Cisco CallManager Administration Guide, Release 4.1(2)
Hunt Pilot Configuration

Table Of Contents

Hunt Pilot Configuration

Finding a Hunt Pilot

Adding a Hunt Pilot

Updating a Hunt Pilot

Copying a Hunt Pilot

Deleting a Hunt Pilot

Hunt Pilot Configuration Settings

Hunt Pilot Configuration

A hunt pilot comprises a string of digits (an address) and a set of associated digit manipulations that route calls to a hunt list. Hunt pilots provide flexibility in network design. They work in conjunction with route filters and hunt lists to direct calls to specific devices and to include, exclude, or modify specific digit patterns.

Refer to "Understanding Route Plans" in Cisco CallManager System Guide for more detailed hunt pilot information.

Use the following topics to add, update, copy, or delete a hunt pilot:

Finding a Hunt Pilot

Adding a Hunt Pilot

Updating a Hunt Pilot

Copying a Hunt Pilot

Deleting a Hunt Pilot

Hunt Pilot Configuration Settings

Finding a Hunt Pilot

Because you may have several hunt pilots in your network, Cisco CallManager lets you use specific criteria to locate specific hunt pilots. To locate hunt pilots, use the following procedure.

Note During your work in a browser session, Cisco CallManager Administration retains your hunt pilot search preferences. If you navigate to other menu items and return to this menu item, Cisco CallManager Administration retains your hunt pilot search preferences until you modify your search or close the browser.


Step 1 Choose Route Plan > Route/Hunt > Hunt Pilot.

The Find and List Hunt Pilots window displays. Use the two drop-down selection boxes to search for a hunt pilot.

Step 2 From the first Find Hunt Pilots where drop-down selection box, choose Pattern, Description, or Partition.

Note The criterion that you choose in this drop-down list box specifies how the list of hunt pilots that your search generates will be sorted. For example, if you choose Description, the Description column will display as the left column of the results list.

Step 3 From the second Find Hunt Pilots where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:

begins with


ends with

is exactly

is not empty

is empty

Step 4 Specify the appropriate search text, if applicable, and click Find. You can also specify how many items per page to display.

Note To find all hunt pilots that are registered in the database, click Find without entering any search text.

A list of discovered hunt pilots displays by

Hunt pilot icon

Hunt pilot



Route Filter

Hunt List

Note You can delete multiple hunt pilots from the Find and List Hunt Pilots window by checking the check boxes next to the appropriate hunt pilots and clicking Delete Selected. You can delete all hunt pilots in the window by checking the check box in the matching records title bar and clicking Delete Selected.

Step 5 Click the hunt pilot from the list of records that matches your search criteria.

The window displays the hunt pilot that you choose.

Related Topics

Adding a Hunt Pilot

Updating a Hunt Pilot

Copying a Hunt Pilot

Deleting a Hunt Pilot

Hunt Pilot Configuration Settings

Adding a Hunt Pilot

This section describes how to add a hunt pilot.

Before You Begin

Ensure that the following items are configured in Cisco CallManager:

Hunt list

Partition (unless you are using <None>)

Route filter (unless you are using <None>)

Timesaver Assigning 8XXX to a hunt pilot causes hunting through all directory numbers 8000 to 8999. Similarly, 82XX hunts through directory numbers 8200 to 8299. See the "Special Characters and Settings" section in the Cisco CallManager System Guide for more information about wildcards.


Step 1 Choose Route Plan > Route/Hunt > Hunt Pilot.

Step 2 Click Add a New Hunt Pilot.

Step 3 Enter the appropriate settings as described in Table 25-1.

Step 4 Click Insert.

Note After you click Insert and the window refreshes, an (Edit) link displays in the window next to the Hunt List field. This link takes you to the Hunt List Configuration window for reference, so you can see the line group(s) that are included in that hunt list.

Related Topics

Finding a Hunt Pilot

Wildcards and Special Characters in Route Patterns and Hunt Pilots, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Adding a Route Filter, page 15-4

Updating a Hunt Pilot

Copying a Hunt Pilot

Deleting a Hunt Pilot

Hunt Pilot Configuration Settings

Understanding Route Plans, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Updating a Hunt Pilot

This section describes how to update a hunt pilot.


Step 1 Choose Route Plan > Route/Hunt > Hunt Pilot.

Step 2 Locate the hunt pilot that you want to update. See the "Finding a Hunt Pilot" section.

Note If you change the hunt list, you must click Update prior to choosing the Edit link; otherwise, you get linked to the previous hunt list.

