response with Transfer-Encoding header


HTTP CONNECT response with 1XX status code


HTTP CONNECT response before request message completed


malformed HTTP Content-Disposition filename parameter


HTTP Content-Length message body was truncated


HTTP chunked message body was truncated


HTTP URI scheme longer than 10 characters


HTTP/1 client requested HTTP/2 upgrade


HTTP/1 server granted HTTP/2 upgrade


bad token in JavaScript


unexpected script opening tag in JavaScript


unexpected script closing tag in JavaScript


JavaScript code under the external script tags


script opening tag in a short form


max number of unique JavaScript identifiers


JavaScript bracket nesting is over capacity


Consecutive commas in HTTP Accept-Encoding header


missed PDUs during JavaScript normalization


JavaScript scope nesting is over capacity


HTTP/1 version other than 1.0 or 1.1e


HTTP version in start line is 0


HTTP version in start line is higher than 1

HTTP Inspect Inspector Intrusion Rule Options


Sets the detection cursor to the body of an HTTP request. When an HTTP message does not specify an HTTP header, Snort normalizes http_client_body using URI normalization. URI normalization is typically applied to http_header.

Syntax: http_client_body;

Examples: http_client_body;


Sets the detection cursor to the extracted HTTP Cookie header field. The http_cookie rule option includes the parameters: http_cookie.request, http_cookie.with_header, http_cookie.with_body, and http_cookie.with_trailer.

Syntax: http_cookie: <parameter>, <parameter>

Examples: http_cookie: request;


Matches the HTTP cookie found in the HTTP request message. Use the HTTP request cookie when examining the HTTP response. The http_cookie.request parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_cookie: request;

Examples: http_cookie: request;


Specifies that the rule can only examine the HTTP message headers. The http_cookie.with_header parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_cookie: with_header;

Examples: http_cookie: with_header;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message body, not the http_cookie rule option. The http_cookie.with_body parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_cookie: with_body;

Examples: http_cookie: with_body;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message trailers, not the http_cookie rule option. The http_cookie.with_trailer parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_cookie: with_trailer;

Examples: http_cookie: with_trailer;


Sets the detection cursor to the normalized HTTP headers. You can specify individual header names using the field option.

The http_header rule option includes the parameters: http_header.field, http_header.request, http_header.with_header, http_header.with_body, and http_header.with_trailer.

Syntax: http_header: field <field_name>,<parameter>, <parameter>

Examples: http_header: field Content-Type, with_trailer;


Matches the specified header name to the normalized HTTP headers. The header name is case insensitive. If you do not specify a header name, the HTTP inspector examines all headers except the HTTP cookie headers (Cookie and Set-Cookie).

Type: string

Syntax: http_header: field <field_name>;

Valid values: An HTTP header name.

Examples: http_header: field Content-Type;


Matches the headers found in the HTTP request. Use the HTTP request headers when examining the HTTP response. The http_header.request parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_header: request;

Examples: http_header: request;


Specifies that the rule can only examine the HTTP message headers. The http_header.with_header parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_header: with_header;

Examples: http_header: with_header;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message body, not the http_header rule option. The http_header.with_body parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_header: with_body;

Examples: http_header: with_body;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message trailers, not the http_header rule option. The http_header.with_trailer parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_header: with_trailer;

Examples: http_header: with_trailer;


Sets the detection cursor to the method of the HTTP request. The common HTTP request method values are GET, POST, OPTIONS, HEAD, DELETE, PUT, TRACE, and CONNECT.

The http_method rule option includes the parameters: http_method.with_header, http_method.with_body, and http_method.with_trailer.

Syntax: http_method: <parameter>, <parameter>;

Examples: http_method; content:"GET";


Specifies that the rule can only examine the HTTP message headers. The http_method.with_header parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_method: with_header;

Examples: http_method: with_header;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message body, not the http_header rule option. The http_method.with_body parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_method: with_body;

Examples: http_method: with_body;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message trailers, not the http_header rule option. The http_method.with_trailer parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_method: with_trailer;

Examples: http_method: with_trailer;


Sets the detection cursor to the specified HTTP parameter key. The HTTP parameter key may appear in the query or request body.

The http_param rule option includes the parameters: http_param.param and http_method.nocase.

Syntax: http_param: <parameter_key>, nocase;

Examples: http_param: offset, nocase;


Matches the specified parameter.

Type: string

Syntax: http_param: <http_parameter>;

Valid values: A request query parameter or request body field.

Examples: http_param: offset;


Match the specified parameter, but do not consider case. The http_param.nocase parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_param: nocase;

Examples: http_param: nocase;


Sets the detection cursor to the unnormalized request or response message body.

