Due diligence program metrics
and audit results
Learn more about our due diligence framework.
Due diligence area | Indicator | FY24 metrics |
Risk assessment | SAQ coverage % by supplier type |
RBA audits | # initial audits |
Total # of initial and closure audits | 271 | |
% of manufacturing partner sites who maintained a valid audit | 100% | |
# of workers covered by RBA audits1 |
Corrective action plan |
Closure rate of Priority and Major nonconformances2 |
99% |
% of in-scope CAPs reviewed by Cisco3 | 100% | |
Capability building for Cisco internal | % of Cisco Supply Chain Operations4 employees who completed human rights training | 100% |
Capability building for suppliers | # of people from suppliers who attended RBA Code training | 400 |
# of facilities of suppliers whose representatives attended RBA Code training | 128 | |
# of people who attended training on Next-tier Supplier Management | 197 | |
# of facilities whose representatives attended training on Next-tier Supplier Management | 91 | |
# of people who attended training on Chemical Management | 200 | |
# of facilities whose representatives attended training on Chemical Management | 83 | |
# of people who attended Health & Safety training for small and medium size factories | 48 | |
# of facilities whose representatives attended Health & Safety training for small and medium size factories | 25 | |
Total # of supplier sites who attended forced labor training5 | 19 | |
Total # of sub-tier supplier sites who attended forced labor training | 12 | |
% of manufacturing partners trained on mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence regulations and expectations | 100% | |
Prohibition of forced labor | Total fee reimbursements (USD) facilitated by Cisco in FY24 | $1,753,318 |
# of workers reimbursed recruitment fees in FY24 | 2290 | |
# of Priority nonconformances identified for Prohibition of Forced Labor | 7 | |
% of Prohibition of Forced Labor Priority nonconformances closed or in progress of being remediated6 | 100% | |
# of supplier sites identified with forced labor risks prior to production | 3 | |
Rightsholder engagement | # of facilities that received worker engagement training in SAI TenSquared since 2022 | 10 |
# of supply chain workers engaged by suppliers through SAI TenSquared since 2022 | 4162 | |
# of supply chain workers engaged by suppliers through Cisco’s Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) CAP initiative | 1314 | |
Responsible minerals | % of 3TG SORs conformant to or active in a third-party audit program | 70% |
% of cobalt refiners in conformance to or active in the RMAP standard | 62% | |
Grievances | # of human rights concerns received/brought to our attention | 4 |
% of cases under investigation or closed | 100% |
1 The RBA is an industry standard scheme that allows suppliers of multiple customers to demonstrate conformance to a single responsible business conduct standard. Number of workers represent the total supply chain workers in the entire supplier facility audited.
2 We do not include working hours and social insurance nonconformances when calculating closure rates, as they can take longer to implement than RBA's recommended closure guidelines. Of the nonconformances that were not closed during the year, most were due to specific permits awaiting government approval and related activities that did not pose particular risks to workers or the environment.
3 CAPs are opened for any audit that does not achieve all the following criteria: RBA Gold Recognition, full conformance with Prohibition of Forced Labor and Young Workers requirements in the RBA Code, and No Major nonconformances to the rest of the RBA Code.
4 The Cisco Supply Chain Operations organization includes employees responsible for sourcing and procurement, supplier management, planning, manufacturing, logistics, quality, and more.
5 Cisco sponsored suppliers to attend training provided by the RBA.
6 Forced labor nonconformances are those identified from RBA VAP Audits under Prohibition of Forced Labor.
Category | Total component supplier | Total contract manufacturer | Total sub-tier suppliers | Non- conformances identified as Priority |
Non- conformances identified as Major |
Non- conformances identified as Minor |
Total |
Labor | Total component supplier424 | Total contract manufacturer55 | Total sub-tier suppliers56 | Nonconformances identified as Priority21 | Nonconformances identified as Major438 | Nonconformances identified as Minor76 | Total535 |
Freely chosen employment | Total component supplier40 | Total contract manufacturer4 | Total sub-tier suppliers7 | Nonconformances identified as Priority7 | Nonconformances identified as Major31 | Nonconformances identified as Minor13 | Total51 |
Young workers | Total component supplier2 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major3 | Nonconformances identified as Minor0 | Total3 |
Working hours | Total component supplier143 | Total contract manufacturer21 | Total sub-tier suppliers19 | Nonconformances identified as Priority13 | Nonconformances identified as Major130 | Nonconformances identified as Minor40 | Total183 |
Wages and benefits | Total component supplier77 | Total contract manufacturer9 | Total sub-tier suppliers7 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major86 | Nonconformances identified as Minor7 | Total93 |
Humane treatment | Total component supplier0 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor0 | Total1 |
Non-discrimination/Non-harassment | Total component supplier2 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers2 | Nonconformances identified as Priority1 | Nonconformances identified as Major3 | Nonconformances identified as Minor0 | Total4 |
Freedom of association | Total component supplier5 | Total contract manufacturer1 | Total sub-tier suppliers0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major6 | Nonconformances identified as Minor0 | Total6 |
Risk assessment | Total component supplier10 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major9 | Nonconformances identified as Minor2 | Total11 |
Control processes | Total component supplier131 | Total contract manufacturer18 | Total sub-tier suppliers17 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major154 | Nonconformances identified as Minor12 | Total166 |
Communications | Total component supplier5 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major5 | Nonconformances identified as Minor1 | Total6 |
Performance review and continuous improvement | Total component supplier9 | Total contract manufacturer2 | Total sub-tier suppliers0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major10 | Nonconformances identified as Minor1 | Total11 |
Health and safety | Total component supplier335 | Total contract manufacturer34 | Total sub-tier suppliers49 | Nonconformances identified as Priority12 | Nonconformances identified as Major346 | Nonconformances identified as Minor60 | Total418 |
Occupational safety | Total component supplier73 | Total contract manufacturer9 | Total sub-tier suppliers10 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major87 | Nonconformances identified as Minor5 | Total92 |
Emergency preparedness | Total component supplier81 | Total contract manufacturer4 | Total sub-tier suppliers11 | Nonconformances identified as Priority9 | Nonconformances identified as Major72 | Nonconformances identified as Minor15 | Total96 |
