冗長プラットフォームの ISSU アップグレード
ISSU は、システムのソフトウェアの一部または全部を、あるバージョンから別のバージョンへ、最小限のフォワーディング プレーンの停止(最小限のパケット損失)でアップグレードすることを表します。
「Cisco ASR 1000 シリーズ ルータ上の ISSU について」
「ISSU アップグレード手順」
「動作中のワンショット ソフトウェア アップグレードの手順」
「ISSU 手順(Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1.2 以前)」
Cisco ASR 1000 シリーズ ルータ上の ISSU について
Cisco ASR 1000 シリーズ ルータの場合、ISSU の互換性はアップグレードされるソフトウェア サブパッケージ、およびハードウェア構成によって異なります。統合パッケージは、デュアル ルート プロセッサ(RP)構成の場合にだけ ISSU 対応となり、その他にもこのマニュアルで後述する制限があります。一部の RP および ESP ソフトウェア サブパッケージは、シングル RP または ESP のハードウェア構成でも、RP 上で実行されるデュアル IOS プロセスにより、稼働中にアップグレードできます。それ以外のサブパッケージで ISSU アップグレードを行うには、デュアル RP または ESP 構成が必要です。SPA および SIP ソフトウェア サブパッケージは、SPA または SIP 単位でアップグレードする必要があります。どのような状況において限定的な中断を伴うアップグレードを実行できるかについては、 表 12 のインサービスの一覧を参照してください。
複数のサブパッケージをアップグレードする場合は、ソフトウェア アップグレードによるルータのダウンタイムを最小化するには、アップグレードのシーケンスが重要であることも認識する必要があります(「ISSU を使用したサブパッケージのアップグレード(Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1.2 以前)」を参照)。
このマニュアルに記載された特定の手順は、サポートされているテスト済みのインストール シーケンスを表します。特別な目的のために、シスコ カスタマー サポート担当者の指示を受けながら他のインストール シーケンスを使用して Cisco IOS XE システム ソフトウェアをアップグレードすることもできますが、それ以外の場合はこのマニュアルに記載されたステップに従ってください。Cisco ASR 1000 シリーズ ルータは、RP 上のすべての統合パッケージおよびサブパッケージについて 1 つのバージョンの Cisco IOS XE を実行するように設計されており、異なるバージョンの Cisco IOS XE に含まれるサブパッケージを実行すると、予測できないルータの動作を引き起こす可能性があります。そのため、このマニュアルに記載されたステップに完全に従う必要があります。
Cisco ASR 1000 シリーズ ルータ上で ISSU アップグレードを実行する場合、 issu コマンドまたは request platform コマンドを使用して最小限の中断でアップグレードを実行できる点に留意してください。また、どちらかの コマンド セットを使用して、限定的な中断で個別の統合パッケージまたはサブパッケージのアップグレードを実行することもできます。
(注) ROMmon イメージは、Cisco IOS XE イメージとは別にダウンロードされ、独自のインストール手順があります。そのため、ISSU アップグレード手順の一部として、このマニュアルには記述されません。
表 12 に、Cisco ASR 1000 シリーズ ルータのサブパッケージのリスト、およびシングルとデュアルの RP および ESP 構成で ISSU を使用してネットワーク トラフィックを損失せずにアップグレードできるかどうかを示します。
表 12 限定的な中断でのアップグレードに関する互換性一覧
統合パッケージ(存在する場合) |
×(リロードが必要) |
○(RP のスイッチオーバー) |
RPBase |
×(RP のリロードが必要) |
○(RP のスイッチオーバー) |
RPControl |
○(インサービス) |
○(インサービス) |
RPAccess |
○(インサービス) |
○(インサービス) |
○(IOS ソフトウェアのスイッチオーバー) |
○(RP のスイッチオーバー) |
ESPBase |
×(ESP のリロードが必要) |
○(ESP のスイッチオーバー) |
SIPBase |
×(アップグレード中、SIP 内の SPA でトラフィックが転送されない) |
×(アップグレード中、SIP 内の SPA でトラフィックが転送されない) |
×(アップグレード中、SIP 内の SPA でトラフィックが転送されない) |
×(アップグレード中、SIP 内の SPA でトラフィックが転送されない) |
ISSU ロールバック タイマーの概要
Cisco ASR 1000 シリーズ ルータの ISSU 手順ではロールバック タイマーが使用されます。ロールバック タイマーは、ISSU をサポートするすべてのシスコ ルータで ISSU 手順に使用されますが、ここでは Cisco ASR 1000 シリーズ ルータでの ISSU ロールバック タイマーの概要を示します。
ロールバック タイマーは、ISSU の実行中に統合パッケージまたはサブパッケージがロードされると開始されます。ロールバック タイマーで指定された時間、アップグレードが進行しない場合は、コンフィギュレーションが自動的に前の状態にロールバックし、ISSU アップグレードがキャンセルされます。
issu コマンド セットと request platform コマンド セットのどちらを使用したアップグレードにも、ロールバック タイマー オプションがあります。 issu コマンド セットでは、常にロールバック タイマーが使用されます。 request platform コマンド セットでは、 request platform software package install コマンドに auto-rollback オプションを指定しない限り、ロールバック タイマーは使用されません。
issu コマンド セットでは、 issu acceptversion コマンドを入力することで、ISSU アップグレード中にアップグレードをコミットせずにロールバック タイマーを停止できます。 issu commitversion コマンドを入力すると、ロールバック タイマーが停止して ISSU アップグレードがコミットされます。
request platform コマンド セットでは、 auto-rollback オプションを指定した場合にだけ、 request platform software package install rp slot commit コマンドを入力してロールバック タイマーを停止する必要があります。
issu コマンド セットのロールバック タイマーを設定するには、 issu set rollback-timer コマンドを入力します。 request platform コマンド セットを使用する際にロールバック タイマーを指定するには、 issu request platform software package install コマンドの入力時に auto-rollback オプションを使用します。
Cisco ASR 1000 シリーズ ルータでの ISSU アップグレードでは、大規模な設定を持つルータに対してアップグレードを実行する場合、ロールバック時間を長めに設定することを推奨します。
ISSU アップグレード中にロールバック タイマーの残り時間を確認するには、 show issu rollback-timer コマンドを入力します。
シングル RP 上でのデュアル IOS プロセスによるソフトウェア アップグレードについて
シングル RP 上でデュアル IOS プロセスを使用して個別のサブパッケージのソフトウェア アップグレードを実行するには、SSO をイネーブルにする必要があります。
デュアル IOS プロセスによるソフトウェア アップグレードは、ルータをリロードせずにアップグレードできる個別の RP サブパッケージをアップグレードする場合に有用です。これらのサブパッケージの一覧については、 表 12 を参照してください。シングル RP 構成におけるほとんどのサブパッケージのアップグレードは、ハードウェアをリロードして完了させる必要があるため(RP サブパッケージ用の RP のリロード、ESPBase サブパッケージ用の ESP のリロード、SIPBase サブパッケージ用の SIP のリロード、または SIPSPA サブパッケージ用の SPA のリロードのいずれの場合でも)、ほとんどの場合、シングル RP 構成では限定的な中断でのアップグレードは実行できないことに注意してください。
シングル RP 上でのセカンド IOS プロセスの設定については、「サブパッケージを使用した Cisco ASR 1002 または Cisco ASR 1004 ルータ上でのサブパッケージのアップグレード(software upgrade コマンド セット)」を参照してください。
ISSU に関する Cisco IOS XE ソフトウェア パッケージの互換性
ISSU プロセスを使用して Cisco IOS XE オペレーティング システム ソフトウェアをアップグレードするときは、アップグレードするソフトウェアと現在使用中のソフトウェアおよびハードウェアとの互換性を確認することが重要です。ISSU プロセスを使用すると、ソフトウェアを更新または変更する際にパケット転送の中断を最小限に抑えることができます。
ISSU プロセスを使用した Cisco IOS XE Release の互換性では、アップグレード中にルータで異なるバージョンのソフトウェアが実行されている間、SSO 機能を利用してステートが維持されます。各 Cisco IOS XE Release に含まれるほとんどの SSO 対応機能は、ISSU にも対応しています。ISSU がサポートされるのは、SSO がコンフィギュレーションでイネーブルにされていて、システムが安定した状態にある(SSO 準備ステートになっている)場合だけです。ISSU の互換性は、現在使用されている特定機能のクライアントのセットと、それらが ISSU をサポートしているかどうかによって決まります。ISSU アップグレードには常に、少なくとも 1 回の IOS スイッチオーバー動作が伴います。現在どの機能が使用されていて、それらの機能が ISSU に対応しているかどうかを把握することが重要です。
Cisco ASR1006 または ASR 1013 シリーズ ルータはハードウェア冗長シャーシです。ハードウェア冗長シャーシには 2 つの ESP ラインカードと 2 つの RP が搭載されており、それらがハードウェア リンクを使用してステートを交換します。Cisco ASR1002 および ASR1004 シリーズ ルータはハードウェア冗長ではありませんが、ソフトウェア冗長性には対応しています。非冗長シャーシに搭載されている RP と ESP はどちらも 1 つですが、1 つの RP 上で最大 2 つの IOS プロセスを実行し、それらの間でローカルにステートを交換できます。
ISSU の制約事項
ISSU 手順の制約事項は次のとおりです。
(注) Cisco IOS XE ソフトウェアの互換性は、「同類」イメージ間の互換性です(たとえば、advipservicesk9 と advipservicesk9 間や adventerprisek9 と adventerprisek9 間など)。異なるイメージ タイプ間でのアップグレードまたはインストールは、ISSU プロセスではサポートされていません。たとえば、ipbase から advipservicesk9 へのアップグレードや、advipservices から advipservicesk9 へのアップグレードはできません。
異なるイメージ タイプを同時に実行しないでください。
Cisco ASR1000 シリーズ ルータの ATM SPA では、Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.0 以前のリリースから Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.0 へ、または Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.0 から Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.0 以前のリリースへの ISSU はサポートされません。この環境で ISSU を実行する場合は、最初にルータの ATM SPA から設定を削除し、 shutdown コマンドを使用して ISSU プロセスを実行する前に SPA をシャット ダウンする必要があります。
ISSU 互換性の一覧表(「ソフトウェア アップグレード プロセスの前提条件」の『 Release Notes for Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers 』に記載)で互換性があるようにリストされていない Cisco IOS XE Release は、一方または両方の RP またはステートの損失の予期しない障害が起こる可能性があるため、Cisco ASR1006 シリーズ ルータまたは Cisco ASR 1013 シリーズ ルータで同時に実行したり、Cisco ASR1000 シリーズ ルータで多重インストールしたりしないでください。部分的に互換性があると記載された Cisco IOS XE Release の組み合わせでは、ステートの損失が起こる可能性があります。中間リリースが必要と記載された Cisco IOS XE Release の組み合わせは、直接には互換性がありません。ただし、一覧表に示された別の中間バージョンにアップグレードすることによって一部または全部のステートを維持する移行パスがあります。非冗長(ソフトウェアまたはハードウェア)環境では増分更新はできないため、非冗長環境については表に記載されていません。
Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S では、Cisco IOS XE Release 2.x.x から Cisco IOS XE Release 3.x.xS(リリース 3.1S など)への ISSU アップグレードおよびサブパッケージのソフトウェア アップグレードはサポートされていません。Cisco IOS XE Release 3.x.xS から ISSU ダウングレード(3.1S から 2.x.x など)もサポートされていません。ISSU アップグレードおよびサブパッケージのソフトウェア アップグレードは、Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S から再開します。このため、Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S 以降のリビルドおよびリリースは、ISSU の互換性のマトリクス一覧表に基づいて、ISSU およびソフトウェア アップグレード/ダウングレードをサポートします。
(注) Cisco IOS XE Release 2.x.x から Cisco IOS XE Release 3.x.xS にソフトウェア アップグレードを実行する場合、両方の RP で新しいイメージをロードし、コードが良好であることを確認し、ブートローダ変数を変更し、シャーシ全体をリブートする必要があります。この手順に失敗すると、ルータが「反応しない」状態になります。この場合、RP の 1 つを物理的に引き抜き、残った RP をブートして引き抜いた RP と同じバージョンにコードをダウングレードし、プロセスを再開する方法が唯一の解決手段になります。
ISSU を使用したデュアル RP 構成での統合パッケージのアップグレード
ISSU を使用した統合パッケージのアップグレードは、デュアル RP 構成の場合にだけ実行できます。シングル RP 構成での統合パッケージのアップグレードでは、ISSU はサポートされません。
ISSU アップグレードが完了したあと、統合パッケージを使用して Cisco ASR 1000 シリーズ ルータ上の RP を実行する場合は、次の手順を使用します。
(注) この手順を使用できるのは、現在の RP ですでに統合パッケージが実行されている場合だけです。
ip tftp source-interface gigabitethernet slot/port
copy tftp: URL-to-target-location
copy source-file-system : filename standby-destination-filesystem
dir URL-to-target-location
dir URL-to-target-stby-location
issu loadversion rp upgrade-rp-number standby-file-system : filename
issu runversion
telnet ip-address port
issu acceptversion
issu commitversion
show version , show version active-RP running , show version active-RP provisioned
show platform
show running-configuration
hw-module slot RP slot number reload
ステップ 12 |
ip tftp source-interface gigabitethernet slot/port
Router(config)# ip tftp source-interface gigabitethernet 0 |
設定するギガビット イーサネット TFTP 送信元インターフェイスを指定します。 slot/port:TFTP 送信元インターフェイスの位置を指定します。 のコマンドを入力する必要があります。 |
ステップ 13 |
copy tftp: URL-to-target-location copy source-file-system : filename standby-destination-filesystem 例: Router# copy tftp bootflash: |
統合パッケージをアクティブ RP にコピーします。 |
ステップ 14 |
copy source-file-system : filename standby-destination-filesystem 例: Router# copy bootflash:asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9. stby-bootflash: |
統合パッケージをスタンバイ RP にコピーします。 |
ステップ 15 |
dir URL-to-target-location dir URL-to-target-stby-location 例: Router# dir bootflash: Router# dir stby-bootflash: |
(任意)ターゲット ディレクトリの内容を表示して、ファイル パッケージが正常にコピーされていることを確認します。 |
ステップ 16 |
issu loadversion rp upgrade-rp-number standby-file-system : filename 例: Router# issu loadversion rp 1 file stby-bootflash:asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9. |
ターゲットの統合パッケージをスタンバイ RP にロードします。 ターミナル ステートに達したというメッセージが表示されたら、ステップ 17 に進みます。 |
ステップ 17 |
issu runversion 例: Router# issu runversion |
ステップ 16 でロードした統合パッケージを実行します。 コマンドを使用してターミナル ステートを監視することもできます。 ISSU runversion が完了したら、自動的にスイッチオーバーが起こり、スタンバイ RP がアクティブ RP になります。 |
ステップ 18 |
telnet ip-address port 例: [unix-server-1 ~]$ telnet 2003 User Access Verification Username: user Password: ******** Router> |
アップグレードを完了するために、(可能であれば RP のコンソール ポートを使用して)アップグレードする RP にログインします (これは新しくアクティブになった RP です。つまり、ISSU プロセスを開始する前はスタンバイであった RP です)。 (注) RP にログインしたあと、ホスト名の末尾が「-stby」でないことを確認してください。これは、アクセスしている RP がまだスタンバイ RP であることを示します。 コンソール ポートにログインする方法はいくつかあります。この例では、UNIX ホストから telnet を使用してコンソール ポートにアクセスしています。 |
ステップ 19 |
issu acceptversion 例: Router# issu acceptversion |
(任意)ISSU ロールバック タイマーを停止します。 このステップは、ロールバック タイマーが切れる前にステップ 20 が完了するのであれば、省略可能です。 |
ステップ 20 |
issu commitversion 例: Router# issu commitversion |
ISSU アップグレードを完了します。 |
ステップ 21 |
show version show version active-RP running show version active-RP provisioned show platform show running-configuration |
(任意) show version 、 show platform 、 show runnning-configuration のいずれかのコマンドを入力して、アップグレードが正常に完了したことを確認します。 • show version :ルータで正しいソフトウェア バージョンが実行されていて、RP が正しいファイルからブートされたことを確認します。 • show running-configuration :ブート設定(特に boot system ステートメント)が正しいことを確認します。 コマンドを使用します。 • show platform :RP0 と RP1 の両方がアクティブおよびスタンバイとして正しく実行されていることを確認します。 |
ステップ 22 |
hw-module slot RP-slot reload 例: Router# hw-module slot R0 reload |
スタンバイ RP 上の新しいソフトウェアをリロードします。 |
次に、デュアル ルート プロセッサの設定で、統合パッケージのアップグレードを実行する例を示します。
Router(config)# ip tftp source-interface gigabitethernet 0
Router# copy tftp bootflash:
Address or name of remote host []?
Source filename []? /auto/tftp-users/user/asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.]?
Accessing tftp://
Loading /auto/tftp-users/user/asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9. from (via GigabitEthernet0):
209227980 bytes copied in 329.215 secs (635536 bytes/sec)
Router# copy bootflash:asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9. stby-bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.]?
Copy in progress...CCCCCCCC
<output removed for brevity>
209227980 bytes copied in 434.790 secs (481216 bytes/sec)
11 drwx 16384 Dec 4 2007 04:32:46 -08:00 lost+found
86401 drwx 4096 Dec 4 2007 06:06:24 -08:00 .ssh
14401 drwx 4096 Dec 4 2007 06:06:36 -08:00 .rollback_timer
28801 drwx 4096 Jul 21 2008 15:29:25 -07:00 .prst_sync
43201 drwx 4096 Dec 4 2007 04:34:45 -08:00 .installer
12 -rw- 208904396 May 28 2008 16:17:34 -07:00 asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.
57604 -rw- 47071436 May 29 2008 15:45:24 -07:00 asr1000rp1-espbase.
57602 -rw- 5740 May 29 2008 15:45:23 -07:00 asr1000rp1-packages-adventerprisek9.
57605 -rw- 20334796 May 29 2008 15:45:25 -07:00 asr1000rp1-rpaccess.
57606 -rw- 22294732 May 29 2008 15:45:25 -07:00 asr1000rp1-rpbase.
57607 -rw- 21946572 May 29 2008 15:45:26 -07:00 asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.
57608 -rw- 48099532 May 29 2008 15:45:27 -07:00 asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.
57609 -rw- 34324684 May 29 2008 15:45:28 -07:00 asr1000rp1-sipbase.
57610 -rw- 22124748 May 29 2008 15:45:29 -07:00 asr1000rp1-sipspa.
14 -rw- 275093 May 29 2008 16:27:53 -07:00 crashinfo_RP_00_00_20080529-162753-DST
15 -rw- 7516 Jul 2 2008 15:01:39 -07:00 startup-config
13 -rw- 45977 Apr 9 2008 16:48:46 -07:00 target_support_output.tgz.tgz
16 -rw- 209227980 Jul 17 2008 16:06:58 -07:00 asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.
928862208 bytes total (76644352 bytes free)
Router# dir stby-bootflash:
Directory of stby-bootflash:/
11 drwx 16384 Dec 13 2004 03:45:47 -08:00 lost+found
87937 drwx 4096 Jul 17 2008 16:43:34 -07:00 .rollback_timer
14657 drwx 4096 Jul 17 2008 16:43:34 -07:00 .installer
29313 drwx 4096 Dec 13 2004 03:53:00 -08:00 .ssh
12 -rw- 33554432 Dec 13 2004 03:53:49 -08:00 nvram_00100
13 -rw- 208904396 Jun 5 2008 20:12:53 -07:00 asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.
58625 drwx 4096 Jul 21 2008 15:32:59 -07:00 .prst_sync
43972 -rw- 47071436 Jun 5 2008 20:16:55 -07:00 asr1000rp1-espbase.
43970 -rw- 5740 Jun 5 2008 20:16:54 -07:00 asr1000rp1-packages-adventerprisek9.
43973 -rw- 20334796 Jun 5 2008 20:16:56 -07:00 asr1000rp1-rpaccess.
43974 -rw- 22294732 Jun 5 2008 20:16:56 -07:00 asr1000rp1-rpbase.
43975 -rw- 21946572 Jun 5 2008 20:16:57 -07:00 asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.
43976 -rw- 48099532 Jun 5 2008 20:16:58 -07:00 asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.
43977 -rw- 34324684 Jun 5 2008 20:16:59 -07:00 asr1000rp1-sipbase.
43978 -rw- 22124748 Jun 5 2008 20:17:00 -07:00 asr1000rp1-sipspa.
43971 -rw- 6256 Jun 5 2008 20:17:00 -07:00 packages.conf
14 -rw- 209227980 Jul 17 2008 16:16:07 -07:00 asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.
945377280 bytes total (276652032 bytes free)
Router# issu loadversion rp 1 file stby-bootflash:asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.
--- Starting installation state synchronization ---
Finished installation state synchronization
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting system installation readiness checking ---
Finished system installation readiness checking
--- Starting installation changes ---
Setting up image to boot on next reset
Starting automatic rollback timer
Finished installation changes
SUCCESS: Software will now load.
*Jul 21 23:34:27.206: %ASR1000_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: Card (rp) offline in slot R1
*Jul 21 23:34:27.271: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER_NOT_PRESENT)
*Jul 21 23:34:27.271: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER_DOWN)
*Jul 21 23:34:27.271: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER_REDUNDANCY_STATE_CHANGE)
*Jul 21 23:37:05.528: %ASR1000_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: Card (rp) online in slot R1
*Jul 21 23:37:25.480: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a standby insertion (raw-event=PEER_FOUND(4))
*Jul 21 23:37:25.480: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a standby insertion (raw-event=PEER_REDUNDANCY_STATE_CHANGE(5))
Finished installation state synchronization
*Jul 21 23:37:26.349: %REDUNDANCY-3-IPC: IOS versions do not match.
*Jul 21 23:38:47.172: %HA_CONFIG_SYNC-6-BULK_CFGSYNC_SUCCEED: Bulk Sync succeeded
*Jul 21 23:38:47.173: %RF-5-RF_TERMINAL_STATE: Terminal state reached for (SSO)
--- Starting installation state synchronization ---
Finished installation state synchronization
Initiating active RP failover
SUCCESS: Standby RP will now become active
System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(33r)XN2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 2008 by cisco Systems, Inc.
<additional output removed for brevity>
*Jul 21 23:43:31.970: %SYS-5-RESTART: System restarted --
Cisco IOS Software, IOS-XE Software (PPC_LINUX_IOSD-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 12.2(33)XNA, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
Copyright (c) 1986-2008 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 01-May-08 00:29 by mcpre
*Jul 21 23:43:31.978: %SSH-5-ENABLED: SSH 1.99 has been enabled
*Jul 21 23:43:35.196: Relay: standby progression done
*Jul 21 23:43:35.197: %PLATFORM-6-RF_PROG_SUCCESS: RF state STANDBY HOT
この時点で、UNIX クライアントを使用して他方の RP にログインします。
[unix-server-1 ~]$ telnet 2003
Router# issu acceptversion
Cancelling rollback timer
SUCCESS: Rollback timer cancelled
Router# issu commitversion
--- Starting installation changes ---
Cancelling rollback timer
Finished installation changes
Building configuration...