Syntax: http_raw_body;

Examples: http_raw_body;


Sets the detection cursor to the unnormalized HTTP Cookie header. The http_raw_cookie rule option includes the parameters: http_raw_cookie.request, http_raw_cookie.with_header, http_raw_cookie.with_body, and http_raw_cookie.with_trailer.

Syntax: http_raw_cookie: <parameter>, <parameter>;

Examples: http_raw_cookie: request;


Matches the cookie found in the HTTP request. Use the HTTP request cookie when examining the response message. The http_raw_cookie.request parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_raw_cookie: request;

Examples: http_raw_cookie: request;


Specifies that the rule can only examine the HTTP message headers. The http_raw_cookie.with_header parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_raw_cookie: with_header;

Examples: http_raw_cookie: with_header;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message body, not the http_raw_cookie rule option. The http_raw_cookie.with_body parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_raw_cookie: with_body;

Examples: http_raw_cookie: with_body;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message trailers, not the http_raw_cookie rule option. The http_raw_cookie.with_trailer parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_raw_cookie: with_trailer;

Examples: http_raw_cookie: with_trailer;


Sets the detection cursor to the unnormalized headers. http_raw_header includes all of the unmodified header names and values in the original message.

The http_raw_header rule option includes the parameters: http_raw_header.field, http_raw_header.request, http_raw_header.with_header, http_raw_header.with_body, and http_raw_header.with_trailer.

Syntax: http_raw_header: field <field_name>, <parameter>, <parameter>;

Examples: http_raw_header: field Content-Type, with_trailer;


Matches the specified header name to the unnormalized HTTP headers. The header name is case insensitive. If you do not specify a header name, the HTTP inspector examines all headers except the HTTP cookie headers (Cookie and Set-Cookie).

Type: string

Syntax: http_raw_header: field <field_name>

Valid values: An HTTP header name.

Examples: http_raw_header: field Content-Type;


Matches the headers found in the HTTP request message. Use the HTTP request headers when examining the response message. The http_raw_header.request parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_raw_header: request;

Examples: http_raw_header: request;


Specifies that the rule can only examine the HTTP message headers. The http_raw_header.with_header parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_raw_header: with_header;

Examples: http_raw_header: with_header;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message body, not the http_raw_header rule option. The http_raw_header.with_body parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_raw_header: with_body;

Examples: http_raw_header: with_body;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message trailers, not the http_raw_header rule option. The http_raw_header.with_trailer parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_raw_header: with_trailer;

Examples: http_raw_header: with_trailer;


Sets the detection cursor to the unnormalized request line. To examine a specific part of the first header line, use one of the following rule options: http_method, http_raw_uri, or http_version.

The http_raw_request rule option includes the parameters: http_raw_request.with_header, http_raw_request.with_body, and http_raw_request.with_trailer.

Syntax: http_raw_request: <parameter>, <parameter>;

Examples: http_raw_request: with_header;


Specifies that the rule can only examine the HTTP message headers. The http_raw_request.with_header parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_raw_request: with_header;

Examples: http_raw_request: with_header;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message body, not the http_raw_request rule option. The http_raw_request.with_body parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_raw_request: with_body;

Examples: http_raw_request: with_body;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message trailers, not the http_raw_request rule option. The http_raw_request.with_trailer parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_raw_request: with_trailer;

Examples: http_raw_request: with_trailer;


Sets the detection cursor to the unnormalized status line. To examine a specific part of the status line, use one of the following rule options: http_version, http_stat_code, or http_stat_msg.

The http_raw_status rule option includes the parameters: http_raw_status.with_body and http_raw_status.with_trailer.

Syntax: http_raw_status: <parameter>, <parameter>;

Examples: http_raw_status: with_body;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message body, not the http_raw_status rule option. The http_raw_status.with_body parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_raw_status: with_body;

Examples: http_raw_status: with_body;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message trailers, not the http_raw_status rule option. The http_raw_status.with_trailer parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_raw_status: with_trailer;

Examples: http_raw_status: with_trailer;


Sets the detection cursor to the unnormalized HTTP trailers. Trailers contain information about the message content. The trailers are not available when the client request creates HTTP headers.

http_raw_trailer is identical to http_raw_header, except that it applies to the end headers. You must create separate rules to inspect the HTTP headers and trailers.

The http_raw_trailer rule option includes the parameters: http_raw_trailer.field, http_raw_trailer.request, http_raw_trailer.with_header, http_raw_trailer.with_body.

Syntax: http_raw_trailer: field <field_name>, <parameter>, <parameter>;

Examples: http_raw_trailer: field <field_name>, request;


Matches the specified trailer name to the unnormalized HTTP trailers. The trailer name is case insensitive.