Occupational injury and illness | Total component supplier12 | Total contract manufacturer1 | Total sub-tier suppliers3 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major14 | Nonconformances identified as Minor2 | Total16 |
Industrial hygiene | Total component supplier11 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers3 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major13 | Nonconformances identified as Minor1 | Total14 |
Physically demanding work | Total component supplier1 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor0 | Total1 |
Machine safeguarding | Total component supplier7 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers2 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major6 | Nonconformances identified as Minor3 | Total9 |
Food, sanitation, and housing | Total component supplier11 | Total contract manufacturer2 | Total sub-tier suppliers3 | Nonconformances identified as Priority3 | Nonconformances identified as Major12 | Nonconformances identified as Minor1 | Total16 |
Risk assessment | Total component supplier26 | Total contract manufacturer2 | Total sub-tier suppliers3 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major29 | Nonconformances identified as Minor2 | Total31 |
Control processes | Total component supplier81 | Total contract manufacturer13 | Total sub-tier suppliers11 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major84 | Nonconformances identified as Minor21 | Total105 |
Communications | Total component supplier23 | Total contract manufacturer3 | Total sub-tier suppliers3 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major20 | Nonconformances identified as Minor9 | Total29 |
Performance review and continuous improvement | Total component supplier9 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major8 | Nonconformances identified as Minor1 | Total9 |
Environment | Total component supplier69 | Total contract manufacturer5 | Total sub-tier suppliers4 | Nonconformances identified as Priority1 | Nonconformances identified as Major72 | Nonconformances identified as Minor5 | Total78 |
Environmental permits and reporting | Total component supplier8 | Total contract manufacturer1 | Total sub-tier suppliers0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major9 | Nonconformances identified as Minor0 | Total9 |
Hazardous substances | Total component supplier9 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority1 | Nonconformances identified as Major7 | Nonconformances identified as Minor1 | Total9 |
Solid waste | Total component supplier1 | Total contract manufacturer1 | Total sub-tier suppliers0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major2 | Nonconformances identified as Minor0 | Total2 |
Air emissions | Total component supplier8 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major8 | Nonconformances identified as Minor1 | Total9 |
Water management | Total component supplier0 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor0 | Total0 |
Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions | Total component supplier2 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major3 | Nonconformances identified as Minor0 | Total3 |
Risk assessment (and risk management) | Total component supplier8 | Total contract manufacturer1 | Total sub-tier suppliers0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major9 | Nonconformances identified as Minor0 | Total9 |
Environment control processes | Total component supplier19 | Total contract manufacturer1 | Total sub-tier suppliers0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major19 | Nonconformances identified as Minor1 | Total20 |
Communications | Total component supplier7 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major7 | Nonconformances identified as Minor0 | Total7 |
Performance review and continuous improvement | Total component supplier7 | Total contract manufacturer1 | Total sub-tier suppliers2 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major8 | Nonconformances identified as Minor2 | Total10 |
Ethics | Total component supplier32 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers2 | Nonconformances identified as Priority1 | Nonconformances identified as Major26 | Nonconformances identified as Minor7 | Total34 |
No improper advantage | Total component supplier1 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor1 | Total2 |
Disclosure of information | Total component supplier1 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority1 | Nonconformances identified as Major0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor0 | Total1 |
Intellectual property | Total component supplier0 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor0 | Total0 |
Fair business, advertising, and competition | Total component supplier0 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor0 | Total0 |
Protection of identity and non-retaliation | Total component supplier0 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor0 | Total0 |
Privacy | Total component supplier0 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor0 | Total0 |
Risk assessment (and risk management) | Total component supplier9 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major9 | Nonconformances identified as Minor1 | Total10 |
Ethics control processes | Total component supplier8 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major5 | Nonconformances identified as Minor3 | Total8 |
Communications | Total component supplier8 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major6 | Nonconformances identified as Minor2 | Total8 |
Performance review and continuous improvement | Total component supplier5 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major5 | Nonconformances identified as Minor0 | Total5 |
Supply chain management | Total component supplier55 | Total contract manufacturer10 | Total sub-tier suppliers5 | Nonconformances identified as Priority2 | Nonconformances identified as Major66 | Nonconformances identified as Minor2 | Total70 |
Company commitment | Total component supplier0 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor0 | Total0 |
Materials restrictions | Total component supplier0 | Total contract manufacturer0 | Total sub-tier suppliers0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor0 | Total0 |
Responsible sourcing of minerals | Total component supplier3 | Total contract manufacturer2 | Total sub-tier suppliers0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority0 | Nonconformances identified as Major5 | Nonconformances identified as Minor0 | Total5 |
Supplier responsibility | Total component supplier52 | Total contract manufacturer8 | Total sub-tier suppliers5 | Nonconformances identified as Priority2 | Nonconformances identified as Major61 | Nonconformances identified as Minor2 | Total65 |
Grand total | Total component supplier915 | Total contract manufacturer104 | Total sub-tier suppliers116 | Nonconformances identified as Priority37 | Nonconformances identified as Major948 | Nonconformances identified as Minor150 | Total1135 |
Note: The RBA Validated Assessment Program (VAP) audit operation manual was updated from version 7.1 to version 8.0 in January 2024. We received audit reports in versions 7.0, 7.1, and 8.0 in fiscal 2024. Above RBA code sub-section names are based on RBA code 7.1 version since the majority of the audits we received in fiscal 2024 are in this version.
