Table Of Contents
Call Pickup and Group Call Pickup Configuration
Finding a Call Pickup Group Number
Adding a Call Pickup Group Number
Copying a Call Pickup Group Number
Updating a Call Pickup Group Number
Deleting a Call Pickup Group Number
Call Pickup Configuration Settings
Assigning Call Pickup Group Numbers to Directory Numbers
Call Pickup and Group Call Pickup Configuration
Two features, call pickup and group call pickup, allow you to answer a call that comes in on a directory number other than your own. When you hear an incoming call ringing on another phone, you can redirect the call to your phone by using the call pickup feature.
Cisco IP Phones provide two types of call pickup:
•Call pickup allows users to pick up incoming calls within their own group. Cisco CallManager automatically dials the appropriate call pickup group number when a user activates this feature on a phone.
•Group call pickup allows users to pick up incoming calls within their own group or in other groups. Users must dial the appropriate call pickup group number when a user activates this feature on a phone.
The following sections describe the procedures for configuring both of these features:
•Finding a Call Pickup Group Number
•Adding a Call Pickup Group Number
•Updating a Call Pickup Group Number
•Deleting a Call Pickup Group Number
•Call Pickup Configuration Settings
•Assigning Call Pickup Group Numbers to Directory Numbers
For information about using the call pickup feature, refer to the Cisco IP Phone user guide that came with your phone.
Finding a Call Pickup Group Number
Because you might have several call pickup numbers in your network, Cisco CallManager lets you locate call pickup numbers on the basis of specific criteria. Use the following procedure to locate call pickup numbers.
Note During your work in a browser session, Cisco CallManager Administration retains your call pickup number search preferences. If you navigate to other menu items and return to this menu item, Cisco CallManager Administration retains your call pickup number search preferences until you modify your search or close the browser.
Step 1 Choose Feature > Call Pickup.
The Find and List Call Pickup Numbers window displays. Use the two drop-down list boxes to search for a call pickup number.
Step 2 From the first Find call pickup numbers where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:
•Call Pickup Number
Note The criterion that you choose in this drop-down list box specifies how the list of call pickup numbers that your search generates will be sorted. For example, if you choose Partition, the Partition column will display as the left column of the results list.
From the second Find call pickup numbers where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:
•begins with
•ends with
•is exactly
•is empty
•is not empty
Step 3 Specify the appropriate search text, if applicable, and click Find. You can also specify how many items per page to display.
Tip To find all call pickup numbers that are registered in the database, click Find without entering any search text.
A list of discovered call pickup numbers displays by
•Call Pickup icon
•Call Pickup Number
Note You can delete multiple call pickup numbers from the Find and List Call Pickup Numbers window by checking the check boxes next to the appropriate call pickup numbers and clicking Delete Selected. You can delete all call pickup numbers in the window by checking the check box in the Matching records title bar and clicking Delete Selected. You cannot delete call pickup numbers that are assigned to directory numbers and lines.
Step 4 From the list of records, click the Call Pickup icon, number, associated partition, or description that matches your search criteria.
The window displays the call pickup number that you choose.
Related Topics
•Adding a Call Pickup Group Number
•Updating a Call Pickup Group Number
•Deleting a Call Pickup Group Number
•Call Pickup Configuration Settings
Adding a Call Pickup Group Number
This section describes how to add a call pickup group number to the Cisco CallManager database.
Step 1 Choose Feature > Call Pickup.
Step 2 In the upper, right corner of the window, click the Add a New Call Pickup Number link.
The Call Pickup Number Configuration window displays.
Step 3 Enter the appropriate settings as described in Table 41-1.
Step 4 Click Insert to save the new call pickup group number in the database.
Related Topics
•Call Pickup and Group Call Pickup Configuration
•Finding a Call Pickup Group Number
•Updating a Call Pickup Group Number
•Deleting a Call Pickup Group Number
•Call Pickup Configuration Settings
•Assigning Call Pickup Group Numbers to Directory Numbers
Copying a Call Pickup Group Number
This section describes how to copy a call pickup group number.
Step 1 Choose Feature > Call Pickup.
Note You can copy the call pickup number from the Find List window by clicking Copy, or you can choose the call pickup number and copy the settings from the Call Pickup Number Configuration window.
Step 2 From the Find List Call Pickup Numbers window, choose the call pickup number that you want to copy.
The Call Pickup Number Configuration window displays.
Step 3 Click the Copy button.
Step 4 Update the settings as described in Table 41-1.
Step 5 Click Insert to save the new call pickup group number in the database.