SUCCESS: version committed: bootflash:asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.
ソフトウェア バージョンと設定の確認が終わったら、次の例のように RP をリロードします。
Router# hw-module slot R0 reload
Proceed with reload of module? [confirm]
*Jul 21 23:54:27.271: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER_NOT_PRESENT)
*Jul 21 23:54:27.271: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER_DOWN)
*Jul 21 23:54:27.271: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER_REDUNDANCY_STATE_CHANGE)
*Jul 21 23:57:05.528: %ASR1000_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: Card (rp) online in slot R0
*Jul 21 23:57:25.480: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a standby insertion (raw-event=PEER_FOUND(4))
*Jul 21 23:57:25.480: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a standby insertion (raw-event=PEER_REDUNDANCY_STATE_CHANGE(5))
*Jul 21 23:58:47.172: %HA_CONFIG_SYNC-6-BULK_CFGSYNC_SUCCEED: Bulk Sync succeeded
*Jul 21 23:58:47.173: %RF-5-RF_TERMINAL_STATE: Terminal state reached for (SSO)
ISSU を使用した Cisco ASR 1006 または Cisco ASR 1013 ルータ上でのサブパッケージのアップグレード(issu コマンド セット)
ここでは、 issu コマンド セットを使用して、デュアル RP がセットアップされた Cisco ASR 1006 ルータまたは ASR 1013 ルータ上のサブパッケージに対して ISSU アップグレードを実行する手順を示します。
この手順を実行できるのは、現在の ASR 1006 ルータまたは ASR 1013 ルータに 2 つのアクティブな RP があり、両方の RP がサブパッケージを実行している場合だけです。
show version
show version active-rp installed
dir filesystem : < directory >
show platform
show redundancy-states
copy running-config startup-config
mkdir URL-to-directory-name
ip tftp source-interface gigabitethernet slot/port
copy tftp: URL-to-target-location
request platform software package expand file URL-to-consolidated-package
dir URL-to-consolidated-package
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-espbase. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpaccess. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1- rpbase . version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpcontrol. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpios. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-sipbase. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-sipspa. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
(注) ステップ 6 では、ステップ 4 で抽出された各個別サブパッケージを、現在スタンバイ RP で実行されているサブパッケージが格納されたディレクトリにコピーします。
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-espbase. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpaccess. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1- rpbase . version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpcontrol. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpios. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-sipbase. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-sipspa. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP
issu loadversion rp standby-RP file URL-to-standby-file-system :asr1000rp* version *.pkg force
hw-module slot standby-RP reload
issu loadversion rp active-RP file URL-to-active-file-system :asr1000rp1-{sipbase,sipspa}* version *.pkg slot SIP-slot-number force
issu commitversion
ルータに搭載された SIP ごとにこのステップを繰り返してから、次のステップに進みます。
issu loadversion rp active-RP file URL-to-active-file-system : asr1000rp1-esp* version *.pkg slot standby-ESP-slot
issu commitversion
issu loadversion rp active-RP file URL-to-active-file-system : asr1000rp1-esp* version *.pkg slot active-ESP-slot
issu commitversion
issu loadversion rp active-RP file URL-to-active-file-system : asr1000rp1* version *.pkg force
show version active-RP provisioned
show version active-RP installed
redundancy force-switchover
request platform software package clean
ステップ 1 |
show version show version active-rp installed dir filesystem : directory show platform show redundancy states 例: Router# show version Router# show version r0 installed Router# dir bootflash: Router# show platform Router# show redundancy states |
(任意)次のコマンドを使用して、現在のルータの設定を確認します。 • show version および show version active-rp installed :ルータで現在実行されている Cisco IOS XE ソフトウェアのバージョン、ルータのブートに使用されたファイル、およびそのファイルが格納されている場所を確認します。 • dir :ルータのブートに使用されたファイルが指定したディレクトリにあることを確認します。 • show platform :アクティブ RP とスタンバイ RP の現在のステータスを確認します。 • show redundancy states :動作中の冗長ステートと設定された冗長ステートを確認します。 |
ステップ 2 |
copy running-config startup-config 例: Router# copy running-config startup-config |
システムの状態に問題がないことが確認されたら、現在の設定をスタートアップ コンフィギュレーションに保存します。 |
ステップ 3 |
mkdir URL-to-directory-name 例: Router# mkdir usb0:221subs |
統合パッケージとサブパッケージを格納するディレクトリを作成します。 統合パッケージとサブパッケージは、この時点でルータのブートに使用されていたサブパッケージとは分ける必要があるため、ほとんどの場合、このディレクトリを作成する必要があります。 |
ステップ 4 |
ip tftp source-interface gigabitethernet slot/port
Router(config)# ip tftp source-interface gigabitethernet 0 |
設定するギガビット イーサネット TFTP 送信元インターフェイスを指定します。 slot/port:TFTP 送信元インターフェイスの位置を指定します。 のコマンドを入力する必要があります。 |
ステップ 5 |
copy tftp: URL-to-target-location 例: Router# copy tftp: usb0:221subs |
統合パッケージ ファイルを、ステップ 3 で作成したディレクトリにコピーします。 このステップの統合パッケージは、現在ルータで実行されているサブパッケージと同じディレクトリ(ルータのブート元の packages.conf プロビジョニング ファイルを含むディレクトリ)にはコピーしないでください。 ヒント このステップを実行する際に必要な容量を考慮して、usb: または harddisk: ファイル システムにパッケージをコピーすることを推奨します。 |
ステップ 6 |
request platform software package expand file URL-to-consolidated-package 例: Router# request platform software package expand file usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9. |
統合パッケージ ファイルから一時ディレクトリにサブパッケージを抽出します。 コマンドを入力します。 |
ステップ 7 |
dir target-URL 例: Router# dir usb0:221subs |
(任意)ディレクトリを表示して、ファイルが抽出されたことを確認します。 |
ステップ 8 |
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-espbase. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpaccess. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1- rpbase . version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpcontrol. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpios. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-sipbase. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-sipspa. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP 例: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-espbase. bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpaccess. bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpbase. bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpcontrol. bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9. bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-sipbase. bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-sipspa. bootflash: |
一時ディレクトリ内のサブパッケージを、アクティブ RP で実行されているサブパッケージが現在格納されているルータ上のディレクトリにコピーします。 |
ステップ 9 |
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-espbase. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpaccess. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1- rpbase . version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpcontrol. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpios. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-sipbase. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-sipspa. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP 例: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-espbase. stby-bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpaccess. stby-bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpbase. stby-bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpcontrol. stby-bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9. stby-bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-sipbase. stby-bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-sipspa. stby-bootflash: |
一時ディレクトリ内のサブパッケージを、スタンバイ RP で実行されているサブパッケージが現在格納されているルータ上のディレクトリにコピーします。 |
ステップ 10 |
issu loadversion rp standby-RP file target-standbyRP-URL-for-sub-packages : asr1000rp* version *.pkg force 例: Router# issu loadversion rp 1 file stby-bootflash:asr1000rp**.pkg force |
スタンバイ RP 上の RP サブパッケージをアップグレードします。ここでは、「 rp* 」ワイルドカードを指定して、対象のアップグレード リリース用のすべての RP サブパッケージが取り込まれるようにします。 |
ステップ 11 |
hw-module slot standby-RP reload 例: Router# hw-module slot R1 reload |
スタンバイ RP をリロードします。 |
ステップ 12 |
issu loadversion rp active-RP file URL-to-active-file-system :asr1000rp1-{sipbase,sipspa}* version *.pkg slot SIP-slot-number force issu commitversion Repeat this step for each SIP installed in the router before moving onto the next step. 例: Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{sipbase,sipspa}**.pkg slot 0 force Router# issu commitversion Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{sipbase,sipspa}**.pkg slot 1 force Router# issu commitversion Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{sipbase,sipspa}**.pkg slot 2 force Router# issu commitversion |
ルータ上の SIP ごとに SIP および SPA サブパッケージをアップグレードします。 (注) このステップは一度に 1 つの SIP に対して実行する必要があります。ルータに搭載された SIP ごとにこのステップを繰り返したあと、次のステップに進みます。 形式の 3 つの数字が示されたインターフェイスから、ルータ上の SIP と SPA の位置がわかります。 IOS XE Release 2.1.2 以前の ISSU アップグレード手順については、「ISSU 手順(Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1.2 以前)」を参照してください。 |
ステップ 13 |
issu loadversion rp active-RP file URL-to-active-file-system : asr1000rp1-esp* version *.pkg slot standby- ESP -slot issu commitversion issu loadversion rp active-RP file URL-to-active-file-system : asr1000rp1-esp* version *.pkg slot active- ESP -slot issu commitversion 例: Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-esp**.pkg slot 1 Router# issu commitversion Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-esp**.pkg slot 0 Router# issu commitversion |
スタンバイおよびアクティブ ESP で ESP Base サブパッケージをアップグレードします。 アクティブ RP で issu loadversion rp コマンドを入力すると、自動的に ESP のスイッチオーバーが起こります。このスイッチオーバーの結果として、最小限のトラフィックの中断が発生します。 |
ステップ 14 |
issu loadversion rp active-RP file URL-to-active-file-system : asr1000rp* version *.pkg force 例: Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-rp**.pkg force |
アクティブ RP のすべてのサブパッケージをアップグレードします。 (注) このステップは、ルータ上のすべてのサブパッケージをこの手順によって確実にアップグレードするために必要となります。また、これまでのプロセスで漏れていたサブパッケージがあれば、それらのサブパッケージもアップグレードできます。 |
ステップ 15 |
show version active-RP provisioned show version active-RP installed 例: Router# show version r0 provisioned Router# show version r0 installed |
(任意)サブパッケージがプロビジョニングされ、インストールされていることを確認します。 |
ステップ 16 |
redundancy force-switchover 例: Router# redundancy force-switchover |
アップグレードを完了するために、RP のスイッチオーバーを強制的に実行します。 |
ステップ 17 |
request platform software package clean 例: Router# request platform software package clean |
(任意)未使用のサブパッケージ ファイルをルータからすべて削除します。 |
次の例は、 issu コマンド セットを使用して、デュアル RP がセットアップされた Cisco ASR 1006 ルータまたは ASR 1013 ルータ上のサブパッケージに対して ISSU アップグレードを実行する手順を示します。
Cisco IOS Software, IOS-XE Software (PPC_LINUX_IOSD-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 12.2(33)XNA, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
<output removed for brevity>
System image file is "bootflash:packages.conf"
<output removed for brevity>
Slot Type State Insert time (ago)
--------- ------------------- --------------------- -----------------
0 ASR1000-SIP10 ok 00:03:03
0/0 SPA-4XT-SERIAL ok 00:01:35
0/1 SPA-5X1GE-V2 ok 00:01:35
0/2 SPA-2XOC3-POS ok 00:01:36
0/3 SPA-4XT-SERIAL ok 00:01:35
1 ASR1000-SIP10 ok 00:03:03
1/0 SPA-4X1FE-TX-V2 ok 00:01:36
1/1 SPA-2X1GE-V2 ok 00:01:35
1/3 SPA-1XOC12-POS ok 00:01:36
R0 ASR1000-RP1 ok, active 00:03:03
R1 ASR1000-RP1 ok, standby 00:03:03
F0 ASR1000-ESP10 ok, active 00:03:03
F1 ASR1000-ESP10 ok, standby 00:03:03
P0 ASR1006-PWR-AC ok 00:02:07
P1 ASR1006-FAN ok 00:02:07
Slot CPLD Version Firmware Version
--------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------
Router# show version r0 installed
Package: Provisioning File, version: n/a, status: active
File: bootflash:packages.conf, on: RP0
File SHA1 checksum: 174bef13f7ce20af077bae7aaefb5279c790dd57
Package: rpbase, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpbase.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 661bcb2efda479533c87f23504bf7021d42b3165
Package: rpaccess, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpaccess.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: b0dc8e07cd4f997b045280fa79051e41068c6f3e
Package: rpcontrol, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 258c79c9b9e67eb4c21dcb4c9b2fe8b8c1f96cfd
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 88ea800ae1c094c46ca5e2f26d116f4e0012c219
Package: rpcontrol, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 258c79c9b9e67eb4c21dcb4c9b2fe8b8c1f96cfd
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 88ea800ae1c094c46ca5e2f26d116f4e0012c219
Package: rpbase, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpbase.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 661bcb2efda479533c87f23504bf7021d42b3165
Package: rpaccess, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpaccess.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: b0dc8e07cd4f997b045280fa79051e41068c6f3e
Package: rpcontrol, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 258c79c9b9e67eb4c21dcb4c9b2fe8b8c1f96cfd
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 88ea800ae1c094c46ca5e2f26d116f4e0012c219
Package: rpcontrol, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 258c79c9b9e67eb4c21dcb4c9b2fe8b8c1f96cfd
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 88ea800ae1c094c46ca5e2f26d116f4e0012c219
Package: espbase, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-espbase.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: ESP0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: da8e5c93d0fa3f7cf27381841fa9efcde409964d
Package: espbase, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-espbase.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: ESP1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: da8e5c93d0fa3f7cf27381841fa9efcde409964d
Package: sipbase, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipbase.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 31b36be34aa63e0aafbb8abb2cc40a0cbcd5f68e
Package: sipspa, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP0/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 337c662bcea5d34736e6df3acf7d7cb2a0a8c2f7
Package: sipspa, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP0/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 337c662bcea5d34736e6df3acf7d7cb2a0a8c2f7
Package: sipspa, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP0/2
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 337c662bcea5d34736e6df3acf7d7cb2a0a8c2f7
Package: sipspa, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP0/3
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 337c662bcea5d34736e6df3acf7d7cb2a0a8c2f7
Package: sipbase, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipbase.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 31b36be34aa63e0aafbb8abb2cc40a0cbcd5f68e
Package: sipspa, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP1/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 337c662bcea5d34736e6df3acf7d7cb2a0a8c2f7
Package: sipspa, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP1/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 337c662bcea5d34736e6df3acf7d7cb2a0a8c2f7
Package: sipspa, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP1/2
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 337c662bcea5d34736e6df3acf7d7cb2a0a8c2f7
Package: sipspa, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP1/3
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 337c662bcea5d34736e6df3acf7d7cb2a0a8c2f7
Package: sipbase, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipbase.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP2
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 31b36be34aa63e0aafbb8abb2cc40a0cbcd5f68e
Package: sipspa, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP2/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 337c662bcea5d34736e6df3acf7d7cb2a0a8c2f7
Package: sipspa, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP2/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 337c662bcea5d34736e6df3acf7d7cb2a0a8c2f7
Package: sipspa, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP2/2
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 337c662bcea5d34736e6df3acf7d7cb2a0a8c2f7
Package: sipspa, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP2/3
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 337c662bcea5d34736e6df3acf7d7cb2a0a8c2f7
Router# mkdir usb0:221subs
Create directory filename [221subs]?
Created dir bootflash:221subs
Router(config)# ip tftp source-interface gigabitethernet 0
Router# copy tftp: usb0:221subs
Address or name of remote host []?
Source filename []? /auto/users/asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.]?
Accessing tftp://
Loading /auto/users/asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9. from (via GigabitEthernet0):
209227980 bytes copied in 880.002 secs (237759 bytes/sec)
Router# request platform software package expand file usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.
SUCCESS: Finished expanding all-in-one software package.
Directory of usb0:/221subs/
72013 -rw- 51904716 Oct 7 2008 15:46:02 -07:00 asr1000rp1-espbase.
72004 -rw- 5773 Oct 7 2008 15:46:02 -07:00 asr1000rp1-packages-adventerprisek9.
72014 -rw- 20533452 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1000rp1-rpaccess.
72015 -rw- 22388940 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1000rp1-rpbase.
72016 -rw- 27961548 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.
72017 -rw- 50942156 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.
72018 -rw- 36442316 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1000rp1-sipbase.
72019 -rw- 26366156 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1000rp1-sipspa.
72005 -rw- 6290 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 packages.conf
72003 -rw- 224768204 Oct 7 2008 15:38:57 -07:00 asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.
928862208 bytes total (466358272 bytes free)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-espbase. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-espbase.]?
Copy in
51904716 bytes copied in 5.478 secs (9475122 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpaccess. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-rpaccess.]?
Copy in
20533452 bytes copied in 2.346 secs (8752537 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpbase. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-rpbase.]?
22388940 bytes copied in 2.496 secs (8969928 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpcontrol. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.]?
Copy in
27961548 bytes copied in 2.992 secs (9345437 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.]?
Copy in
50942156 bytes copied in 5.719 secs (8907529 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-sipbase. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-sipbase.]?
Copy in
36442316 bytes copied in 3.906 secs (9329830 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-sipspa. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-sipspa.]?
Copy in
26366156 bytes copied in 2.857 secs (9228616 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-espbase. stby-bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-espbase.]?
Copy in
51904716 bytes copied in 5.478 secs (9475122 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpaccess. stby-bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-rpaccess.]?
Copy in
20533452 bytes copied in 2.346 secs (8752537 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpbase. stby-bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-rpbase.]?
Copy in
22388940 bytes copied in 2.496 secs (8969928 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpcontrol. stby-bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.]?
Copy in
27961548 bytes copied in 2.992 secs (9345437 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9. stby-bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.]?
Copy in
50942156 bytes copied in 5.719 secs (8907529 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-sipbase. stby-bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-sipbase.]?
Copy in
36442316 bytes copied in 3.906 secs (9329830 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-sipspa. stby-bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-sipspa.]?
Copy in
26366156 bytes copied in 2.857 secs (9228616 bytes/sec)
Router#issu loadversion rp 1 file stby-bootflash:asr1000rp**.pkg force
--- Starting installation state synchronization ---
Finished installation state synchronization
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
WARNING: In-service installation of IOSD package
WARNING: requires software redundancy on target RP
WARNING: or on-reboot parameter
WARNING: Automatically setting the on-reboot flag
WARNING: In-service installation of RP Base package
WARNING: requires software reboot of target RP
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
Determining whether installation is valid
Determining whether installation is valid ... skipped
Checking IPC compatibility for candidate software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software ... skipped
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
SUCCESS: Software provisioned. New software will load on reboot.
Router# hw-module slot r1 reload
*Sep 25 19:16:29.709: %ASR1000_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: Card (rp) offline in slot R1
*Sep 25 19:16:29.787: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER_NOT_PRESENT)
*Sep 25 19:16:29.788: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER_DOWN)
*Sep 25 19:16:29.788: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER_REDUNDANCY_STATE_CHANGE)
*Sep 25 19:19:05.496: %ASR1000_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: Card (rp) online in slot R1
*Sep 25 19:19:30.549: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a standby insertion (raw-event=PEER_FOUND(4))
*Sep 25 19:19:30.550: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a standby insertion (raw-event=PEER_REDUNDANCY_STATE_CHANGE(5))
*Sep 25 19:19:31.512: %REDUNDANCY-3-IPC: IOS versions do not match.
*Sep 25 19:21:02.256: %HA_CONFIG_SYNC-6-BULK_CFGSYNC_SUCCEED: Bulk Sync succeeded
*Sep 25 19:21:02.257: %RF-5-RF_TERMINAL_STATE: Terminal state reached for (SSO)
Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{sipbase,sipspa}**.pkg slot 0 force
--- Starting installation state synchronization ---
Finished installation state synchronization
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Software sets are identified as compatible
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting impact testing ---
Checking operational impact of change
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
--- Starting analysis of software changes ---
Finished analysis of software changes
--- Starting update running software ---
Blocking peer synchronization of operating information
Creating the command set placeholder directory
Finding latest command set
Finding latest command shortlist lookup file
Finding latest command shortlist file
Assembling CLI output libraries
Assembling CLI input libraries
Applying interim IPC and database definitions
Replacing running software
Applying final IPC and database definitions
*Sep 29 15:12:18.972: %ASR1000_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: Card (cc) offline in slot 0
*Sep 29 15:12:18.973: %ASR1000_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 0/0, interfaces disabled
*Sep 29 15:12:18.973: %ASR1000_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 0/1, interfaces disabled
*Sep 29 15:12:18.973: %ASR1000_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 0/2, interfaces disabled
*Sep 29 15:12:18.973: %ASR1000_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 0/3, interfaces disabled
*Sep 29 15:12:18.977: %SPA_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: SPA (SPA-4XT-SERIAL) offline in subslot 0/0
*Sep 29 15:12:18.981: %SPA_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: SPA (SPA-5X1GE-V2) offline in subslot 0/1
*Sep 29 15:12:18.985: %SPA_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: SPA (SPA-2XOC3-POS) offline in subslot 0/2
*Sep 29 15:12:18.994: %SPA_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: SPA (SPA-4XT-SERIAL) offline in subslot 0/3
*Sep 29 15:13:04.553: %ASR1000_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: Card (cc) online in slot 0
*Sep 29 15:13:06.051: %ASR1000_OIR-6-INSSPA: SPA inserted in subslot 0/0
*Sep 29 15:13:06.935: %ASR1000_OIR-6-INSSPA: SPA inserted in subslot 0/1
*Sep 29 15:13:07.765: %ASR1000_OIR-6-INSSPA: SPA inserted in subslot 0/2
*Sep 29 15:13:08.250: %ASR1000_OIR-6-INSSPA: SPA inserted in subslot 0/3 Generating software version information
Notifying running software of updates
Unblocking peer synchronization of operating information
*Sep 29 15:13:14.936: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP0/0: Interface EOBC0/1, changed state to up
*Sep 29 15:13:21.431: %FPD_MGMT-3-MISSING_DEV_INFO: Could not find Unknown FPD (
FPD ID=1) in the list of FPD IDs populated for SPA-4XT-SERIAL card in subslot 0/0.
*Sep 29 15:13:21.634: %SPA_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: SPA (SPA-4XT-SERIAL) online in subslot 0/0Cleaning temporary installation files
Finished update running software
SUCCESS: Finished installing software.
*Sep 29 15:13:21.967: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet0/1/0, changed state to down
*Sep 29 15:13:21.968: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet0/1/2, changed state to down
*Sep 29 15:13:21.969: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet0/1/3, changed state to down
*Sep 29 15:13:21.969: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet0/1/4, changed state to down
*Sep 29 15:13:20.772: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP0/1: Interface EOBC0/1, changed state to up
FPD ID=1) in the list of FPD IDs populated for SPA-4XT-SERIAL card in subslot 0/3.
