Cisco CallManager Administration Guide, Release 4.1(2)
Device Profile Configuration

Table Of Contents

Device Profile Configuration

Finding a Device Profile

Adding a New User Device Profile

Updating User Device Profiles

Deleting a User Device Profile

Updating Autogenerated Device Profiles

Configuring New Directory Numbers for Autogenerated Device Profiles

Device Profile Configuration

A device profile comprises the set of attributes (services and/or features) that are associated with a particular device. Device profiles include name, description, phone template, add-on modules, softkey templates, multilevel precedence and preemption (MLPP) information, directory numbers, subscribed services, and speed-dial information. Two kinds of device profiles exist: autogenerated and user. You can assign the user device profile to a user, so, when the user logs in to a device, the user device profile that you have assigned to that user loads onto that device as a default login device profile. After a user device profile is loaded onto the phone, the phone picks up the attributes of that device profile.

You can also assign a user device profile to be the default logout device profile for a particular device. When a user logs out of a phone, for instance, the logout device profile loads onto the phone and gives that phone the attributes of the logout device profile. In the Cisco CallManager Administration windows, you can create, modify, or delete the user device profile. If a user device profile is used as the logout device profile, you cannot delete the user device profile.

The autogenerated device profile, which is a special device profile, gets generated when you configure a phone for Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility and choose "Use Current Device Settings" from the Phone Configuration window. The autogenerated device profile then associates with a specific phone to be the logout device profile.

Cisco CallManager also supports a device profile default. Use the device profile default for whenever a user logs on to a phone model for which no user device profile exists. To create a device profile default for each phone model that supports Cisco Extension Mobility, use the Device Profile Default Configuration window. The maximum number of device profile defaults cannot exceed the number of phone models that support Cisco CallManager Extension Mobility. For more information about the device profile default, see Device Profile Default Configuration.

Use the following topics to configure and locate device profiles:

Finding a Device Profile

Adding a New User Device Profile

Updating User Device Profiles

Deleting a User Device Profile

Updating Autogenerated Device Profiles

Configuring New Directory Numbers for Autogenerated Device Profiles

Configuring Directory Numbers, page 57-44

Directory Number Configuration Settings, page 57-50

Finding a Device Profile

This topic describes how to use the Find and List Device Profile window. The Find and List lookup function allows you to search for user and autogenerated device profiles or both types. The function searches every type of device profile against the following categories:

Profile name


Device type


Step 1 Choose Device > Device Settings > Device Profile.

The Find and List Device Profile window displays.

Step 2 From the drop-down lists, choose your search text for the type of device profiles that you want listed and click Find.

Note To find all device profiles that are registered in the database, choose All Device Profiles from the drop-down list without entering any search text and click Find. You can also use "Profile Name is not empty" as your search criteria.

The window refreshes and then displays the device profiles that match your search criteria.

To Jump to an Autogenerated Device Profile or User Device Profile:

Step 3 Choose the device profile from the list of records that match your search criteria.

To Delete Device Profiles:

Step 4 Use the check box in the first column to delete multiple device profiles at once. Check the first check box in the list and click Delete Selected. You can also choose individual user device profiles to delete them separately.

Note You cannot delete autogenerated device profiles. You cannot delete user device profiles if phones are using them as a logout profile.

Related Topics

Device Profile Configuration

Adding a New User Device Profile

Updating User Device Profiles

Deleting a User Device Profile

Updating Autogenerated Device Profiles

Configuring New Directory Numbers for Autogenerated Device Profiles

Configuring Directory Numbers, page 57-44

Directory Number Configuration Settings, page 57-50

Adding a New User Device Profile

The user device profile contains attributes such as device profile name, description, phone template, user locale, expansion modules, softkey template, MLPP information, directory numbers, subscribed services, and speed-dial information. Perform the following procedure to add a user device profile.

Before You Begin

Make sure that phone button template(s) are already configured before proceeding with the steps. See the "Adding Phone Button Templates" section on page 59-4 for more information.


Step 1 Choose Device > Device Settings > Device Profile.

The Find and List Device Profile window displays.

Step 2 Click the Add a New User Device Profile link.

The User Device Profile Configuration window displays.

Step 3 Choose a device type from the Device Type drop-down list box.

Step 4 Enter a unique name in the User Device Profile Name field. This name can comprise up to 50 characters in length.

Step 5 Enter a description of the user device profile in the Description field. For text, use anything that describes this particular user device profile.

Step 6 To specify the audio source that plays when a user initiates a hold action, click the drop-down arrow to the right of the User Hold Audio Source field and choose an audio source from the list that displays.

If you do not choose an audio source, Cisco CallManager uses the audio source that is defined in the device pool or the system default if the device pool does not specify an audio source ID.

