Executive Summary 1 The ASEAN region is a prime target for cyberattacks 1 The situation will escalate over time 1 An urgent call to action 2 1 TheASEANRegion: APrime Target for Cyberattacks 3 1.1 ASEAN countries have emerged as launchpads for cyberattacks 5 1.2 Policy preparedness is still nascent with a lack of institutional oversight and limited funding to fortify digital economies 6 1.3 A nascent local cybersecurity industry with shortages of home-grown capabilities and expertise 10 1.4 Perception that cyber risk is an IT risk results in the absence of a holistic approach to cyber resilience 13 1.5 Multiple vendor relationships and product deployments result in operational complexity 15 2 TheCybersecurityChallenge is Escalating 17 2.1 The cybersecurity challenge is likely to get more complex 18 2.2 The exposure for ASEAN’s top companies is $750 billion and is likely to increase 26 3Call toAction: TheNeed for anActiveDefenseMindset 27 3.1 Elevate cybersecurity on the regional policy agenda 27 3.2 Secure a sustained commitment to cybersecurity 31 3.3 Fortify the ecosystem 33 3.4 Build the next wave of cybersecurity capability 40 4Conclusion andNext Steps 46 AppendixA: SecurityMaturityModel 50 AppendixB: ASEANCountriesCybersecurity PolicyDevelopments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 AppendixC: TheNetworkingAcademy’s LearningPortfolio 52 Table of Figures 53