*Sep 29 15:13:26.364: %SPA_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: SPA (SPA-4XT-SERIAL) online in subslot 0/3
*Sep 29 15:13:25.347: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP0/1: Interface GigabitEthernet0/1/0, changed state to down
*Sep 29 15:13:25.567: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP0/1: Interface GigabitEthernet0/1/2, changed state to down
*Sep 29 15:13:26.141: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP0/1: Interface GigabitEthernet0/1/3, changed state to down
*Sep 29 15:13:26.603: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP0/3: Interface EOBC0/1, changed state to up
*Sep 29 15:13:28.355: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial0/3/1, changed state to down
*Sep 29 15:13:27.112: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP0/1: Interface GigabitEthernet0/1/4, changed state to down
Router# issu commitversion
--- Starting installation changes ---
Cancelling rollback timer
Finished installation changes
SUCCESS: Installation changes committed
Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{sipbase,sipspa}**.pkg slot 1 force
--- Starting installation state synchronization ---
Finished installation state synchronization
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
Software sets are identified as compatible
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting impact testing ---
Checking operational impact of change
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
--- Starting analysis of software changes ---
Finished analysis of software changes
--- Starting update running software ---
Blocking peer synchronization of operating information
Creating the command set placeholder directory
Finding latest command set
Finding latest command shortlist lookup file
Finding latest command shortlist file
Assembling CLI output libraries
Assembling CLI input libraries
Applying interim IPC and database definitions
Replacing running software
Applying final IPC and database definitions
*Sep 29 15:17:29.883: %ASR1000_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: Card (cc) offline in slot 1
*Sep 29 15:17:29.887: %ASR1000_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 1/0, interfaces disabled
*Sep 29 15:17:29.887: %ASR1000_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 1/1, interfaces disabled
*Sep 29 15:17:29.887: %ASR1000_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 1/3, interfaces disabled
*Sep 29 15:17:29.890: %SPA_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: SPA (SPA-4X1FE-TX-V2) offline in subslot 1/0
*Sep 29 15:17:29.895: %SPA_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: SPA (SPA-2X1GE-V2) offline in subslot 1/1
*Sep 29 15:17:29.898: %SPA_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: SPA (SPA-1XOC12-POS) offline in subslot 1/3
*Sep 29 15:18:15.555: %ASR1000_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: Card (cc) online in slot 1
*Sep 29 15:18:16.939: %ASR1000_OIR-6-INSSPA: SPA inserted in subslot 1/0
*Sep 29 15:18:17.721: %ASR1000_OIR-6-INSSPA: SPA inserted in subslot 1/1
*Sep 29 15:18:18.065: %ASR1000_OIR-6-INSSPA: SPA inserted in subslot 1/3
*Sep 29 15:18:24.912: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP1/0: Interface EOBC1/1, changed state to up
*Sep 29 15:18:27.856: %SPA_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: SPA (SPA-4X1FE-TX-V2) online in subslot 1/0 Generating software version information
Notifying running software of updates
Unblocking peer synchronization of operating information
*Sep 29 15:18:30.388: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP1/1: Interface EOBC1/1, changed state to upUnmounting old packages
*Sep 29 15:18:32.259: %SPA_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: SPA (SPA-2X1GE-V2) online in subslot 1/1
*Sep 29 15:18:33.572: %SPA_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: SPA (SPA-1XOC12-POS) online in subslot 1/3Cleaning temporary installation files
Finished update running software
SUCCESS: Finished installing software.
*Sep 29 15:18:34.066: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet1/1/0, changed state to down
*Sep 29 15:18:34.281: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet1/1/1, changed state to down
*Sep 29 15:18:35.068: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet1/1/0, changed state to down
*Sep 29 15:18:33.905: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP1/3: Interface EOBC1/1, changed state to up
*Sep 29 15:18:34.625: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP1/1: Interface GigabitEthernet1/1/0, changed state to down
*Sep 29 15:18:35.293: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP1/1: Interface GigabitEthernet1/1/1, changed state to down
*Sep 29 15:18:38.950: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet1/1/0, changed state to up
*Sep 29 15:18:38.686: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP1/1: Interface GigabitEthernet1/1/0, changed state to up
*Sep 29 15:18:39.972: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet1/1/0, changed state to up
Router# issu commitversion
--- Starting installation changes ---
Cancelling rollback timer
Finished installation changes
SUCCESS: Installation changes committed
Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{sipbase,sipspa}**.pkg slot 2 force
--- Starting installation state synchronization ---
Finished installation state synchronization
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
Software sets are identified as compatible
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting impact testing ---
Checking operational impact of change
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
--- Starting analysis of software changes ---
Finished analysis of software changes
--- Starting update running software ---
Blocking peer synchronization of operating information
Creating the command set placeholder directory
Finding latest command set
Finding latest command shortlist lookup file
Finding latest command shortlist file
Assembling CLI output libraries
Assembling CLI input libraries
Applying interim IPC and database definitions
Replacing running software
Applying final IPC and database definitions
Generating software version information
Notifying running software of updates
Unblocking peer synchronization of operating information
Cleaning temporary installation files
Finished update running software
SUCCESS: Finished installing software.
Router# issu commitversion
--- Starting installation changes ---
Cancelling rollback timer
Finished installation changes
SUCCESS: Installation changes committed
Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-espbase**.pkg slot 1
--- Starting installation state synchronization ---
Finished installation state synchronization
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Software sets are identified as compatible
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting impact testing ---
Checking operational impact of change
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
--- Starting analysis of software changes ---
Finished analysis of software changes
--- Starting update running software ---
Blocking peer synchronization of operating information
Creating the command set placeholder directory
Finding latest command set
Finding latest command shortlist lookup file
Finding latest command shortlist file
Assembling CLI output libraries
Assembling CLI input libraries
Applying interim IPC and database definitions
Replacing running software
Applying final IPC and database definitions
003967: Oct 5 12:15:26.337 EDT: %CMRP-5-PRERELEASE_HARDWARE: R0/0: cmand: F1:0 is pre-release hardware
003972: Oct 5 12:16:07.792 EDT: %CMRP-5-PRERELEASE_HARDWARE: R0/0: cmand: F1:0 is pre-release hardware
003984: Oct 5 12:16:29.016 EDT: %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: F0: cpp_cp: QFP:00 Thread:043 TS:00000014574807111078 %FWALL-3-HA_INVALID_MSG_RCVD: invalid version 65539 opcode b -Traceback= 801e9f58 800fd87c 800d9489 801c28e9 801c46a6 801c4c2a 80020055 Generating software version information
Notifying running software of updates
Unblocking peer synchronization of operating information
Cleaning temporary installation files
Finished update running software
SUCCESS: Finished installing software.
Router# issu commitversion
--- Starting installation changes ---
Cancelling rollback timer
Finished installation changes
SUCCESS: Installation changes committed
Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-espbase.**.pkg slot 0
--- Starting installation state synchronization ---
Finished installation state synchronization
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
Software sets are identified as compatible
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting impact testing ---
Checking operational impact of change
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
--- Starting analysis of software changes ---
Finished analysis of software changes
--- Starting update running software ---
Blocking peer synchronization of operating information
Creating the command set placeholder directory
Finding latest command set
Finding latest command shortlist lookup file
Finding latest command shortlist file
Assembling CLI output libraries
Assembling CLI input libraries
Applying interim IPC and database definitions
Replacing running software
Applying final IPC and database definitions
004324: Oct 5 12:31:20.470 EDT: %CMRP-5-PRERELEASE_HARDWARE: R0/0: cmand: F0:0 is pre-release hardware
004327: Oct 5 12:32:02.485 EDT: %CMRP-5-PRERELEASE_HARDWARE: R0/0: cmand: F0:0 is pre-release hardware Generating software version information
Notifying running software of updates
Unblocking peer synchronization of operating information
Cleaning temporary installation files
Finished update running software
SUCCESS: Finished installing software.
Router# issu commitversion
--- Starting installation changes ---
Cancelling rollback timer
Finished installation changes
SUCCESS: Installation changes committed
Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-rp**.pkg force
--- Starting installation state synchronization ---
Finished installation state synchronization
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
WARNING: In-service installation of IOSD package
WARNING: requires software redundancy on target RP
WARNING: or on-reboot parameter
WARNING: Automatically setting the on-reboot flag
WARNING: In-service installation of RP Base package
WARNING: requires software reboot of target RP
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
Determining whether installation is valid
Determining whether installation is valid ... skipped
Checking IPC compatibility for candidate software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software ... skipped
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
SUCCESS: Software provisioned. New software will load on reboot.
Router# show version r0 provisioned
Package: Provisioning File, version: n/a, status: active
File: bootflash:packages.conf, on: RP0
File SHA1 checksum: aca136bd8bcb99f87e6aa7a0ce2a92a3b5a5a200
Package: rpbase, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpbase.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 32b3fceaf59e3acd7cf9937ef33a822d6b359887
Package: rpaccess, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpaccess.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 7c8dfdf9b2e3602b0c6c531a88dd93c8d2d180c6
Package: rpcontrol, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a544cd10841b237066ccbc4714f4e23c00a9d2e5
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a4967ac35d6ac37ef275b28e032773762be9f202
Package: rpcontrol, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a544cd10841b237066ccbc4714f4e23c00a9d2e5
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a4967ac35d6ac37ef275b28e032773762be9f202
Package: rpbase, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpbase.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 32b3fceaf59e3acd7cf9937ef33a822d6b359887
Package: rpaccess, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpaccess.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 7c8dfdf9b2e3602b0c6c531a88dd93c8d2d180c6
Package: rpcontrol, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a544cd10841b237066ccbc4714f4e23c00a9d2e5
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a4967ac35d6ac37ef275b28e032773762be9f202
Package: rpcontrol, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a544cd10841b237066ccbc4714f4e23c00a9d2e5
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a4967ac35d6ac37ef275b28e032773762be9f202
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
File: unknown, on: SIP0/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
File: unknown, on: SIP0/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
File: unknown, on: SIP0/2
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
File: unknown, on: SIP0/3
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
File: unknown, on: SIP1/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
File: unknown, on: SIP1/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP1/2
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
File: unknown, on: SIP1/3
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP2/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP2/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP2/2
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP2/3
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Router# show version r1 provisioned
Package: Provisioning File, version: n/a, status: active
File: bootflash:packages.conf, on: RP0
File SHA1 checksum: aca136bd8bcb99f87e6aa7a0ce2a92a3b5a5a200
Package: rpbase, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpbase.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 32b3fceaf59e3acd7cf9937ef33a822d6b359887
Package: rpaccess, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpaccess.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 7c8dfdf9b2e3602b0c6c531a88dd93c8d2d180c6
Package: rpcontrol, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a544cd10841b237066ccbc4714f4e23c00a9d2e5
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a4967ac35d6ac37ef275b28e032773762be9f202
Package: rpcontrol, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a544cd10841b237066ccbc4714f4e23c00a9d2e5
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a4967ac35d6ac37ef275b28e032773762be9f202
Package: rpbase, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpbase.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 32b3fceaf59e3acd7cf9937ef33a822d6b359887
Package: rpaccess, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpaccess.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 7c8dfdf9b2e3602b0c6c531a88dd93c8d2d180c6
Package: rpcontrol, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a544cd10841b237066ccbc4714f4e23c00a9d2e5
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a4967ac35d6ac37ef275b28e032773762be9f202
Package: rpcontrol, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a544cd10841b237066ccbc4714f4e23c00a9d2e5
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a4967ac35d6ac37ef275b28e032773762be9f202
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP0/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP0/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP0/2
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP0/3
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP1/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP1/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP1/2
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP1/3
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP2/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP2/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP2/2
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP2/3
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Router# redundancy force-switchover
Proceed with switchover to standby RP? [confirm]
*Sep 25 19:38:33.562: %SYS-5-SWITCHOVER: Switchover requested by Exec. Reason: redundancy force-switchover
Router# request platform software package clean
Cleaning up unnecessary package files
No path specified, will use booted path bootflash:packages.conf
Scanning boot directory for packages ... done.
Preparing packages list to delete ...
File is in use, will not delete.
File is in use, will not delete.
File is in use, will not delete.
File is in use, will not delete.
File is in use, will not delete.
File is in use, will not delete.
File is in use, will not delete.
File is in use, will not delete.
File is in use, will not delete.
Files that will be deleted:
Do you want to proceed? [confirm]y
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000-rommon.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000-rommon.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.bin ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.bin ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-packages-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.conf ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-packages-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.conf ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpaccess.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpbase.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipbase.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:packages.conf.00- ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:packages.conf.01- ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:packages.conf.02- ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:packages.conf.03- ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:packages.conf.04- ... done.
ISSU を使用した Cisco ASR 1006 または Cisco ASR 1013 ルータ上でのサブパッケージのアップグレード(request platform コマンド セット)
この手順を実行できるのは、現在の ASR 1006 ルータまたは ASR 1013 ルータに 2 つのアクティブな RP があり、両方の RP がサブパッケージを実行している場合だけです。
request platform コマンド セットを使用して、デュアル RP がセットアップされた Cisco ASR 1006 ルータまたは ASR 1013 ルータ上のサブパッケージに対して ISSU アップグレードを実行するには、次の手順に従います。
show version
show version active-rp installed
show version standby-rp installed
dir filesystem : < directory >
show platform
mkdir URL-to-directory-name
ip tftp source-interface gigabitethernet slot/port
copy tftp: URL-to-target-location
request platform software package expand file URL-to-consolidated-package
dir URL-to-consolidated-package
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-espbase. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpaccess. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1- rpbase . version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpcontrol. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpios. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-sipbase. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-sipspa. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-espbase. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpaccess. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1- rpbase . version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpcontrol. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpios. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-sipbase. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-sipspa. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP
request platform software package install rp standby-RP file URL-to-standby-file-system : asr1000rp* version *.pkg force
hw-module slot standby-RP reload
request platform software package install rp active-RP file URL-to-active-file-system : image slot SIP-slot-number force
ルータに搭載された SIP ごとにこのステップを繰り返してから、次のステップに進みます。
request platform software package install rp active-RP file URL-to-active-file-system : asr1000rp1-esp* version *.pkg slot standby-ESP-slot
request platform software package install rp active-RP file URL-to-active-file-system : asr1000rp1-esp* version *.pkg slot active-ESP-slot
request platform software package install rp active-RP file URL-to-active-file-system : asr1000rp* version *.pkg force
show version active-RP provisioned
show version active-RP installed
redundancy force-switchover
request platform software package clean
ステップ 1 |
show version show version active-rp installed show version standby-rp installed dir filesystem : < directory > show platform 例: Router# show version Router# show version r0 installed Router# show version r1 installed Router# dir bootflash: Router# show platform |
(任意)次のコマンドを使用して、現在のルータの設定を確認します。 • show version および show version active-rp installed :ルータで現在実行されている Cisco IOS XE ソフトウェアのバージョン、ルータのブートに使用されたファイル、およびそのファイルが格納されている場所を確認します。 • dir :ルータのブートに使用されたファイルが指定したディレクトリにあることを確認します。 • show platform :アクティブ RP とスタンバイ RP の現在のステータスを確認します。 |
ステップ 2 |
mkdir URL-to-directory-name 例: Router# mkdir usb0:221subs |
統合パッケージとサブパッケージを格納するディレクトリを作成します。 統合パッケージとサブパッケージは、この時点でルータのブートに使用されていたサブパッケージとは分ける必要があるため、ほとんどの場合、このディレクトリを作成する必要があります。 |
ステップ 3 |
ip tftp source-interface gigabitethernet slot/port
Router(config)# ip tftp source-interface gigabitethernet 0 |
設定するギガビット イーサネット TFTP 送信元インターフェイスを指定します。 slot/port:TFTP 送信元インターフェイスの位置を指定します。 のコマンドを入力する必要があります。 |
ステップ 4 |
copy tftp: URL-to-target-location 例: Router# copy tftp: usb0:221subs |
統合パッケージ ファイルを、ステップ 2 で作成したディレクトリにコピーします。 このステップの統合パッケージは、現在ルータで実行されているサブパッケージと同じディレクトリ(ルータのブート元の packages.conf プロビジョニング ファイルを含むディレクトリ)にはコピーしないでください。 ヒント このステップを実行する際に必要な容量を考慮して、usb: または harddisk: ファイル システムにパッケージをコピーすることを推奨します。 |
ステップ 5 |
request platform software package expand file URL-to-consolidated-package 例: Router# request platform software package expand file usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9. |
統合パッケージ ファイルから一時ディレクトリにサブパッケージを抽出します。 コマンドを入力します。 |
ステップ 6 |
dir target-URL 例: Router# dir usb0:221subs |
(任意)ディレクトリを表示して、ファイルが抽出されたことを確認します。 |
ステップ 7 |
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-espbase. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpaccess. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1- rpbase . version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpcontrol. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpios. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-sipbase. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-sipspa. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP 例: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-espbase. bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpaccess. bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpbase. bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpcontrol. bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9. bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-sipbase. bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-sipspa. bootflash: |
一時ディレクトリ内のサブパッケージを、アクティブ RP で実行されているサブパッケージが現在格納されているルータ上のディレクトリにコピーします。 |
ステップ 8 |
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-espbase. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpaccess. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1- rpbase . version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpcontrol. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpios. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-sipbase. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-sipspa. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP 例: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-espbase. stby-bootflash:
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpaccess. stby-bootflash:
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpbase. stby-bootflash:
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpcontrol. stby-bootflash:
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9. stby-bootflash:
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-sipbase. stby-bootflash:
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-sipspa. stby-bootflash: |
一時ディレクトリ内のサブパッケージを、スタンバイ RP で実行されているサブパッケージが現在格納されているルータ上のディレクトリにコピーします。 |
ステップ 9 |
request platform software package install rp standby-RP file target-standbyRP-URL-for-sub-packages : asr1000rp* version *.pkg force 例: Router# request platform software package install rp 1 file stby-bootflash:asr1000rp**.pkg force |
スタンバイ RP 上の RP サブパッケージをアップグレードします。ここでは、「 rp* 」ワイルドカードを指定して、対象のアップグレード リリース用のすべての RP サブパッケージが取り込まれるようにします。 |
ステップ 10 |
hw-module slot standby-RP reload 例: Router# hw-module slot R1 reload |
スタンバイ RP をリロードします。 |
ステップ 11 |
request platform software package install rp active-RP file URL-to-active-file-system :asr1000rp1-{sipbase,sipspa}* version *.pkg slot SIP-slot-number force Repeat this step for each SIP installed in the router before moving onto the next step. 例: Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{sipbase,sipspa}**.pkg slot 0 force Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{sipbase,sipspa}**.pkg slot 1 force Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{sipbase,sipspa}**.pkg slot 2 force |
ルータ上の SIP ごとに SIP および SPA サブパッケージをアップグレードします。 (注) このステップは一度に 1 つの SIP に対して実行する必要があります。ルータに搭載された SIP ごとにこのステップを繰り返したあと、次のステップに進みます。 形式の 3 つの数字が示されたインターフェイスから、ルータ上の SIP と SPA の位置がわかります。 IOS XE Release 2.1.2 以前の ISSU アップグレード手順については、「ISSU 手順(Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1.2 以前)」を参照してください。 |
ステップ 12 |
request platform software package install rp active-RP file URL-to-active-file-system : asr1000rp1-esp* version *.pkg slot standby-ESP-slot request platform software package install rp active-RP file URL-to-active-file-system : asr1000rp1-esp* version *.pkg slot active-ESP-slot 例: Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-esp**.pkg slot 1 Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-esp**.pkg slot 0 |
スタンバイおよびアクティブ ESP で ESP Base サブパッケージをアップグレードします。 アクティブ RP で issu loadversion rp コマンドを入力すると、自動的に ESP のスイッチオーバーが起こります。このスイッチオーバーの結果として、最小限のトラフィックの中断が発生します。 |
ステップ 13 |
request platform software package install rp active-RP file URL-to-active-file-system : asr1000rp* version *.pkg force 例: Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-rp**.pkg force |
アクティブ RP のすべてのサブパッケージをアップグレードします。 (注) このステップは、ルータ上のすべてのサブパッケージをこの手順によって確実にアップグレードするために必要となります。また、これまでのプロセスで漏れていたサブパッケージがあれば、それらのサブパッケージもアップグレードできます。 |
ステップ 14 |
show version active-RP provisioned show version active-RP installed 例: Router# show version r0 provisioned Router# show version r0 installed |
(任意)サブパッケージがプロビジョニングされ、インストールされていることを確認します。 |
ステップ 15 |
redundancy force-switchover 例: Router# redundancy force-switchover |
アップグレードを完了するために、RP のスイッチオーバーを強制的に実行します。 |
ステップ 16 |
request platform software package clean |
(任意)未使用のサブパッケージ ファイルをルータからすべて削除します。 |
次の例は、デュアル RP がセットアップされた Cisco ASR 1006 ルータまたは ASR 1013 ルータ上のサブパッケージに対して ISSU アップグレードを実行する手順を示します。
Cisco IOS Software, IOS-XE Software (PPC_LINUX_IOSD-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 12.2(33)XNA, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
<output removed for brevity>
System image file is "bootflash:packages.conf"
<output removed for brevity>
Slot Type State Insert time (ago)
--------- ------------------- --------------------- -----------------
0 ASR1000-SIP10 ok 00:03:03
0/0 SPA-4XT-SERIAL ok 00:01:35
0/1 SPA-5X1GE-V2 ok 00:01:35
0/2 SPA-2XOC3-POS ok 00:01:36
0/3 SPA-4XT-SERIAL ok 00:01:35
1 ASR1000-SIP10 ok 00:03:03
1/0 SPA-4X1FE-TX-V2 ok 00:01:36
1/1 SPA-2X1GE-V2 ok 00:01:35
1/3 SPA-1XOC12-POS ok 00:01:36
R0 ASR1000-RP1 ok, active 00:03:03
R1 ASR1000-RP1 ok, standby 00:03:03
F0 ASR1000-ESP10 ok, active 00:03:03
F1 ASR1000-ESP10 ok, standby 00:03:03
P0 ASR1006-PWR-AC ok 00:02:07
P1 ASR1006-FAN ok 00:02:07
Slot CPLD Version Firmware Version
--------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------
Router# show version r0 installed
Package: Provisioning File, version: n/a, status: active
File: bootflash:packages.conf, on: RP0
File SHA1 checksum: 174bef13f7ce20af077bae7aaefb5279c790dd57
Package: rpbase, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpbase.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 661bcb2efda479533c87f23504bf7021d42b3165
Package: rpaccess, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpaccess.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: b0dc8e07cd4f997b045280fa79051e41068c6f3e
Package: rpcontrol, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 258c79c9b9e67eb4c21dcb4c9b2fe8b8c1f96cfd
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 88ea800ae1c094c46ca5e2f26d116f4e0012c219
Package: rpcontrol, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 258c79c9b9e67eb4c21dcb4c9b2fe8b8c1f96cfd
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 88ea800ae1c094c46ca5e2f26d116f4e0012c219
Package: rpbase, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpbase.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 661bcb2efda479533c87f23504bf7021d42b3165
Package: rpaccess, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpaccess.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: b0dc8e07cd4f997b045280fa79051e41068c6f3e
Package: rpcontrol, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 258c79c9b9e67eb4c21dcb4c9b2fe8b8c1f96cfd
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 88ea800ae1c094c46ca5e2f26d116f4e0012c219
Package: rpcontrol, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 258c79c9b9e67eb4c21dcb4c9b2fe8b8c1f96cfd
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 88ea800ae1c094c46ca5e2f26d116f4e0012c219
Package: espbase, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-espbase.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: ESP0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: da8e5c93d0fa3f7cf27381841fa9efcde409964d
Package: espbase, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-espbase.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: ESP1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: da8e5c93d0fa3f7cf27381841fa9efcde409964d
Package: sipbase, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipbase.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 31b36be34aa63e0aafbb8abb2cc40a0cbcd5f68e
Package: sipspa, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP0/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 337c662bcea5d34736e6df3acf7d7cb2a0a8c2f7
Package: sipspa, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP0/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 337c662bcea5d34736e6df3acf7d7cb2a0a8c2f7
Package: sipspa, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP0/2
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 337c662bcea5d34736e6df3acf7d7cb2a0a8c2f7
Package: sipspa, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP0/3
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 337c662bcea5d34736e6df3acf7d7cb2a0a8c2f7
Package: sipbase, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipbase.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 31b36be34aa63e0aafbb8abb2cc40a0cbcd5f68e
Package: sipspa, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP1/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 337c662bcea5d34736e6df3acf7d7cb2a0a8c2f7
Package: sipspa, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP1/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 337c662bcea5d34736e6df3acf7d7cb2a0a8c2f7
Package: sipspa, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP1/2
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 337c662bcea5d34736e6df3acf7d7cb2a0a8c2f7
Package: sipspa, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP1/3
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 337c662bcea5d34736e6df3acf7d7cb2a0a8c2f7
Package: sipbase, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipbase.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP2
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 31b36be34aa63e0aafbb8abb2cc40a0cbcd5f68e
Package: sipspa, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP2/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 337c662bcea5d34736e6df3acf7d7cb2a0a8c2f7
Package: sipspa, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP2/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 337c662bcea5d34736e6df3acf7d7cb2a0a8c2f7
Package: sipspa, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP2/2
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 337c662bcea5d34736e6df3acf7d7cb2a0a8c2f7
Package: sipspa, version: BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: SIP2/3
Built: 2008-09-24_03.46, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 337c662bcea5d34736e6df3acf7d7cb2a0a8c2f7
Router# mkdir usb0:221subs
Create directory filename [221subs]?