Step 3 Update the appropriate settings as described in the "Hunt Pilot Configuration Settings" section.

Step 4 Click Update.

The updated hunt pilot displays.

Related Topics

Finding a Hunt Pilot

Wildcards and Special Characters in Route Patterns and Hunt Pilots, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Adding a Route Filter, page 15-4

Adding a Hunt Pilot

Copying a Hunt Pilot

Deleting a Hunt Pilot

Hunt Pilot Configuration Settings

Understanding Route Plans, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Copying a Hunt Pilot

This section describes how to copy a hunt pilot.


Step 1 Choose Route Plan > Route/Hunt > Hunt Pilot.

Step 2 Locate the hunt pilot that you want to copy. See the "Finding a Hunt Pilot" section.

Step 3 Check the check box next to the hunt pilot that you want to copy.

Step 4 Click the Copy icon of that hunt pilot.

The window displays the copy of the hunt pilot.

Step 5 Update the appropriate settings as described in Table 25-1.

Step 6 To add the new hunt pilot, click Insert.

Note After you click Insert and the window refreshes, an (Edit) link displays in the window next to the Hunt List field. This link takes you to the Hunt List Configuration window for reference, so you can see the line group(s) that are included in that hunt list.

Tip You can also copy a hunt pilot by locating and displaying the hunt pilot that you want to copy and clicking Copy. Then, follow the instructions in Step 5 and Step 6.

Related Topics

Finding a Hunt Pilot

Wildcards and Special Characters in Route Patterns and Hunt Pilots, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Adding a Route Filter, page 15-4

Adding a Hunt Pilot

Updating a Hunt Pilot

Deleting a Hunt Pilot

Hunt Pilot Configuration Settings

Understanding Route Plans, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Deleting a Hunt Pilot

This section describes how to delete a hunt pilot.


Step 1 Choose Route Plan > Route/Hunt > Hunt Pilot.

Step 2 Locate the hunt pilot that you want to delete. See the "Finding a Hunt Pilot" section.

Step 3 Check the check box of the hunt pilot that you want to delete and click Delete Selected.

A message that displays states that you cannot undo this action.

Step 4 To delete the hunt pilot, click OK or to cancel the deletion, click Cancel.

Tip You can also delete a hunt pilot by locating and displaying the hunt pilot that you want to delete and clicking Delete.

Related Topics

Finding a Hunt Pilot

Wildcards and Special Characters in Route Patterns and Hunt Pilots, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Adding a Route Filter, page 15-4

Adding a Hunt Pilot

Updating a Hunt Pilot

Copying a Hunt Pilot

Hunt Pilot Configuration Settings

Understanding Route Plans, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Hunt Pilot Configuration Settings

Table 25-1 describes the available fields in the Hunt Pilot Configuration window.

Table 25-1 Hunt Pilot Configuration Settings 

Pattern Definition

Hunt Pilot

Enter the hunt pilot, including numbers and wildcards (do not use spaces); for example, for NANP, enter 9.@ for typical local access, or 8XXX for a typical private network numbering plan. The uppercase characters A, B, C, and D are valid characters.

Note Ensure that the directory hunt pilot, which uses the chosen partition, route filter, and numbering plan combination, is unique. Check the hunt pilot, translation pattern, directory number, call park number, call pickup number, message waiting on/off, or meet me number if you receive an error that indicates duplicate entries. You can also check the route plan report.

See the "Wildcards and Special Characters in Route Patterns and Hunt Pilots" section in the Cisco CallManager System Guide for more information about wildcards.


If you want to use a partition to restrict access to the hunt pilot, choose the desired partition from the drop-down list box. If you do not want to restrict access to the hunt pilot, choose <None> for the partition. See the "Partition Configuration" section on page 18-1 for more information on how to use partitions.

You can configure the number of partitions that display in this drop-down list box by using the Max List Box Items enterprise parameter. If more than 250 partitions are specified by using the Max List Box Items enterprise parameter, the ellipsis button (...) displays next to the drop-down list box. Click the ... button to display the Select Partition window. Enter a partial partition name in the List items where Name contains field. Click the desired partition name in the list of partitions that display in the Select item to use box and click OK.

Note To set the maximum list box items, choose System > Enterprise Parameters and choose CCMAdmin Parameters.

Note Make sure that the combination of hunt pilot, route filter, and partition is unique within the Cisco CallManager cluster.


Enter a description of the hunt pilot.

Numbering Plan

Choose a numbering plan.