Related Topics
•Call Pickup and Group Call Pickup Configuration
•Finding a Call Pickup Group Number
•Updating a Call Pickup Group Number
•Deleting a Call Pickup Group Number
•Call Pickup Configuration Settings
•Assigning Call Pickup Group Numbers to Directory Numbers
Updating a Call Pickup Group Number
This section describes how to update a call pickup group number. When you update a call pickup group number, Cisco CallManager automatically updates all directory numbers that are assigned to that call pickup group.
Step 1 Locate the call pickup group number or range of group numbers by using the procedure in the "Finding a Call Pickup Group Number" section.
Step 2 Click the call pickup group number that you want to update.
Step 3 Update the appropriate fields as described in Table 41-1.
Step 4 Click Update to save the changes in the database.
Related Topics
•Call Pickup and Group Call Pickup Configuration
•Finding a Call Pickup Group Number
•Adding a Call Pickup Group Number
•Deleting a Call Pickup Group Number
•Call Pickup Configuration Settings
•Assigning Call Pickup Group Numbers to Directory Numbers
Deleting a Call Pickup Group Number
This section describes how to delete a call pickup group number from the Cisco CallManager database.
Before You Begin
You cannot delete a call pickup group number that is assigned to a line or directory number. To see a list of the directory numbers that are using this call pickup group, click the Dependency Records link. If the dependency records are not enabled for the system, the dependency records summary window displays a message. For more information about Dependency Records, see the "Accessing Dependency Records" section on page A-3. To enable call pickup again for those directory numbers, you must reassign each of them to a new call pickup group. For details, see the "Assigning Call Pickup Group Numbers to Directory Numbers" section.
Step 1 Locate the call pickup group number or range of group numbers by using the procedure in the "Finding a Call Pickup Group Number" section.
Step 2 Click the call pickup group number or range of group numbers that you want to delete.
Step 3 Click Delete.
The call pickup group no longer displays in the list of call pickup numbers.
Related Topics
•Call Pickup and Group Call Pickup Configuration
•Finding a Call Pickup Group Number
•Adding a Call Pickup Group Number
•Updating a Call Pickup Group Number
•Assigning Call Pickup Group Numbers to Directory Numbers
Call Pickup Configuration Settings
Table 41-1 describes the call pickup configuration settings.
Table 41-1 Call Pickup Configuration Settings
Call Pickup Number
Enter a unique directory number (integers) for the call pickup group that you want to add.
Enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters for a description of the call pickup number; for example, Operations.
If you want to use a partition to restrict access to the call pickup group, choose the desired partition from the drop-down list box. If you do not want to restrict access to the call pickup group, choose <None> for the partition.
You can configure the number of partitions that display in this drop-down list box by using the Max List Box Items enterprise parameter. If more partitions exist than the Max List Box Items enterprise parameter specifies, the ellipsis button (...) displays next to the drop-down list box. Click the ... button to display the Select Partition window. Enter a partial partition name in the List items where Name contains field. Click the desired partition name in the list of partitions that displays in the Select item to use box and click OK.
Note To set the maximum list box items, choose System > Enterprise Parameters and choose CCMAdmin Parameters.
Note Make sure that the combination of call pickup group number and partition is unique within the Cisco CallManager cluster.
Related Topics
•Call Pickup and Group Call Pickup Configuration
•Finding a Call Pickup Group Number
•Adding a Call Pickup Group Number
•Updating a Call Pickup Group Number
Assigning Call Pickup Group Numbers to Directory Numbers
This section describes how to assign a call pickup group number to a directory number. Only directory numbers that are assigned to a call pickup group can use both types of call pickup: call pickup and group call pickup.
Before You Begin
Before you can assign a call pickup group number to a directory number, you must create a number for that group as described in the "Adding a Call Pickup Group Number" section.
Step 1 Choose Device > Phone.
Step 2 Enter the appropriate search criteria to find the phone that you want to assign to a call pickup group and click Find.
A list of phones that match the search criteria appears.
Step 3 Choose the phone to which you want to assign a call pickup group number.
Step 4 From the Directory Numbers list, choose the directory number that will be assigned the call pickup group number.
Step 5 From the Call Pickup Group drop-down list box, choose the desired call pickup group number.
Step 6 Click Update to save the changes in the database.
Related Topics
•Call Pickup and Group Call Pickup Configuration
•Finding a Call Pickup Group Number
•Adding a Call Pickup Group Number
•Updating a Call Pickup Group Number
•Deleting a Call Pickup Group Number