Visit Duration by Visit Number
Displays a bar graph showing the time that the visitors spent in the locations for various numbers of visits. This report
helps you to identify the change that happens to the visit duration based on the visit count.
Each bar represents the average visit duration of the visitors for various visit numbers. For example, the bar for seven represents
the average visit duration of the visitors who have visited the locations seven times during the specified month.
Repeat Visitors: Across Locations
Displays a line graph showing the percentage of repeat visitors for all the locations. The organization and industry benchmark
for repeat visitors is also shown in the report.
Repeat Visitors: Key Locations
Displays a bar graph showing the repeat visitor percentage for key locations. The top and bottom three locations in repeat
visitors or important locations with the highest repeat visitors are shown in this report along with the industry and organization
benchmarks for repeat visitors. If you are filtering a location, the average value for the filtered location is also shown
in the report.
Visit Recency: Across Locations
Displays a line graph showing the gap between the visits of the repeat visitors for various locations. The visit recency is
shown in the number of days. Besides this, the industry and organization benchmark for visit recency is also shown in the
Visit Recency: Key Locations
Displays a bar graph showing the gap in the number of days between the visits of the repeat visitors for key locations. The
top and bottom three locations in visit recency or important locations are shown in this report along with the industry and
organization benchmarks.
Repeat Visitors: By Sub-brand
Displays a bar graph showing the percentage of repeat visitors for various brands in your business. This report enables you
to identify the location with which the brand is repeatedly visited the most. Besides this, the industry and organization
benchmark for repeat visitors is also displayed in the graph.
Visit Recency- By Sub-Brand
Displays a bar graph showing the visit recency (gap in days between the two visits of a repeat visitor) for various brands
in your business. The industry and organization benchmark for visit recency is also displayed in the graph.
Visit Distribution: Hour of the Day
Displays a bar graph showing the daily visits in the organization (average of all the locations of the organization) during
various hours of the day. This report enables you to identify at what hour of the day there are more visits to the locations.
Each bar in the graph represents “the percentage of visits that occurs at that particular hour of the day” among “the total
daily visits”. For example, the bar for 2:00 PM represents the percentage of visits that occurs at 2:00 PM among the average
total daily visits.
Visit Distribution: Day of the Week
Displays a bar graph showing the average daily visits in the organization during various days of the week. This report enables
you to identify on which day of the week there are more visits.
Each bar in the graph represents “the percentage of visits that occurs on that particular day of the week” among “the average
total weekly visits”. For example, the bar for “THU” represents the “percentage of visits that occurs on Thursdays” among
“the total number of weekly visits”.
Size of the Store and Visit Duration
Displays a graph showing the visit duration based on the square foot area of the locations. This report enables you to identify
the influence the size of a location has on the time spent by visitors in the location.
In the graph, the blue dot in the graph represents the three child locations that have the highest visit duration and the
three child locations that have the lowest visit duration. The grey dot in the graph represents other child locations. Each
dot represents the total square foot area of that particular child location and its average visit duration.
Size of the Store and No. of Visits
Displays a graph showing the number of visits based on the square foot area of the locations. This report enables you to identify
the influence the size of a location has on repeat visits to the location.
In the graph, the blue dot in the graph represents the three child locations that have the highest number of visits and the
three child locations that have the lowest number of visits. The grey dot in the graph represents other child locations. Each
dot represents the total square foot area of that particular child location and its average number of visits.
Retail Experience Grid
Displays a graph showing a consolidated report of the visit duration and visit frequency for the entire month from all the
locations. The graph displays only root locations and group locations. The visit duration is displayed on the X-axis and the
visit frequency is displayed on the Y-axis. Retail Experience Grid is available only for the retail vertical.