Note You define audio sources in the Music On Hold Audio Source Configuration window. For access, choose Service > Media Resource > Music On Hold Audio Source.

Step 7 From the User Locale drop-down list, choose the language in which the device displays.

Step 8 To configure call display restrictions and ignore any presentation restriction that is received for internal calls, check the "Ignore Presentation Indicators (internal calls only)" check box.

Note Use this configuration in combination with the calling line ID presentation and connected line ID presentation configuration at the translation pattern-level. Together, these settings allow you to configure call display restrictions to selectively present or block calling and/or connected line display information for each call. For more information about call display restrictions, refer to the Call Display Restrictions chapter in the Cisco CallManager Features and Services Guide.

Step 9 From the Phone Button Template drop-down list, choose a phone button template.

Step 10 From the Softkey Template drop-down list, choose the softkey template from the list that displays.

Step 11 You can configure one or two expansion modules for this device profile by choosing phone templates from the expansion module drop-down lists in the expansion module fields.

Note You can view a phone button list at any time by choosing the View button list link next to the phone button template fields. A separate dialog box pops up and displays the phone buttons for that particular expansion module.

Step 12 If this user device profile will be used for MLPP precedence calls, enter a hexadecimal value between 0 and FFFFFF for the MLPP domain associated with this device profile. If you leave this field blank, this device profile inherits its MLPP domain from the value set for the MLPP Domain Identifier enterprise parameter.

Step 13 If this user device profile will be used for MLPP precedence calls, assign an MLPP Indication setting to the device profile. This setting specifies whether a device capable of playing precedence tones will use the capability when it places an MLPP precedence call.

From the drop-down list box, choose a setting to assign to this device profile from the following options:

Default—This device profile inherits its MLPP indication setting from the associated device's device pool.

Off—This device does not handle nor process indication of an MLPP precedence call.

On—This device profile does handle and process indication of an MLPP precedence call.

Note Do not configure a device profile with the following combination of settings: MLPP Indication is set to Off or Default (when default is Off) while MLPP Preemption is set to Forceful.

Step 14 If this user device profile will be used for MLPP precedence calls, assign an MLPP Preemption setting to the device profile. This setting specifies whether a device capable of preempting calls in progress will use the capability when it places an MLPP precedence call.

From the drop-down list box, choose a setting to assign to this device profile from the following options:

Default—This device profile inherits its MLPP preemption setting from the associated device's device pool.

Disabled—This device does not allow preemption of lower-precedence calls to take place when necessary for completion of higher-precedence calls.

Forceful—This device allows preemption of lower-precedence calls to take place when necessary for completion of higher-precedence calls.

Note Do not configure a device profile with the following combination of settings: MLPP Indication is set to Off or Default (when default is Off) while MLPP Preemption is set to Forceful.

Step 15 Enter a valid login user ID in the Login User ID field.

Note If the user device profile is used as a logout profile, specify the login user ID that will be associated with the phone. After the user logs out from this user device profile, the phone will automatically log in to this login user ID.

Note You can obtain help in finding a valid login user ID by choosing the Select Login User ID link next to the Login User ID field. See the "Searching for User ID" section on page 57-33 for details.

Step 16 Click Insert.

Step 17 A dialog box appears that asks you to configure a directory number for line 1 of this user device profile. Click OK.

The Directory Number Configuration window displays. For information on configuring directory numbers, see the "Configuring Directory Numbers" section on page 57-44.

Step 18 Enter the appropriate settings as described in "Directory Number Configuration Settings" section on page 57-50.

Step 19 Click Insert.

A dialog box notifies you that you have updated the user device profile. The dialog box informs you that you need to log out and log in again to the device with this profile for changes to take effect. Click OK.

A second dialog box informs you that the directory number has been assigned to the current device. Click OK to return to the current user device profile.

Related Topics

Device Profile Configuration

Finding a Device Profile

Updating User Device Profiles

Deleting a User Device Profile

Updating Autogenerated Device Profiles

Configuring New Directory Numbers for Autogenerated Device Profiles

Configuring Directory Numbers, page 57-44

Directory Number Configuration Settings, page 57-50

Updating User Device Profiles

This section describes how to update a user device profile.

Before You Begin

Make sure that the user device profile that you want to update is configured in Cisco CallManager before proceeding with the steps. See the "Adding a New User Device Profile" section to configure a user device profile.


Step 1 Locate the user device profile that you want to update. See the "Finding a Device Profile" section.

Step 2 From the User Device Profile Configuration window, make the desired changes to the user device profile; then, click Update.

The changes that you made should now appear in this user device profile.

Note You must log in to a device for changes to a user device profile to take effect.