Created dir bootflash:221subs
Router(config)# ip tftp source-interface gigabitethernet 0
Router# copy tftp: usb0:221subs
Address or name of remote host []?
Source filename []? /auto/users/asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.]?
Accessing tftp://
Loading /auto/users/asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9. from (via GigabitEthernet0):
209227980 bytes copied in 880.002 secs (237759 bytes/sec)
Router# request platform software package expand file usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.
SUCCESS: Finished expanding all-in-one software package.
Directory of usb0:/221subs/
72013 -rw- 51904716 Oct 7 2008 15:46:02 -07:00 asr1000rp1-espbase.
72004 -rw- 5773 Oct 7 2008 15:46:02 -07:00 asr1000rp1-packages-adventerprisek9.
72014 -rw- 20533452 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1000rp1-rpaccess.
72015 -rw- 22388940 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1000rp1-rpbase.
72016 -rw- 27961548 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.
72017 -rw- 50942156 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.
72018 -rw- 36442316 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1000rp1-sipbase.
72019 -rw- 26366156 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1000rp1-sipspa.
72005 -rw- 6290 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 packages.conf
72003 -rw- 224768204 Oct 7 2008 15:38:57 -07:00 asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.
928862208 bytes total (466358272 bytes free)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-espbase. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-espbase.]?
Copy in
51904716 bytes copied in 5.478 secs (9475122 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpaccess. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-rpaccess.]?
Copy in
20533452 bytes copied in 2.346 secs (8752537 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpbase. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-rpbase.]?
Copy in
22388940 bytes copied in 2.496 secs (8969928 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpcontrol. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.]?
Copy in
27961548 bytes copied in 2.992 secs (9345437 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.]?
Copy in
50942156 bytes copied in 5.719 secs (8907529 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-sipbase. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-sipbase.]?
Copy in
36442316 bytes copied in 3.906 secs (9329830 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-sipspa. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-sipspa.]?
Copy in
26366156 bytes copied in 2.857 secs (9228616 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-espbase. stby-bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-espbase.]?
Copy in
51904716 bytes copied in 5.478 secs (9475122 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpaccess. stby-bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-rpaccess.]?
Copy in
20533452 bytes copied in 2.346 secs (8752537 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpbase. stby-bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-rpbase.]?
Copy in
22388940 bytes copied in 2.496 secs (8969928 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpcontrol. stby-bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.]?
Copy in
27961548 bytes copied in 2.992 secs (9345437 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9. stby-bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.]?
Copy in
50942156 bytes copied in 5.719 secs (8907529 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-sipbase. stby-bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-sipbase.]?
Copy in
36442316 bytes copied in 3.906 secs (9329830 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-sipspa. stby-bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-sipspa.]?
Copy in
26366156 bytes copied in 2.857 secs (9228616 bytes/sec)
Router# request platform software package install rp 1 file stby-bootflash:asr1000rp**.pkg force
--- Starting installation state synchronization ---
Finished installation state synchronization
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
WARNING: In-service installation of IOSD package
WARNING: requires software redundancy on target RP
WARNING: or on-reboot parameter
WARNING: Automatically setting the on-reboot flag
WARNING: In-service installation of RP Base package
WARNING: requires software reboot of target RP
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
Determining whether installation is valid
Determining whether installation is valid ... skipped
Checking IPC compatibility for candidate software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software ... skipped
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
SUCCESS: Software provisioned. New software will load on reboot.
Router# hw-module slot r1 reload
*Sep 25 18:20:15.371: %ASR1000_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: Card (rp) offline in slot R1
*Sep 25 18:20:15.426: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER_NOT_PRESENT)
*Sep 25 18:20:15.427: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER_DOWN)
*Sep 25 18:20:15.427: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER_REDUNDANCY_STATE_CHANGE)
*Sep 25 18:22:58.808: %ASR1000_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: Card (rp) online in slot R1
*Sep 25 18:23:23.038: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a standby insertion (raw-event=PEER_FOUND(4))
*Sep 25 18:23:23.039: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a standby insertion (raw-event=PEER_REDUNDANCY_STATE_CHANGE(5))
*Sep 25 18:23:23.894: %REDUNDANCY-3-IPC: IOS versions do not match.
*Sep 25 18:24:54.264: %HA_CONFIG_SYNC-6-BULK_CFGSYNC_SUCCEED: Bulk Sync succeeded
*Sep 25 18:24:54.265: %RF-5-RF_TERMINAL_STATE: Terminal state reached for (SSO)Router#sho
Router#request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{sipspa,sipbase}**.pkg slot 0 force
--- Starting installation state synchronization ---
Finished installation state synchronization
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Software sets are identified as compatible
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting impact testing ---
Checking operational impact of change
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
--- Starting analysis of software changes ---
Finished analysis of software changes
--- Starting update running software ---
Blocking peer synchronization of operating information
Creating the command set placeholder directory
Finding latest command set
Finding latest command shortlist lookup file
Finding latest command shortlist file
Assembling CLI output libraries
Assembling CLI input libraries
Applying interim IPC and database definitions
Replacing running software
*Sep 29 13:48:03.269: %ASR1000_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: Card (cc) offline in slot 0
*Sep 29 13:48:03.270: %ASR1000_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 0/0, interfaces disabled
*Sep 29 13:48:03.270: %ASR1000_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 0/1, interfaces disabled
*Sep 29 13:48:03.271: %ASR1000_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 0/2, interfaces disabled
*Sep 29 13:48:03.271: %ASR1000_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 0/3, interfaces disabled
*Sep 29 13:48:03.274: %SPA_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: Applying final IPC and database definitions
SPA (SPA-4XT-SERIAL) offline in subslot 0/0
*Sep 29 13:48:03.278: %SPA_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: SPA (SPA-5X1GE-V2) offline in subslot 0/1
*Sep 29 13:48:03.282: %SPA_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: SPA (SPA-2XOC3-POS) offline in subslot 0/2
*Sep 29 13:48:03.286: %SPA_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: SPA (SPA-4XT-SERIAL) offline in subslot 0/3
*Sep 29 13:48:49.448: %ASR1000_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: Card (cc) online in slot 0
*Sep 29 13:48:50.872: %ASR1000_OIR-6-INSSPA: SPA inserted in subslot 0/0
*Sep 29 13:48:51.703: %ASR1000_OIR-6-INSSPA: SPA inserted in subslot 0/1
*Sep 29 13:48:52.680: %ASR1000_OIR-6-INSSPA: SPA inserted in subslot 0/2
*Sep 29 13:48:53.217: %ASR1000_OIR-6-INSSPA: SPA inserted in subslot 0/3 Generating software version information
*Sep 29 13:49:01.223: %FPD_MGMT-3-MISSING_DEV_INFO: Could not find Unknown FPD (
FPD ID=1) in the list of FPD IDs populated for SPA-4XT-SERIAL card in subslot 0/0. Notifying running software of updates
Unblocking peer synchronization of operating information
*Sep 29 13:49:01.336: %SPA_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: SPA (SPA-4XT-SERIAL) online in subslot 0/0
*Sep 29 13:49:03.344: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial0/0/2, changed state to downUnmounting old packages
*Sep 29 13:48:59.734: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP0/0: Interface EOBC0/1, changed state to upCleaning temporary installation files
Finished update running software
SUCCESS: Finished installing software.
*Sep 29 13:49:05.151: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP0/1: Interface EOBC0/1, changed state to up
*Sep 29 13:49:08.006: %SPA_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: SPA (SPA-5X1GE-V2) online in subslot 0/1
*Sep 29 13:49:09.086: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet0/1/2, changed state to down
*Sep 29 13:49:09.087: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet0/1/3, changed state to down
*Sep 29 13:49:09.087: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet0/1/4, changed state to down
*Sep 29 13:49:09.294: %SPA_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: SPA (SPA-2XOC3-POS) online in subslot 0/2
*Sep 29 13:49:09.580: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet0/1/0, changed state to down
*Sep 29 13:49:07.951: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP0/2: Interface EOBC0/1, changed state to up
*Sep 29 13:49:10.067: %ASR1000_SPA-3-UNSUPPORTED_DATA: Data conversion error (media type, 0x1D)
-Traceback= 1#e9e10f82e25cfb5f8d242ef69a2dec39 :10000000+61C550 :10000000+61A6B
4 :10000000+61AA38 :10000000+25A3950 :10000000+259AB1C ethernet:DF73000+2AA6C if
_combined:FD4F000+70070 if_combined:FD4F000+70288 :10000000+2434540 :10000000+2433D9C
*Sep 29 13:49:10.070: %ASR1000_SPA-3-UNSUPPORTED_DATA: Data conversion error (media type, 0x1D)
-Traceback= 1#e9e10f82e25cfb5f8d242ef69a2dec39 :10000000+61C550 :10000000+61A6B
4 :10000000+61AA38 :10000000+25A3950 :10000000+259AB1C ethernet:DF73000+2AA6C if
_combined:FD4F000+70070 if_combined:FD4F000+70288 :10000000+2434540 :10000000+2433D9C
*Sep 29 13:49:11.161: %FPD_MGMT-3-MISSING_DEV_INFO: Could not find Unknown FPD (
FPD ID=1) in the list of FPD IDs populated for SPA-4XT-SERIAL card in subslot 0/3.
*Sep 29 13:49:11.289: %SPA_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: SPA (SPA-4XT-SERIAL) online in subslot 0/3
*Sep 29 13:49:11.605: %ASR1000_SPA-3-UNSUPPORTED_DATA: Data conversion error (media type, 0x1D)
-Traceback= 1#e9e10f82e25cfb5f8d242ef69a2dec39 :10000000+61C550 :10000000+61A6B
4 :10000000+61AA38 :10000000+25A3950 :10000000+259AB1C ethernet:DF73000+2AA6C if
_combined:FD4F000+70070 if_combined:FD4F000+70288 :10000000+2434540 :10000000+2433D9C
*Sep 29 13:49:10.788: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP0/1: Interface GigabitEthernet0/1/0, changed state to down
*Sep 29 13:49:11.114: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP0/1: Interface GigabitEthernet0/1/2, changed state to down
*Sep 29 13:49:11.217: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP0/1: Interface GigabitEthernet0/1/3, changed state to down
*Sep 29 13:49:11.530: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP0/1: Interface GigabitEthernet0/1/4, changed state to down
*Sep 29 13:49:10.567: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP0/3: Interface EOBC0/1, changed state to up
*Sep 29 13:49:13.289: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial0/3/1, changed state to down
Router#request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{sipspa,sipbase}**.pkg slot 1 force
--- Starting installation state synchronization ---
Finished installation state synchronization
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
Software sets are identified as compatible
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting impact testing ---
Checking operational impact of change
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
--- Starting analysis of software changes ---
Finished analysis of software changes
--- Starting update running software ---
Blocking peer synchronization of operating information
Creating the command set placeholder directory
Finding latest command set
Finding latest command shortlist lookup file
Finding latest command shortlist file
Assembling CLI output libraries
Assembling CLI input libraries
Applying interim IPC and database definitions
Replacing running software
Applying final IPC and database definitions
*Sep 29 13:53:01.370: %ASR1000_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: Card (cc) offline in slot 1
*Sep 29 13:53:01.370: %ASR1000_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 1/0, interfaces disabled
*Sep 29 13:53:01.370: %ASR1000_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 1/1, interfaces disabled
*Sep 29 13:53:01.370: %ASR1000_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 1/3, interfaces disabled
*Sep 29 13:53:01.373: %SPA_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: SPA (SPA-4X1FE-TX-V2) offline in subslot 1/0
*Sep 29 13:53:01.378: %SPA_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: SPA (SPA-2X1GE-V2) offline in subslot 1/1
*Sep 29 13:53:01.381: %SPA_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: SPA (SPA-1XOC12-POS) offline in subslot 1/3
*Sep 29 13:53:45.225: %ASR1000_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: Card (cc) online in slot 1
*Sep 29 13:53:47.082: %ASR1000_OIR-6-INSSPA: SPA inserted in subslot 1/0
*Sep 29 13:53:47.833: %ASR1000_OIR-6-INSSPA: SPA inserted in subslot 1/1
*Sep 29 13:53:48.727: %ASR1000_OIR-6-INSSPA: SPA inserted in subslot 1/3 Generating software version information
Notifying running software of updates
Unblocking peer synchronization of operating information
*Sep 29 13:53:55.700: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP1/0: Interface EOBC1/1, changed state to upUnmounting old packages
*Sep 29 13:54:03.132: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet1/1/0, changed state to down
*Sep 29 13:54:03.135: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet1/1/1, changed state to down
*Sep 29 13:54:00.621: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP1/1: Interface EOBC1/1, changed state to up
*Sep 29 13:54:03.449: %SPA_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: SPA (SPA-2X1GE-V2) online in subslot 1/1
*Sep 29 13:54:04.139: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet1/1/0, changed state to downCleaning temporary installation files
Finished update running software
SUCCESS: Finished installing software.
*Sep 29 13:54:04.320: %SPA_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: SPA (SPA-4X1FE-TX-V2) online in subslot 1/0
*Sep 29 13:54:05.911: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP1/1: Interface GigabitEthernet1/1/0, changed state to down
*Sep 29 13:54:06.243: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP1/1: Interface GigabitEthernet1/1/1, changed state to down
*Sep 29 13:54:03.492: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP1/3: Interface EOBC1/1, changed state to up
*Sep 29 13:54:09.434: %SPA_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: SPA (SPA-1XOC12-POS) online in subslot 1/3
*Sep 29 13:54:10.427: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet1/1/0, changed state to up
*Sep 29 13:54:09.709: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP1/1: Interface GigabitEthernet1/1/0, changed state to up
*Sep 29 13:54:11.445: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEthernet1/1/0, changed state to up
Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{sipspa,sipbase}**.pkg slot 2 force
--- Starting installation state synchronization ---
Finished installation state synchronization
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
Software sets are identified as compatible
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting impact testing ---
Checking operational impact of change
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
--- Starting analysis of software changes ---
Finished analysis of software changes
--- Starting update running software ---
Blocking peer synchronization of operating information
Creating the command set placeholder directory
Finding latest command set
Finding latest command shortlist lookup file
Finding latest command shortlist file
Assembling CLI output libraries
Assembling CLI input libraries
Applying interim IPC and database definitions
Replacing running software
Applying final IPC and database definitions
Generating software version information
Notifying running software of updates
Unblocking peer synchronization of operating information
Cleaning temporary installation files
Finished update running software
SUCCESS: Finished installing software.
Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-espbase**.pkg slot 1
--- Starting installation state synchronization ---
Finished installation state synchronization
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Software sets are identified as compatible
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting impact testing ---
Checking operational impact of change
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
--- Starting analysis of software changes ---
Finished analysis of software changes
--- Starting update running software ---
Blocking peer synchronization of operating information
Creating the command set placeholder directory
Finding latest command set
Finding latest command shortlist lookup file
Finding latest command shortlist file
Assembling CLI output libraries
Assembling CLI input libraries
Applying interim IPC and database definitions
Replacing running software
Applying final IPC and database definitions
003967: Oct 5 12:15:26.337 EDT: %CMRP-5-PRERELEASE_HARDWARE: R0/0: cmand: F1:0 is pre-release hardware
003972: Oct 5 12:16:07.792 EDT: %CMRP-5-PRERELEASE_HARDWARE: R0/0: cmand: F1:0 is pre-release hardware
003984: Oct 5 12:16:29.016 EDT: %IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: F0: cpp_cp: QFP:00 Thread:043 TS:00000014574807111078 %FWALL-3-HA_INVALID_MSG_RCVD: invalid version 65539 opcode b -Traceback= 801e9f58 800fd87c 800d9489 801c28e9 801c46a6 801c4c2a 80020055 Generating software version information
Notifying running software of updates
Unblocking peer synchronization of operating information
Cleaning temporary installation files
Finished update running software
SUCCESS: Finished installing software.
Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-espbase.**.pkg slot 0
--- Starting installation state synchronization ---
Finished installation state synchronization
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
Software sets are identified as compatible
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting impact testing ---
Checking operational impact of change
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
--- Starting analysis of software changes ---
Finished analysis of software changes
--- Starting update running software ---
Blocking peer synchronization of operating information
Creating the command set placeholder directory
Finding latest command set
Finding latest command shortlist lookup file
Finding latest command shortlist file
Assembling CLI output libraries
Assembling CLI input libraries
Applying interim IPC and database definitions
Replacing running software
Applying final IPC and database definitions
004324: Oct 5 12:31:20.470 EDT: %CMRP-5-PRERELEASE_HARDWARE: R0/0: cmand: F0:0 is pre-release hardware
004327: Oct 5 12:32:02.485 EDT: %CMRP-5-PRERELEASE_HARDWARE: R0/0: cmand: F0:0 is pre-release hardware Generating software version information
Notifying running software of updates
Unblocking peer synchronization of operating information
Cleaning temporary installation files
Finished update running software
SUCCESS: Finished installing software.
Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp**.pkg
--- Starting installation state synchronization ---
Finished installation state synchronization
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
WARNING: In-service installation of IOSD package
WARNING: requires software redundancy on target RP
WARNING: or on-reboot parameter
WARNING: Automatically setting the on-reboot flag
WARNING: In-service installation of RP Base package
WARNING: requires software reboot of target RP
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
Determining whether installation is valid
Determining whether installation is valid ... skipped
Checking IPC compatibility for candidate software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software ... skipped
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
SUCCESS: Software provisioned. New software will load on reboot.
