Table Of Contents
Transcoder Configuration
Configuring a Transcoder
Updating a Transcoder
Copying a Transcoder
Resetting a Transcoder
Deleting a Transcoder
Transcoder Configuration Settings
Transcoder Configuration
The Media Resource Manager (MRM) has responsibility for resource registration and resource reservation of transcoders within a Cisco CallManager cluster. Cisco CallManager simultaneously supports registration of both the MTP and Transcoder and concurrent MTP and transcoder functionality within a single call.
The maximum transcoding sessions per port is 24. The following list gives the supported transcoding capacity and sessions per port:
G711-G711 MTP: 24 (no DSP is involved)
G729-G729 MTP: 24 (no DSP is involved)
G711-G723 transcoding: 24
G711-G729 transcoding: 24
G711-GSM Full Rate (FR) transcoding: 24
G711-GSM Enhanced Full Rate (EFR) transcoding: 24
The Cisco CallManager invokes a transcoder on behalf of endpoint devices when the two devices are using different codecs, and would normally not be able to communicate. When inserted into a call, the transcoder converts the data streams between the two disparate codecs to enable communications between them.
Transcoders are accessible by all Cisco CallManagers within a cluster through the Media Resource Manager (MRM). The MRM determines the number of transcoders needed for a call and allocates the appropriate number of connections.
The MRM makes use of Cisco CallManager media resource groups and media resource group lists. The media resource group list allows transcoders to communicate with other devices in the assigned media resource group, which in turn, provides management of resources within a cluster.
A transcoder control process is created for each transcoder device defined in the database. Each transcoder registers with the MRM when it initializes. The MRM keeps track of the transcoder resources and advertises their availability throughout the cluster.
Use the following topics to configure transcoders:
Configuring a Transcoder
Updating a Transcoder
Copying a Transcoder
Resetting a Transcoder
Deleting a Transcoder
Transcoder Configuration Settings
Configuring a Transcoder
This section describes how to configure a transcoder.
Step 1
Choose Service > Transcoder.
Step 2
Enter the appropriate settings as described in Table 31-1.
Step 3
Click Insert.
The window refreshes showing specific information, including the status, for the transcoder you just configured. The transcoder should now appear in the list on the left side of the window.
Related Topics
Transcoder Configuration
Media Termination Point Configuration
Conference Bridge Configuration
Updating a Transcoder
Copying a Transcoder
Resetting a Transcoder
Deleting a Transcoder
Transcoder Configuration Settings
Updating a Transcoder
This section describes how to update a transcoder.
Step 1
Choose Service > Transcoder.
Step 2
From the Transcoders list on the left side of the window, click the transcoder you want to update.
The window refreshes displaying the transcoder you selected.
Step 3
Update the appropriate settings as described in Table 31-1.
Step 4
Click Update.
A message displays stating that the transcoder must be reset before the changes will take effect.
Step 5
Click OK.
Related Topics
Transcoder Configuration
Media Termination Point Configuration
Conference Bridge Configuration
Configuring a Transcoder
Copying a Transcoder
Resetting a Transcoder
Deleting a Transcoder
Transcoder Configuration Settings
Copying a Transcoder
This section describes how to copy a transcoder.
Step 1
Choose Service > Transcoder.
Step 2
From the Transcoders list, choose the transcoder you want to copy.
The window refreshes displaying the transcoder you selected.
Step 3
Click Copy.
The window refreshes again and displays the transcoder with a Copy of... name in the Current Transcoder field.
Step 4
Update the appropriate settings as described in Table 31-1.
Step 5
Click Insert.
The screen refreshes and the new transcoder appears in the transcoder list on the left side of the window.
Related Topics
Transcoder Configuration
Media Termination Point Configuration
Conference Bridge Configuration
Configuring a Transcoder
Updating a Transcoder
Resetting a Transcoder
Deleting a Transcoder
Transcoder Configuration Settings
Resetting a Transcoder
This section describes how to reset a Transcoder.
Step 1
Choose Service > Transcoder.
Step 2
From the Transcoders list, choose the transcoder you want to reset.
The window refreshes displaying the transcoder you selected.
Step 3
Click Reset.
The Reset dialog box displays.
Step 4
To restart a device without shutting it down, click the Restart button. To shut down a device and bring it back up, click the Reset button.
Transcoder Configuration
Media Termination Point Configuration
Conference Bridge Configuration
Configuring a Transcoder
Updating a Transcoder
Copying a Transcoder
Deleting a Transcoder
Transcoder Configuration Settings
Deleting a Transcoder
This section describes how to delete a transcoder.
Step 1
Choose Service > Transcoder.
Step 2
From the Transcoders list, choose the transcoder you want to delete.
The window refreshes, displaying the transcoder you selected.
Step 3
Click Delete.
A message displays stating that you are about to permanently delete this transcoder and that you cannot undo this action.
Step 4
Click OK if you want to continue or Cancel to cancel the deletion.
After the window refreshes, the transcoder you deleted should no longer appear in the transcoder list.
Related Topics
Transcoder Configuration
Media Termination Point Configuration
Conference Bridge Configuration
Configuring a Transcoder
Updating a Transcoder
Copying a Transcoder
Transcoder Configuration Settings
Transcoders, Cisco CallManager System Guide
Transcoder Configuration Settings
Table 31-1 describes the transcoder configuration settings.
Table 31-1 Transcoder Configuration Settings
Transcoder Type
Choose the appropriate transcoder type: Cisco Media Termination Point Hardware or Cisco IOS Media Termination Point.
MAC Address
Enter a MAC address (must be at least 12 characters). For IOS gateways, use the host name in the format MTPxxxxxxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxxxxxx is the MAC address of the IOS gateway.
Enter a description (up to 15 characters).
Device Pool
Choose a device pool. For more detailed information on the selected device pool, click View Details.
Special Load Information
Enter any special load information into the Special Load Information field, or leave blank to use default.
Related Topics
Configuring a Transcoder
Updating a Transcoder
Copying a Transcoder