Advanced Tuning Parameters

Feature Summary and Revision History

Summary Data

Table 1. Summary Data
Applicable Product(s) or Functional Area PCF
Applicable Platform(s) SMI
Feature Default Setting Disabled – Configuration required to enable
Related Documentation Not Applicable

Revision History

Table 2. Revision History

Revision Details


Enhancement introduced.

PCF supports message threshold per endpoint.


Enhancement introduced.

Added procedure to configure the N7 stale session error codes.


First introduced.


Feature Description

The PCF Ops Center allows you to configure the advanced tuning parameters for PCF. The tuning parameters primarily consist of the async-threading and http2-threading parameters. These parameters provide the flexibility of the tuning threads responsible for PCF's incoming and outgoing requests over HTTP.


Configure the advanced tuning parameter values only if you have a strong understanding of the PCF deployment.

PCF supports the message threshold per endpoint.


Message threshold is applicable only for the configured message types in rest-endpoint

Configuration Support for the Advanced Tuning Parameters

This section describes how to configure the advanced tuning parameters using the CLI. The configuration of the advanced tuning parameters involves:

  • Configuring the Async Threading Parameters

  • Configuring the HTTP2 Threading Parameters

  • Configuring the N7 Stale Session Error Codes

  • Configuring the Message Threshold Per Endpoint

Configuring the Async Threading Parameters

This section describes how to fine tune the async threading parameters.

To configure the http2-threading parameters, use the following configuration in the Policy Ops Center console:

    default-priority default_priority  
    default-worker-threads default_worker_threads  
    default-queue-size default_queue_size  
    default-processing-threads default_processing_threads  
    default-drop-oldest-when-full [ true | false ]   
    threading-config service_name  
    priority priority  
    queue-size queue_size  
    threads number_threads  


  • advance-tuning —Enters the advance tuning configuration mode.

  • async-threading —Enters the async threading configuration mode.

  • default-priority default_priority —Specify the default priority level.

  • default-worker-threads default_worker_threads —Specify the default number of worker threads.

  • default-queue-size default_queue_size —Specify the default size of the queue.

  • default-processing-threads default_processing_threads —Specify the default number of threads used for processing.

  • default-drop-oldest-when-full [ true | false ] —Indicates if the oldest message in the queue should be removed when the queue is full.

  • threading-config service_name —Specify the service name for which the threading configuration is enabled.

  • priority priority —Specify the priority of the thread.

  • queue-size queue_size —Specify the queue size.

  • threads number_threads —Specify the number of threads to be processed.

Configuring the HTTP2 Threading Parameters

This section describes how to refine the http2-threading parameters.

To configure the http2-threading parameters, use the following configuration in the Policy Ops Center console:

   min-thread-pool-size min_thread_pool 
   max-thread-pool-size max_thread_pool 
     idle-thread-timeout-ms idle_thread_timeout 
     max-queue-capacity max_queue_capacity 
     disable-validation [ true | false ] 
  • http2-threading http2_threading —Specify the parameters for inbound SBA requests that are received by PCF.

  • min-thread-pool-size min_thread_pool —Specify the minimum number of threads for processing the inbound SBA request. The accepted range contains integers. Default value is 5.

  • max-thread-pool-size max_thread_pool —Specify the maximum size of the thread pool.

  • idle-thread-timeout-ms idle_thread_timeout —Specify the time in milliseconds that the thread can remain idle. idle_thread_timeout must contain only integers. Default value is 60000.

  • disable-validation [ true | false ] —Disables the validation of the request sent to PCF. [ true | false ] must contain the value as true or false. Default value is false.

  • max-queue-capacity max_queue_capacity —Specify the maximum number of requests that can wait in the queue for processing. max_queue_capacity must contain only integers. Default value is 5000.

  • max-thread-pool-size max_thread_pool —Specify the maximum number of threads that PCF can accommodate in the pool. max_thread_pool_size must contain only integers. Default value is 20.

Configuring the N7 Stale Session Error Codes

This section describes how to configure the error codes for the N7 stale sessions.

To configure the n7-stale-session-error-codes parameters, use the following configuration in the Policy Ops Center console:

    n7-stale-session-error-codes error_codes  


  • n7-stale-session-error-codes error_codes —Specify the error code values for the N7 sessions. When a session is idle, the PCF revalidates it by using the N7NotifyUpdate request. If the N7NotifyUpdate response includes any one or more specified error codes, then the session expiry time is reverted to original value.

    You can specify multiple error codes using comma-separated values.

Configuring the Message Threshold Per Endpoint

This section describes how to configure the message threshold enhancement.

To configure the message threshold enhancement, use the following configuration in the Policy Ops Center console:

               action threshold-action { N7_CREATE | N7_DELETE | N7_UPDATE | N15_CREATE | N15_DELETE | N15_UPDATE}  
                  discard-action { DROP | REJECT } threshold-count threshold_count  


  • discard-action { DROP | REJECT } threshold-count threshold_count —Specify the type of discard-action when the message is received at endpoint. The threshold-count provides the maximum number of inbound messages for each threshold-action configured per endpoint. For example, N7_CREATE or N7_DELETE.

OAM Support

This section describes operations, administration, and maintenance information for this feature.

Bulk Statistics Support

This section provides the list of statistics and counters that are generated for the monitoring for message threshold enhancement.


The following values apply to all the statistics:

  • Unit - Int64

  • Type - Counter

  • Nodes - Service

The following metrics track the counter information:

  • inbound_request_threshold_exceeded_total - Captures the total count of the inbound threshold requests exceeded due to overload.

    The following labels are defined for this metric:

    • interface_name

    • service_name

    • operation_name

    • command

    • action