Category | Total component supplier | Total contract manufacturer | Total logistics supplier | Non- conformances identified as Priority |
Non- conformances identified as Major |
Non- conformances identified as Minor |
Labor | Total component supplier:547 | Total contract manufacturers:51 | Total logistics supplier:42 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:48 | Nonconformances identified as Major:478 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:114 |
Freely Chosen Employement | Total component supplier:59 | Total contract manufacturers:7 | Total logistics supplier:10 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:13 | Nonconformances identified as Major:39 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:24 |
Young workers | Total component supplier:9 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:4 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:2 | Nonconformances identified as Major:5 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:6 |
Working Hours | Total component supplier:320 | Total contract manufacturers:39 | Total logistics supplier:7 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:24 | Nonconformances identified as Major:287 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:55 |
Wages and Benefits | Total component supplier:127 | Total contract manufacturers:5 | Total logistics supplier:10 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:7 | Nonconformances identified as Major:117 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:18 |
Humane Treatment | Total component supplier:2 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Nondiscrimination | Total component supplier:15 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:5 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:2 | Nonconformances identified as Major:12 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:6 |
Freedom of association | Total component supplier:8 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:6 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:11 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:3 |
RISK ASSESSMENT (7.1) | Total component supplier:2 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:2 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
CONTROL PROCESSES (7.1) | Total component supplier:3 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:2 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Communications (7.1) | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
PERFORMANCE REVIEW AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT (7.1) | Total component supplier:2 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:2 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Health and Safety | Total component supplier:437 | Total contract manufacturers:28 | Total logistics supplier:29 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:30 | Nonconformances identified as Major:369 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:95 |
Occupational Safety | Total component supplier:108 | Total contract manufacturers:7 | Total logistics supplier:7 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:105 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:17 |
Emergency Preparedness | Total component supplier:190 | Total contract manufacturers:9 | Total logistics supplier:13 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:26 | Nonconformances identified as Major:145 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:41 |
Occupational Injury and Illness | Total component supplier:47 | Total contract manufacturers:1 | Total logistics supplier:3 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:2 | Nonconformances identified as Major:29 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:20 |
Industrial Hygiene | Total component supplier:12 | Total contract manufacturers:6 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:1 | Nonconformances identified as Major:15 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Physically Demanding Work | Total component supplier:3 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:3 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Machine Safeguarding | Total component supplier:11 | Total contract manufacturers:1 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:11 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Food, Sanitation, and Housing | Total component supplier:54 | Total contract manufacturers:2 | Total logistics supplier:4 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:1 | Nonconformances identified as Major:52 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:7 |
Health and Safety Communication | Total component supplier:8 | Total contract manufacturers:2 | Total logistics supplier:2 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:8 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:4 |
RISK ASSESSMENT (7.1) | Total component supplier:2 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
CONTROL PROCESSES (7.1) | Total component supplier:1 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Communications (7.1) | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
PERFORMANCE REVIEW AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT (7.1) | Total component supplier:1 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Environment | Total component supplier:104 | Total contract manufacturers:14 | Total logistics supplier:2 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:90 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:30 |
ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS AND REPORTING | Total component supplier:9 | Total contract manufacturers:1 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:8 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Pollution Prevention and Resource Reduction | Total component supplier:3 | Total contract manufacturers:2 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:3 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Hazardous Substances | Total component supplier:55 | Total contract manufacturers:5 | Total logistics supplier:2 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:54 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:8 |
Solid Waste | Total component supplier:4 | Total contract manufacturers:1 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:2 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:3 |
Air Emissions | Total component supplier:18 | Total contract manufacturers:1 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:13 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:6 |
Materials Restrictions | Total component supplier:2 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Water Management | Total component supplier:6 | Total contract manufacturers:1 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:4 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:3 |
Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Total component supplier:5 | Total contract manufacturers:3 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:5 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:3 |
RISK ASSESSMENT (7.1) | Total component supplier:1 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
CONTROL PROCESSES (7.1) | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Communications (7.1) | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
PERFORMANCE REVIEW AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT (7.1) | Total component supplier:1 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Ethics | Total component supplier:25 | Total contract manufacturers:1 | Total logistics supplier:10 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:4 | Nonconformances identified as Major:20 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:12 |
Business Integrity | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:2 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:1 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
No Improper Advantage | Total component supplier:9 | Total contract manufacturers:1 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:3 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:7 |
Disclosure of Information | Total component supplier:5 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:2 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:3 | Nonconformances identified as Major:4 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Intellectual Property | Total component supplier:2 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:2 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:4 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Fair Business, Advertising, and Competition | Total component supplier:2 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:2 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:2 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Protection of Identity and Nonretaliation | Total component supplier:2 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:2 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:2 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
RESPONSIBLE SOURCING OF MINERALS | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
PRIVACY | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
RISK ASSESSMENT (7.1) | Total component supplier:2 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:2 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
CONTROL PROCESSES (7.1) | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Communications (7.1) | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
PERFORMANCE REVIEW AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT (7.1) | Total component supplier:3 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:3 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Management system (7.0)/Supply Chain Management (7.1) | Total component supplier:111 | Total contract manufacturers:8 | Total logistics supplier:26 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:2 | Nonconformances identified as Major:113 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:30 |
COMPANY COMMITMENT | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Management Accountability and Responsibility | Total component supplier:9 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:4 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:12 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
MATERIALS RESTRICTIONS (7.1) | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Legal and Customer Requirements | Total component supplier:9 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:3 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:5 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:7 |
RESPONSIBLE SOURCING OF MINERALS (7.1) | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Risk Assessment and Risk Management | Total component supplier:9 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:2 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:10 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Improvement Objectives | Total component supplier:8 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:2 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:9 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Training | Total component supplier:3 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:2 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:5 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Communication | Total component supplier:2 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:2 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:4 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Worker Feedback and Participation | Total component supplier:6 | Total contract manufacturers:1 | Total logistics supplier:2 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:5 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:4 |
Audits and Assessments | Total component supplier:12 | Total contract manufacturers:1 | Total logistics supplier:2 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:13 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Corrective Action Process | Total component supplier:1 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Documentation and Records | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:2 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:2 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Supplier Responsibility | Total component supplier:52 | Total contract manufacturers:6 | Total logistics supplier:5 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:2 | Nonconformances identified as Major:47 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:14 |
Grand Total | Total component supplier:1224 | Total contract manufacturers:102 | Total logistics supplier:109 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:84 | Nonconformances identified as Major:1070 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:281 |
Note: The RBA VAP audit operation manual was updated from version 7.0 to version 7.1 in mid calendar year 2023. We received audit reports in both versions 7.0 and 7.1 in fiscal 2023 and have highlighted those applicable subsection names with version 7.0 and the new applicable subsection names with version 7.1.
