Cisco CallManager Administration Guide, Release 4.1(2)
Cisco Voice-Mail Pilot Configuration

Table Of Contents

Cisco Voice-Mail Pilot Configuration

Finding a Cisco Voice-Mail Pilot

Configuring the Voice-Mail Pilot Number

Deleting a Voice-Mail Pilot Number

Voice-Mail Pilot Configuration Settings

Cisco Voice-Mail Pilot Configuration

The voice-mail pilot number designates the directory number that you dial to access your voice messages. Cisco CallManager automatically dials the voice-messaging number when you press the Messages button on your phone. Each pilot number can belong to a different voice-mail messaging system.

The following topics provide information on voice-mail pilot configuration:

Finding a Cisco Voice-Mail Pilot

Configuring the Voice-Mail Pilot Number

Voice-Mail Pilot Configuration Settings

Voice Mail Connectivity to Cisco CallManager, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Cisco Unity Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Finding a Cisco Voice-Mail Pilot

Because you might have several Cisco voice-mail pilots in your network, Cisco CallManager lets you locate specific Cisco voice-mail pilots on the basis of specific criteria. Use the following procedure to locate Cisco voice-mail pilots.

Note During your work in a browser session, Cisco CallManager Administration retains your Cisco voice-mail pilot search preferences. If you navigate to other menu items and return to this menu item, Cisco CallManager Administration retains your Cisco voice-mail pilot search preferences until you modify your search or close the browser.


Step 1 Choose Feature > Voice Mail > Voice Mail Pilot.

The Find and List Voice Mail Pilots window displays. Use the two drop-down list boxes to search for a Cisco voice-mail pilot.

Step 2 From the first Find voice mail pilots where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:


Voice Mail Pilot Number

Calling Search Space

Note The criterion that you choose in this drop-down list box specifies how the list of Cisco voice-mail pilots that your search generates will be sorted. For example, if you choose Calling Search Space, the Calling Search Space column will display as the left column of the results list.

From the second Find voice mail pilots where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:

begins with


ends with

is exactly

is empty

is not empty

Step 3 Specify the appropriate search text, if applicable, and click Find. You can also specify how many items per page to display.

Tip To find all Cisco voice-mail pilots that are registered in the database, click Find without entering any search text.

A list of discovered Cisco voice-mail pilots displays by

Voice Mail Pilot icon


Pilot Number

Calling Search Space

Note You can delete multiple Cisco voice-mail pilots from the Find and List Voice Mail Pilots window by checking the check boxes next to the appropriate Cisco voice-mail pilots and clicking Delete Selected. You can delete all Cisco voice-mail pilots in the window by checking the check box in the Matching records title bar and clicking Delete Selected.

Step 4 From the list of records, click the Voice Mail Pilot icon, Device Name, Description, or associated Device Pool that matches your search criteria.

The window displays the Cisco voice-mail pilot that you choose.

Related Topics

Configuring the Voice-Mail Pilot Number

Voice-Mail Pilot Configuration Settings

Voice Mail Connectivity to Cisco CallManager, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Cisco Unity Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Configuring the Voice-Mail Pilot Number

To configure the voice-mail pilot number, perform these procedures.


Step 1 Choose Feature > Voice Mail > Voice Mail Pilot.

Step 2 In the upper, right corner of the window, click the Add a New Voice Mail Pilot link.

Step 3 Configure the appropriate settings as described in Table 49-1.

Step 4 To add the new voice-mail pilot number, click Insert or to update the settings for an existing voice-mail pilot number, click Update.

Related Topics

Finding a Cisco Voice-Mail Pilot

Voice-Mail Pilot Configuration Settings

Message Waiting Configuration

Voice-Mail Profile Configuration, page 50-1

Voice Mail Connectivity to Cisco CallManager, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Cisco Unity Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Deleting a Voice-Mail Pilot Number

To delete the voice-mail pilot number, perform these procedures. You cannot delete the default or the No Voice Mail profile numbers.

Before You Begin

You cannot delete voice-mail pilot numbers that a voice-mail profile uses. To find out which voice-mail profiles are using the voice-mail pilot, click the Dependency Records link from the Voice Mail Pilot Configuration window. If the dependency records are not enabled for the system, the dependency records summary window displays a message. For more information about dependency records, see the "Accessing Dependency Records" section on page A-3. If you try to delete a voice-mail pilot that is in use, Cisco CallManager displays an error message. Before deleting a voice-mail pilot that is currently in use, you must perform either or both of the following tasks:

Assign a different voice-mail pilot to any voice-mail profiles that are using the voice-mail pilot that you want to delete. See the "Configuring a Voice-Mail Profile" section on page 50-4.

Delete the voice-mail profiles that are using the voice-mail pilot that you want to delete. See the "Deleting a Voice-Mail Profile" section on page 50-3.


Step 1 Choose Feature > Voice Mail > Voice Mail Pilot.

Step 2 Click the Cisco voice-mail pilot that you want to delete.

Step 3 Click Delete.

A confirmation window appears.

Note If you choose the default or the No Voice Mail pilot numbers, the Delete button does not appear.

Step 4 To delete the voice-mail pilot, click OK or to cancel the deletion process, click Cancel.

If a voice-mail profile uses this voice-mail pilot number, a message displays and indicates the number of voice-mail profiles that use this voice-mail pilot number.

Related Topics

Finding a Cisco Voice-Mail Pilot

Configuring the Voice-Mail Pilot Number

Message Waiting Configuration

Voice-Mail Profile Configuration, page 50-1

Voice Mail Connectivity to Cisco CallManager, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Cisco Unity Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Voice-Mail Pilot Configuration Settings

Table 49-1 describes the voice-mail pilot configuration settings.

Table 49-1 Voice-Mail Pilot Configuration Settings 


Voice Mail Pilot Number

Enter a number to identify the voice mail pilot number.


Enter the description of the pilot number.

Calling Search Space

From the drop-down list box, choose the appropriate calling search space. A calling search space comprises a collection of partitions that are searched for numbers that are called from this pilot number.

You can configure the number of calling search spaces that display in this drop-down list box by using the Max List Box Items enterprise parameter. If more calling search spaces exist than the Max List Box Items enterprise parameter specifies, the ellipsis button (...) displays next to the drop-down list box. Click the ... button to display the Select Calling Search Space window. Enter a partial calling search space name in the List items where Name contains field. Click the desired calling search space name in the list of calling search spaces that displays in the Select item to use box and click OK.

Note To set the maximum list box items, choose System > Enterprise Parameters and choose CCMAdmin Parameters.

Make this the default Voice Mail Pilot for the system

Check the check box to make this pilot number the default Voice Mail Pilot for the system.

Note If you check the Default box, this voice mail pilot number replaces your current default pilot number.

Related Topics

Finding a Cisco Voice-Mail Pilot

Configuring the Voice-Mail Pilot Number

Message Waiting Configuration

Voice-Mail Profile Configuration, page 50-1

Voice Mail Connectivity to Cisco CallManager, Cisco CallManager System Guide

Cisco Unity Configuration Checklist, Cisco CallManager System Guide