Router# show version r0 provisioned
Package: Provisioning File, version: n/a, status: active
File: bootflash:packages.conf, on: RP0
File SHA1 checksum: aca136bd8bcb99f87e6aa7a0ce2a92a3b5a5a200
Package: rpbase, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpbase.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 32b3fceaf59e3acd7cf9937ef33a822d6b359887
Package: rpaccess, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpaccess.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 7c8dfdf9b2e3602b0c6c531a88dd93c8d2d180c6
Package: rpcontrol, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a544cd10841b237066ccbc4714f4e23c00a9d2e5
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a4967ac35d6ac37ef275b28e032773762be9f202
Package: rpcontrol, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a544cd10841b237066ccbc4714f4e23c00a9d2e5
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a4967ac35d6ac37ef275b28e032773762be9f202
Package: rpbase, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpbase.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 32b3fceaf59e3acd7cf9937ef33a822d6b359887
Package: rpaccess, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpaccess.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 7c8dfdf9b2e3602b0c6c531a88dd93c8d2d180c6
Package: rpcontrol, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a544cd10841b237066ccbc4714f4e23c00a9d2e5
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a4967ac35d6ac37ef275b28e032773762be9f202
Package: rpcontrol, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a544cd10841b237066ccbc4714f4e23c00a9d2e5
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a4967ac35d6ac37ef275b28e032773762be9f202
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
File: unknown, on: SIP0/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
File: unknown, on: SIP0/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
File: unknown, on: SIP0/2
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
File: unknown, on: SIP0/3
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
File: unknown, on: SIP1/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
File: unknown, on: SIP1/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP1/2
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
File: unknown, on: SIP1/3
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP2/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP2/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP2/2
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP2/3
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
動作中のワンショット ソフトウェア アップグレードの手順
動作中のワンショット ソフトウェア アップグレードの手順は、標準の ISSU 手順(「ISSU アップグレード手順」を参照)の代替手段で、1 つのコマンドを使用してソフトウェアをアップグレードまたはダウングレードできます。ワンショット ISSU で必要なユーザ介入やモニタリングは最小限です。標準の ISSU 手順と異なり、一度アップグレードが開始されると、アップグレード プロセスはキャンセルできません。
ワンショット アップグレードの手順は複数の段階に分割されます。障害が発生した場合は、コマンドの実行は停止され、ユーザはロール バック タスクを手動で実行する必要があります。アップグレードの 1 段階では、必要なスイッチ オーバーが自動的に処理されます。スイッチオーバー時に、コンソールおよび出力は失われます。追加コマンドが、コンソールに再び接続するために使用されます。
(注) ワンショット アップグレードは複数の同時アップグレードをサポートしません。
request platform software package install node file <consolidated file name> interface-module-delay <secs> コマンドが、ワンショット ISSU 手順で使用されます。
interface-module-delay はオプションのパラメータです。
router#request platform software package install node file bootflash interface-module-delay 1
SIP 遅延のオプションにより、SIP の再起動期間を遅らせると、再起動時間を選択してトラフィック損失を最小限に抑えることができます。
request platform software package install node file attach コマンドにより、ユーザは、ワンショット アップグレードのすべての段階のレポートを含む前回の実行ログを表示できます。
ISSU を使用したサブパッケージのアップグレード(Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1.2 以前)
この手順は、2 つの IOS プロセスを実行するように設定されたシングル RP、またはデュアル RP が設定されたルータに対して使用できます。
Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1.2 以前の Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1 のバージョン、Cisco IOS XE Release 2.2.1 以前の Cisco IOS XE Release 2.2 のバージョン、および Cisco IOS XE Release 2.2.1 または 2.1.2 上の RPBase サブパッケージからブートされていないインストールでは、必要な ISSU アップグレード手順が異なります。
ステップ 1
同じディレクトリに RPBase サブパッケージ以外のすべてのサブパッケージをコピーします。
ステップ 2
すべての RP サブパッケージを取り込むワイルドカード ステートメントを使用して、ディレクトリ内の RP サブパッケージを同時にインストールします。このコマンドでは、RPControl、RPAccess、RPIOS の各サブパッケージを取り込み、RPBase サブパッケージは取り込まれないようにします。また、このコマンドはスタンバイ ベイを使用して実行します。
このアップグレードには、{ pattern } 構文の代わりに asr1000rp1-rp* version .pkg 構文を使用します。
request platform software package install rp 1 file stby-bootflash:asr1000rp**.pkg bay 1 force
ステップ 3
システムが SSO 準備ステートになるまで待機します。 show platform コマンドを使用して、両方の IOS インスタンスがアクティブであるかどうかを監視できます。また、SSO ステートに達すると、システム メッセージによって通知されます。
ステップ 4
redundancy force-switchover コマンドを使用して、IOS のスイッチオーバーを実行します。
ステップ 5
システムが SSO 準備ステートになるまで待機します。ステップ 3 と同様に、システム メッセージを確認するか、 show platform コマンドを入力して、ステートを監視できます。
ステップ 6
すべての RP サブパッケージを取り込むワイルドカード ステートメントを使用して、ディレクトリ内の RP サブパッケージを同時にインストールします。このコマンドでは、RPControl、RPAccess、RPIOS の各サブパッケージを取り込み、RPBase サブパッケージは取り込まれないようにします。また、このコマンドはスタンバイ ベイを使用して実行します。
このアップグレードには、{ pattern } 構文の代わりに asr1000rp1-rp* version .pkg 構文を使用します。
request platform software package install rp 0 file stby-bootflash:asr1000rp**.pkg bay 0 force
ステップ 7
各 SIP 上で SIPBASE および SIPSPA パッケージをインストールします。
Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-sip**.pkg slot 0 force
Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-sip**.pkg slot 1 force
Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-sip**.pkg slot 2 force
ステップ 8
ESP 上で ESPBASE パッケージをインストールします。
Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-esp**.pkg
ステップ 9
RPBase サブパッケージをディレクトリにコピーし、すべての RP サブパッケージを同時にアップグレードします。このステップでは、RPBase サブパッケージ(アップグレードする必要がある残り最後のサブパッケージ)をアップグレードします。
request platform software package install rp 1 file bootflash:asr1000rp**.pkg force
ステップ 10
show version provisioned を入力して、すべてのソフトウェアが更新されたことを確認します。
ステップ 11
適切なときに reload コマンドを使用してルータをリロードし、インストールを完了します。
Downgrades in versions that do not support the {pattern} syntax are problematic because an RPBASE package for the downgrade version will always be present if an upgrade was previously performed. Removing and restaging all packages will work in this case, but they effectively put the system into a state where if the RP reloads prior to the installation being completed, the RP may no longer be bootable.
非冗長プラットフォームのサービス インパクトのアップグレード プロセス
サブパッケージのソフトウェア アップグレードは、サブパッケージ モードの Cisco ASR 1001 ルータ、Cisco ASR 1002 ルータおよび Cisco ASR 1004 ルータなどの非冗長プラットフォームでサポートされます。これは、RPBase サブパッケージを最後のステップでアップグレードする場合は、次のシャーシ タイプのソフトウェア アップグレードの手順で RP のリロードが必要であるためです。
ソフトウェア アップグレード プロセス中、ルータのオペレーティング システムおよび ROMmon へのアクセスがしばらく失われるようにプラットフォーム全体がリブートされるため、コントロール プレーンが停止します。
非ハードウェア冗長シャーシ タイプと同様に、SPA が SIP 間で冗長化されている場合(ギガビット EtherChannel の使用時など)は、SIP の 1 つのスロットを一度にインストールすることで、SIP への影響を軽減できます。ESP の冗長性は ESP について同様の機能を提供し、あるソフトウェア リリースから別のソフトウェア リリースへの中断のないシャーシのアップグレードを可能にします。統合パッケージ モードでは、そのようなスロット単位のステージング オプションは用意されておらず、すべての SIP を同時に活性挿抜するのと同等のトラフィック損失が常に発生します。
(注) Cisco ASR 1002 ルータおよび Cisco ASR 1002-F ルータは、デフォルトで 4 GB DRAM を備えています。Cisco ASR 1001 ルータはデフォルトで 4 GB DRAM を備え、8 GB または 16 GB DRAM にアップグレードできます。
ここでは、Cisco ASR 1001、1002 または 1004 ルータのサブパッケージをアップグレードする方法について説明します。この章の内容は、次のとおりです。
「Cisco ASR 1001、Cisco ASR 1002、Cisco ASR 1004 ルータでの SSO の設定」
「Cisco ASR 1001 ルータでのソフトウェア アップグレードのサブパッケージの使用」
「サブパッケージを使用した Cisco ASR 1002 または Cisco ASR 1004 ルータ上でのサブパッケージのアップグレード(software upgrade コマンド セット)」
「サブパッケージを使用した Cisco ASR 1002 または Cisco ASR 1004 ルータ上でのサブパッケージのアップグレード(request platform コマンド セット)」
Cisco ASR 1001、Cisco ASR 1002、Cisco ASR 1004 ルータでの SSO の設定
次に、Cisco ASR 1001、Cisco ASR 1002、Cisco ASR 1004 ルータ上で SSO を設定する手順を示します。スタンバイ IOS プロセスは、これらの設定手順の一部として自動的に作成されます。
ステップ 1
(任意) show version コマンドを入力して、ルータの DRAM 量を確認します。
<some output removed for brevity>
32768K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
4194304K bytes of physical memory.
921599K bytes of eUSB flash at bootflash:.
39004543K bytes of SATA hard disk at bootflash:.
Configuration register is 0x2102
show version の出力例では、ルータに 4 GB の DRAM メモリがあります。
Cisco ASR 1001、Cisco ASR 1002、または Cisco ASR 1004 ルータの RP 上に搭載された DRAM メモリの量が 2 GB の場合は、RP 上で SSO を設定できません。
ステップ 2
(任意) show redundancy states を入力して、現在の HA 設定を確認します。
Router# show redundancy states
Redundancy Mode (Operational) = Non-redundant
Redundancy Mode (Configured) = Non-redundant
Redundancy State = Non Redundant
この例では、非冗長の動作モードが示すように、デュアル RP 用の HA は設定されていません。
ステップ 3
configure terminal を入力して、グローバル コンフィギュレーション モードを開始します。
Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
ステップ 4
redundancy コマンドを入力して、冗長コンフィギュレーション モードを開始します。
Router(config)# redundancy
ステップ 5
mode sso を入力して SSO をイネーブルにするか、 mode none を入力してデュアル ソフトウェア冗長性をディセーブルにします。
Router(config-red)# mode sso
Router(config-red)# mode none
ステップ 6
# ルータ プロンプトが表示されるまで、Ctrl+Z キーまたは exit コマンドを複数回入力して、特権 EXEC モードに戻ります。
ステップ 7
show redundancy states コマンドを入力して、設定済みの冗長モードが新しい設定に変更されていることを確認します。
次の例では、設定済みの冗長モードが SSO に変更されています。動作冗長モードは変更されません。
Router# show redundancy states
Redundancy Mode (Operational) = Non-redundant
Redundancy Mode (Configured) = sso
Redundancy State = Non Redundant
ステップ 8
copy running-config startup-config コマンドを入力して新しい設定を保存し、 Enter キーを押してファイル名を確認します(必要な場合は名前を変更します)。
Router# copy running-config startup-config
Destination filename [startup-config]?
Building configuration...
ステップ 9
リロードが完了したあと、 show redundancy states コマンドを入力して、動作冗長モードがステップ 5
この例では、動作冗長モードは SSO に変更されています。
Router# show redundancy states
peer state = 8 -STANDBY HOT
Redundancy Mode (Operational) = sso
Redundancy Mode (Configured) = sso
ステップ 10
新しい HA 設定を有効にするには、ルータをリロードする必要があります。 reload コマンドを入力して、ルータをリロードします。
Proceed with reload? [confirm]
<bootup messages removed for brevity>
この手順を実行する際にコンソール ポートを使用していない場合は、この時点でセッションが終了することがあります。セッションが終了した場合は、ルータのリロードが完了するまで数分待ってから、ルータにログインします。
ステップ 11
(任意)アクティブ IOS およびスタンバイ IOS プロセスの存在、およびプロセスの番号付け方法を確認するには、 show platform コマンドを入力します。
この例では、 show platform コマンド出力により、R0/0 がアクティブ IOS プロセスで、R0/1 がスタンバイ IOS プロセスであることがわかります。
Slot Type State Insert time (ago)
--------- ------------------- --------------------- -----------------
0 ASR1000-SIP10 ok 00:52:34
0/0 SPA-2X1GE-V2 ok 00:51:30
0/1 SPA-2XT3/E3 ok 00:51:24
R0 ASR1000-RP1 ok 00:52:34
R0/1 ok, standby 00:51:00
F0 ASR1000-ESP10 ok, active 00:52:34
P0 ASR1004-PWR-AC ok 00:51:57
P1 ASR1004-PWR-AC ok 00:51:57
Cisco ASR 1001 ルータでのソフトウェア アップグレードのサブパッケージの使用
ここでは、サブパッケージが実行されている Cisco ASR 1001 ルータのソフトウェア アップグレードの使用方法に関する指示を提供します。
この手順は、RP 上で 2 つの IOS プロセスがアクティブになっていて、ルータがすでにサブパッケージを使用して実行されていることを前提とします。
show version
show version installed
dir filesystem : < directory >
show platform
show redundancy-states
mode sso
mkdir URL-to-directory-name
ip tftp source-interface gigabitethernet slot/port
copy tftp: URL-to-target-location
request platform software package expand file URL-to-consolidated-package
dir URL-to-consolidated-package
copy file-system :asr1001-espbase. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system: asr1001-rpaccess .version. pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system: asr1001-rpbase .version. pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system: asr1001-rpcontrol .version. pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system: asr1001-rpios .version. pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system: asr1001-sipbase .version. pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system: asr1001-sipspa .version. pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
issu loadversion rp 0 file file-system :asr1001-{rpaccess,rpios,rpcontrol}* version-string *.pkg bay standby-bay force
issu commitversion
redundancy force-switchover
show platform
issu loadversion rp 0 file file-system :asr1001-{rpaccess,rpios,rpcontrol}* version-string *.pkg bay standby-bay force
issu commitversion
issu loadversion rp 0 file file-system :asr1001-{rpbase,sipbase,sipspa,espbase}* version *.pkg force
show version installed
(注) ステップ 17 はすぐに実行する必要はありません。都合のよいときに実行してください。
ステップ 1 |
show version show version installed dir filesystem : < directory > show platform show redundancy-states 例: Router# show version Router# show version r0 installed Router# dir bootflash: Router# show platform Router# show redundancy-states |
(任意)次のコマンドを使用して、現在のルータの設定を確認します。 • show version および show version active-rp installed :ルータで現在実行されている Cisco IOS XE ソフトウェアのバージョン、ルータのブートに使用されたファイル、およびそのファイルが格納されている場所を確認します。 • dir :ルータのブートに使用されたファイルが指定したディレクトリにあることを確認します。 • show platform :アクティブ RP とスタンバイ RP の現在のステータスを確認します。 • show redundancy states :動作中の冗長ステートと設定された冗長ステートを確認します。 |
ステップ 2 |
redundancy mode sso 例: Router(config)# redundancy Router(config-red)# mode sso |
まだ設定されていない場合は、SSO を設定します。 (注) この設定ステップが終わったら、設定を保存してください。 |
ステップ 3 |
mkdir URL-to-directory-name 例: Router# mkdir 221subs |
統合パッケージとサブパッケージを格納するディレクトリを作成します。 統合パッケージとサブパッケージは、この時点でルータのブートに使用されていたサブパッケージとは分ける必要があるため、ほとんどの場合、このディレクトリを作成する必要があります。 |
ステップ 4 |
ip tftp source-interface gigabitethernet slot/port
Router(config)# ip tftp source-interface gigabitethernet 0 |
設定するギガビット イーサネット TFTP 送信元インターフェイスを指定します。 slot/port:TFTP 送信元インターフェイスの位置を指定します。 のコマンドを入力する必要があります。 |
ステップ 5 |
copy tftp: URL-to-target-location 例: Router# copy tftp: 221subs |
統合パッケージ ファイルを、ステップ 3 で作成したディレクトリにコピーします。 このステップの統合パッケージは、現在ルータで実行されているサブパッケージと同じディレクトリ(ルータのブート元の packages.conf プロビジョニング ファイルを含むディレクトリ)にはコピーしないでください。 ヒント このステップを実行する際に必要な容量を考慮して、usb: または harddisk: ファイル システムにパッケージをコピーすることを推奨します。 |
ステップ 6 |
request platform software package expand file URL-to-consolidated-package (Optional) dir target-URL 例: Router# request platform software package expand file usb0:221subs/asr1001-universalk9.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.bin Router# dir 221subs |
統合パッケージ ファイルから一時ディレクトリにサブパッケージを抽出します。 コマンドを入力します。 |
ステップ 7 |
dir target-URL 例: Router# dir 221subs |
(任意)ディレクトリを表示して、ファイルが抽出されたことを確認します。 |
ステップ 8 |
copy file-system: asr1001-espbase .version. pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system: asr1001-rpaccess .version. pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system: asr1001-rpbase .version. pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system: asr1001-rpcontrol .version. pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system: asr1001-rpios .version. pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system: asr1001-sipbase .version. pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system: asr1001-sipspa .version. pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP 例: Router# copy 221subs/asr1001-espbase.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg bootflash: Router# copy 221subs/asr1001-rpaccess.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg bootflash : Router# copy 221subs/asr1001-rpbase.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg bootflash : Router# copy 221subs/asr1001-rpcontrol.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg bootflash : Router# copy 221subs/asr1001-rpios-universalk9.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg bootflash : Router# copy 221subs/asr1001-sipbase.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg bootflash : Router# copy 221subs/asr1001-sipspa.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg bootflash : |
一時ディレクトリ内のサブパッケージを、アクティブ RP で実行されているサブパッケージが現在格納されているルータ上のディレクトリにコピーします。 |
ステップ 9 |
issu loadversion rp 0 file file-system :asr1001-{rpaccess,rpios,rpcontrol}* version-string *.pkg bay standby-bay force 例: Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1001-{rpaccess,rpios,rpcontrol}*03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2*.pkg bay 1 force |
スタンバイ ベイで RPAccess、RPIOS、RPControl の各サブパッケージをアップグレードします。 |
ステップ 10 |
issu commitversion 例: Router# issu commitversion |
SSO ステートに達したら、ソフトウェア バージョンをコミットします。 |
ステップ 11 |
redundancy force-switchover 例: Router# redundancy force-switchover |
アクティブ IOS プロセスからスタンバイ IOS プロセスへのスイッチオーバーを強制的に実行します。 このステップでルータへの接続がドロップした場合は、数分待ってからルータに再接続し、ステップ 12 に進みます。 |
ステップ 12 |
show platform 例: Router# show platform |
(任意)システムの状態を監視し、両方の IOS プロセスがアクティブであることを確認します。 |
ステップ 13 |
issu loadversion rp 0 file file-system :asr1001-{rpaccess,rpios,rpcontrol}* version-string *.pkg bay standby-bay force 例: Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1001-{rpaccess,rpios,rpcontrol}*03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2*.pkg bay 0 force |
スタンバイ ベイ(ステップ 9 とは異なるベイ)で RPAccess、RPIOS、RPControl の各サブパッケージをアップグレードします。 |
ステップ 14 |
issu commitversion 例: Router# issu commitversion |
ソフトウェア バージョンをコミットします。 |
ステップ 15 |
issu loadversion rp 0 file file-system :asr1001-{rpbase,sipbase,sipspa,espbase}* version *.pkg force 例: Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:221subs/asr1001-{rpbase,sipbase,sipspa,espbase}*03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg force |
ルータ上の SIP ごとに RP、SIP、SPA および ESP のサブパッケージをアップグレードします。 (注) このステップは一度に 1 つの SIP に対して実行する必要があります。ルータに搭載された SIP ごとにこのステップを繰り返したあと、次のステップに進みます。 形式の 3 つの数字が示されたインターフェイスから、ルータ上の SIP と SPA の位置がわかります。 IOS XE Release 2.1.2 以前の ISSU アップグレード手順については、「ISSU 手順(Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1.2 以前)」を参照してください。 |
ステップ 16 |
show version installed 例: Router# show version installed |
(任意)サブパッケージが適切にインストールされていることを確認します。 |
ステップ 17 |
reload 例: Router# reload |
(任意)RP をリロードします。 ヒント リロードしなくてもルータは正常に動作し続けます。そのため、ルータのリロードは、定期保守時またはトラフィックの少ない時間帯に行ってもかまいません。これは、ソフトウェア ベースの競合を避けるために強く推奨されているリロードです。 |
次の例は、サブパッケージが実行されている Cisco ASR 1001 ルータのソフトウェア アップグレードを示します。
Cisco IOS Software, IOS-XE Software (X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9-M), Experimental Version 15.1(20110301:124851) [asr1001-universalk9.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1]
Copyright (c) 1986-2011 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Tue 01-Mar-11 06:25 by mcpre
Cisco IOS-XE software, Copyright (c) 2005-2011 by cisco Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved. Certain components of Cisco IOS-XE software are
licensed under the GNU General Public License ("GPL") Version 2.0. The
software code licensed under GPL Version 2.0 is free software that comes
with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You can redistribute and/or modify such
GPL code under the terms of GPL Version 2.0. For more details, see the
documentation or "License Notice" file accompanying the IOS-XE software,
or the applicable URL provided on the flyer accompanying the IOS-XE
Router uptime is 5 days, 26 minutes
Uptime for this control processor is 5 days, 27 minutes
System returned to ROM by reload
System image file is "bootflash:asr1001-universalk9.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1"
Last reload reason: Reload Command
This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United
States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and
use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply
third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.
Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for
compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you
agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable
to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.
A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:
If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to
*0 ASR1001 JAE14020AT1 ASR1001:JAE14020AT1
License Package Information for Module:'asr1001'
Module name Image level Pri Config Valid license
asr1001 adventerprise 1 NO adventerprise
advipservices 2 NO advipservices
Module name Current Level Reboot Level
cisco ASR1001 (1RU) processor with 3851680K/6147K bytes of memory.
6 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
32768K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
8388608K bytes of physical memory.
7782399K bytes of eUSB flash at bootflash:.
Configuration register is 0x8102
Router# show version installed
Package: Provisioning File, version: n/a, status: active
File: consolidated:packages.conf, on: RP0
File SHA1 checksum: e11c9aacb8c233ed10eeac61ca20a9469fb0b81e
Package: rpbase, version: 03.02.01.S.151-1.S1, status: active
File: consolidated:asr1001-rpbase.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1.pkg, on: RP0
Built: 2011-03-01_07.10, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: e3c93ac457f2632ae90ba346692d58001cf0d02c
Package: rpcontrol, version: 03.02.01.S.151-1.S1, status: active
File: consolidated:asr1001-rpcontrol.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1.pkg, on: RP0/0
Built: 2011-03-01_07.10, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 59ba43488cf2a0e7bc06b66fad0e574bbdf42a62
<output removed for brevity>
Router#show redundancy states
Redundancy Mode (Operational) = Non-redundant
Redundancy Mode (Configured) = Non-redundant
Redundancy State = Non Redundant
Manual Swact = disabled (system is simplex (no peer unit))
Communications = Down Reason: Simplex mode
client_notification_TMR = 30000 milliseconds
keep_alive TMR = 4000 milliseconds
Slot Type State Insert time (ago)
--------- ------------------- --------------------- -----------------
0/1 SPA-2X1GE-V2 ok 5d07h
R0 ASR1001 ok, active 5d07h
F0 ASR1001 ok, active 5d07h
P0 ASR1001-PWR-AC ps, fail 5d07h
P1 ASR1001-PWR-AC ok 5d07h
P2 ASR1001-FANTRAY ok 5d07h
Slot CPLD Version Firmware Version
--------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------
0 1001050E 12.2(20090526:143323) [gschnorr-mcp_...
R0 10010514 12.2(20090526:143323) [gschnorr-mcp_...
F0 1001050E 12.2(20090526:143323) [gschnorr-mcp_...
Create directory filename [221subs]?
Created dir bootflash:221subs
Router(config)# ip tftp source-interface gigabitethernet 0
Router# copy tftp: 221subs
Address or name of remote host []?
Source filename []? /auto/users/asr1001-universalk9.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.bin,12
Destination filename [asr1001-universalk9.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1.bin,12]?
Accessing tftp://,12...
Loading /auto/users/asr1001-universalk9.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1.bin,12 (via GigabitEthernet0):
209227980 bytes copied in 880.002 secs (237759 bytes/sec)
Router# request platform software package expand file 221subs/asr1001-universalk9.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.bin
SUCCESS: Finished expanding all-in-one software package.
72013 -rw- 51904716 Oct 7 2008 15:46:02 -07:00 asr1001-espbase.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg
72004 -rw- 5773 Oct 7 2008 15:46:02 -07:00 asr1001-packages-universalk9.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.conf
72014 -rw- 20533452 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1001-rpaccess.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg
72015 -rw- 22388940 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1001-rpbase.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg
72016 -rw- 27961548 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1001-rpcontrol.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg
72017 -rw- 50942156 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1001-rpios-universalk9.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg
72018 -rw- 36442316 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1001-sipbase.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg
72019 -rw- 26366156 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1001-sipspa.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg
72005 -rw- 6290 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 packages.conf
72003 -rw- 224768204 Oct 7 2008 15:38:57 -07:00 asr1001-universalk9.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.bin
928862208 bytes total (466358272 bytes free)
Router# copy 221subs/asr1001-espbase.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1001-espbase.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg]?
Copy in
51904716 bytes copied in 5.478 secs (9475122 bytes/sec)
Router# copy 221subs/asr1001-rpaccess.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1001-rpaccess.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg]?
