Status Monitoring Using Commands

Feature Summary and Revision History

Summary Data

Table 1. Summary Data
Applicable Product(s) or Functional Area PCF
Applicable Platform(s) SMI
Feature Default Setting Enabled – Configuration required to disable
Related Documentation Not Applicable

Revision History

Table 2. Revision History
Revision Details Release

Enhancement introduced.

Introduced procedure to view the NF connection status


First introduced.


Feature Description

PCF allows you to view the Diameter peer, LDAP connection, and NRF registration status using the PCF Ops Center. Alternatively, you can access this information from the Grafana dashboard. For information on Grafana, see the Ultra Cloud Core 5G Policy Control Function Statistics Reference.

PCF provides an in-depth information about the NF endpoint that it has discovered through NRF. PCF discovers an NF endpoint only when both, PCF and the NF are registered with the same NRF. PCF also lets you view the subscriber session details across the configured regions.

Viewing the Connection and Registration Status

This section describes how to view the Diameter peer, LDAP connection, and NRF registration status.

Based on the component that you want to view the status for, use the following configuration:

  • To view the status of the configured Diameter peers, use the following configuration:

    show diameter peer-status 

    The output of this command displays the peer hostname, peer realm, and the peer status.

    The following is a sample output of the show diameter peer-status command.

    pcf# show diameter peer-status 
    PEER HOSTNAME   PEER REALM                      PEER 
    site-host-rx2        Connected 
    site-host-rx1        Connected 
  • To view the status of the LDAP connection, use the following configuration:

    show ldap connection-status 

    The output of this command displays the ServerSet, maximum number of available connections, and the number of available connections.

    The following is a sample output of the show ldap connection-status command.

    pcf# show ldap connection-status 
    SERVERSET   METRIC                       VALUE     
    USD        MaximumAvailableConnections    10       
    USD        NumAvailableConnections        0        
  • To view the NRF registration status, use the following configuration:

    show rest-endpoint registration-status 

    The output of this command displays the IP address of the pod, registration status, and the registered NRF URI.

    The following is a sample output of the show rest-endpoint registration-status command.

    pcf# show rest-endpoint registration-status 
    POD IP             REGISTERED    NRF URI                     
    ------------------------------------------------------------ Registered   

Viewing the NFs Connected to PCF

This section describes how to view the NFs that are presently connected to PCF.

  • To view the NFs that are currently connected to PCF, use the following configuration:

    show rest-endpoint peer-status 

    The command displays the mapped port numbers only if you have configured the ports for the interface. After you configure the port and send a request to that port, then on running the show rest-endpoint peer-status command, the PCF displays the mapping details. If the request comes to the pcf-rest-ep external port, which is not associated with any configured interface port, then the NFName is displayed as “UNKNOWN”.

    For information on how to configure the NFs and the corresponding port numbers with PCF, see Configuring the External IP Address section in the Multiple Virtual IP Address chapter.

    The output of this command displays NF name, peer details, pod IP address, peer IP address, and the duration for which the connection is active.

    pcf# show rest-endpoint peer-status
    PEER  NF                                                                   
    PORT  NAME  POD IP        PEER IP     CONNECTION DURATION                     
    8142  AMF  1 days 17 hours 44 minutes 38 seconds   
    8147  AMF  1 days 17 hours 44 minutes 13 seconds   
    6082  CHF  1 days 17 hours 44 minutes 22 seconds   
    8042  SMF  1 days 17 hours 44 minutes 17 seconds   
    8043  SMF  1 days 17 hours 44 minutes 38 seconds   
    8044  SMF  1 days 17 hours 44 minutes 17 seconds   
    8045  SMF  1 days 17 hours 44 minutes 17 seconds   
    8046  SMF  1 days 17 hours 44 minutes 17 seconds   
    8047  SMF  1 days 17 hours 44 minutes 17 seconds    

Viewing the Discovered Endpoint

This section describes how to view the discovered endpoint details such as the NF type, IP address, and the port number of the endpoint.

Based on the endpoint that you want to view, use the following configuration:

  • To view the discovered endpoints associated to the CHF service, use the following configuration:

    show rest-endpoint discover-cache chf 

    The output of this command displays the NF type, NF instance ID, NF status, IPv4 address, port number, and the expiry date of the CHF’s discovered profiles.

    The following is a sample output of the show rest-endpoint discover-cache chf command.

    pcf# show rest-endpoint discover-cache chf 
    NF Type  NF INSTANCE ID                       NF STATUS   IPV4 ADDRESS  PORT    EXPIRY 
    CHF     6DDF833D6-b0c9-5503-9800=e806cff43941 Registered  4001.0  0.0 
    CHF     6DDF833D6-b0c9-5503-9800=e806cff43943 Registered  4003.0  0.0 
    CHF     6DDF833D6-b0c9-5503-9800=e806cff43942 Registered  4002.0  0.0 


    The NF Status indicates the discovered NFs registration status with NRF.

  • To view the discovered endpoints associated to the UDR service, use the following configuration:

    show rest-endpoint discover-cache udr 

    The output of this command displays the NF type, NF instance ID, NF status, IPv4 address, port number, and the expiry date of the UDR’s discovered profiles.

