Configure Alerts

Alerts in Secure Workload help you monitor workload security and respond to potential threats. The various components of alerts work together to provide visibility, alert sources and configuration, and the ability to send alerts from publishers. You can configure alerts, view alerts trigger rules, and choose publishers to send alerts. Alerts that are displayed on the configuration page vary depending on the user's role. Alert publishers can be either Alerts or Notifiers.


From the Secure Workload 3.0 release, the Secure WorkloadApp Store does not support alerts and compliance apps. You can configure alerts and the compliance alerts on this page without creating an Alert Application instance or Compliance Application instance.

Alert Types and Publishers

Alerts in Secure Workload consist of the following components:

  • Alert Visibility

    • Current Alerts: From the navigation pane, choose Investigate > Alerts. Preview of alerts is sent to a Data Tap.

  • Alert Sources and Configuration:

    • Alerts - Configuration: Choose Manage > Alerts Configs. Both alert configurations that are configured using the common modal and alert publisher, and notifier settings are displayed.

  • Send Alerts:

    • Alerts App: An implicit Secure Workload app that sends generated alerts to a configured Data Tap. The Alerts App handles features such as Snooze and Mute.

    • Alerts Publisher: Limits the number of alerts that are displayed and pushes alerts to Kafka (MDT or DataTap) for external consumption.

    • Edge Appliance: Pushes alerts to other systems such as Slack, PagerDuty, Email, and so on.

Create Alerts

To create alerts or trigger rules, from the navigation pane, choose Alerts > Configuration:

Figure 1. Create Alert or Trigger Rules
Create an alert (trigger rule)
  • Enforcement Alerts

    • Agent Reachability

    • Workload Firewall

    • Workload Policy

  • Sensor Alerts

    • Agent Upgrade

    • Agent Flow Export

    • Agent Check In

    • Agent Memory Usage

    • Agent CPU Quota

    • Amount Of Flow Observations

    • New Agent Registered

    • Pcap Status

    • Agent Uninstalled

    • Not Recommended Cipher

    • Deprecated TLS Version

    • Agent Auto Removal

  • Compliance Alerts

    • Enforcement Policy

    • Live Analysis Policy


  • Alert trigger rules are enforced on the currently selected root scope for the Enforcement and Sensors alert types.

  • You must have an enforced capability on the currently selected scope to create an alert trigger rule for the Compliance alert type.

The following Alert Types do not have a configuration modal:

  • Forensics

  • Connectors

  • Federation

  • Admiral

  • Traffic

Traffic Alerts

You can create Traffic alerts to be notified when workloads communicate with known malicious IPv4 addresses. By default, the option to detect malicious addresses are disabled. To enable the option to detect malicious addresses, see Visibility of Malicious IPv4 Addresses.

The available alert conditions are:

  • Malicious flows are Observed: Communication to the known malicious IPv4 addresses is observed.

  • Malicious flows are Permitted: After the policy analysis and enforcement, this condition notifies about the malicious flows which are permitted.

  • Malicious flows are Rejected: After the policy analysis and enforcement, this condition notifies about the malicious flows which are rejected.

Alert Configuration Modal

The Alert configuration modal consists of the following sections:

  • The types of alert are shown when the configuration of the alert varies by subject


    The types of alert for Neighborhood alerts are not available for Secure Workload 3.7 and earlier.

  • The subject of the alert. The subject depends on the app, and may be prepopulated when the alert modal is contextual.

  • Triggering an alert: “when will we generate an alert”. Hover over the icon to find a list of available conditions. The list displays the conditions available specific to the type of alert for configuration.

  • Alert severity: If there are many alerts that are generated, alerts with higher severity are displayed preferentially over alerts with lower severity.

  • Configuration options for Summary Alert options. Click Show Advanced Settings to expand.

  • Close Modal: Use Create if you are adding a new alert with all configuration options specified or Dismiss if you are not adding any new alerts.

Figure 2. Alert Configuration Modal Advanced Options
Alert configuration modal advanced options

Summary Alerts

Summary Alerts are allowed for some applications and configuration options depend on the application.

  • Individual Alerts refers to alerts that are generated over non-aggregated (or minimally aggregated) information and are likely to have a time range of one minute. Note that this does not necessarily mean the alerts are actually generated and sent at a minute interval; the individual alerts can still be generated at the App Frequency interval.

  • Summary Alerts refers to alerts generated over metrics produced over an hour or to the summarization of less frequent alerts.