Route Filter

If your hunt pilot includes the @ wildcard, you may choose a route filter. The optional act of choosing a route filter restricts certain number patterns.

The route filters that display depend on the numbering plan that you choose from the Numbering Plan drop-down list box.

If more than 250 route filters exist, the ellipsis button (...) displays next to the drop-down list box. Click the ... button to display the Select Route Filters window. Enter a partial route filter name in the List items where Name contains field. Click the desired route filter name in the list of route filters that displays in the Select item to use box and click OK.

Note To set the maximum list box items, choose System > Enterprise Parameters and choose CCMAdmin Parameters.

MLPP Precedence

Choose an MLPP precedence setting for this hunt pilot from the drop-down list box:

Executive Override—Highest precedence setting for MLPP calls.

Flash Override—Second highest precedence setting for MLPP calls.

Flash—Third highest precedence setting for MLPP calls.

Immediate—Fourth highest precedence setting for MLPP calls.

Priority—Fifth highest precedence setting for MLPP calls.

Routine—Lowest precedence setting for MLPP calls.

Default—Does not override the incoming precedence level but rather lets it pass unchanged.

Note Refer to the "Precedence" section in the "Multilevel Precedence and Preemption" chapter of the Cisco CallManager Features and Services Guide for more information.

Hunt List

Choose the hunt list for which you are adding a hunt pilot from the drop-down list box.

Route Option

The Route Option designation indicates whether you want this hunt pilot to be used for routing calls (such as 9.@ or 8[2-9]XX) or for blocking calls. Choose the Route this pattern or Block this pattern radio button.

If you choose the Block this pattern radio button, you must choose the reason for which you want this hunt pilot to block calls. Choose a value from the drop-down list box:

No Error

Unallocated Number

Call Rejected

Number Changed

Invalid Number Format

Precedence Level Exceeded

OffNet Pattern (and Outside Dial Tone)

OffNet Pattern (and Outside Dial Tone) indicates that Cisco CallManager routes the calls off the local network. Check this check box for each hunt pilot that routes the call off the local network and provides outside dial tone to the calling device. To route the call in the network, leave the check box unchecked.

Urgent Priority

If the dial plan contains overlapping hunt lists, Cisco CallManager would not route the call until the interdigit timer expires (even if it is possible to dial a sequence of digits to choose a current match). Check this check box to interrupt interdigit timing when Cisco CallManager must route a call immediately.

Hunt Forward Settings

Forward Hunt No Answer

When the call distributed through the hunt list is not answered in a specific period of time, this field specifies the destination to forward the call.

Choose from the following options:

Use Personal Preferences—Use this check box to enable the Call Forward No Coverage (CFNC) settings for the original called number that forwarded the call to this hunt pilot.

The CFNC setting specifies a call forwarding reason that you administer in the Directory Number Configuration window. Calls get diverted based on the value in the directory number's Coverage/Destination field when a call to the directory number first diverts to coverage, and coverage either exhausts or times out, and the associated hunt pilot for coverage specifies Use Personal Preferences for its final forwarding.

Note When this check box is checked, Cisco CallManager ignores the settings in the Destination box and Calling Search Space.

Destination—This setting indicates the directory number to which calls are forwarded.

Calling Search Space—This setting applies to all devices that are using this directory number.

Forward Hunt Busy

When the call distributed through the hunt list is busy in a specific period of time, this field specifies the destination to forward the call.

Choose from the following options:

Use Personal Preferences—Use this check box to enable the Call Forward No Coverage (CFNC) settings for the original called number that forwarded the call to this hunt pilot.

The CFNC setting specifies a call forwarding reason that you administer in the Directory Number Configuration window. Calls get diverted based on the value in the directory number's Coverage/Destination field when a call to the directory number first diverts to coverage, and coverage either exhausts or times out, and the associated hunt pilot for coverage specifies Use Personal Preferences for its final forwarding.

Note When this check box is checked, Cisco CallManager ignores the settings in the Destination box and Calling Search Space.

Destination—This setting indicates the directory number to which calls are forwarded.

Calling Search Space—This setting applies to all devices that are using this directory number.

Maximum Hunt Timer

Enter a value (in seconds) that specifies the maximum time for hunting.

Calling Party Transformations

Use Calling Party's External Phone Number Mask

Check the check box if you want the full, external phone number to be used for calling line identification (CLID) on outgoing calls. You may also configure an External Phone Number Mask on all phone devices.

Note The calling party transformation settings that are assigned to the line groups in a hunt list override any calling party transformation settings that are assigned to a hunt pilot that is associated with that hunt list.