Category | Total component supplier | Total contract manufacturer | Total logistics supplier | Non- conformances identified as Priority |
Non- conformances identified as Major |
Non- conformances identified as Minor |
Labor | Total component supplier:413 | Total contract manufacturers:37 | Total logistics supplier:13 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:41 | Nonconformances identified as Major:350 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:72 |
Freely chosen employment | Total component supplier:71 | Total contract manufacturers:4 | Total logistics supplier:4 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:10 | Nonconformances identified as Major:42 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:27 |
Young workers | Total component supplier:9 | Total contract manufacturers:1 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:2 | Nonconformances identified as Major:3 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:5 |
Working hours | Total component supplier:248 | Total contract manufacturers:25 | Total logistics supplier:3 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:25 | Nonconformances identified as Major:222 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:29 |
Wages and benefits | Total component supplier:74 | Total contract manufacturers:5 | Total logistics supplier:4 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:4 | Nonconformances identified as Major:73 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:6 |
Humane treatment | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Nondiscrimination | Total component supplier:9 | Total contract manufacturers:2 | Total logistics supplier:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:7 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:5 |
Freedom of association | Total component supplier:2 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:3 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Health and safety | Total component supplier:273 | Total contract manufacturers:38 | Total logistics supplier:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:6 | Nonconformances identified as Major:234 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:72 |
Occupational safety | Total component supplier:80 | Total contract manufacturers:9 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:72 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:17 |
Emergency preparedness | Total component supplier:93 | Total contract manufacturers:17 | Total logistics supplier:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:6 | Nonconformances identified as Major:74 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:31 |
Occupational injury and illness | Total component supplier:34 | Total contract manufacturers:3 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:24 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:13 |
Industrial hygiene | Total component supplier:17 | Total contract manufacturers:2 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:18 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Physically demanding work | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturers:1 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Machine safeguarding | Total component supplier:5 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:4 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Food, sanitation, and housing | Total component supplier:39 | Total contract manufacturers:6 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:41 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:4 |
Health and safety communication | Total component supplier:5 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:4 |
Environment | Total component supplier:75 | Total contract manufacturers:3 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:54 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:24 |
Environmental permits and reporting | Total component supplier:7 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:6 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Pollution prevention and resource reduction | Total component supplier:2 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Hazardous substances | Total component supplier:34 | Total contract manufacturers:1 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:25 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:10 |
Solid waste | Total component supplier:4 | Total contract manufacturers:2 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:6 |
Air emissions | Total component supplier:18 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:17 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Materials restrictions | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Water management | Total component supplier:7 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:5 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions | Total component supplier:3 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Ethics | Total component supplier:9 | Total contract manufacturers:1 | Total logistics supplier:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:5 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:6 |
Business integrity | Total component supplier:1 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
No improper advantage | Total component supplier:6 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:5 |
Disclosure of information | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Intellectual property | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Fair business, advertising, and competition | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Protection of identity and nonretaliation | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Responsible sourcing of minerals | Total component supplier:2 | Total contract manufacturers:1 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:3 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Privacy | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Management system | Total component supplier:107 | Total contract manufacturers:10 | Total logistics supplier:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:5 | Nonconformances identified as Major:75 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:38 |
Company commitment | Total component supplier:1 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Management accountability and responsibility | Total component supplier:6 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:4 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Legal and customer requirements | Total component supplier:15 | Total contract manufacturers:1 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:8 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:8 |
Risk assessment and risk management | Total component supplier:6 | Total contract manufacturers:1 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:6 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Improvement objectives | Total component supplier:8 | Total contract manufacturers:1 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:9 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Training | Total component supplier:4 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:2 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Communication | Total component supplier:3 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:2 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Worker feedback, participation, and grievance | Total component supplier:4 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:3 |
Audits and assessments | Total component supplier:9 | Total contract manufacturers:1 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:8 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Corrective action process | Total component supplier:1 | Total contract manufacturers:1 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Documentation and records | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturers:0 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Supplier responsibility | Total component supplier:50 | Total contract manufacturers:5 | Total logistics supplier:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:5 | Nonconformances identified as Major:33 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:17 |