Type: string

Syntax: http_raw_trailer: field <field_name>;

Valid values: An HTTP trailer name.

Examples: http_raw_trailer: field trailer-timestamp;


Matches the trailers found in the HTTP request message. Use the HTTP request trailers when examining the response message. The http_raw_trailer.request parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_raw_trailer: request;

Examples: http_raw_trailer: request;


Specifies that the rule can only examine the HTTP response headers. The http_raw_trailer.with_header parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_raw_trailer: with_header;

Examples: http_raw_trailer: with_header;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP response message body, not the http_raw_trailer rule option. The http_raw_trailer.with_body parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_raw_trailer: with_body;

Examples: http_raw_trailer: with_body;


Sets the detection cursor to the unnormalized URI.

The http_raw_uri rule option includes:

  • http_raw_uri.with_header

  • http_raw_uri.with_body

  • http_raw_uri.with_trailer

  • http_raw_uri.scheme


  • http_raw_uri.port

  • http_raw_uri.path

  • http_raw_uri.query

  • http_raw_uri.fragment

Syntax: http_raw_uri: <parameter>, <parameter>;

Examples: http_raw_uri: with_header, path, query;


Specifies that the rule can only examine the HTTP message headers. The http_raw_uri.with_header parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_raw_uri: with_header;

Examples: http_raw_uri: with_header;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message body, not the http_raw_uri rule option. The http_raw_uri.with_body parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_raw_uri: with_body;

Examples: http_raw_uri: with_body;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message trailers, not the http_raw_uri rule option. The http_raw_uri.with_trailer parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_raw_uri: with_trailer;

Examples: http_raw_uri: with_trailer;


Matches only against the scheme of the URI. The http_raw_uri.scheme parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_raw_uri: scheme;

Examples: http_raw_uri: scheme;

Matches only against the host (domain name) of the URI. The parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_raw_uri: host;

Examples: http_raw_uri: host;


Matches only against the port (TCP port) of the URI. The http_raw_uri.port parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_raw_uri: port;

Examples: http_raw_uri: port;


Matches only against the path section (directory and file) of the URI. The http_raw_uri.path parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_raw_uri: path;

Examples: http_raw_uri: path;


Matches only against the query parameters in the URI. The http_raw_uri.query parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_raw_uri: query;

Examples: http_raw_uri: query;


Matches only against the fragment section of the URI. A fragment is part of the file requested, normally found only inside a browser and not transmitted over the network. The http_raw_uri.fragment parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_raw_uri: fragment;

Examples: http_raw_uri: fragment;


Sets the detection cursor to the HTTP status code. The HTTP status code is a three-digit number ranging between 100 – 599.

The http_stat_code rule option includes the parameters: http_stat_code.with_body and http_stat_code.with_trailer.

Syntax: http_stat_code: <parameter>, <parameter>;

Examples: http_stat_code: with_trailer;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message body, not the http_stat_code rule option. The http_stat_code.with_body parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_stat_code: with_body;

Examples: http_stat_code: with_body;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message trailers, not the http_stat_code rule option. The http_stat_code.with_trailer parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_stat_code: with_trailer;

Examples: http_stat_code: with_trailer;


Sets the detection cursor to the HTTP status message. The HTTP status message describes the HTTP status code in plain text, for example: OK.

The http_stat_msg rule option includes the parameters: http_stat_msg.with_body and http_stat_msg.with_trailer.

Syntax: http_stat_msg: <parameter>, <parameter>;

Examples: http_stat_msg: with_body;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message body, not the http_stat_msg rule option. The http_stat_msg.with_body parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_stat_msg: with_body;

Examples: http_stat_msg: with_body;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message trailers, not the http_stat_msg rule option. The http_stat_msg.with_trailer parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_stat_msg: with_trailer;

Examples: http_stat_msg: with_trailer;


Sets the detection cursor to the normalized trailers. Trailers contain information about the message content. The trailers are not available when the client request creates HTTP headers.

http_trailer is identical to http_header, except that it applies to the end headers. You must create separate rules to inspect the HTTP headers and trailers.

The http_trailer rule option includes the parameters: http_trailer.field, http_trailer.request, http_trailer.with_header, http_trailer.with_body.

Syntax: http_trailer: field <field_name>, <parameter>, <parameter>;

Examples: http_trailer: field trailer-timestamp, with_body;


Matches the specified trailer name to the normalized HTTP trailers. The trailer name is case insensitive.

Type: string

Syntax: http_trailer: field <field_name>;

Valid values: An HTTP trailer name.

