Cisco CallManager Administration Guide, Release 4.1(2)
Calling Search Space Configuration

Table Of Contents

Calling Search Space Configuration

Finding a Calling Search Space

Adding a Calling Search Space

Updating a Calling Search Space

Copying a Calling Search Space

Deleting a Calling Search Space

Calling Search Space Configuration Settings

Calling Search Space Configuration

A calling search space comprises an ordered list of route partitions that are typically assigned to devices. Calling search spaces determine the partitions that calling devices search when they are attempting to complete a call. For more detailed information on calling search spaces and partitions, refer to "Partitions and Calling Search Spaces" in the Cisco CallManager System Guide.

Use the following topics to find, add, update, copy, or delete a calling search space:

Finding a Calling Search Space

Adding a Calling Search Space

Updating a Calling Search Space

Copying a Calling Search Space

Deleting a Calling Search Space

Calling Search Space Configuration Settings

Finding a Calling Search Space

Because you might have several calling search spaces in your network, Cisco CallManager lets you locate specific calling search spaces by using specific criteria as the basis. Use the following procedure to locate calling search spaces.

Note During your work in a browser session, Cisco CallManager Administration retains your calling search space search preferences. If you navigate to other menu items and return to this menu item, Cisco CallManager Administration retains your calling search space search preferences until you modify your search or close the browser.


Step 1 Choose Route Plan > Class of Control > Calling Search Space.

The Find and List Calling Search Spaces window displays.

Step 2 From the drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:

begins with


ends with

is exactly

Step 3 Specify the appropriate search text, if applicable, and click Find. You can also specify how many items per page to display.

Note To find all calling search spaces that are registered in the database, click Find without entering any search text.

A list of discovered calling search spaces displays by

CSS name


Note You can delete multiple calling search spaces from the Find and List Calling Search Spaces window by checking the check boxes next to the appropriate calling search spaces and clicking Delete Selected. You can choose all calling search spaces in the window by checking the check box in the matching records title bar and clicking Delete Selected.

Step 4 From the list of records, click the calling search space that matches your search criteria.

The window displays the calling search space that you choose.

Related Topics

Adding a Calling Search Space

Updating a Calling Search Space

Copying a Calling Search Space

Deleting a Calling Search Space

Calling Search Space Configuration Settings

Adding a Calling Search Space

The following procedure describes how to add a calling search space.


Step 1 In the menu bar, choose Route Plan > Class of Control > Calling Search Space.

Step 2 Click Add a New Calling Search Space.

Step 3 Enter the appropriate settings as described in Table 19-1.

Step 4 To add the new calling search space, click Insert.

The message "Status: Insert completed" displays.

Step 5 To add more calling search spaces, click Add a New Calling Search Space and repeat this procedure.

Related Topics

Finding a Calling Search Space

Updating a Calling Search Space

Copying a Calling Search Space

Deleting a Calling Search Space

Updating a Calling Search Space

The following procedure describes how to update a calling search space.


Step 1 In the menu bar, choose Route Plan > Class of Control > Calling Search Space.

Step 2 Locate the calling search space that you want to update. See the "Finding a Calling Search Space" section.

Step 3 Update the appropriate settings as described in Table 19-1.

Step 4 Click Update.

Related Topics

Finding a Calling Search Space

Adding a Calling Search Space

Copying a Calling Search Space

Deleting a Calling Search Space

Calling Search Space Configuration Settings

Copying a Calling Search Space

The following procedure describes how to copy a calling search space.


Step 1 In the menu bar, choose Route Plan > Class of Control > Calling Search Space.

Step 2 Locate the calling search space that you want to copy. See the "Finding a Calling Search Space" section.

Step 3 Check the check box next to the calling search space that you want to copy.

Step 4 Click the Copy icon of that calling search space.

The window displays the copy of the calling search space.

Step 5 Change the Calling Search Space Name.

Step 6 Update the appropriate settings as described in Table 19-1.

Step 7 To add the new calling search space, click Insert.

Tip You can also copy a calling search space by locating and displaying the calling search space that you want to copy and clicking Copy. Then, follow the instructions in Step 6 and Step 7.

Related Topics

Finding a Calling Search Space

Adding a Calling Search Space

Updating a Calling Search Space

Deleting a Calling Search Space

Calling Search Space Configuration Settings

Deleting a Calling Search Space

The following procedure describes how to delete a calling search space.