Related Topics

Device Profile Configuration

Finding a Device Profile

Adding a New User Device Profile

Deleting a User Device Profile

Updating Autogenerated Device Profiles

Configuring New Directory Numbers for Autogenerated Device Profiles

Configuring Directory Numbers, page 57-44

Directory Number Configuration Settings, page 57-50

Deleting a User Device Profile

This section describes how to delete a user device profile.

Before You Begin

You cannot delete a device profile if it is assigned to devices. To find out which devices are using the device profile, click the Dependency Records link from the Device Profile Configuration window. If the dependency records are not enabled for the system, the dependency records summary window displays a message. For more information about dependency records, see the "Accessing Dependency Records" section on page A-3. If you try to delete a device profile that is in use, Cisco CallManager displays an error message. Before deleting a device profile that is currently in use, you must perform either or both of the following tasks:

Assign a different device profile to any devices that are using the device profile that you want to delete.

Delete the devices that are using the device profile that you want to delete.


Step 1 Locate the user device profile that you want to delete. See the "Finding a Device Profile" section.

Step 2 From the User Device Profile Configuration window, click Delete.

A message displays that states that this action cannot be undone.

Step 3 To delete the device profile, click OK or to cancel the deletion, click Cancel.

Note If a user device profile is configured as a default logout device profile, you cannot delete it. If you want to delete a logout device profile, you must change it from a logout device profile and configure another device profile as the logout device profile for that phone. After the user device profile is no longer a logout device profile, you can delete it.

Related Topics

Device Profile Configuration

Finding a Device Profile

Adding a New User Device Profile

Updating User Device Profiles

Updating Autogenerated Device Profiles

Configuring New Directory Numbers for Autogenerated Device Profiles

Configuring Directory Numbers, page 57-44

Directory Number Configuration Settings, page 57-50

Updating Autogenerated Device Profiles

This section describes how to update an autogenerated device profile. You can modify the autogenerated device profile but not delete it or change the profile name.

Before You Begin

Make sure that the autogenerated device profile(s) are configured before proceeding with the steps. See the "Updating a Phone" section on page 57-10 and the "Autogenerated Device Profile" section in the Cisco CallManager Features and Services Guide for more information.


Step 1 Locate the autogenerated device profile that you want to update. See the "Finding a Device Profile" section.

Step 2 From the Autogenerated Device Profile Configuration window, make the desired changes to the autogenerated device profile; then, click Update.

The changes that you made should now appear in this autogenerated device profile.

Note You must log out of a device for changes to an autogenerated device profile to take effect.

Related Topics

Device Profile Configuration

Autogenerated Device Profile, Cisco CallManager Features and Services Guide

Finding a Device Profile

Adding a New User Device Profile

Updating User Device Profiles

Deleting a User Device Profile

Configuring New Directory Numbers for Autogenerated Device Profiles

Configuring Directory Numbers, page 57-44

Directory Number Configuration Settings, page 57-50

Configuring New Directory Numbers for Autogenerated Device Profiles

This topic describes how to add new directory numbers, on assigned lines, for autogenerated device profiles.

Before You Begin

Make sure that the following prerequisites are met before proceeding with the steps:

Make sure that the autogenerated device profile(s) are configured before proceeding with the steps. See the "Updating a Phone" section on page 57-10 for more information.

You must add new directory numbers for an autogenerated device profile from the Autogenerated Device Profile Configuration window. See the "Finding a Device Profile" section for more information.


Step 1 From the Autogenerated Device Profile Configuration window, choose the line on which you want to add a new DN, from the directory number list on the left side of the window.

The Directory Number Configuration window displays. For information on configuring directory numbers, see the "Configuring Directory Numbers" section on page 57-44.

Step 2 Enter the appropriate settings as described in "Directory Number Configuration Settings" section on page 57-50.

Step 3 Click Insert.

The window refreshes and displays the settings that you configured.

Note You can also update, delete, and restart devices from the Directory Number Configuration window by clicking the corresponding buttons for these functions. Deleting a directory number removes it from the line, and you cannot undo this action.

Step 4 Return to the Autogenerated Device Profile window by clicking the Configure Device Profile link.

The new directory number should appear on the appropriate line in the list on the left side of the window.

Note When you update the configuration settings for a phone, if an autogenerated device profile has a different default setting than the phone, the setting of the device profile gets overwritten when you choose <User Current Device Setting> as the logout device profile from the Phone Configuration web window.

Note Set the value of the Synchronization Between Auto Device Profile and Phone Configuration enterprise parameter to True (default). This ensures that, when a phone gets updated, the autogenerated device profile also gets updated.

Related Topics

Device Profile Configuration

Finding a Device Profile

Adding a New User Device Profile

Updating User Device Profiles

Deleting a User Device Profile

Updating Autogenerated Device Profiles

Configuring Directory Numbers, page 57-44

Directory Number Configuration Settings, page 57-50