Examples: http_trailer: field trailer-timestamp;


Matches the trailers found in the HTTP request message. Use the HTTP request trailers when examining the response message. The http_trailer.request parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_trailer: request;

Examples: http_trailer: request;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message headers, not the http_trailer rule option. The http_trailer.with_header parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_trailer: with_header;

Examples: http_trailer: with_header;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message body, not the http_trailer rule option. The http_trailer.with_body parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_trailer: with_body;

Examples: http_trailer: with_body;


Sets the detection cursor to the final client IP address. When a client sends a request, the proxy server stores the final client IP address. A client IP address is the last IP address listed in the X-Forwarded-For, True-Client-IP, or any other custom X-Forwarded-For type header. If multiple headers are present, Snort considers the headers defined in xff_headers.

The http_true_ip rule option includes the parameters: http_true_ip.with_header, http_true_ip.with_body, and http_true_ip.with_trailer.

Syntax: http_true_ip: <parameter>, <parameter>;

Examples: http_true_ip: with_header;


Specifies that the rule can only examine the HTTP message headers. The http_true_ip.with_header parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_true_ip: with_header;

Examples: http_true_ip: with_header;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message body, not the http_true_ip rule option. The http_true_ip.with_body parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_true_ip: with_body;

Examples: http_true_ip: with_body;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message trailers, not the http_true_ip rule option. The http_true_ip.with_trailer parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_true_ip: with_trailer;

Examples: http_true_ip: with_trailer;


Sets the detection cursor to the normalized URI buffer.

  • http_uri.with_header

  • http_uri.with_body

  • http_uri.with_trailer

  • http_uri.scheme


  • http_uri.port

  • http_uri.path

  • http_uri.query

  • http_uri.fragment

Syntax: http_uri: <parameter>, <parameter>;

Examples: http_uri: with_trailer, path, query;


Specifies that the rule can only examine the HTTP message headers. The http_uri.with_header parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_uri: with_header;

Examples: http_uri: with_header;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message body, not the http_uri rule option. The http_uri.with_body parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_uri: with_body;

Examples: http_uri: with_body;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message trailers, not the http_uri rule option. The http_uri.with_trailer parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_uri: with_trailer;

Examples: http_uri: with_trailer;


Matches only against the scheme of the URI. The http_uri.scheme parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_uri: scheme;

Examples: http_uri: scheme;

Matches only against the host (domain name) of the URI. The parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_uri: host;

Examples: http_uri: host;


Matches only against the port (TCP port) of the URI. The http_uri.port parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_uri: port;

Examples: http_uri: port;


Matches only against the path (directory and file) of the URI. The http_uri.path parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_uri: path;

Examples: http_uri: path;


Matches only against the query parameters in the URI. The http_uri.query parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_uri: uri;

Examples: http_uri: query;


Matches only against the fragment section of the URI. A fragment is part of the file requested, normally found only inside a browser and not transmitted over the network. The http_uri.fragment parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_uri: fragment;

Examples: http_uri: fragment;


Sets the detection cursor to the beginning of the HTTP version buffer. http_version accepts various HTTP versions. The most commonly found versions are: HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1. The http_version rule option includes the parameters: http_version.request, http_version.with_header, http_version.with_body, and http_version.with_trailer.

Syntax: http_version: <parameter>, <parameter>;

Examples: http_version; content:"HTTP/1.1";


Matches the version found in the HTTP request. Use the request version when examining the response message. The http_version.request parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_version: request;

Examples: http_version: request;


Specifies that the rule can only examine the HTTP message headers. The http_version.with_header parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_version: with_header;

Examples: http_version: with_header;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message body, not the http_version rule option. The http_version.with_body parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_version: with_body;

Examples: http_version: with_body;


Specifies that another part of the rule examines the HTTP message trailers, not the http_version rule option. The http_version.with_trailer parameter is optional.

Syntax: http_version: with_trailer;

Examples: http_version: with_trailer;


Specifies a list of HTTP versions to match against the standard HTTP versions. Separate multiple versions with a space character. An HTTP request or status line may contain a version. If the version is present, Snort compares this version with the list specified in http_version_match.

If the version doesn’t have a format of [0-9].[0-9] it is considered malformed. A version in the format of [0-9].[0-9] that is not 1.0 or 1.1 is considered other.

Type: string

Syntax: http_version_match: <version_list>

Valid values: 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 0.9, other, malformed

Examples: http_version_match: "1.0 1.1";


Sets the detection cursor to the normalized JavaScript data. This option is specific to the enhanced JavaScript normalizer.

Syntax: js_data;

Examples: js_data;


Sets the detection cursor to the Microsoft Office Visual Basic for Applications macros buffer.

Syntax: vba_data;

Examples: vba_data;