Category | Total component supplier | Total contract manufacturer | Nonconformances identified as Priority | Nonconformances identified as Major | Nonconformances identified as Minor |
Labor | Total component supplier:271 | Total contract manufacturer:46 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:23 | Nonconformances identified as Major:236 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:58 |
Freely chosen employment | Total component supplier:46 | Total contract manufacturer:10 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:8 | Nonconformances identified as Major:30 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:18 |
Young workers | Total component supplier:6 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:1 | Nonconformances identified as Major:4 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Working hours | Total component supplier:154 | Total contract manufacturer:30 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:14 | Nonconformances identified as Major:144 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:26 |
Wages and benefits | Total component supplier:47 | Total contract manufacturer:3 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:44 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:6 |
Humane treatment | Total component supplier:1 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Nondiscrimination | Total component supplier:12 | Total contract manufacturer:2 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:8 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:6 |
Freedom of association | Total component supplier:5 | Total contract manufacturer:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:6 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Health and safety | Total component supplier:177 | Total contract manufacturer:23 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:4 | Nonconformances identified as Major:150 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:46 |
Occupational safety | Total component supplier:50 | Total contract manufacturer:4 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:45 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:9 |
Emergency preparedness | Total component supplier:62 | Total contract manufacturer:11 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:4 | Nonconformances identified as Major:51 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:18 |
Occupational injury and illness | Total component supplier:25 | Total contract manufacturer:2 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:19 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:8 |
Industrial hygiene | Total component supplier:4 | Total contract manufacturer:3 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:7 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Physically demanding work | Total component supplier:3 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Machine safeguarding | Total component supplier:5 | Total contract manufacturer:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:5 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Food, sanitation, and housing | Total component supplier:24 | Total contract manufacturer:2 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:20 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:6 |
Health and safety communication | Total component supplier:4 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:2 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Environment | Total component supplier:61 | Total contract manufacturer:3 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:49 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:15 |
Environmental permits and reporting | Total component supplier:8 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:8 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Pollution prevention and resource reduction | Total component supplier:3 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Hazardous substances | Total component supplier:26 | Total contract manufacturer:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:23 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:4 |
Solid waste | Total component supplier:6 | Total contract manufacturer:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:5 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Air emissions | Total component supplier:8 | Total contract manufacturer:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:6 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:3 |
Materials restrictions | Total component supplier:1 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Water management | Total component supplier:6 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:4 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions | Total component supplier:3 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:2 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Ethics | Total component supplier:25 | Total contract manufacturer:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:10 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:16 |
Business integrity | Total component supplier:4 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:2 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
No improper advantage | Total component supplier:8 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:4 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:4 |
Disclosure of information | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Intellectual property | Total component supplier:1 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Fair business, advertising, and competition | Total component supplier:2 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Protection of identity and nonretaliation | Total component supplier:2 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Responsible sourcing of minerals | Total component supplier:5 | Total contract manufacturer:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:2 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:4 |
Privacy | Total component supplier:3 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:3 |
Management system | Total component supplier:81 | Total contract manufacturer:6 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:2 | Nonconformances identified as Major:56 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:29 |
Company commitment | Total component supplier:3 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:3 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Management accountability and responsibility | Total component supplier:7 | Total contract manufacturer:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:6 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Legal and customer requirements | Total component supplier:8 | Total contract manufacturer:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:6 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:3 |
Risk assessment and risk management | Total component supplier:8 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:3 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:5 |
Improvement objectives | Total component supplier:5 | Total contract manufacturer:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:5 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Training | Total component supplier:7 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:5 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Communication | Total component supplier:5 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:4 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Worker feedback, participation, and grievance | Total component supplier:4 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:3 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Audits and assessments | Total component supplier:6 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:3 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:3 |
Corrective action process | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Documentation and records | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Supplier responsibility | Total component supplier:28 | Total contract manufacturer:3 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:2 | Nonconformances identified as Major:18 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:11 |
