LC Priority Shutdown
The LC priority shutdown feature allows you to assign a priority to the line cards. The priority is used to determine the order in which the line cards must be shut down when the power consumption of the chassis exceeds the maximum limit. You can choose a priority from 0 to 19. If a priority is not set for a line card, a default value of 20 is set. The line card with the higher priority is shut down first. If the same priority is set for two or more cards, the line card in the higher slot number is shut down first.
In Release 6.5.31, this feature is not applicable during a chassis or line card reload.
This feature is not supported on fabric cards.
Total power draw nearing total power capacity,insert PEMS to avoid LC shutdown-This alarm is raised when the chassis power consumption is greater than or equal to (the total power capacity – 100). Use the show alarms brief system active command to view this alarm.
Card shutdown by Progressive power-mgmt mode- This transient condition is raised when the chassis power consumption is greater than or equal to the (total power capacity - 80). The line cards are shut down based on the priority assigned. Use the show alarms brief system history command to view this transient condition.