App Frequency1

Individual Alerts

Hourly Alerts

Daily Alerts



Yes: at app frequency

Summary of Individual

Summary of Individual



Yes: at app frequency

Summary of Individual

Summary of Individual



Yes: at app frequency

Summary of Individual

Summary of Individual


The Event Time of summary alerts represents the first occurrence of the same type alert over the past hour or a specified interval window.

Summarization Versus Snoozing

Summarization applies to the entire set of alerts generated according the alert configuration, while snoozing applies to a specific alert. This distinction is minor when the alert configuration is very specific, but is notable when the alert configuration is broad.

  • For example, Compliance configuration is quite broad: an application workspace, and on which type of violation an alert should be generated. Thus, summarization would apply to all alerts triggered by a ‘escaped’ condition, while snoozing would apply to a very specfic consumer scope, provider scope, provider port, protocol, and the escaped condition.

  • On the opposite end, a platform alert configured to alert on a path between source scope and destination scope with a hop count less than some amount, will generate a very specific alert.

Other distinctions:

  • Snoozing only results in an alert being sent when a new alert is generated after the snooze interval has passed. There is no indication of how many suppressed alerts might have occurred during the snooze interval.

  • A summary alert is generated at the specified frequency, as many as alerts were generated within that interval. Summary alerts provide a count of the number of alerts triggered within the window, along with aggregated or range metrics.

Secure Workload Alerts Notifier (TAN)


Starting Secure Workload Release 3.3.1.x, TAN is moving to Secure Workload Edge Appliance.

Alert Notifiers provide capabilities to send alerts through various tools such as Amazon Kinesis, Email, Syslog, and Slack in the currently selected scope. As a Scope Owner or Site Admin, each notifier can be configured with required credentials and other information specific to the notifier application.

Configure Notifiers

To configure notifiers, you must configure the alert-related connectors. The connectors can only be configured after a Secure Workload Edge Appliance is deployed. For more information on deploying Secure Workload Edge appliance, see Virtual Appliances for Connectors.

After the Secure Workload Edge appliance is set up, you can configure each notifier with its specific required input. After the Secure Workload Edge appliance is set up, you will be able to see dashed lines connecting Alert Types to Alerts publisher. This is because the notifier is built on the Alerts publisher.

App Frequency is approximately how often the application runs and generates alerts. For example, Compliance has a flexible run frequency, and may actually compute alerts over a couple minutes together.

Choose Alert Publishers

Scope Owners and Site Admins can choose Publishers to Send alerts. Publishers include Kafka (Data Tap) and Notifiers.

Figure 3. Choose Alert Publishers
Click the button shown in the figure to open a modal to select publishers for the alert type

All the available Publishers are displayed in the Alerts - Configuration window, including the Alerts and Active Notifiers. You can toggle the Send icon to choose the Publishers for the alert type. Minimum Alert Severity refers to the severity level an alert must reach to be sent through the Publishers.


Choosing external data taps can impact on the maximum number of alerts that can be processed. The maximum number of alerts that can be processed can be reduced to up to 14000 alerts per minute batch.

External Syslog Tunneling Moves to TAN


Starting the 3.1.1.x release, the syslog tunneling feature moves to TAN. To configure syslog for getting platform level syslog events, you must configure TAN on the Secure Workload Edge appliance on default rootscope. When the Secure Workload Edge appliance is configured on the default rootscope, you can set up the syslog server. To enable platform alerts, enable syslog notifications for Platform. This can be done by enabling Platform Syslog connection.

For details about how to configure syslog, see Syslog Connector.

Connection Chart

The connection chart displays the connections between Alert Types and Publishers. After you choose a publisher for an alert type, a blue line is established between the alert type and publisher. Note that the line pointing to the Internal Kafka (Data Tap) is always a line created using dashes as it represents an internal mechanism of how alert notifications are built upon.

Figure 4. Connection chart
Connection chart


User App generated alerts are not shown in the Alert Configuration page. User Apps are able to send messages and alerts to any configured Data Tap.

View Alerts Trigger Rules

You can view a list of all the configured Alerts Trigger Rules on the Alerts - Configuration page. You can also perform the following tasks:

Figure 5. View Alerts Trigger Rules
Viewing Alerts Trigger Rules

The Alerts Trigger Rules window is used to filter alerts trigger rules by Alert Type and trigger condition.


Alert trigger condition is an exact match condition.

Alerts Trigger Rules Details

Click a row in the Alerts Trigger Rules section to view the configuration details.