Category | Total component supplier | Total contract manufacturer | Nonconformances identified as Priority | Nonconformances identified as Major | Nonconformances identified as Minor |
Labor | Total component supplier:226 | Total contract manufacturer:25 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:15 | Nonconformances identified as Major:173 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:63 |
Freely chosen employment | Total component supplier:21 | Total contract manufacturer:3 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:2 | Nonconformances identified as Major:17 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:5 |
Young workers | Total component supplier:8 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:1 | Nonconformances identified as Major:3 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:4 |
Working hours | Total component supplier:142 | Total contract manufacturer:18 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:12 | Nonconformances identified as Major:104 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:44 |
Wages and benefits | Total component supplier:41 | Total contract manufacturer:3 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:39 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:5 |
Humane treatment | Total component supplier:3 | Total contract manufacturer:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:2 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Nondiscrimination | Total component supplier:8 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:6 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Freedom of association | Total component supplier:3 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:2 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Health and safety | Total component supplier:159 | Total contract manufacturer:16 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:7 | Nonconformances identified as Major:130 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:38 |
Occupational safety | Total component supplier:46 | Total contract manufacturer:5 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:1 | Nonconformances identified as Major:42 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:8 |
Emergency preparedness | Total component supplier:56 | Total contract manufacturer:5 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:5 | Nonconformances identified as Major:37 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:19 |
Occupational injury and illness | Total component supplier:24 | Total contract manufacturer:2 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:22 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:4 |
Industrial hygiene | Total component supplier:10 | Total contract manufacturer:2 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:12 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Physically demanding work | Total component supplier:2 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Machine safeguarding | Total component supplier:1 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Food, sanitation, and housing | Total component supplier:15 | Total contract manufacturer:2 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:1 | Nonconformances identified as Major:13 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:3 |
Health and safety communication | Total component supplier:5 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:2 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:3 |
Environment | Total component supplier:58 | Total contract manufacturer:3 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:45 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:16 |
Environmental permits and reporting | Total component supplier:6 | Total contract manufacturer:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:7 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Pollution prevention and resource reduction | Total component supplier:2 | Total contract manufacturer:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Hazardous substances | Total component supplier:22 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:20 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Solid waste | Total component supplier:3 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:3 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Air emissions | Total component supplier:10 | Total contract manufacturer:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:8 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:3 |
Materials restrictions | Total component supplier:1 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Water management | Total component supplier:5 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:3 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions | Total component supplier:9 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:3 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:6 |
Ethics | Total component supplier:13 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:12 |
Business integrity | Total component supplier:2 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
No improper advantage | Total component supplier:7 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:7 |
Disclosure of information | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Intellectual property | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Fair business, advertising, and competition | Total component supplier:1 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Protection of identity and nonretaliation | Total component supplier:2 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Responsible sourcing of minerals | Total component supplier:1 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Privacy | Total component supplier:0 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Management system | Total component supplier:83 | Total contract manufacturer:4 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:5 | Nonconformances identified as Major:41 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:41 |
Company commitment | Total component supplier:1 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:0 |
Management accountability and responsibility | Total component supplier:4 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:3 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Legal and customer requirements | Total component supplier:12 | Total contract manufacturer:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:6 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:7 |
Risk assessment and risk management | Total component supplier:6 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:2 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:4 |
Improvement objectives | Total component supplier:6 | Total contract manufacturer:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:3 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:4 |
Training | Total component supplier:10 | Total contract manufacturer:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:4 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:7 |
Communication | Total component supplier:6 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:5 |
Worker feedback, participation, and grievance | Total component supplier:1 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:0 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Audits and assessments | Total component supplier:5 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:4 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:1 |
Corrective action process | Total component supplier:3 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Documentation and records | Total component supplier:3 | Total contract manufacturer:0 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:0 | Nonconformances identified as Major:1 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:2 |
Supplier responsibility | Total component supplier:26 | Total contract manufacturer:1 | Nonconformances identified as Priority:5 | Nonconformances identified as Major:15 | Nonconformances identified as Minor:7 |
Location/category | Labor | H&S | Environment | Ethics | Management system (7.0)/Supply chain management (7.1) | Total findings | Initial audit | Closure audit | Total audits |