Calling Party Transform Mask

Enter a transformation mask value. Valid entries for the NANP include the digits 0 through 9, the wildcard character X, asterisk (*), and octothorpe (#); the uppercase characters A, B, C, and D; and blank. If this field is blank and the preceding field is not checked, no calling party transformation takes place. See the "Calling Party Number Transformations Settings" section in the Cisco CallManager System Guide for more information.

Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls)

Enter prefix digits in the Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls) field. Valid entries for the NANP include the digits 0 through 9; the wildcard characters asterisk (*) and octothorpe (#); the uppercase characters A, B, C, and D; and blank.

Note The appended prefix digit does not affect which directory numbers route to the assigned device.

Calling Line ID Presentation

Cisco CallManager uses calling line ID presentation (CLIP/CLIR) as a supplementary service to allow or restrict the originating caller's phone number on a call-by-call basis.

Choose whether you want the Cisco CallManager to allow or restrict the display of the calling party's phone number on the called party's phone display for this hunt pilot.

Choose Default if you do not want to change calling line ID presentation. Choose Allowed if you want Cisco CallManager to allow the display of the calling number. Choose Restricted if you want Cisco CallManager to block the display of the calling number.

For more information about this field, see Table 15-6 in the "Calling Party Number Transformations Settings" section in the Cisco CallManager System Guide.

Calling Name Presentation

Cisco CallManager uses calling name presentation (CNIP/CNIR) as a supplementary service to allow or restrict the originating caller's name on a call-by-call basis.

Choose whether you want the Cisco CallManager to allow or restrict the display of the calling party's name on the called party's phone display for this hunt pilot.

Choose Default if you do not want to change calling name presentation. Choose Allowed if you want Cisco CallManager to display the calling name information. Choose Restricted if you want Cisco CallManager to block the display of the calling name information.

For more information about this field, see Table 15-6 in the "Calling Party Number Transformations Settings" section in the Cisco CallManager System Guide.

Connected Party Transformations

Connected Line ID Presentation

Cisco CallManager uses connected line ID presentation (COLP/COLR) as a supplementary service to allow or restrict the called party's phone number on a call-by-call basis.

Choose whether you want Cisco CallManager to allow or restrict the display of the connected party's phone number on the calling party's phone display for this hunt pilot.

Choose Default if you do not want to change the connected line ID presentation. Choose Allowed if you want to display the connected party's phone number. Choose Restricted if you want Cisco CallManager to block the display of the connected party's phone number.

For more information about this field, see Table 15-9 in the "Connected Party Presentation and Restriction Settings" section in the Cisco CallManager System Guide.

Connected Name Presentation

Cisco CallManager uses connected name presentation (CONP/CONR) as a supplementary service to allow or restrict the called party's name on a call-by-call basis.

Choose whether you want Cisco CallManager to allow or restrict the display of the connected party's name on the calling party's phone display for this hunt pilot.

Choose Default if you do not want to change the connected name presentation. Choose Allowed if you want to display the connected party's name. Choose Restricted if you want Cisco CallManager to block the display of the connected party's name.

For more information about this field, see Table 15-9 in the "Connected Party Presentation and Restriction Settings" section in the Cisco CallManager System Guide.

Called Party Transformations

Discard Digits

From the Discard Digits drop-down list box, choose the discard digits instructions that you want to associate with this hunt pilot. The discard digits that display depend on the numbering plan that you choose from the Numbering Plan drop-down list box. See the "Discard Digits Instructions" section in the Cisco CallManager System Guide more information on discard instructions for the North American Numbering Plan.

Note The called party transformation settings that are assigned to the line groups in a hunt list override any called party transformation settings that are assigned to a hunt pilot that is associated with that hunt list.

Called Party Transform Mask

Enter a transformation mask value. Valid entries for the NANP include the digits 0 through 9; the wildcard characters X, asterisk (*), and octothorpe (#); the uppercase characters A, B, C, and D; and blank. If the field is blank, no transformation takes place. Cisco CallManager sends the dialed digits exactly as dialed.

Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls)

Enter prefix digits in the Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls) field. Valid entries for the NANP include the digits 0 through 9; the wildcard characters asterisk (*) and octothorpe (#); the uppercase characters A, B, C, and D; and blank.

Note The appended prefix digit does not affect which directory numbers route to the assigned device.

Related Topics

Finding a Hunt Pilot

Adding a Hunt Pilot

Updating a Hunt Pilot

Copying a Hunt Pilot

Deleting a Hunt Pilot