You can also view other details such as Severity, Individual Alerts, and Summary Alert Frequency.

Figure 6. Expanded alert configuration
Expanded alert configuration

Generate Test Alerts

The primary usage of generating a test alert is to verify the connectivity with the publisher. You can configure a test alert to send alerts based on the alert type and linked publisher in the alert configuration.


  • Generating test alerts is not from the actual sources and is generated for test purpose only.

  • Test alerts can be generated for alert types which are linked to at least one publisher.

To generate a test alert, follow the steps below:


Step 1

From the navigation pane, choose Manage > Workloads > Alerts Config.

Step 2

To configure a test alert, click Test Alert.

Figure 7. Test Alert Configuration

Step 3

Under the Keys tab, enter the value for Alert Key and choose the values for Event Time, Alert Time, Alert Severity and Alert Type.

Step 4

Under the Scope tab, the values of Scope ID and Tenant ID are autogenerated based on the current scope.



If the Tenant ID is the same as Tenant ID VRF, then the system automatically checks the Tenant ID VRF check box.

Step 5

Under the Details tab, enter the values for Alert Text, Event Notes, Alert Details, and Alert Configuration ID.



Alert Details can be string or data in JSON format.

Options for JSON content are:

  1. Containing fields expected by that type of alert.

  2. Any sample JSON data, if that alert type does not expect default json fields.

    Sample JSON:
    {"alert_name ":"sample","alert_category":{"severity": "dummy"}}

Step 6

Under the Configuration tab, choose the value for Individual Alert, Alert Frequency, and Summary Alert Frequency.

For individual alerts, choose ENABLE or DISABLE from the drop-down.

Alert frequency is autoselected with frequency as INDIVIDUAL.



It supports only individual alerts and does not consider summarization.

Summary alert is autoselected to NONE.

Step 7

To generate the test alert, click TEST.



A test alert is generated and sent to the configured publisher.

Current Alerts

Navigate to the Investigate > Alerts page to view the list of all active alerts. You can filter the alerts by Status, Type, Severity, and Time Range.

Only alerts with severity set to IMMEDIATE_ACTION, CRITICAL, HIGH, MEDIUM, or LOW are displayed on the Current Alerts page. All alerts irrespective to the severity values are sent to the configured Kafka broker.

Filter Alerts by Time Range

  1. Choose a range from the drop-down list. The default value is 1 month.

  2. Click Custom and fill in the From and To dates to configure a custom range. Click Apply. Note that when a custom time range is selected, the Refresh button is disabled.

Advanced Filtering

  1. Click Switch to Advanced.

  2. Enter the attributes to filter. Hover over the info icon to view the properties to filter.

    The alert filters are not retained when you switch back to the basic options.

View Additional Alert Details

You can view more details by clicking an alert.

Figure 8. Alert Details
Alert details
  • Only 60 alerts per minute per root scope are displayed. A higher volume of alerts result in an alert type called Summary Alerts, with a count of alerts that are not displayed .

  • There is a maximum number of alerts that are displayed at any point in time; older alerts are dropped as new alerts come in.

    For more information, see Limits.

Snooze Alerts

The Alerts App allows alerts of the same type to be snoozed for a chosen amount of time. The type of the alert is defined differently depending on the workspace that the alert has currently been configured for. For example, the Compliance alert type is defined as the four tuples: consumer scope, provider scope, protocol, and provider port.


Currently, you cannot snooze or mute the user app-created alerts.

Snooze or Mute an Alert

Snooze Alerts:

  1. Under Actions, click the Snooze icon.

  2. Choose an interval from the drop-down.

  3. Click Snooze.

Figure 9. Snooze an Alert

Mute Alert:

Use the mute option to stop receiving alerts.

  1. Under Actions, click the Mute icon.

  2. To confirm, click Yes.

    To unmute, remove the alert from the muted list. Use the Status filter drop-down to view all MUTED alerts and unmute the required alter.


You can view up to 5000 muted or snoozed alerts in a scope.

Admiral Alerts

Admiral is an integrated alerting system, which replaces Bosun from earlier releases. For more information, see the Admiral Alerts section.

Alert Details

Common Alert Structure

All alerts follow an overall common structure. The structure corresponds to the json message structure available through Kafka DataTaps.






Scope Id corresponding to top scope in scope hierarchy.



id field used for determining ‘similar’ alerts. Identical key_id’s can be snoozed.






timestamp of when the event triggered (or if event spanned a range, then the beginning of the range). This timestamp is in epoch milliseconds (UTC).



