Rate Filter

Rate Filter Overview


Module (basic)



Instance Type




Rate-based attacks attempt to overwhelm a network or host by sending excessive traffic to a network or host, causing it to slow down or deny legitimate requests. You can use rate-based prevention to change the action of an intrusion rule in response to excessive matches on that rule.

The rate_filter detects when too many matches for a rule occur within a given interval. You can use this feature on managed devices deployed inline to block rate-based attacks for a specified time, then revert to a rule state where rule matches only generate events and do not drop traffic.

You can configure the rate_filter to respond to any intrusion rule, but the rule you specify must be enabled for rate_filter to detect an attack and respond. For example, to establish a defense against a DDOS/SYN flood attack, enable rule 135:1 (TCP SYN received), and configure the rate_filter to alert on excessive triggers of rule 135:1.

Rate-based attack prevention identifies abnormal traffic patterns and attempts to minimize the impact of that traffic on legitimate requests. You can identify excessive rule matches in traffic going to a particular destination IP address or addresses or coming from a particular source IP address or addresses. You can also respond to excessive matches for a particular rule across all detected traffic.

The following diagram shows an example where an attacker is attempting to access a host. Repeated attempts to find a password trigger a rule which has rate-based attack prevention configured. The rate-based settings change the rule attribute to Drop and Generate Events after rule matches occur five times in a 10-second span. The new rule attribute times out after 15 seconds.

After the timeout, note that packets are still dropped in the rate-based sampling period that follows. If the sampled rate is above the threshold in the current or previous sampling period, the new action continues. The new action reverts to Generate Events only after a sampling period completes where the sampled rate was below the threshold rate.

rate-based attack prevention

You can define multiple rate-based filters on the same rule as well as on different rules. In an intrusion policy with multiple rate-based filters defined, the first filter listed in the policy has the highest priority. When two rate-based filter actions conflict, the action of the first rate-based filter is carried out.

The configuration parameters you set for the rate_filter apply to all traffic throughout your deployment. However, the system maintains a separate counter for the number of matches within the sampling period for each unique connection your system monitors. The system also applies changes to an action on a per-connection basis.


Rate-based actions cannot enable disabled rules or drop traffic that matches disabled rules.

Rate Filter Parameters


Specifies an array of rate_filter information. Each rate_filter includes a set of fields that can alter a rule action if the traffic contains a rate-based attack.

Type: array (object)

    "rate_filter": {
        "data": [
                "apply_to": "[,]",
                "count": 5,
                "gid": 135,
                "new_action": "alert",
                "seconds": 1,
                "sid": 1,
                "timeout": 5,
                "track": "by_src"
        "enabled": true,
        "type": "singleton"


Specifies a generator ID (GID) which identifies the rule to match.

Type: integer

Valid range: 0 to 4,294,967,295 (max32)

Default value: 1


Specifies a signature ID (SID) which identifies the rule to match.

Type: integer

Valid range: 0 to 4,294,967,295 (max32)

Default value: 1


Specifies a filter to match source or destination addresses.

Type: enum

Valid values:

  • by_src: Filter only traffic that matches the rule specified by rate_filter[].gid and rate_filter[].sid, and where source address matches rate_filter[].apply_to.

  • by_dst: Filter only traffic that matches the rule specified by gid and sid, and where destination address matches rate_filter[].apply_to.

  • by_rule: Filter all traffic that matches the rule specified by rate_filter[].gid and rate_filter[].sid.

Default value: by_src


Specifies the number of rule matches to allow in the sampling period (rate_filter[].seconds) before applying the alternative action (rate_filter[].new_action).

Type: integer

Valid range: 0 to 4,294,967,295 (max32)

Default value: 1


Specifies the number of seconds in the sampling period to match traffic. rate_filter[].seconds represents the amount of time to elapse before resetting the internal counter of matches to zero.

Type: integer

Valid range: 0 to 4,294,967,295 (max32)

Default value: 1


Specifies the action to take in response to matches in traffic that exceed the limitation specified by rate_filter[].seconds and rate_filter[].count.

Type: string

Valid values: One of the following strings: alert, block, drop, log, pass, react, reject, rewrite.

Default value: alert


Specifies the number of seconds to perform the action specified by rate_filter[].new_action in response to matching traffic.

Type: integer

Valid range: 0 to 4,294,967,295 (max32)

Default value: 0


Specifies the list of network addresses to match against traffic source or destination address depending on the value of rate_filter[].track.

Type: string

Valid values: A valid IPv4 address, or an IPv4 address block in CIDR format.

Default value: None

Rate Filter Rules

The rate_filter does not have any associated rules.

You can confgure the rate_filter to respond to any intrusion rules. Enable the rate_filter for a rule to detect an attack and respond.

Rate Filter Intrusion Rule Options

The rate_filter does not have any intrusion rule options.