Copy in
20533452 bytes copied in 2.346 secs (8752537 bytes/sec)
Router# copy 221subs/asr1001-rpbase.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1001-rpbase.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg]?
Copy in
22388940 bytes copied in 2.496 secs (8969928 bytes/sec)
Router# copy 221subs/asr1001-rpcontrol.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1001-rpcontrol.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg]?
Copy in
27961548 bytes copied in 2.992 secs (9345437 bytes/sec)
Router# copy 221subs/asr1001-rpios-universalk9.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1001-rpios-universalk9.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg]?
Copy in
50942156 bytes copied in 5.719 secs (8907529 bytes/sec)
Router# copy 221subs/asr1001-sipbase.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1001-sipbase.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg]?
Copy in
36442316 bytes copied in 3.906 secs (9329830 bytes/sec)
Router# copy 221subs/asr1001-sipspa.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1001-sipspa.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg]?
Copy in
26366156 bytes copied in 2.857 secs (9228616 bytes/sec)
Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:221subs/asr1001-{rpaccess,rpios,rpcontrol}*03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg bay 1 force
--- Starting local lock acquisition on R0 ---
Finished local lock acquisition on R0
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Found asr1001-rpaccess.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg
Found asr1001-rpios-universalk9.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg
Found asr1001-rpcontrol.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg
Verifying image file locations
Inspecting image file types
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Checking if resulting candidate package set would be complete
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Software sets are identified as compatible
Verifying image type compatibility
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting impact testing ---
Checking operational impact of change
WARNING: Connection may be lost during installation of IOS package
--- Starting list of software package changes ---
No old package files removed
Added asr1001-rpaccess.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg
Added asr1001-rpcontrol.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg
Added asr1001-rpios-universalk9.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg
Finished list of software package changes
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
--- Starting analysis of software changes ---
Finished analysis of software changes
--- Starting update running software ---
Blocking peer synchronization of operating information
Creating the command set placeholder directory
Finding latest command set
Finding latest command shortlist lookup file
Finding latest command shortlist file
Assembling CLI output libraries
Assembling CLI input libraries
Assembling Dynamic configuration files
Applying interim IPC and database definitions
Replacing running software
Restarting IOS PID: 9275, in slot/bay 0/1
*Mar 15 16:28:50.014: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER)
*Mar 15 16:28:50.014: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER)
*Mar 15 16:28:50.014: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER)
*Mar 15 16:28:52.224: %RF-5-RF_RELOAD: Peer reload. Reason: EHSA standby down s
*Mar 15 16:29:29.183: %CMRP-5-PRERELEASE_HARDWARE: R0/0: cmand: 0 is pre-releae
*Mar 15 16:29:29.214: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a stand)
*Mar 15 16:29:29.214: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a stand)
Generating software version information
Unblocking peer synchronization of operating information
Cleaning temporary installation files
Finished update running software
Router#issu commitversion
--- Starting local lock acquisition on R0 ---
Finished local lock acquisition on R0
--- Starting installation changes ---
Cancelling rollback timer
Finished installation changes
SUCCESS: Installation changes committed
*Mar 15 16:30:24.885: %NBAR_HA-5-NBAR_INFO: NBAR sync DONE!
*Mar 15 16:30:25.421: %HA_CONFIG_SYNC-6-BULK_CFGSYNC_SUCCEED: Bulk Sync succeedd
*Mar 15 16:30:25.423: %RF-5-RF_TERMINAL_STATE: Terminal state reached for (SSO)
Router#redundancy force-switchover
Proceed with switchover to standby RP? [confirm]y Manual Swact = enabled
%ASR1000_INFRA-6-CONSOLE_ACTIVE: R0/1 console active. Press RETURN to get star!
*Mar 15 16:31:00.014: %REDUNDANCY-3-SWITCHOVER: RP switchover (PEER_NOT_PRESENT)
*Mar 15 16:31:00.015: %REDUNDANCY-3-SWITCHOVER: RP switchover (PEER_DOWN)
*Mar 15 16:31:00.015: %REDUNDANCY-3-SWITCHOVER: RP switchover (PEER_REDUNDANCY_)
*Mar 15 16:31:00.328: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Lsmpi0, changed state to up
*Mar 15 16:31:00.328: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface EOBC0, changed state to up
*Mar 15 16:31:00.328: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface LIIN0, changed state to up
*Mar 15 16:31:01.328: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Lsmpi0, cp
*Mar 15 16:31:01.328: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface EOBC0, chp
*Mar 15 16:31:01.328: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEtn
*Mar 15 16:31:01.328: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface LIIN0, chp
*Mar 15 16:31:02.064: %RF-5-RF_RELOAD: Self reload. Reason: redundancy force-swr
*Mar 15 16:31:02.293: %SYS-5-SWITCHOVER: Switchover requested by red_switchover.
*Mar 15 16:31:02.321: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Null0, changed state to up
*Mar 15 16:31:03.321: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Null0, chp
*Mar 15 16:31:03.322: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEtn
*Mar 15 16:31:03.322: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEtn
*Mar 15 16:31:03.322: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEtn
*Mar 15 16:31:03.322: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEtn
*Mar 15 16:31:03.322: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEtn
*Mar 15 16:31:03.322: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface GigabitEtn
*Mar 15 16:31:43.168: %CMRP-5-PRERELEASE_HARDWARE: R0/0: cmand: 0 is pre-releae
*Mar 15 16:31:43.189: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a stand)
*Mar 15 16:31:43.189: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a stand)
*Mar 15 16:32:28.411: %NBAR_HA-5-NBAR_INFO: NBAR sync DONE!
*Mar 15 16:32:28.971: %HA_CONFIG_SYNC-6-BULK_CFGSYNC_SUCCEED: Bulk Sync succeedd
*Mar 15 16:32:28.973: %RF-5-RF_TERMINAL_STATE: Terminal state reached for (SSO)
Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:221subs/asr1001-{rpaccess,rpios,rpcontrol}*03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg bay 0 force
--- Starting local lock acquisition on R0 ---
Finished local lock acquisition on R0
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Verifying image file locations
Inspecting image file types
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Checking if resulting candidate package set would be complete
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
Software sets are identified as compatible
Verifying image type compatibility
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting impact testing ---
Checking operational impact of change
WARNING: Connection may be lost during installation of IOS package
--- Starting list of software package changes ---
Removed asr1001-rpaccess.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1.pkg
Removed asr1001-rpcontrol.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1.pkg
Removed asr1001-rpios-universalk9.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1.pkg
No new package files added
Finished list of software package changes
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
--- Starting analysis of software changes ---
Finished analysis of software changes
--- Starting update running software ---
Blocking peer synchronization of operating information
Creating the command set placeholder directory
Finding latest command set
Finding latest command shortlist lookup file
Finding latest command shortlist file
Assembling CLI output libraries
Assembling CLI input libraries
Assembling Dynamic configuration files
Applying interim IPC and database definitions
Replacing running software
Restarting IOS PID: 20548, in slot/bay 0/0
*Mar 15 16:36:14.365: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER)
*Mar 15 16:36:14.365: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER)
*Mar 15 16:36:14.365: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER)
*Mar 15 16:36:16.558: %RF-5-RF_RELOAD: Peer reload. Reason: EHSA standby down
*Mar 15 16:36:49.361: %CMRP-5-PRERELEASE_HARDWARE: R0/0: cmand: 0 is pre-releae
*Mar 15 16:36:49.365: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a stand)
*Mar 15 16:36:49.365: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a stand)
*Mar 15 16:37:00.004: %ASR1000_PEM-6-PEMOK: The PEM in slot 2 is functioning pry
*Mar 15 16:37:00.005: %ASR1000_PEM-6-FANOK: The fan in slot 2/0 is functioning y
*Mar 15 16:37:00.005: %ASR1000_PEM-6-FANOK: The fan in slot 2/1 is functioning y
*Mar 15 16:37:00.005: %ASR1000_PEM-6-FANOK: The fan in slot 2/2 is functioning y
*Mar 15 16:37:00.005: %ASR1000_PEM-6-FANOK: The fan in slot 2/3 is functioning y
*Mar 15 16:37:00.005: %ASR1000_PEM-6-FANOK: The fan in slot 2/4 is functioning y
*Mar 15 16:37:00.005: %ASR1000_PEM-6-FANOK: The fan in slot 2/5 is functioning y
*Mar 15 16:37:00.005: %ASR1000_PEM-6-FANOK: The fan in slot 2/6 is functioning y
*Mar 15 16:37:00.470: %LICENSE-6-COUNT: R0/0: licensed: Feature cube_250 1.0 li
*Mar 15 16:37:00.471: %LICENSE-6-COUNT: R0/0: licensed: Feature cube_250 1.0 li
*Mar 15 16:37:00.703: %CMRP-5-PRERELEASE_HARDWARE: R0/0: cmand: 0 is pre-releae
*Mar 15 16:37:01.961: %CMRP-6-THROUGHPUT_LICENSE: R0/0: cmand: Throughput liceG
*Mar 15 16:37:06.571: %CMRP-5-PRERELEASE_HARDWARE: R0/0: cmand: 0 is pre-relean
Notifying running software of updates
Unblocking peer synchronization of operating information
Cleaning temporary installation files
Finished update running software
SUCCESS: Finished installing software.
Router#issu commitversion
--- Starting local lock acquisition on R0 ---
Finished local lock acquisition on R0
--- Starting installation changes ---
Cancelling rollback timer
Finished installation changes
SUCCESS: Installation changes committed
Router#issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:221subs/asr1001-{rpbase,sipbase,sipspa,espbase}*03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg force
--- Starting local lock acquisition on R0 ---
Finished local lock acquisition on R0
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Verifying image file locations
Inspecting image file types
WARNING: In-service installation of RP Base package
WARNING: requires software reboot of target RP
WARNING: Automatically setting the on-reboot flag
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Checking if resulting candidate package set would be complete
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
Determining whether installation is valid
Determining whether installation is valid ... skipped
Verifying image type compatibility
Checking IPC compatibility for candidate software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software ... skipped
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting list of software package changes ---
Removed asr1001-espbase.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1.pkg
Removed asr1001-rpbase.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1.pkg
Removed asr1001-sipbase.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1.pkg
Removed asr1001-sipspa.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1.pkg
Added asr1001-espbase.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg
Added asr1001-rpbase.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg
Added asr1001-sipbase.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg
Added asr1001-sipspa.03.02.01.S.151-1.S1_2.pkg
Finished list of software package changes
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
SUCCESS: Software provisioned. New software will load on reboot.
show version
show version installed
dir filesystem : < directory >
show platform
show redundancy-states
mode sso
mkdir URL-to-directory-name
ip tftp source-interface gigabitethernet slot/port
copy tftp: URL-to-target-location
request platform software package expand file URL-to-consolidated-package
dir URL-to-consolidated-package
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-espbase. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpaccess. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1- rpbase . version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpcontrol. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpios. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-sipbase. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-sipspa. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
issu loadversion rp 0 file file-system :asr1000rp1-{rpaccess,rpios,rpcontrol}* version-string *.pkg bay standby-bay force
issu commitversion
redundancy force-switchover
show platform
issu loadversion rp 0 file file-system :asr1000rp1-{rpaccess,rpios,rpcontrol}* version-string *.pkg bay standby-bay force
issu commitversion
issu loadversion rp 0 file file-system :asr1000rp1-{sipbase,sipspa}* version *.pkg slot SIP-slot-number force
issu commitversion
(注) ルータに搭載された SIP ごとにこのステップを繰り返してから、次のステップに進みます。
issu loadversion rp 0 file file-system :asr1000rp1-esp* version *.pkg force
issu commitversion
issu loadversion rp 0 file file-system :asr1000rp* version *.pkg
show version installed
request platform software package clean
(注) ステップ 19、20、21 はすぐに実行する必要はありません。都合のよいときに実行してください。
ステップ 1 |
show version show version installed dir filesystem:<directory> show platform show redundancy-states 例: Router# show version Router# show version r0 installed Router# dir bootflash: Router# show platform Router# show redundancy-states |
(任意)次のコマンドを使用して、現在のルータの設定を確認します。 • show version および show version active-rp installed :ルータで現在実行されている Cisco IOS XE ソフトウェアのバージョン、ルータのブートに使用されたファイル、およびそのファイルが格納されている場所を確認します。 • dir :ルータのブートに使用されたファイルが指定したディレクトリにあることを確認します。 • show platform :アクティブ RP とスタンバイ RP の現在のステータスを確認します。 • show redundancy states :動作中の冗長ステートと設定された冗長ステートを確認します。 |
ステップ 2 |
redundancy mode sso 例: Router(config)# redundancy Router(config-red)# mode sso |
まだ設定されていない場合は、SSO を設定します。 (注) この設定ステップが終わったら、設定を保存してください。 |
ステップ 3 |
mkdir URL-to-directory-name 例: Router# mkdir usb0:221subs |
統合パッケージとサブパッケージを格納するディレクトリを作成します。 統合パッケージとサブパッケージは、この時点でルータのブートに使用されていたサブパッケージとは分ける必要があるため、ほとんどの場合、このディレクトリを作成する必要があります。 |
ステップ 4 |
ip tftp source-interface gigabitethernet slot/port
Router(config)# ip tftp source-interface gigabitethernet 0 |
設定するギガビット イーサネット TFTP 送信元インターフェイスを指定します。 slot/port:TFTP 送信元インターフェイスの位置を指定します。 のコマンドを入力する必要があります。 |
ステップ 5 |
copy tftp: URL-to-target-location 例: Router# copy tftp: usb0:221subs |
統合パッケージ ファイルを、ステップ 3 で作成したディレクトリにコピーします。 このステップの統合パッケージは、現在ルータで実行されているサブパッケージと同じディレクトリ(ルータのブート元の packages.conf プロビジョニング ファイルを含むディレクトリ)にはコピーしないでください。 ヒント このステップを実行する際に必要な容量を考慮して、usb: または harddisk: ファイル システムにパッケージをコピーすることを推奨します。 |
ステップ 6 |
request platform software package expand file URL-to-consolidated-package (Optional) dir target-URL 例: Router# request platform software package expand file usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9. Router# dir usb0:221subs |
統合パッケージ ファイルから一時ディレクトリにサブパッケージを抽出します。 コマンドを入力します。 |
ステップ 7 |
dir target-URL 例: Router# dir usb0:221subs |
(任意)ディレクトリを表示して、ファイルが抽出されたことを確認します。 |
ステップ 8 |
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-espbase. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpaccess. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1- rpbase . version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpcontrol. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpios. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-sipbase. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-sipspa. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP 例: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-espbase. bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpaccess. bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpbase. bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpcontrol. bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9. bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-sipbase. bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-sipspa. bootflash: |
一時ディレクトリ内のサブパッケージを、アクティブ RP で実行されているサブパッケージが現在格納されているルータ上のディレクトリにコピーします。 |
ステップ 9 |
issu loadversion rp 0 file file-system :asr1000rp1-{rpaccess,rpios,rpcontrol}* version-string *.pkg bay standby-bay force 例: Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{rpaccess,rpios,rpcontrol}**.pkg bay 1 force |
スタンバイ ベイで RPAccess、RPIOS、RPControl の各サブパッケージをアップグレードします。 |
ステップ 10 |
issu commitversion 例: Router# issu commitversion |
SSO ステートに達したら、ソフトウェア バージョンをコミットします。 |
ステップ 11 |
redundancy force-switchover 例: Router# redundancy force-switchover |
アクティブ IOS プロセスからスタンバイ IOS プロセスへのスイッチオーバーを強制的に実行します。 このステップでルータへの接続がドロップした場合は、数分待ってからルータに再接続し、ステップ 12 に進みます。 |
ステップ 12 |
show platform 例: Router# show platform |
(任意)システムの状態を監視し、両方の IOS プロセスがアクティブであることを確認します。 |
ステップ 13 |
issu loadversion rp 0 file file-system :asr1000rp1-{rpaccess,rpios,rpcontrol}* version-string *.pkg bay standby-bay force 例: Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{rpaccess,rpios,rpcontrol}**.pkg bay 0 force |
スタンバイ ベイ(ステップ 9 とは異なるベイ)で RPAccess、RPIOS、RPControl の各サブパッケージをアップグレードします。 |
ステップ 14 |
issu commitversion 例: Router# issu commitversion |
ソフトウェア バージョンをコミットします。 |
ステップ 15 |
issu loadversion rp 0 file file-system :asr1000rp1-{sipbase,sipspa}* version *.pkg slot SIP-slot-number force issu commitversion Repeat this step for each SIP installed in your router before proceeding to the next step. 例: Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{sipspa,sipbase}**.pkg slot 0 force Router# issu commitversion Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{sipspa,sipbase}**.pkg slot 1 force Router# issu commitversion Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{sipspa,sipbase}**.pkg slot 2 force Router# issu commitversion |
ルータ上の SIP ごとに SIP および SPA サブパッケージをアップグレードします。 (注) このステップは一度に 1 つの SIP に対して実行する必要があります。ルータに搭載された SIP ごとにこのステップを繰り返したあと、次のステップに進みます。 形式の 3 つの数字が示されたインターフェイスから、ルータ上の SIP と SPA の位置がわかります。 IOS XE Release 2.1.2 以前の ISSU アップグレード手順については、「ISSU 手順(Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1.2 以前)」を参照してください。 |
ステップ 16 |
issu loadversion rp 0 file file-system :asr1000rp1-esp* version *.pkg force 例: Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-esp**.pkg force |
ESP Base サブパッケージをアップグレードします。 |
ステップ 17 |
issu commitversion 例: Router# issu commitversion |
ESP Base ソフトウェアをコミットします。 |
ステップ 18 |
issu loadversion rp 0 file file-system :asr1000rp* version *.pkg 例: Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp**.pkg |
アップグレードする必要がある最後のサブパッケージである RPBase サブパッケージを含むすべてのサブパッケージをアップグレードします。 (注) このステップは、ルータ上のすべてのサブパッケージをこの手順によって確実にアップグレードするために必要となります。また、これまでのプロセスで漏れていたサブパッケージがあれば、それらのサブパッケージもアップグレードできます。 |
ステップ 19 |
show version installed 例: Router# show version installed |
(任意)サブパッケージが適切にインストールされていることを確認します。 |
ステップ 20 |
reload 例: Router# reload |
RP をリロードします。 ヒント リロードしなくてもルータは正常に動作し続けます。そのため、ルータのリロードは、定期保守時またはトラフィックの少ない時間帯に行ってもかまいません。 |
ステップ 21 |
request platform software package clean |
(任意)未使用のサブパッケージをルータからすべて削除します。 |
次の例は、サブパッケージが実行されている Cisco ASR 1002 または 1004 ルータのソフトウェア アップグレードを示します。
Cisco IOS Software, IOS-XE Software (PPC_LINUX_IOSD-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 12.2(33)XNA, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
<output removed for brevity>
System image file is "bootflash:packages.conf"
<output removed for brevity>
cisco ASR1004 (RP1) processor with 752142K/6147K bytes of memory.
5 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
32768K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
4194304K bytes of physical memory.
937983K bytes of eUSB flash at bootflash:.
39004543K bytes of SATA hard disk at bootflash:.
253424K bytes of USB flash at usb0:.
Configuration register is 0x2102
Router# show version installed
Package: Provisioning File, version: n/a, status: active
File: bootflash:packages.conf, on: RP0
File SHA1 checksum: 9172d30751d79fc1afb7b405eca244bbf9f8f2f2
Package: rpbase, version:, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpbase., on: RP0
Built: 2008-05-01_01.48, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: c09fe08ff908c8ce0b789d8acc774fe43dacf5e3
Package: rpaccess, version:, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpaccess., on: RP0
Built: 2008-07-08_16.01, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: c1afc591c9cd198409820226c4f23d2647d0d138
<output removed for brevity>
Router# show redundancy states
peer state = 4 -STANDBY COLD
Redundancy Mode (Operational) = sso
Redundancy Mode (Configured) = sso
Maintenance Mode = Disabled
Manual Swact = disabled (peer unit not yet in terminal standby state)
client_notification_TMR = 30000 milliseconds
Slot Type State Insert time (ago)
--------- ------------------- --------------------- -----------------
0 ASR1000-SIP10 ok 00:04:43
0/0 SPA-1XOC12-POS ok 00:03:25
0/1 SPA-2XOC3-POS ok 00:03:24
0/3 SPA-5X1GE-V2 ok 00:03:20
R0 ASR1000-RP1 ok 00:04:43
R0/1 ok, standby 00:02:55
F0 ASR1000-ESP10 ok, active 00:04:43
P0 ASR1004-PWR-AC ok 00:03:53
P1 ASR1004-FAN ok 00:03:53
Slot CPLD Version Firmware Version
--------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------
Router# mkdir usb0:221subs
Create directory filename [221subs]?
Created dir bootflash:221subs
Router(config)# ip tftp source-interface gigabitethernet 0
Router# copy tftp: usb0:221subs
Address or name of remote host []?
Source filename []? /auto/users/asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.]?
Accessing tftp://
Loading /auto/users/asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9. from (via GigabitEthernet0):
209227980 bytes copied in 880.002 secs (237759 bytes/sec)
Router# request platform software package expand file usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.
SUCCESS: Finished expanding all-in-one software package.
Directory of usb0:/221subs/
72013 -rw- 51904716 Oct 7 2008 15:46:02 -07:00 asr1000rp1-espbase.
72004 -rw- 5773 Oct 7 2008 15:46:02 -07:00 asr1000rp1-packages-adventerprisek9.
72014 -rw- 20533452 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1000rp1-rpaccess.
72015 -rw- 22388940 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1000rp1-rpbase.
72016 -rw- 27961548 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.
72017 -rw- 50942156 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.
72018 -rw- 36442316 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1000rp1-sipbase.
72019 -rw- 26366156 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1000rp1-sipspa.
72005 -rw- 6290 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 packages.conf
72003 -rw- 224768204 Oct 7 2008 15:38:57 -07:00 asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.
928862208 bytes total (466358272 bytes free)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-espbase. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-espbase.]?
Copy in
51904716 bytes copied in 5.478 secs (9475122 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpaccess. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-rpaccess.]?
Copy in
20533452 bytes copied in 2.346 secs (8752537 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpbase. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-rpbase.]?
Copy in
22388940 bytes copied in 2.496 secs (8969928 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpcontrol. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.]?
Copy in
27961548 bytes copied in 2.992 secs (9345437 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.]?
Copy in
50942156 bytes copied in 5.719 secs (8907529 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-sipbase. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-sipbase.]?
Copy in
36442316 bytes copied in 3.906 secs (9329830 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-sipspa. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-sipspa.]?
