Image Service

This chapter describes Image Service management tasks for Internal Directory mode including information about.

To access the Image Service feature, click the Image Service tab. The Image Service Functional Overview page appears showing:


Search Parameters

Working with Images

From the Image Service Functional Overview page, click Images. The Images Functional Overview page appears showing:

View Image

Create Image

Edit Image

Delete Image

Associate Image with Device(s)

Viewing an Image

Step 1 From the Images Functional Overview page, click View Image.

The list of images to view appears (see Figure 18-1).

Figure 18-1 View Image List

Step 2 From the Name column, select the image you want to view.

The image information appears (see Figure 18-2).

Figure 18-2 View Image Information

Adding an Image

Step 1 From the Image Service Functional Overview page, click Create Image.

The Create Image page appears (see Figure 18-3).

Figure 18-3 Create Image

There are two methods for creating an Image Object:

Manual data entry

To enter image information manually, jump to Step 2.

Timesaver You can get image attributes for manual entry by clicking the link: Lookup image attributes from

Automatic data entry

a. In the Image Location field, enter a valid URL for the desired image.

b. Click Populate.

Step 2 Enter the name of the image used by Image Service to identify this image object in the Name field.

Table 18-1 shows valid values for these attributes.

Table 18-1 Valid Values for Create Image 

Valid Values


The name used my Image Services to identify this image object.


_ (under-score)
- (hyphen)

Image Name

The actual Image name.


- (hyphen)


Version of the image.

. (period)
( (open braces)
) (close braces)

Platform Family

Platform family of the image.


- (hyphen)

Image Checksum

Checksum generated by MD5 hashing algorithm

128-bit hex number


File size

0 - 9


Description of the image.

Any text except Ctrl characters.

Image Type

(i) PDM

(ii) QDM

(iii) VDM

(iv) Other

(v) Pix-image

From drop-down list.

Image Location

- Any Valid URL:

(i) http

(ii) https

(iii) ftp

(iv) tftp

- rcp

Valid URL as per RFC 1738.

Step 3 Enter the actual image name in the Image Name field.

Step 4 Enter the version of the image in the Version field.

Step 5 Enter the name of the platform family in the Platform Family field.

Step 6 Enter the image checksum for the image in the Image Checksum field.

Step 7 Enter the size of this file in the Size field.

Step 8 Enter a description of the image in the space provided.

Step 9 Select an image type from the Image Type drop-down list.

Step 10 Enter a valid URL for the image location in the Image Location field.

Follow the proper syntax as described.

Note You can create an image without specifying a location. You can add a location later by using the Edit Image function.

Step 11 To add another row for image location, click Add Another Row.

You can locate multiple copies of an image on separate servers. This allows you to do load-sharing when updating a large number of devices. Each device in a large group can be associated with a copy of the image (see"Adding Devices" section) located at one of many server locations.

Step 12 To cancel this task, click Cancel.

Step 13 To create this image, click Create.

Editing an Image

Step 1 From the Image Service Functional Overview page, click Edit Image.

The Edit Image page appears (see Figure 18-4).

Figure 18-4 Edit Image

Step 2 Select the image you want to edit by clicking the Image Name.

The Edit Image information page appears (see).

Figure 18-5 Edit Image Information

Step 3 To edit the image name, enter a new value in the Name field.

Table 18-2 Valid Values for Edit Image 

Valid Values


The name used my Image Services to identify this image object.


_ (under-score)
- (hyphen)

Image Location

- Any Valid URL:

(i) http

(ii) https

(iii) ftp

(iv) tftp

- rcp

Valid URL as per RFC 1738.

Step 4 To edit the image location, enter a valid URL in the Image Location field.

Step 5 To cancel this task, click Cancel.

Step 6 To make these changes, click Edit.

Deleting an Image

Step 1 From the Image Service Functional Overview page, click Delete Image.

The Delete Image page appears (see Figure 18-6).

Figure 18-6 Delete Image

Step 2 Check the image(s) you want to delete.

Step 3 To cancel this task, click Cancel.

Step 4 To make these changes, click Delete.

Associating Images with Devices

Step 1 From the Image Service Functional Overview page, click Associate Image with Device(s).

The Associate Image with Device(s) page appears (see Figure 18-7).

Figure 18-7 Associate Image with Device(s)

Step 2 Select the image from the Name drop-down list.

The Image Type field and Image Location drop-down box are populated with corresponding information for the image.

Step 3 From the Image Location drop-down list, select the desired location.

Step 4 In the Destination field, enter a valid URL where the image will be copied.

For example:


Step 5 To assign this image to be the active image after distribution, check Set this image as the Image to be activated on device.

Step 6 To cancel this task, click Cancel.

Step 7 To continue, click Next.

The Group list page appears.

Step 8 To associate this image with a group of devices, check the group, then click Submit.

Step 9 To associate this image with specific devices, click View.

The Device list page appears (see Figure 18-8).

Figure 18-8 Device List

Step 10 Check the desired device(s).

Step 11 To cancel this task, click Cancel.

Step 12 To associate this image to the selected devices, click Submit.

A confirmation page appears.

Search Parameters

Each Search Parameter can be associated with an action to be performed. In this release, Search Parameters are associated with the action to delete certain files from the file system on a device.

For example, if you want to delete all files that contain .bin from a device, you can create a Search Parameter that states: FileName contains .bin and use this Precondition from the Devices > Delete Files.

From the Image Service Functional Overview page, click Search Parameters.

The Search Parameters Functional Overview page appears showing:

View Search Parameters

Create Search Parameter

Edit Search Parameter

Delete Search Parameters

Viewing Search Parameters

Step 1 From the Search Parameters Functional Overview page, click View Search Parameters.

The View Search Parameters page appears (see Figure 18-9).

Figure 18-9 View Search Parameters

Step 2 To edit a Precondition, click Edit for the desired Precondition, then go to "Editing Search Parameters" section.

Creating Search Parameters

Step 1 From the Search Parameters Functional Overview page, click Create Search Parameter.

The Create Search Parameter page appears (see Figure 18-10).

Figure 18-10 Create Search Parameter

Step 2 Enter the name of this Search Parameter.

Step 3 Use the drop-down arrow in the left Content menu to select:

File Size

File Name

File Timestamp

a. For File Size, use the drop-down arrow in the center Content menu to select:

is greater than

is less than

is equal to

b. For File Name, the only choice is contains.

c. For File Timestamp, the only choice is before.

Step 4 Enter the remaining portion of the argument in the right Content field.

For example:

File Size is greater than 80,000 bytes

Step 5 To cancel this task, click Cancel.

Step 6 Click Create.

Editing Search Parameters

Step 1 From the Search Parameters Functional Overview page, click Edit Search Parameter.

The Edit Search Parameter page appears.

Step 2 Select Search Parameter you want to edit.

The argument page for the Search Parameter appears (see Figure 18-11).

Figure 18-11 Edit Search Parameter Argument

Step 3 Edit the name or argument as required.

Step 4 To cancel this task, click Cancel.

Step 5 To save your changes, click Edit.

Deleting Search Parameters

Step 1 From the Search Parameters Functional Overview page, click Delete Search Parameter.

The Delete Search Parameters page appears (see Figure 18-12).

Figure 18-12 Delete Search Parameters

Step 2 Check to select the Search Parameter(s) to delete, then click Delete.