Timestamp of when the alert was first attempted to be sent. This will be after the timerange of the event. This timestamp is in epoch milliseconds (UTC).



Title of the alert.



Same content as alert_text but with any id fields replaced by corresponding name. This field may not exist for all alerts.



Fixed set of string values: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, CRITICAL, IMMEDIATE_ACTION.This is the severity of the alert. For some types of alerts these values are configurable.



Usually not set. May exist in some special cases for passing additional information through Kafka DataTap.



id of the alert configuration that triggered this alert. May not exist for all alerts.



Structured data. Stringified json. See feature details for specific alert type, since the exact structure of this field varies based on the type of alert.



Same content of alert_details, but not stringified. Only present for compliance alerts, and only available through Kafka.



May contain vrf corresponding to root_scope_id. Or may contain 0 as the default value. Or may not be present at all.



Internal generated temporary id. Best ignored.



Name of the alert.

Additional alert types for on-prem clusters

  • Fabric: fabric-alert-details

  • Federation: federation-alert-details

  • Platform: Alert Details

  • Federation: federation-alert-details

  • Platform: Alert Details

General Alert Format by Notifier

The following are the examples of how alerts display across various notifier types.

Kafka (DataTaps)

Kafka (DataTap) messages are in JSON format. Example below; see above alert_details for some additional examples.

  "severity": "LOW",
  "tenant_id": 0,
  "alert_time": 1595207103337,
  "alert_text": "Lookout Annotated Flows contains TA_zeus for <scope_id:5efcfdf5497d4f474f1707c2>",
  "key_id": "0a4a4208-f721-398c-b61c-c07af3be9413",
  "alert_id": "/Alerts/5efcfdf5497d4f474f1707c2/DataSource{location_type='TETRATION_PARQUET', location_name='lookout_annotation', location_grain='HOURLY', root_scope_id='5efcfdf5497d4f474f1707c2'}/bd33f37af32a5ce71e888f95ccfe845305e61a12a7829ca5f2d72bf96237d403",
  "alert_text_with_names": "Lookout Annotated Flows contains TA_zeus for Scope Default",
  "root_scope_id": "5efcfdf5497d4f474f1707c2",
  "alert_conf_id": "5f10c7141a0c236b78148da1",
  "event_time": 1595204760000,
  "alert_details": "{\"dst_scope_id\":[\"5efcfdf5497d4f474f1707c2\"],\"dst_scope_names\":[\"Default\"],\"dst_hostname\":\"\",\"src_scope_id\":[\"5efcfdf5497d4f474f1707c2\"],\"lookout_tags\":[\"TA_compromised_zeus\",\"TA_zeus\"],\"dst_address\":\"\",\"fwd_packet_count\":3,\"src_scope_names\":[\"Default\"],\"src_port\":137,\"protocol\":\"UDP\",\"internal_trigger\":{\"datasource\":\"lookout_annotation\",\"rules\":{\"field\":\"lookout_tags\",\"type\":\"contains\",\"value\":\"TA_zeus\"},\"label\":\"Alert Trigger\"},\"scope_id\":\"5efcfdf5497d4f474f1707c2\",\"time_range\":[1595204760000,1595204820001],\"src_address\":\"\",\"dst_port\":137,\"rev_packet_count\":0,\"src_hostname\":\"\"}"


Information about configuring Email alerts: Email Connector

Figure 10. Example of a Cisco Secure Workload Alert
Example of a Cisco Secure Workload alert when configured to send to email


Information about configuring PagerDuty alerts: PagerDuty Connector

Figure 11. Example of a Secure Workload Alert in PagerDuty
Example of a Secure Workload alert in PagerDuty

Alerts sent to PagerDuty is a re-trigger of the same alert based on the key_id.

Severity is mapped to PagerDuty severity as follows:

Secure Workload Severity

PagerDuty Severity












Information about configuring Syslog alerts, and adjusting severity mapping: Syslog Connector

Figure 12. Example of several Secure Workload alerts sent to syslog
Example of several Secure Workload alerts sent to syslog


Information about configuring Slack alerts: Slack Connector

Figure 13. Example of a Secure Workload alert sent to slack channel
Example of a Secure Workload alert sent to slack channel


Information about configuring Kinesis alerts: Kinesis Connector

Kinesis alerts are similar to Kafka alerts, as these are both message queues.