Copy in
26366156 bytes copied in 2.857 secs (9228616 bytes/sec)
Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{rpaccess,rpios,rpcontrol}**.pkg bay 1 force
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Software sets are identified as compatible
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting impact testing ---
Checking operational impact of change
WARNING: Connection may be lost during installation of IOS package
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
--- Starting analysis of software changes ---
Finished analysis of software changes
--- Starting update running software ---
Blocking peer synchronization of operating information
Creating the command set placeholder directory
Finding latest command set
Finding latest command shortlist lookup file
Finding latest command shortlist file
Assembling CLI output libraries
Assembling CLI input libraries
Applying interim IPC and database definitions
Replacing running software
*Sep 25 18:04:24.517: %ASR1000_INFRA-6-BIPC_READ_ERR: R0/0: ppc_linux_iosd-image: connection read error from iman bipc, rc 32, bring down IPC Restarting IOS PID: 19257, in slot/bay 0/1
*Sep 25 18:04:39.325: %PMAN-3-PROCHOLDDOWN: R0/0: pman.sh: The process ppc_linux_iosd-image has been helddown (rc 137)
*Sep 25 18:04:39.422: %PMAN-0-PROCFAILCRIT: R0/0: pvp.sh: A critical process ppc_linux_iosd_image has failed (rc 137)
*Sep 25 18:04:39.462: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER_NOT_PRESENT)
*Sep 25 18:04:39.462: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER_DOWN)
*Sep 25 18:04:39.463: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER_REDUNDANCY_STATE_CHANGE)FIXME: kill/restart security package: 0 1 rp_security
Applying final IPC and database definitions
Generating software version information
Notifying running software of updates
Unblocking peer synchronization of operating information
Cleaning temporary installation files
Finished update running software
SUCCESS: Finished installing software.
*Sep 25 18:05:32.476: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a standby insertion (raw-event=PEER_FOUND(4))
*Sep 25 18:05:32.476: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a standby insertion (raw-event=PEER_REDUNDANCY_STATE_CHANGE(5))
*Sep 25 18:05:33.409: %REDUNDANCY-3-IPC: IOS versions do not match.
*Sep 25 18:07:39.886: %HA_CONFIG_SYNC-6-BULK_CFGSYNC_SUCCEED: Bulk Sync succeeded
*Sep 25 18:07:39.888: %RF-5-RF_TERMINAL_STATE: Terminal state reached for (SSO)
Router# issu commitversion
--- Starting installation changes ---
Cancelling rollback timer
Finished installation changes
SUCCESS: Installation changes committed
Router# redundancy force-switchover
Proceed with switchover to standby RP? [confirm]
%ASR1000_INFRA-6-CONSOLE_ACTIVE: R0/1 console active. Press RETURN to get started!
*Sep 25 18:08:27.898: %CMANRP-6-CMHASTATUS: RP switchover, received fastpath becoming active event
*Sep 25 18:08:28.224: %CMANRP-6-CMHASTATUS: RP switchover, received chassis event to become active
*Sep 25 18:08:28.229: %NETCLK-5-NETCLK_MODE_CHANGE: Network clock source not available. The network clock has changed to freerun
*Sep 25 18:08:28.243: %REDUNDANCY-3-SWITCHOVER: RP switchover (PEER_NOT_PRESENT)
*Sep 25 18:08:28.243: %REDUNDANCY-3-SWITCHOVER: RP switchover (PEER_DOWN)
*Sep 25 18:08:27.956: %SYS-5-SWITCHOVER: Switchover requested by Exec. Reason: redundancy force-switchover.: %REDUNDANCY-3-SWITCHOVER: RP switchover (PEER_REDUNDANCY_STATE_CHANGE)
*Sep 25 18:08:28.248: %PLATFORM-6-HASTATUS: RP switchover, sent message became active. IOS is ready to switch to primary after chassis confirmation
*Sep 25 18:08:28.249: %CMANRP-6-CMHASTATUS: RP switchover, received chassis event became active
*Sep 25 18:08:28.497: %PLATFORM-6-HASTATUS_DETAIL: RP switchover, received chassis event became active. Switch to primary (count 1)
*Sep 25 18:08:29.746: %ACE-3-TRANSERR: ASR1000-ESP(14): IKEA trans 0x3; opcode 0x25; param 0xA; error 0x4; retry cnt 0
*Sep 25 18:08:29.746: %ACE-3-TRANSERR: ASR1000-ESP(14): IKEA trans 0x4; opcode 0x25; param 0xB; error 0x4; retry cnt 0
*Sep 25 18:08:29.746: %ACE-3-TRANSERR: ASR1000-ESP(14): IKEA trans 0x5; opcode 0x25; param 0xC; error 0x4; retry cnt 0
*Sep 25 18:08:30.630: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Null0, changed state to up
*Sep 25 18:08:30.631: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Loopback0, changed state to up
*Sep 25 18:08:30.635: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface POS0/0/0, changed state to administratively down
*Sep 25 18:08:30.636: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface POS0/1/0, changed state to administratively down
*Sep 25 18:08:30.636: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface POS0/1/1, changed state to administratively down
*Sep 25 18:08:30.636: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface GigabitEthernet0/3/0, changed state to administratively down
*Sep 25 18:08:30.636: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface GigabitEthernet0/3/1, changed state to administratively down
*Sep 25 18:08:30.636: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface GigabitEthernet0/3/2, changed state to administratively down
*Sep 25 18:08:30.636: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface GigabitEthernet0/3/3, changed state to administratively down
*Sep 25 18:08:30.636: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface GigabitEthernet0/3/4, changed state to administratively down
*Sep 25 18:08:31.630: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Null0, changed state to up
*Sep 25 18:08:31.630: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Loopback0, changed state to up
*Sep 25 18:09:16.667: %REDUNDANCY-3-IPC: IOS versions do not match.
*Sep 25 18:09:16.717: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a standby insertion (raw-event=PEER_FOUND(4))
*Sep 25 18:09:16.717: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a standby insertion (raw-event=PEER_REDUNDANCY_STATE_CHANGE(5))
*Sep 25 18:11:00.500: %HA_CONFIG_SYNC-6-BULK_CFGSYNC_SUCCEED: Bulk Sync succeeded
*Sep 25 18:11:00.502: %RF-5-RF_TERMINAL_STATE: Terminal state reached for (SSO)
Slot Type State Insert time (ago)
--------- ------------------- --------------------- -----------------
0 ASR1000-SIP10 ok 00:14:44
0/0 SPA-1XOC12-POS ok 00:04:02
0/1 SPA-2XOC3-POS ok 00:04:02
0/3 SPA-5X1GE-V2 ok 00:04:02
R0 ASR1000-RP1 ok 00:14:44
R0/0 ok, standby 00:02:01
F0 ASR1000-ESP10 ok, active 00:14:44
P0 ASR1004-PWR-AC ok 00:13:54
P1 ASR1004-FAN ok 00:13:54
Slot CPLD Version Firmware Version
--------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------
Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{rpaccess,rpios,rpcontrol}**.pkg bay 0 force
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
Software sets are identified as compatible
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting impact testing ---
Checking operational impact of change
WARNING: Connection may be lost during installation of IOS package
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
--- Starting analysis of software changes ---
Finished analysis of software changes
--- Starting update running software ---
Blocking peer synchronization of operating information
Creating the command set placeholder directory
Finding latest command set
Finding latest command shortlist lookup file
Finding latest command shortlist file
Assembling CLI output libraries
Assembling CLI input libraries
Applying interim IPC and database definitions
Replacing running software
*Sep 25 18:13:27.604: %IOSXE-4-PLATFORM: R0/0: kernel: scooby: Scooby: FD close Restarting IOS PID: 20492, in slot/bay 0/0
*Sep 25 18:13:53.696: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER_NOT_PRESENT)
*Sep 25 18:13:53.696: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER_DOWN)
*Sep 25 18:13:53.697: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER_REDUNDANCY_STATE_CHANGE)FIXME: kill/restart security package: 0 0 rp_security
Applying final IPC and database definitions
*Sep 25 18:13:56.593: %DYNCMD-7-CMDSET_UNLOADED: The Dynamic Command set from the Shell Manager has been unloaded
*Sep 25 18:13:56.963: %DYNCMD-7-CMDSET_LOADED: The Dynamic Command set has been loaded from the Shell Manager
*Sep 25 18:13:59.457: %RF-5-RF_RELOAD: Peer reload. Reason: EHSA standby down Generating software version information
Notifying running software of updates
Unblocking peer synchronization of operating information
Cleaning temporary installation files
Finished update running software
SUCCESS: Finished installing software.
Router# issu commitversion
--- Starting installation changes ---
Cancelling rollback timer
Finished installation changes
SUCCESS: Installation changes committed
*Sep 25 18:14:47.232: %CMRP-5-PRERELEASE_HARDWARE: R0/0: cmand: 0:0 is pre-release hardware
*Sep 25 18:14:47.299: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a standby insertion (raw-event=PEER_FOUND(4))
*Sep 25 18:14:47.299: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a standby insertion (raw-event=PEER_REDUNDANCY_STATE_CHANGE(5))
Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{sipspa,sipbase}**.pkg slot 0 force
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Software sets are identified as compatible
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting impact testing ---
Checking operational impact of change
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
--- Starting analysis of software changes ---
Finished analysis of software changes
--- Starting update running software ---
Blocking peer synchronization of operating information
Creating the command set placeholder directory
Finding latest command set
Finding latest command shortlist lookup file
Finding latest command shortlist file
Assembling CLI output libraries
Assembling CLI input libraries
Applying interim IPC and database definitions
Replacing running software
Applying final IPC and database definitions
*Sep 29 11:05:40.249: %ASR1000_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: Card (cc) offline in slot 0
*Sep 29 11:05:40.250: %ASR1000_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 0/0, interfaces disabled
*Sep 29 11:05:40.250: %ASR1000_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 0/1, interfaces disabled
*Sep 29 11:05:40.250: %ASR1000_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 0/3, interfaces disabled
*Sep 29 11:05:48.163: %CMRP-5-PRERELEASE_HARDWARE: R0/0: cmand: 0:0 is pre-release hardware Generating software version information
Notifying running software of updates
Unblocking peer synchronization of operating information
Cleaning temporary installation files
Finished update running software
SUCCESS: Finished installing software.
*Sep 29 11:06:23.227: %ASR1000_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: Card (cc) online in slot 0
*Sep 29 11:06:23.225: %CMRP-5-PRERELEASE_HARDWARE: R0/0: cmand: 0:0 is pre-release hardware
*Sep 29 11:06:24.624: %ASR1000_OIR-6-INSSPA: SPA inserted in subslot 0/0
*Sep 29 11:06:25.379: %ASR1000_OIR-6-INSSPA: SPA inserted in subslot 0/1
*Sep 29 11:06:26.306: %ASR1000_OIR-6-INSSPA: SPA inserted in subslot 0/3
*Sep 29 11:06:33.776: %SPA_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: SPA (SPA-1XOC12-POS) online in subslot 0/0
*Sep 29 11:06:33.934: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP0/0: Interface EOBC0/1, changed state to up
*Sep 29 11:06:37.496: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP0/1: Interface EOBC0/1, changed state to up
*Sep 29 11:06:43.820: %SPA_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: SPA (SPA-2XOC3-POS) online in subslot 0/1
*Sep 29 11:06:42.046: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP0/3: Interface EOBC0/1, changed state to up
*Sep 29 11:06:48.410: %SPA_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: SPA (SPA-5X1GE-V2) online in subslot 0/3
Router# issu commitversion
--- Starting installation changes ---
Cancelling rollback timer
Finished installation changes
SUCCESS: Installation changes committed
Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{sipspa,sipbase}**.pkg slot 1 force
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
Software sets are identified as compatible
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting impact testing ---
Checking operational impact of change
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
--- Starting analysis of software changes ---
Finished analysis of software changes
--- Starting update running software ---
Blocking peer synchronization of operating information
Creating the command set placeholder directory
Finding latest command set
Finding latest command shortlist lookup file
Finding latest command shortlist file
Assembling CLI output libraries
Assembling CLI input libraries
Applying interim IPC and database definitions
Replacing running software
Applying final IPC and database definitions
Generating software version information
Notifying running software of updates
Unblocking peer synchronization of operating information
Cleaning temporary installation files
Finished update running software
SUCCESS: Finished installing software.
Router# issu commitversion
--- Starting installation changes ---
Cancelling rollback timer
Finished installation changes
SUCCESS: Installation changes committed
Router#issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-esp**.pkg force
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Software sets are identified as compatible
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting impact testing ---
Checking operational impact of change
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
--- Starting analysis of software changes ---
Finished analysis of software changes
--- Starting update running software ---
Blocking peer synchronization of operating information
Creating the command set placeholder directory
Finding latest command set
Finding latest command shortlist lookup file
Finding latest command shortlist file
Assembling CLI output libraries
Assembling CLI input libraries
Applying interim IPC and database definitions
Replacing running software
Applying final IPC and database definitions
*Sep 25 18:22:56.525: %ASR1000_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: Card (fp) offline in slot F0
*Sep 25 18:22:58.588: %CMRP-5-PRERELEASE_HARDWARE: R0/0: cmand: F0:0 is pre-release hardware Generating software version information
Notifying running software of updates
Unblocking peer synchronization of operating information
Cleaning temporary installation files
Finished update running software
SUCCESS: Finished installing software.
*Sep 25 18:23:35.356: %DYNCMD-7-CMDSET_UNLOADED: The Dynamic Command set from the Shell Manager has been unloaded
*Sep 25 18:23:35.846: %DYNCMD-7-CMDSET_LOADED: The Dynamic Command set has been loaded from the Shell Manager
*Sep 25 18:23:45.207: %ASR1000_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: Card (fp) online in slot F0
*Sep 25 18:23:45.206: %CMRP-5-PRERELEASE_HARDWARE: R0/0: cmand: F0:0 is pre-release hardware
*Sep 25 18:23:55.309: %CPPHA-7-SYSREADY: F0: cpp_ha: CPP client process FMAN-FP (5 of 5) ready.
*Sep 25 18:23:55.698: %CPPHA-7-START: F0: cpp_ha: CPP 0 preparing image /usr/cpp/bin/cpp-mcplo-ucode
*Sep 25 18:23:55.931: %CPPHA-7-START: F0: cpp_ha: CPP 0 startup init image /usr/cpp/bin/cpp-mcplo-ucode
*Sep 25 18:24:00.837: %CPPHA-7-START: F0: cpp_ha: CPP 0 running init image /usr/cpp/bin/cpp-mcplo-ucode
*Sep 25 18:24:01.077: %CPPHA-7-READY: F0: cpp_ha: CPP 0 loading and initialization complete
*Sep 25 18:24:01.077: %CPPHA-6-SYSINIT: F0: cpp_ha: CPP HA system configuration start.
*Sep 25 18:24:02.403: %IOSXE-6-PLATFORM: F0: cpp_cp: Process CPP_PFILTER_EA_EVENT__API_CALL__REGISTER
*Sep 25 18:24:02.597: %CPPHA-6-SYSINIT: F0: cpp_ha: CPP HA system enabled.
*Sep 25 18:24:02.598: %CPPHA-6-SYSINIT: F0: cpp_ha: CPP HA system initialization complete.
Router# issu commitversion
--- Starting installation changes ---
Cancelling rollback timer
Finished installation changes
SUCCESS: Installation changes committed
Router# issu loadversion rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp**.pkg
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
WARNING: In-service installation of RP Base package
WARNING: requires software reboot of target RP
WARNING: Automatically setting the on-reboot flag
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
Determining whether installation is valid
Determining whether installation is valid ... skipped
Checking IPC compatibility for candidate software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software ... skipped
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
SUCCESS: Software provisioned. New software will load on reboot.
Router# show version provisioned
Package: Provisioning File, version: n/a, status: active
File: bootflash:packages.conf, on: RP0
File SHA1 checksum: aca136bd8bcb99f87e6aa7a0ce2a92a3b5a5a200
Package: rpbase, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpbase.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 32b3fceaf59e3acd7cf9937ef33a822d6b359887
Package: rpaccess, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpaccess.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 7c8dfdf9b2e3602b0c6c531a88dd93c8d2d180c6
Package: rpcontrol, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0/0
--More-- Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a544cd10841b237066ccbc4714f4e23c00a9d2e5
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a4967ac35d6ac37ef275b28e032773762be9f202
Package: rpcontrol, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a544cd10841b237066ccbc4714f4e23c00a9d2e5
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP0/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a4967ac35d6ac37ef275b28e032773762be9f202
Package: rpbase, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpbase.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 32b3fceaf59e3acd7cf9937ef33a822d6b359887
Package: rpaccess, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpaccess.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 7c8dfdf9b2e3602b0c6c531a88dd93c8d2d180c6
Package: rpcontrol, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a544cd10841b237066ccbc4714f4e23c00a9d2e5
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
--More-- File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a4967ac35d6ac37ef275b28e032773762be9f202
Package: rpcontrol, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a544cd10841b237066ccbc4714f4e23c00a9d2e5
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1, status: inactive
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg, on: RP1/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: a4967ac35d6ac37ef275b28e032773762be9f202
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
File: unknown, on: SIP0/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
File: unknown, on: SIP0/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP0/2
--More-- Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: active
File: unknown, on: SIP0/3
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP1/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP1/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
--More-- Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP1/2
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP1/3
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP2/0
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP2/1
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
--More-- File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP2/2
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
Package: rpios-adventerprisek9, version: unknown, status: inactive
File: unknown, on: SIP2/3
Built: 2008-09-24_03.52, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: unknown
<some output removed for brevity>
Router# request platform software package clean
Cleaning up unnecessary package files
No path specified, will use booted path bootflash:packages.conf
Scanning boot directory for packages ... done.
Preparing packages list to delete ...
File is in use, will not delete.
File is in use, will not delete.
File is in use, will not delete.
File is in use, will not delete.
File is in use, will not delete.
File is in use, will not delete.
File is in use, will not delete.
File is in use, will not delete.
Files that will be deleted:
Do you want to proceed? [confirm]y
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000-rommon.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000-rommon.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.bin ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.bin ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-espbase.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-packages-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.conf ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-packages-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.conf ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpaccess.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpbase.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipbase.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:packages.conf.00- ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:packages.conf.01- ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:packages.conf.02- ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:packages.conf.03- ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:packages.conf.04- ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:packages.conf.05- ... done.
show version
show version installed
dir filesystem : < directory >
show platform
show redundancy-states
mode sso
mkdir URL-to-directory-name
ip tftp source-interface gigabitethernet slot/port
copy tftp: URL-to-target-location
request platform software package expand file URL-to-consolidated-package
dir URL-to-consolidated-package
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-espbase. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpaccess. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1- rpbase . version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpcontrol. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpios. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-sipbase. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-sipspa. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP
request platform software package install rp 0 file file-system :asr1000rp1-{rpaccess,rpios,rpcontrol}* version-string *.pkg bay standby-bay force
redundancy force-switchover
show platform
request platform software package install rp 0 file file-system :asr1000rp1-{rpaccess,rpios,rpcontrol}* version-string *.pkg bay standby-bay force
request platform software package install rp 0 file file-system :asr1000rp1-{sipbase,sipspa}* version *.pkg slot SIP-slot-number
ルータに搭載された SIP ごとにこのステップを繰り返してから、次のステップに進みます。
request platform software package install rp 0 file file-system :asr1000rp1-esp* version *.pkg force
request platform software package install rp 0 file file-system :asr1000rp* version *.pkg
show version provisioned
request platform software package clean
(注) ステップ 16、17、18 はすぐに実行する必要はありません。都合のよいときに実行してください。
ステップ 1 |
show version show version installed dir filesystem : < directory > show platform show redundancy-states 例: Router# show version Router# show version r0 installed Router# dir bootflash: Router# show platform Router# show redundancy-states |
(任意)次のコマンドを使用して、現在のルータの設定を確認します。 • show version および show version active-rp installed :ルータで現在実行されている Cisco IOS XE ソフトウェアのバージョン、ルータのブートに使用されたファイル、およびそのファイルが格納されている場所を確認します。 • dir :ルータのブートに使用されたファイルが指定したディレクトリにあることを確認します。 • show platform :アクティブ RP とスタンバイ RP の現在のステータスを確認します。 • show redundancy states :動作中の冗長ステートと設定された冗長ステートを確認します。 |
ステップ 2 |
redundancy mode sso 例: Router(config)# redundancy Router(config-red)# mode sso |
まだ設定されていない場合は、SSO を設定します。 (注) この設定ステップが終わったら、設定を保存してください。 |
ステップ 3 |
mkdir URL-to-directory-name 例: Router# mkdir usb0:221subs |
統合パッケージとサブパッケージを格納するディレクトリを作成します。 統合パッケージとサブパッケージは、この時点でルータのブートに使用されていたサブパッケージとは分ける必要があるため、ほとんどの場合、このディレクトリを作成する必要があります。 |
ステップ 4 |
ip tftp source-interface gigabitethernet slot/port
Router(config)# ip tftp source-interface gigabitethernet 0 |
設定するギガビット イーサネット TFTP 送信元インターフェイスを指定します。 slot/port:TFTP 送信元インターフェイスの位置を指定します。 のコマンドを入力する必要があります。 |
ステップ 5 |
copy tftp: URL-to-target-location 例: Router# copy tftp: usb0:221subs |
統合パッケージ ファイルを、ステップ 3 で作成したディレクトリにコピーします。 このステップの統合パッケージは、現在ルータで実行されているサブパッケージと同じディレクトリ(ルータのブート元の packages.conf プロビジョニング ファイルを含むディレクトリ)にはコピーしないでください。 ヒント このステップを実行する際に必要な容量を考慮して、usb: または harddisk: ファイル システムにパッケージをコピーすることを推奨します。 |
ステップ 6 |
request platform software package expand file URL-to-consolidated-package 例: Router# request platform software package expand file usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9. |
統合パッケージ ファイルから一時ディレクトリにサブパッケージを抽出します。 コマンドを入力します。 |
ステップ 7 |
dir target-URL 例: Router# dir usb0:221subs |
(任意)ディレクトリを表示して、ファイルが抽出されたことを確認します。 |
ステップ 8 |
copy file-system :asr1000rp1-espbase. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpaccess. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1- rpbase . version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpcontrol. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-rpios. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-sipbase. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP copy file-system :asr1000rp1-sipspa. version . pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-active-RP 例: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-espbase. bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpaccess. bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpbase. bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpcontrol. bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9. bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-sipbase. bootflash: Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-sipspa. bootflash: |
一時ディレクトリ内のサブパッケージを、アクティブ RP で実行されているサブパッケージが現在格納されているルータ上のディレクトリにコピーします。 |
ステップ 9 |
request platform software package install rp 0 file file-system :asr1000rp1-{rpaccess,rpios,rpcontrol}* version-string *.pkg bay standby-bay force 例: Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{rpaccess,rpios,rpcontrol}**.pkg bay 1 force |
スタンバイ ベイで RPAccess、RPIOS、RPControl の各サブパッケージをアップグレードします。 |
ステップ 10 |
redundancy force-switchover 例: Router# redundancy force-switchover |
アクティブ IOS プロセスからスタンバイ IOS プロセスへのスイッチオーバーを強制的に実行します。 このステップでルータへの接続がドロップした場合は、数分待ってからルータに再接続し、ステップ 11 に進みます。 |
ステップ 11 |
(Optional) show platform 例: Router# show platform |
(任意)システムの状態を監視し、両方の IOS プロセスがアクティブであることを確認します。 |
ステップ 12 |
request platform software package install rp 0 file file-system :asr1000rp1-{rpaccess,rpios,rpcontrol}* version-string *.pkg bay standby-bay force 例: Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{rpaccess,rpios,rpcontrol}**.pkg bay 0 force |
スタンバイ ベイ(ステップ 9 で使用したのとは反対のベイ)で RPAccess、RPIOS、RPControl の各サブパッケージをアップグレードします。 IOS XE Release 2.1.2 以前の ISSU アップグレード手順については、「ISSU 手順(Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1.2 以前)」を参照してください。 |
ステップ 13 |
request platform software package install rp 0 file file-system :asr1000rp1-{sipbase,sipspa}* version *.pkg slot SIP-slot-number force Repeat this step for each SIP installed in your router before proceeding to the next step. 例: Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{sipspa,sipbase}**.pkg slot 0 force Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{sipspa,sipbase}**.pkg slot 1 force Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{sipspa,sipbase}**.pkg slot 2 force |
ルータ上の SIP ごとに SIP および SPA サブパッケージをアップグレードします。 (注) このステップは一度に 1 つの SIP に対して実行する必要があります。ルータに搭載された SIP ごとにこのステップを繰り返したあと、次のステップに進みます。 形式の 3 つの数字が示されたインターフェイスから、ルータ上の SIP と SPA の位置がわかります。 IOS XE Release 2.1.2 以前の ISSU アップグレード手順については、「ISSU 手順(Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1.2 以前)」を参照してください。 |
ステップ 14 |
request platform software package install rp 0 file file-system :asr1000rp1-esp* version *.pkg force 例: Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-esp**.pkg force |
ESP Base サブパッケージをアップグレードします。 |
ステップ 15 |
request platform software package install rp 0 file file-system :asr1000rp* version *.pkg 例: Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp**.pkg |
アップグレードする必要がある最後のサブパッケージである RPBase サブパッケージを含むすべてのサブパッケージをアップグレードします。 (注) このステップは、ルータ上のすべてのサブパッケージをこの手順によって確実にアップグレードするために必要となります。また、これまでのプロセスで漏れていたサブパッケージがあれば、それらのサブパッケージもアップグレードできます。 |
ステップ 16 |
show version installed 例: Router# show version installed |
(任意)サブパッケージが適切にインストールされていることを確認します。 |
ステップ 17 |
reload 例: Router# reload |
RP をリロードします。 ヒント リロードしなくてもルータは正常に動作し続けます。そのため、ルータのリロードは、定期保守時またはトラフィックの少ない時間帯に行ってもかまいません。 |
ステップ 18 |
request platform software package clean |
(任意)未使用のサブパッケージをルータからすべて削除します。 |
次の例は、サブパッケージが実行されている Cisco ASR 1002 または 1004 ルータのソフトウェア アップグレードを示します。
Cisco IOS Software, IOS-XE Software (PPC_LINUX_IOSD-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 12.2(33)XNA, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
<output removed for brevity>
System image file is "bootflash:packages.conf"
<output removed for brevity>
cisco ASR1004 (RP1) processor with 752142K/6147K bytes of memory.