Location/categoryAustria | Labor0 | H&S0 | Environment0 | Ethics0 | Management system (7.0)/Supply chain management (7.1)0 | Total findings0 | Initial audit0 | Closure audit1 | Total audits1 |
Location/categoryChina | Labor369 | H&S243 | Environment41 | Ethics2 | Management system (7.0)/Supply chain management (7.1)39 | Total findings694 | Initial audit67 | Closure audit53 | Total audits120 |
Location/categoryCosta Rica | Labor0 | H&S0 | Environment0 | Ethics0 | Management system (7.0)/Supply chain management (7.1)0 | Total findings0 | Initial audit1 | Closure audit0 | Total audits1 |
Location/categoryCzech Republic | Labor3 | H&S8 | Environment2 | Ethics0 | Management system (7.0)/Supply chain management (7.1)0 | Total findings13 | Initial audit2 | Closure audit1 | Total audits3 |
Location/categoryGermany | Labor3 | H&S1 | Environment0 | Ethics0 | Management system (7.0)/Supply chain management (7.1)0 | Total findings4 | Initial audit1 | Closure audit1 | Total audits2 |
Location/categoryIndia | Labor25 | H&S11 | Environment8 | Ethics1 | Management system (7.0)/Supply chain management (7.1)5 | Total findings50 | Initial audit3 | Closure audit5 | Total audits8 |
Location/categoryIndonesia | Labor0 | H&S2 | Environment0 | Ethics0 | Management system (7.0)/Supply chain management (7.1)0 | Total findings2 | Initial audit1 | Closure audit1 | Total audits2 |
Location/categoryJapan | Labor4 | H&S4 | Environment1 | Ethics3 | Management system (7.0)/Supply chain management (7.1)0 | Total findings12 | Initial audit7 | Closure audit5 | Total audits12 |
Location/categoryMalaysia | Labor39 | H&S35 | Environment9 | Ethics3 | Management system (7.0)/Supply chain management (7.1)13 | Total findings99 | Initial audit17 | Closure audit8 | Total audits25 |
Location/categoryMalta | Labor0 | H&S0 | Environment0 | Ethics0 | Management system (7.0)/Supply chain management (7.1)0 | Total findings0 | Initial audit0 | Closure audit1 | Total audits1 |
Location/categoryMexico | Labor0 | H&S4 | Environment0 | Ethics1 | Management system (7.0)/Supply chain management (7.1)1 | Total findings6 | Initial audit4 | Closure audit4 | Total audits8 |
Location/categoryNetherlands | Labor2 | H&S6 | Environment2 | Ethics1 | Management system (7.0)/Supply chain management (7.1)0 | Total findings11 | Initial audit1 | Closure audit0 | Total audits1 |
Location/categoryPhilippines | Labor17 | H&S16 | Environment0 | Ethics0 | Management system (7.0)/Supply chain management (7.1)4 | Total findings37 | Initial audit6 | Closure audit7 | Total audits13 |
Location/categorySingapore | Labor3 | H&S0 | Environment0 | Ethics1 | Management system (7.0)/Supply chain management (7.1)0 | Total findings4 | Initial audit3 | Closure audit0 | Total audits3 |
Location/categorySouth Korea | Labor14 | H&S19 | Environment6 | Ethics10 | Management system (7.0)/Supply chain management (7.1)7 | Total findings56 | Initial audit4 | Closure audit4 | Total audits8 |
Location/categoryTaiwan | Labor20 | H&S21 | Environment10 | Ethics3 | Management system (7.0)/Supply chain management (7.1)8 | Total findings62 | Initial audit22 | Closure audit8 | Total audits30 |
Location/categoryThailand | Labor11 | H&S12 | Environment0 | Ethics0 | Management system (7.0)/Supply chain management (7.1)1 | Total findings24 | Initial audit10 | Closure audit4 | Total audits14 |
Location/categoryUnited States | Labor4 | H&S5 | Environment0 | Ethics0 | Management system (7.0)/Supply chain management (7.1)0 | Total findings9 | Initial audit6 | Closure audit1 | Total audits7 |
Location/categoryVietnam | Labor20 | H&S21 | Environment5 | Ethics1 | Management system (7.0)/Supply chain management (7.1)5 | Total findings52 | Initial audit8 | Closure audit4 | Total audits12 |
Location/categoryTotal | Labor534 | H&S408 | Environment84 | Ethics26 | Management system (7.0)/Supply chain management (7.1)83 | Total findings1135 | Initial audit163 | Closure audit108 | Total audits271 |
Location | Labor | H&S | Environment | Ethics | Management systems (7.0) / Supply chain management (7.1) | Total findings | Initial audit | Closure audit |
LocationAustria | Labor:2 | H&S:2 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems (7.0) / Supply chain management (7.1):2 | Total findings:6 | Initial audit:1 | Closure audit:0 |
LocationBrazil | Labor:0 | H&S:0 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems (7.0) / Supply chain management (7.1):0 | Total findings:0 | Initial audit:1 | Closure audit:0 |
LocationChina | Labor:436 | H&S:286 | Environment:67 | Ethics:5 | Management systems (7.0) / Supply chain management (7.1):45 | Total findings:839 | Initial audit:87 | Closure audit:41 |
LocationCosta Rica | Labor:0 | H&S:0 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems (7.0) / Supply chain management (7.1):0 | Total findings:0 | Initial audit:1 | Closure audit:0 |
LocationCzech Republic | Labor:6 | H&S:7 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems (7.0) / Supply chain management (7.1):2 | Total findings:15 | Initial audit:2 | Closure audit:0 |
LocationFrance | Labor:0 | H&S:0 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems (7.0) / Supply chain management (7.1):0 | Total findings:0 | Initial audit:2 | Closure audit:0 |
LocationGermany | Labor:4 | H&S:4 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems (7.0) / Supply chain management (7.1):1 | Total findings:9 | Initial audit:1 | Closure audit:1 |
LocationIndia | Labor:21 | H&S:20 | Environment:5 | Ethics:0 | Management systems (7.0) / Supply chain management (7.1):16 | Total findings:62 | Initial audit:3 | Closure audit:3 |
LocationIndonesia | Labor:4 | H&S:3 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems (7.0) / Supply chain management (7.1):1 | Total findings:8 | Initial audit:1 | Closure audit:0 |
LocationJapan | Labor:6 | H&S:5 | Environment:2 | Ethics:1 | Management systems (7.0) / Supply chain management (7.1):5 | Total findings:19 | Initial audit:7 | Closure audit:2 |
LocationMalaysia | Labor:22 | H&S:26 | Environment:5 | Ethics:1 | Management systems (7.0) / Supply chain management (7.1):9 | Total findings:63 | Initial audit:10 | Closure audit:6 |
LocationMalta | Labor:2 | H&S:0 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems (7.0) / Supply chain management (7.1):0 | Total findings:2 | Initial audit:1 | Closure audit:0 |
LocationMexico | Labor:19 | H&S:30 | Environment:9 | Ethics:4 | Management systems (7.0) / Supply chain management (7.1):5 | Total findings:67 | Initial audit:6 | Closure audit:3 |
LocationNetherlands | Labor:31 | H&S:22 | Environment:2 | Ethics:10 | Management systems (7.0) / Supply chain management (7.1):24 | Total findings:89 | Initial audit:1 | Closure audit:1 |
LocationPhilippines | Labor:14 | H&S:14 | Environment:1 | Ethics:0 | Management systems (7.0) / Supply chain management (7.1):1 | Total findings:30 | Initial audit:8 | Closure audit:2 |
LocationSingapore | Labor:0 | H&S:0 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems (7.0) / Supply chain management (7.1):0 | Total findings:0 | Initial audit:2 | Closure audit:2 |
LocationSouth Korea | Labor:21 | H&S:43 | Environment:11 | Ethics:13 | Management systems (7.0) / Supply chain management (7.1):20 | Total findings:108 | Initial audit:5 | Closure audit:6 |
LocationTaiwan | Labor:35 | H&S:18 | Environment:10 | Ethics:2 | Management systems (7.0) / Supply chain management (7.1):8 | Total findings:73 | Initial audit:20 | Closure audit:3 |
LocationThailand | Labor:2 | H&S:4 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems (7.0) / Supply chain management (7.1):3 | Total findings:9 | Initial audit:4 | Closure audit:3 |
LocationUnited States | Labor:3 | H&S:7 | Environment:5 | Ethics:0 | Management systems (7.0) / Supply chain management (7.1):0 | Total findings:15 | Initial audit:3 | Closure audit:0 |
LocationVietnam | Labor:12 | H&S:3 | Environment:3 | Ethics:0 | Management systems (7.0) / Supply chain management (7.1):3 | Total findings:21 | Initial audit:3 | Closure audit:1 |
LocationTotal | Labor:640 | H&S:494 | Environment:120 | Ethics:36 | Management systems (7.0) / Supply chain management (7.1):145 | Total findings:1435 | Initial audit:169 | Closure audit:74 |
Note: The RBA VAP audit operation manual was updated from version 7.0 to version 7.1 in mid calendar year 2023. We received audit reports in both versions 7.0 and 7.1 in fiscal 2023 and have highlighted those applicable subsection names with version 7.0 and the new applicable subsection names with version 7.1.