Before You Begin

You cannot delete calling search spaces that devices, lines (DNs), translation patterns, or other items are using. To find out which devices, lines, translation patterns, or other items are using the calling search space, click the Dependency Records link from the Calling Search Space Configuration window. If the dependency records are not enabled for the system, the dependency records summary window displays a message. For more information about dependency records, see the "Accessing Dependency Records" section on page A-3. If you try to delete a calling search space that is in use, Cisco CallManager displays an error message. Before deleting a calling search space that is currently in use, you must perform either or both of the following tasks:

Assign a different calling search space to any devices, lines, or translation patterns that are using the calling search space that you want to delete. See the "Adding Devices to Cisco CallManager" section on page 51-2, the "Configuring Directory Numbers" section on page 57-44, and the "Updating a Translation Pattern" section on page 26-5.

Delete the devices, lines, or translation patterns that are using the calling search space that you want to delete. See the Device Configuration chapter, the "Removing a Directory Number from a Phone" section on page 57-48, and the "Deleting a Translation Pattern" section on page 26-7.


Step 1 In the menu bar, choose Route Plan > Class of Control > Calling Search Space.

Step 2 Locate the calling search space that you want to delete. See the "Finding a Calling Search Space" section.

Step 3 Check the check box of the calling search space that you want to delete and click Delete Selected.

A message displays that states that you cannot undo this action.

Step 4 Click OK to delete the calling search space or click Cancel to cancel the deletion.

Caution Before initiating this action, check carefully to ensure that you are deleting the correct calling search space. You cannot retrieve deleted calling search spaces. If a calling search space is accidentally deleted, you must rebuild it.

Tip You can also delete a calling search space by locating and displaying the calling search space that you want to delete and clicking Delete.

Related Topics

Finding a Calling Search Space

Adding a Calling Search Space

Updating a Calling Search Space

Copying a Calling Search Space

Calling Search Space Configuration Settings

Calling Search Space Configuration Settings

Table 19-1 describes the calling search space configuration settings.

Table 19-1 Calling Search Space Configuration Settings 


Calling Search Space Name

Enter a name in the Calling Search Space Name field. The name can comprise up to 50 alphanumeric characters and can contain any combination of spaces, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscore characters (_). Ensure each calling search space name is unique to the plan.

Note Use concise and descriptive names for your calling search spaces. The CompanynameLocationCalltype format usually provides a sufficient level of detail and is short enough to enable you to quickly and easily identify a calling search space. For example, CiscoDallasMetroCS identifies a calling search space for toll-free, inter-local access and transport area (LATA) calls from the Cisco office in Dallas.


Enter a description in the Description field. The description can comprise up to 50 alphanumeric characters and can contain any combination of spaces, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscore characters (_).

Find Partitions containing

Enter the character(s) that are found in the partition name that you are seeking and click the Find button. Partition names that match the character(s) that you entered display in the Available Partitions box.

Available Partitions

Choose a partition in the Available Partitions list box and add it to the Selected Partitions list box by clicking the arrow button between the two list boxes.

To add a range of partitions at once, click the first partition in the range; then, hold down the Shift key while clicking the last partition in the range. Click the arrow button between the two list boxes to add the range of partitions.

To add multiple partitions that are not contiguous, hold down the Control (Ctrl) key while clicking multiple partitions. Click the arrow button between the two list boxes to add the chosen partitions.

Note The length of the partition names limits the maximum number of partitions that can be added to a calling search space. Table 19-2 provides examples of the maximum number of partitions that can be added to a calling search space if partition names are of fixed length.

Selected Partitions (ordered by highest priority)

To change the priority of a partition, choose a partition name in the Selected Partitions list box. Move the partition up or down in the list by clicking the arrows on the right side of the list box.

Table 19-2 provides examples of the maximum number of partitions that can be added to a calling search space if partition names are of fixed length. Refer to "Partition Name Limitations" in the Cisco CallManager System Guide for details about how this maximum number is calculated.

Table 19-2 Calling Search Space Partition Limitations 

Partition Name Length
Maximum Number of Partitions

2 characters


3 characters


4 characters


5 characters


. . .

. . .

10 characters


15 characters


Related Topics

Finding a Calling Search Space

Adding a Calling Search Space

Updating a Calling Search Space

Copying a Calling Search Space