5 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
32768K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
4194304K bytes of physical memory.
937983K bytes of eUSB flash at bootflash:.
39004543K bytes of SATA hard disk at bootflash:.
253424K bytes of USB flash at usb0:.
Configuration register is 0x2102
Router# show version installed
Package: Provisioning File, version: n/a, status: active
File: bootflash:packages.conf, on: RP0
File SHA1 checksum: 9172d30751d79fc1afb7b405eca244bbf9f8f2f2
Package: rpbase, version:, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpbase., on: RP0
Built: 2008-05-01_01.48, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: c09fe08ff908c8ce0b789d8acc774fe43dacf5e3
Package: rpaccess, version:, status: active
File: bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpaccess., on: RP0
Built: 2008-07-08_16.01, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: c1afc591c9cd198409820226c4f23d2647d0d138
<output removed for brevity>
Router# show redundancy states
peer state = 4 -STANDBY COLD
Redundancy Mode (Operational) = sso
Redundancy Mode (Configured) = sso
Maintenance Mode = Disabled
Manual Swact = disabled (peer unit not yet in terminal standby state)
client_notification_TMR = 30000 milliseconds
Slot Type State Insert time (ago)
--------- ------------------- --------------------- -----------------
0 ASR1000-SIP10 ok 00:04:43
0/0 SPA-1XOC12-POS ok 00:03:25
0/1 SPA-2XOC3-POS ok 00:03:24
0/3 SPA-5X1GE-V2 ok 00:03:20
R0 ASR1000-RP1 ok 00:04:43
R0/1 ok, standby 00:02:55
F0 ASR1000-ESP10 ok, active 00:04:43
P0 ASR1004-PWR-AC ok 00:03:53
P1 ASR1004-FAN ok 00:03:53
Slot CPLD Version Firmware Version
--------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------
Router# mkdir usb0:221subs
Create directory filename [221subs]?
Created dir bootflash:221subs
Router(config)# ip tftp source-interface gigabitethernet 0
Router# copy tftp: usb0:221subs
Address or name of remote host []?
Source filename []? /auto/users/asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.]?
Accessing tftp://
Loading /auto/users/asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9. from (via GigabitEthernet0):
209227980 bytes copied in 880.002 secs (237759 bytes/sec)
Router# request platform software package expand file usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.
SUCCESS: Finished expanding all-in-one software package.
Directory of usb0:/221subs/
72013 -rw- 51904716 Oct 7 2008 15:46:02 -07:00 asr1000rp1-espbase.
72004 -rw- 5773 Oct 7 2008 15:46:02 -07:00 asr1000rp1-packages-adventerprisek9.
72014 -rw- 20533452 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1000rp1-rpaccess.
72015 -rw- 22388940 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1000rp1-rpbase.
72016 -rw- 27961548 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.
72017 -rw- 50942156 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.
72018 -rw- 36442316 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1000rp1-sipbase.
72019 -rw- 26366156 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 asr1000rp1-sipspa.
72005 -rw- 6290 Oct 7 2008 15:46:03 -07:00 packages.conf
72003 -rw- 224768204 Oct 7 2008 15:38:57 -07:00 asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.
928862208 bytes total (466358272 bytes free)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-espbase. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-espbase.]?
Copy in
51904716 bytes copied in 5.478 secs (9475122 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpaccess. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-rpaccess.]?
Copy in
20533452 bytes copied in 2.346 secs (8752537 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpbase. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-rpbase.]?
Copy in
22388940 bytes copied in 2.496 secs (8969928 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpcontrol. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.]?
Copy in
27961548 bytes copied in 2.992 secs (9345437 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.]?
Copy in
50942156 bytes copied in 5.719 secs (8907529 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-sipbase. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-sipbase.]?
Copy in
36442316 bytes copied in 3.906 secs (9329830 bytes/sec)
Router# copy usb0:221subs/asr1000rp1-sipspa. bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-sipspa.]?
Copy in
26366156 bytes copied in 2.857 secs (9228616 bytes/sec)
Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{rpaccess,rpios,rpcontrol}**.pkg bay 1 force
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Software sets are identified as compatible
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting impact testing ---
Checking operational impact of change
WARNING: Connection may be lost during installation of IOS package
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
--- Starting analysis of software changes ---
Finished analysis of software changes
--- Starting update running software ---
Blocking peer synchronization of operating information
Creating the command set placeholder directory
Finding latest command set
Finding latest command shortlist lookup file
Finding latest command shortlist file
Assembling CLI output libraries
Assembling CLI input libraries
Applying interim IPC and database definitions
Replacing running software
*Sep 25 11:23:27.008: %ASR1000_INFRA-6-BIPC_READ_ERR: R0/0: ppc_linux_iosd-image: connection read error from iman bipc, rc 32, bring down IPC Restarting IOS PID: 19252, in slot/bay 0/1
*Sep 25 11:23:41.837: %PMAN-3-PROCHOLDDOWN: R0/0: pman.sh: The process ppc_linux_iosd-image has been helddown (rc 137)
*Sep 25 11:23:41.920: %PMAN-0-PROCFAILCRIT: R0/0: pvp.sh: A critical process ppc_linux_iosd_image has failed (rc 137)
*Sep 25 11:23:41.962: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER_NOT_PRESENT)
*Sep 25 11:23:41.962: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER_DOWN)
*Sep 25 11:23:41.962: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER_REDUNDANCY_STATE_CHANGE)FIXME: kill/restart security package: 0 1 rp_security
Applying final IPC and database definitions
Generating software version information
Notifying running software of updates
Unblocking peer synchronization of operating information
Cleaning temporary installation files
Finished update running software
SUCCESS: Finished installing software.
*Sep 25 11:24:35.148: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a standby insertion (raw-event=PEER_FOUND(4))
*Sep 25 11:24:35.149: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a standby insertion (raw-event=PEER_REDUNDANCY_STATE_CHANGE(5))
*Sep 25 11:24:36.067: %REDUNDANCY-3-IPC: IOS versions do not match.
*Sep 25 11:26:48.281: %HA_CONFIG_SYNC-6-BULK_CFGSYNC_SUCCEED: Bulk Sync succeeded
*Sep 25 11:26:48.283: %RF-5-RF_TERMINAL_STATE: Terminal state reached for (SSO)
Router# redundancy force-switchover
Proceed with switchover to standby RP? [confirm]
%ASR1000_INFRA-6-CONSOLE_ACTIVE: R0/1 console active. Press RETURN to get started!
*Sep 25 11:31:33.401: %NETCLK-5-NETCLK_MODE_CHANGE: Network clock source not available. The network clock has changed to freerun
*Sep 25 11:31:33.438: %REDUNDANCY-3-SWITCHOVER: RP switchover (PEER_NOT_PRESENT)
*Sep 25 11:31:33.438: %REDUNDANCY-3-SWITCHOVER: RP switchover (PEER_DOWN)
*Sep 25 11:31:33.442: %PLATFORM-6-HASTATUS: RP switchover, sent message became active. IOS is ready to switch to primary after
*Sep 25 11:31:33.061: %SYS-5-SWITCHOVER: Switchover requested by Exec. Reason: redundancy force-switchover. chassis confirmation
*Sep 25 11:31:33.446: %CMANRP-6-CMHASTATUS: RP switchover, received chassis event became active
*Sep 25 11:31:33.692: %PLATFORM-6-HASTATUS_DETAIL: RP switchover, received chassis event became active. Switch to primary (count 1)
*Sep 25 11:31:35.683: %ACE-3-TRANSERR: ASR1000-ESP(14): IKEA trans 0x3; opcode 0x25; param 0xA; error 0x4; retry cnt 0
*Sep 25 11:31:35.683: %ACE-3-TRANSERR: ASR1000-ESP(14): IKEA trans 0x4; opcode 0x25; param 0xB; error 0x4; retry cnt 0
*Sep 25 11:31:35.684: %ACE-3-TRANSERR: ASR1000-ESP(14): IKEA trans 0x5; opcode 0x25; param 0xC; error 0x4; retry cnt 0
*Sep 25 11:31:35.802: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Null0, changed state to up
*Sep 25 11:31:35.803: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Loopback0, changed state to up
*Sep 25 11:31:35.808: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface POS0/0/0, changed state to administratively down
*Sep 25 11:31:35.808: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface POS0/1/0, changed state to administratively down
*Sep 25 11:31:35.808: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface POS0/1/1, changed state to administratively down
*Sep 25 11:31:35.808: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface GigabitEthernet0/3/0, changed state to administratively down
*Sep 25 11:31:35.808: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface GigabitEthernet0/3/1, changed state to administratively down
*Sep 25 11:31:35.808: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface GigabitEthernet0/3/2, changed state to administratively down
*Sep 25 11:31:35.808: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface GigabitEthernet0/3/3, changed state to administratively down
*Sep 25 11:31:35.808: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface GigabitEthernet0/3/4, changed state to administratively down
*Sep 25 11:31:36.802: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Null0, changed state to up
*Sep 25 11:31:36.802: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Loopback0, changed state to up
*Sep 25 11:32:21.530: %REDUNDANCY-3-IPC: IOS versions do not match.
*Sep 25 11:32:21.615: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a standby insertion (raw-event=PEER_FOUND(4))
*Sep 25 11:32:21.615: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a standby insertion (raw-event=PEER_REDUNDANCY_STATE_CHANGE(5))
*Sep 25 11:34:05.450: %HA_CONFIG_SYNC-6-BULK_CFGSYNC_SUCCEED: Bulk Sync succeeded
*Sep 25 11:34:05.453: %RF-5-RF_TERMINAL_STATE: Terminal state reached for (SSO)
Slot Type State Insert time (ago)
--------- ------------------- --------------------- -----------------
0 ASR1000-SIP10 ok 00:31:12
0/0 SPA-1XOC12-POS ok 00:11:35
0/1 SPA-2XOC3-POS ok 00:11:35
0/3 SPA-5X1GE-V2 ok 00:11:35
R0 ASR1000-RP1 ok 00:31:12
R0/0 ok, standby 00:05:38
F0 ASR1000-ESP10 ok, active 00:31:12
P0 ASR1004-PWR-AC ok 00:30:22
P1 ASR1004-FAN ok 00:30:22
Slot CPLD Version Firmware Version
--------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------
Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{rpaccess,rpios,rpcontrol}**.pkg bay 0 force
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
Software sets are identified as compatible
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting impact testing ---
Checking operational impact of change
WARNING: Connection may be lost during installation of IOS package
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
*Sep 25 11:39:35.632: %ACE-3-INITFAIL: ASR1000-ESP(14): initialization failed (timed out)Finished commit of software changes
--- Starting analysis of software changes ---
Finished analysis of software changes
--- Starting update running software ---
Blocking peer synchronization of operating information
Creating the command set placeholder directory
Finding latest command set
Finding latest command shortlist lookup file
Finding latest command shortlist file
Assembling CLI output libraries
Assembling CLI input libraries
Applying interim IPC and database definitions
Replacing running software
*Sep 25 11:40:31.859: %IOSXE-4-PLATFORM: R0/0: kernel: scooby: Scooby: FD close Restarting IOS PID: 21974, in slot/bay 0/0
FIXME: kill/restart security package: 0 0 rp_security
Applying final IPC and database definitions
*Sep 25 11:40:59.590: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER_NOT_PRESENT)
*Sep 25 11:40:59.591: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER_DOWN)
*Sep 25 11:40:59.591: %REDUNDANCY-3-STANDBY_LOST: Standby processor fault (PEER_REDUNDANCY_STATE_CHANGE)
*Sep 25 11:41:02.177: %DYNCMD-7-CMDSET_UNLOADED: The Dynamic Command set from the Shell Manager has been unloaded
*Sep 25 11:41:02.719: %DYNCMD-7-CMDSET_LOADED: The Dynamic Command set has been loaded from the Shell Manager
*Sep 25 11:41:05.397: %RF-5-RF_RELOAD: Peer reload. Reason: EHSA standby down Generating software version information
Notifying running software of updates
Unblocking peer synchronization of operating information
Cleaning temporary installation files
Finished update running software
SUCCESS: Finished installing software.
*Sep 25 11:41:50.918: %CMRP-5-PRERELEASE_HARDWARE: R0/0: cmand: 0:0 is pre-release hardware
*Sep 25 11:41:50.937: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a standby insertion (raw-event=PEER_FOUND(4))
*Sep 25 11:41:50.937: %REDUNDANCY-5-PEER_MONITOR_EVENT: Active detected a standby insertion (raw-event=PEER_REDUNDANCY_STATE_CHANGE(5))
Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{sipspa,sipbase}**.pkg slot 0 force
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Software sets are identified as compatible
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting impact testing ---
Checking operational impact of change
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
--- Starting analysis of software changes ---
Finished analysis of software changes
--- Starting update running software ---
Blocking peer synchronization of operating information
Creating the command set placeholder directory
Finding latest command set
Finding latest command shortlist lookup file
Finding latest command shortlist file
Assembling CLI output libraries
Assembling CLI input libraries
Applying interim IPC and database definitions
Replacing running software
Applying final IPC and database definitions
*Sep 29 10:11:16.631: %ASR1000_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: Card (cc) offline in slot 0
*Sep 29 10:11:16.632: %ASR1000_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 0/0, interfaces disabled
*Sep 29 10:11:16.632: %ASR1000_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 0/1, interfaces disabled
*Sep 29 10:11:16.632: %ASR1000_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 0/3, interfaces disabled
*Sep 29 10:11:24.575: %CMRP-5-PRERELEASE_HARDWARE: R0/0: cmand: 0:0 is pre-release hardware Generating software version information
Notifying running software of updates
Unblocking peer synchronization of operating information
Cleaning temporary installation files
Finished update running software
SUCCESS: Finished installing software.
*Sep 29 10:12:00.274: %ASR1000_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: Card (cc) online in slot 0
*Sep 29 10:12:00.271: %CMRP-5-PRERELEASE_HARDWARE: R0/0: cmand: 0:0 is pre-release hardware
*Sep 29 10:12:01.833: %ASR1000_OIR-6-INSSPA: SPA inserted in subslot 0/0
*Sep 29 10:12:02.579: %ASR1000_OIR-6-INSSPA: SPA inserted in subslot 0/1
*Sep 29 10:12:03.460: %ASR1000_OIR-6-INSSPA: SPA inserted in subslot 0/3
*Sep 29 10:12:10.405: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP0/0: Interface EOBC0/1, changed state to up
*Sep 29 10:12:16.944: %SPA_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: SPA (SPA-1XOC12-POS) online in subslot 0/0
*Sep 29 10:12:15.024: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP0/1: Interface EOBC0/1, changed state to up
*Sep 29 10:12:20.938: %SPA_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: SPA (SPA-2XOC3-POS) online in subslot 0/1
*Sep 29 10:12:17.086: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: SIP0/3: Interface EOBC0/1, changed state to up
*Sep 29 10:12:23.640: %SPA_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: SPA (SPA-5X1GE-V2) online in subslot 0/3
Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-{sipspa,sipbase}**.pkg slot 1 force
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
Software sets are identified as compatible
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting impact testing ---
Checking operational impact of change
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
--- Starting analysis of software changes ---
Finished analysis of software changes
--- Starting update running software ---
Blocking peer synchronization of operating information
Creating the command set placeholder directory
Finding latest command set
Finding latest command shortlist lookup file
Finding latest command shortlist file
Assembling CLI output libraries
Assembling CLI input libraries
Applying interim IPC and database definitions
Replacing running software
Applying final IPC and database definitions
Generating software version information
Notifying running software of updates
Unblocking peer synchronization of operating information
Cleaning temporary installation files
Finished update running software
SUCCESS: Finished installing software.
Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp1-esp**.pkg force
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Software sets are identified as compatible
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting impact testing ---
Checking operational impact of change
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
--- Starting analysis of software changes ---
Finished analysis of software changes
--- Starting update running software ---
Blocking peer synchronization of operating information
Creating the command set placeholder directory
Finding latest command set
Finding latest command shortlist lookup file
Finding latest command shortlist file
Assembling CLI output libraries
Assembling CLI input libraries
Applying interim IPC and database definitions
Replacing running software
Applying final IPC and database definitions
*Sep 25 12:43:27.892: %ASR1000_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: Card (fp) offline in slot F0
*Sep 25 12:43:29.992: %CMRP-5-PRERELEASE_HARDWARE: R0/0: cmand: F0:0 is pre-release hardware Generating software version information
Notifying running software of updates
Unblocking peer synchronization of operating information
Cleaning temporary installation files
Finished update running software
SUCCESS: Finished installing software.
*Sep 25 12:44:11.960: %ASR1000_OIR-6-ONLINECARD: Card (fp) online in slot F0
*Sep 25 12:44:11.957: %CMRP-5-PRERELEASE_HARDWARE: R0/0: cmand: F0:0 is pre-release hardware
*Sep 25 12:44:21.256: %CPPHA-7-SYSREADY: F0: cpp_ha: CPP client process FMAN-FP (5 of 5) ready.
*Sep 25 12:44:21.798: %CPPHA-7-START: F0: cpp_ha: CPP 0 preparing image /usr/cpp/bin/cpp-mcplo-ucode
*Sep 25 12:44:21.909: %CPPHA-7-START: F0: cpp_ha: CPP 0 startup init image /usr/cpp/bin/cpp-mcplo-ucode
*Sep 25 12:44:26.763: %CPPHA-7-START: F0: cpp_ha: CPP 0 running init image /usr/cpp/bin/cpp-mcplo-ucode
*Sep 25 12:44:27.004: %CPPHA-7-READY: F0: cpp_ha: CPP 0 loading and initialization complete
*Sep 25 12:44:27.004: %CPPHA-6-SYSINIT: F0: cpp_ha: CPP HA system configuration start.
*Sep 25 12:44:28.321: %IOSXE-6-PLATFORM: F0: cpp_cp: Process CPP_PFILTER_EA_EVENT__API_CALL__REGISTER
*Sep 25 12:44:28.516: %CPPHA-6-SYSINIT: F0: cpp_ha: CPP HA system enabled.
*Sep 25 12:44:28.517: %CPPHA-6-SYSINIT: F0: cpp_ha: CPP HA system initialization complete.
Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file bootflash:asr1000rp**.pkg
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
WARNING: In-service installation of RP Base package
WARNING: requires software reboot of target RP
WARNING: Automatically setting the on-reboot flag
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
Determining whether installation is valid
Determining whether installation is valid ... skipped
Checking IPC compatibility for candidate software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software ... skipped
Checking package specific compatibility
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
SUCCESS: Software provisioned. New software will load on reboot.
Proceed with reload? [confirm]y
Router# request platform software package clean
Cleaning up unnecessary package files
No path specified, will use booted path bootflash:packages.conf
Scanning boot directory for packages ... done.
Preparing packages list to delete ...
File is in use, will not delete.
File is in use, will not delete.
File is in use, will not delete.
File is in use, will not delete.
File is in use, will not delete.
File is in use, will not delete.
File is in use, will not delete.
File is in use, will not delete.
Files that will be deleted:
Do you want to proceed? [confirm]y
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000-rommon.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000-rommon.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.bin ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.bin ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-espbase.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-packages-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.conf ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-packages-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNB_ASR_02.02.01.122-33.XNB1_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.conf ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpaccess.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpbase.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-adventerprisek9.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipbase.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.BLD_V122_33_XNA_ASR_RLS1_THROTTLE_LATEST_20080924_0100_1.pkg ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:packages.conf.00- ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:packages.conf.01- ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:packages.conf.02- ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:packages.conf.03- ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:packages.conf.04- ... done.
Deleting file bootflash:packages.conf.05- ... done.