Location | Labor | H&S | Environment | Ethics | Management systems | Total findings | Initial audit | Closure audit |
LocationChina | Labor:327 | H&S:205 | Environment:52 | Ethics:5 | Management systems:65 | Total findings:654 | Initial audit:56 | Closure audit:38 |
LocationCosta Rica | Labor:0 | H&S:0 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems:0 | Total findings:0 | Initial audit:1 | Closure audit:0 |
LocationCzech Republic | Labor:0 | H&S:0 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems:0 | Total findings:0 | Initial audit:1 | Closure audit:0 |
LocationFrance | Labor:0 | H&S:0 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems:0 | Total findings:0 | Initial audit:0 | Closure audit:1 |
LocationGermany | Labor:4 | H&S:1 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems:1 | Total findings:6 | Initial audit:1 | Closure audit:0 |
LocationIndonesia | Labor:0 | H&S:1 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems:0 | Total findings:1 | Initial audit:1 | Closure audit:0 |
LocationJapan | Labor:2 | H&S:8 | Environment:1 | Ethics:1 | Management systems:0 | Total findings:12 | Initial audit:3 | Closure audit:3 |
LocationMalaysia | Labor:33 | H&S:40 | Environment:6 | Ethics:1 | Management systems:14 | Total findings:94 | Initial audit:11 | Closure audit:9 |
LocationMalta | Labor:0 | H&S:0 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems:0 | Total findings:0 | Initial audit:0 | Closure audit:1 |
LocationMexico | Labor:4 | H&S:6 | Environment:3 | Ethics:0 | Management systems:1 | Total findings:14 | Initial audit:4 | Closure audit:2 |
LocationPhilippines | Labor:9 | H&S:12 | Environment:3 | Ethics:1 | Management systems:3 | Total findings:28 | Initial audit:8 | Closure audit:5 |
LocationSingapore | Labor:6 | H&S:5 | Environment:2 | Ethics:0 | Management systems:5 | Total findings:18 | Initial audit:4 | Closure audit:3 |
LocationSouth Korea | Labor:4 | H&S:9 | Environment:2 | Ethics:2 | Management systems:4 | Total findings:21 | Initial audit:5 | Closure audit:3 |
LocationTaiwan | Labor:41 | H&S:18 | Environment:6 | Ethics:1 | Management systems:17 | Total findings:83 | Initial audit:11 | Closure audit:4 |
LocationThailand | Labor:27 | H&S:3 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems:5 | Total findings:35 | Initial audit:9 | Closure audit:3 |
LocationUnited States | Labor:0 | H&S:0 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems:0 | Total findings:0 | Initial audit:4 | Closure audit:1 |
LocationVietnam | Labor:6 | H&S:4 | Environment:3 | Ethics:0 | Management systems:3 | Total findings:16 | Initial audit:2 | Closure audit:0 |
LocationTotal | Labor:463 | H&S:312 | Environment:78 | Ethics:11 | Management systems:118 | Total findings:982 | Initial audit:121 | Closure audit:73 |
Location | Labor | H&S | Environment | Ethics | Management systems | Total findings | Initial audit | Closure audit |
LocationBrazil | Labor:0 | H&S:5 | Environment:1 | Ethics:1 | Management systems:0 | Total findings:7 | Initial audit:1 | Closure audit:1 |
LocationChina | Labor:229 | H&S:129 | Environment:47 | Ethics:14 | Management systems:46 | Total findings:465 | Initial audit:51 | Closure audit:20 |
LocationFrance | Labor:3 | H&S:2 | Environment:0 | Ethics:1 | Management systems:3 | Total findings:9 | Initial audit:3 | Closure audit:1 |
LocationJapan | Labor:4 | H&S:5 | Environment:2 | Ethics:1 | Management systems:9 | Total findings:21 | Initial audit:4 | Closure audit:0 |
LocationMalaysia | Labor:16 | H&S:10 | Environment:3 | Ethics:3 | Management systems:8 | Total findings:40 | Initial audit:6 | Closure audit:2 |
LocationMalta | Labor:17 | H&S:6 | Environment:1 | Ethics:4 | Management systems:10 | Total findings:38 | Initial audit:1 | Closure audit:0 |
LocationMexico | Labor:3 | H&S:4 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems:0 | Total findings:7 | Initial audit:3 | Closure audit:0 |
LocationPhilippines | Labor:1 | H&S:7 | Environment:4 | Ethics:0 | Management systems:4 | Total findings:16 | Initial audit:4 | Closure audit:1 |
LocationSouth Korea | Labor:3 | H&S:7 | Environment:1 | Ethics:1 | Management systems:2 | Total findings:14 | Initial audit:2 | Closure audit:1 |
LocationTaiwan | Labor:33 | H&S:20 | Environment:5 | Ethics:1 | Management systems:4 | Total findings:63 | Initial audit:14 | Closure audit:4 |
LocationThailand | Labor:0 | H&S:0 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems:0 | Total findings:0 | Initial audit:0 | Closure audit:1 |
LocationUnited States | Labor:8 | H&S:5 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems:1 | Total findings:14 | Initial audit:5 | Closure audit:0 |
LocationTotal | Labor:317 | H&S:200 | Environment:64 | Ethics:26 | Management systems:87 | Total findings:694 | Initial audit:94 | Closure audit:31 |
Location | Labor | H&S | Environment | Ethics | Management systems | Total findings | Initial audit | Closure audit |
LocationChina | Labor:189 | H&S:114 | Environment:43 | Ethics:2 | Management systems:50 | Total findings:398 | Initial audit:34 | Closure audit:27 |
LocationFrance | Labor:3 | H&S:3 | Environment:2 | Ethics:1 | Management systems:1 | Total findings:10 | Initial audit:1 | Closure audit:1 |
LocationJapan | Labor:0 | H&S:0 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems:0 | Total findings:0 | Initial audit:1 | Closure audit:1 |
LocationMalaysia | Labor:7 | H&S:3 | Environment:1 | Ethics:0 | Management systems:2 | Total findings:13 | Initial audit:3 | Closure audit:1 |
LocationMalta | Labor:4 | H&S:9 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems:3 | Total findings:16 | Initial audit:1 | Closure audit:1 |
LocationMexico | Labor:15 | H&S:9 | Environment:8 | Ethics:0 | Management systems:8 | Total findings:40 | Initial audit:3 | Closure audit:3 |
LocationPhilippines | Labor:0 | H&S:0 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems:0 | Total findings:0 | Initial audit:1 | Closure audit:0 |
LocationSouth Korea | Labor:10 | H&S:24 | Environment:5 | Ethics:8 | Management systems:11 | Total findings:58 | Initial audit:3 | Closure audit:3 |
LocationSingapore | Labor:2 | H&S:2 | Environment:0 | Ethics:1 | Management systems:4 | Total findings:9 | Initial audit:4 | Closure audit:1 |
LocationTaiwan | Labor:4 | H&S:7 | Environment:2 | Ethics:1 | Management systems:1 | Total findings:15 | Initial audit:5 | Closure audit:1 |
LocationThailand | Labor:11 | H&S:2 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems:2 | Total findings:15 | Initial audit:6 | Closure audit:1 |
LocationUnited States | Labor:2 | H&S:0 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems:0 | Total findings:2 | Initial audit:2 | Closure audit:1 |
LocationVietnam | Labor:4 | H&S:2 | Environment:0 | Ethics:0 | Management systems:5 | Total findings:11 | Initial audit:2 | Closure audit:0 |
LocationTotal | Labor:251 | H&S:175 | Environment:61 | Ethics:13 | Management systems:87 | Total findings:587 | Initial audit:66 | Closure audit:41 |