    The following is a sample output of the show rest-endpoint discover-cache udr command.

    pcf# show rest-endpoint discover-cache udr 
    NF Type  NF INSTANCE ID                       NF STATUS   IPV4 ADDRESS  PORT    EXPIRY 
    UDR     6DDF833D6-b0c9-5503-9800=e806cff43941 Registered  2001.0  0.0 
    UDR     6DDF833D6-b0c9-5503-9800=e806cff43943 Registered  2003.0  0.0 
    UDR     6DDF833D6-b0c9-5503-9800=e806cff43942 Registered  2002.0  0.0 
  • To view the consolidated list of endpoints that PCF has discovered, use the following configuration:

    show rest-endpoint discover-cache 

    The output of this command displays the NF type, NF instance ID, NF status, IPv4 address, port number, and the expiry date of both, CHF and UDR discovered profiles.

    The following is a sample output of the show rest-endpoint discover-cache command.

    pcf# show rest-endpoint discover-cache chf 
    NF Type  NF INSTANCE ID                       NF STATUS   IPV4 ADDRESS  PORT    EXPIRY 
    CHF     6DDF833D6-b0c9-5503-9800=e806cff43941 Registered  4001.0  0.0 
    CHF     6DDF833D6-b0c9-5503-9800=e806cff43943 Registered  4003.0  0.0 
    CHF     6DDF833D6-b0c9-5503-9800=e806cff43942 Registered  4002.0  0.0 
    pcf# show rest-endpoint discover-cache udr 
    NF Type  NF INSTANCE ID                       NF STATUS   IPV4 ADDRESS  PORT    EXPIRY 
    UDR     6DDF833D6-b0c9-5503-9800=e806cff43941 Registered  2001.0  0.0 
    UDR     6DDF833D6-b0c9-5503-9800=e806cff43943 Registered  2003.0  0.0 
    UDR     6DDF833D6-b0c9-5503-9800=e806cff43942 Registered  2002.0  0.0 

Fetching the Subscriber Sessions

This section describes how to fetch the subscriber sessions that are configured across regions.

  • Prerequisites for Fetching Subscriber Sessions

  • Viewing the Subscriber Session Details

Prerequisites for Fetching Subscriber Sessions

This section describes the prerequisites configuration that you must configure before fetching the subscriber session data across the configured regions.

The prerequisite configuration involves the following step:

Configuring the Configuration File

This section describes how to configure the cluster name, external IP address, and port number of the unified API service in the configuration file.

The PCF configuration file determines the application servers and their associated configurations.

To configure the cluster and external IP address for the unified API service, use the following configuration:

  deployment add config 


  • cluster-name cluster_name —Specify the cluster name where you want to deploy PCF.

  • unified-api-external-ip external_ip —Specify the IP address on which the unified API listens.

  • port port_number —Specify the port number on which the unified API is exposed.

Verifying the Contents of the Configuration File

This section describes how to verify the contents of the configuration file.

Use the deployment show-config command to view the deployment details.

The following is a sample output of the deployment show-config command.

pcf# deployment show-config
west-coast,, http,9090
east-coast,, http,9090 
Deleting the Configuration File

This section describes how to delete the configuration file.

You can delete a configuration file when you no longer require any of the configured resources and services.

To delete the configuration file that is currently configured in your deployment environment, use the following configuration:

deployment remove-config 

Viewing the Subscriber Session Details

This section describes how to view the subscriber session information about the sessions configured.

Before proceeding with the configuration, make sure that you have configured the cluster and external IP for the unified API. For more information, see Configuring the Configuration File.

  • To view the sessions available on all the configured regions, use the following configuration:

    show subscriber [ imsi imsi_value | msisdn msisdn_value] 


    • imsi_value —Displays the subscriber session associated to the specified IMSI value.

    • msisdn_value —Displays the subscriber session associated to the specified MSISDN value.

    The output of this command displays session details and the interfaces that are involved.

    pcf# show subscriber imsi 100100222233266
    | 1: development-session      : ism.3.imsi-10012121212123.133131313.1222.68881149 |
    | Activity Timestamp                                                              |
    | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
    | Connect Time                : 06-03-2020 04:39:43 AM 				 |
    | Expiration Time             : 29-03-2020 04:39:43 PM remaining: 23 days, 20:04.0|
    |                                                                                 |
    | Session Detail                                                                  |
    | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
    |  Bearer Session Type        : STATIC_5G                                         |
    |   External Profile          : No                                                |
    | LDAP                                                                            |
    |   External Profile          : No                                                |
    |                                                                                 |
    | N7                                                                              |
    | mcc,mnc                     : 100, 010                                          |
    | dnn                         :                                     |
    | rat-type                    : NR                                                |
    | access-type                 : 3GPP_Access                                       |
    | pdu-session-id              : 5                                                 |
    | supi                        : imsi-100101222233266                              |
    | gpsi                        : msisdn-11112433266                                |
    | framed-ip-v4                :                                      |
    | framed-ip-v6                : 2710:ae00:d2f3:9a78                               |
    | update-notify-url           :           | 
    |                               smPoliciesUpdateNotification/i msi-10001011111:5  |