Cisco Spaces: Behavior Metrics App

This chapter describes the Behavior Metrics app and reports.

Overview of Behavior Metrics

The Behavior Metrics app enables you to view various reports that provide insights about the performance of your business. By default, the report includes the data for the previous month. You can filter to view the report for a particular location and month. You can also filter the report based on tags.

After installing Cisco Spaces, it will take a month to show the initial report. You can view the sample report during this period. You can also see how your report is building up by switching to the “My Data” option during this period. A notification is sent once the report is ready.


The Behavior Metrics is enhanced to show Sub Vertical level benchmark metrics. This is applicable for category average metrics and accounts where a sub-vertical is defined.

If a sub-vertical is not defined, category average metrics are computed based on the vertical level benchmark.

View the Behavior Metrics Report

In the Behavior Metrics app, a minimum of 100 visits at each location level is required to display the chart data. Hence, only those locations with a significant amount of visit data are considered for visualisation in the charts.

To view the various reports in the Behavior Metrics app, perform the following steps:


Step 1

In the Cisco Spaces dashboard, click Behavior Metrics.

The Behavior Metrics report is displayed.

Figure 1. Behavior Metrics Report
Behavior Metrics

Step 2

Specify the location, tag, and month for which you want to view the report in the corresponding drop-down list at the top of the window.


  • By default, the report is displayed for the entire organization. If you do not have access at the organization level, the report is shown for the top-level location to which you have access. You can filter the locations up to the network level.

  • The percentage or count described in the report for a filtered location is the total or average of all its child locations. For example, if the filtered location is a network, the number of visits shown for the network will be the total of number of visits for all the floors in that network.

  • If the customer has a retail business, the title Retail displays along with Behavior Metrics at the top of the Behavior Metrics window. For the Workspaces vertical, the title Workspaces displays along with Behavior Metrics. For other businesses, Generic is displayed.


Organization Benchmark: Displays the average value for the entire organization. For example, if the organization is Cisco, the Organization Benchmark for “Average Visit Duration” shows the “average visit duration” for Cisco.

Industry Benchmark: Displays the average value for the industry to which your business belongs. For example, if you are in the retail sector, in the Visit Duration Distribution graph, the average visit duration for retail is displayed. The industry benchmark average value is restricted to the data obtained from other clients who have installed Cisco Spaces.

Country Benchmark: Displays the average value for the locations tagged under the particular country. For example, if you choose the U.S. as the tag in the Average Visit Duration graph, a bar corresponding to the U.S. is displayed which is the average visit duration for all the locations tagged under the U.S. Besides this, the total number of locations associated with the country tag is also displayed. If the locations under the particular country tag are associated with any other tag, in certain graphs such as Average Visit Duration, the average value for that tag is also shown.

State Benchmark: Displays the average value for the locations tagged under that particular state. In certain reports, if you select a state tag, two additional bars are displayed. One bar displays the average value with the state name, and the other bar displays the same average value with the total number of locations in the state. For example, the Average Visit Duration graph.

Brand Benchmark: Displays the average value for the brand name. A brand name can be used as metadata only for the locations of a particular state. In certain graphs such as Average Visit Duration, if you choose a brand the average value for the state to which the brand is tagged is also displayed.

Filtered Location Benchmark: Displays the average value for the filtered location. It appears only if you filter a particular location. For example, if “Cisco San Fransisco” is filtered in the location hierarchy, the “Average Visit Duration” for Cisco San Fransisco is shown along with the organization average. Besides this, the total number of locations under the filtered location is also displayed.

Top and Bottom 3 locations: Displays the top tree and bottom three child locations.

Important Locations: Displays the child locations that are top in the overall ranking for various parameters such as intent rate, acquisition rate, visit distribution, visit frequency, and so on. The top five important locations are shown in the graphs.


  • The country, state and brand benchmarks are displayed based on the data for the particular customer.

  • When you filter the report for a brand, do not filter a state name that is not associated with it.

  • Do not filter the report for two brands simultaneously.

  • By default, the report is shown for the top and bottom three locations. You can view the report for the important locations by clicking the toggle switch at the top right of the page.

  • You can tag the locations under country, state, and brand benchmarks by defining metadata for the locations.

Report Tabs

The Behavior Metrics report includes the following tabs:

  • Group Tab: By default, the report is shown for Group View and displays the report for the entire organization.

  • Historical Tab: Displays the report that shows the average values for the last twelve months. In most of the reports, average of the last twelve months is shown along with the average for each month. The industry and organization average are also shown based on the report. You can access the historical view, by clicking the Toggle Historical View button at the far right of the Behavior Metrics window.

  • Comparative Tab: When you filter a location, the Comparative tab displays and the report is displayed for that particular location along with the organization benchmark.

Behavior Metrics (Business Metrics)

Performance Benchmarking: Performance on Core Metrics related to Peers


The Behavior Metrics report for the Workspaces vertical is different from the following one. For information on the Behaviour Metrics report for the Workspaces vertical, see Workspaces Vertical (Behavior Metrics).

Visit Duration

Visit Duration: Across Locations

Displays a line graph showing the average visit duration for all your business locations. This report enables you to identify the time that visitors are spending at various locations. Besides this, the average visit duration for the industry and organization is also displayed in the graph.

Visit Duration: Key Locations

Displays a bar graph showing the average duration of visits in key locations. The top and bottom three locations or important locations are shown in this report along with the industry and organization benchmark. If you are filtering a location, the average value for the filtered location is also shown in the report.

Visit Duration: By Sub-brand

Displays a bar graph showing the average visit duration for various brands in your business. Besides this, the industry and organization benchmarks are also displayed in the graph.

Visit Duration: Distribution

Displays a bar graph showing the total number of visits for various Visit Duration ranges. Organization and industry averages are shown in the report.

Visit Frequency

Visit Frequency represents the “number of visits made by the visitors” by the “number of visitors”.

Visit Frequency: Across Locations

Displays a line graph showing the average visit frequency for all your business locations. This report enables you to identify how often visitors are visiting your locations. Besides this, the average visit frequency for the industry and organization is also displayed in the graph.

Visit Frequency: Key Locations

Displays a bar graph showing the average visit frequency in key locations. The top and bottom three locations in visit frequency or important locations with the highest visit frequency are shown in this report along with the industry and organization benchmarks. If you are filtering a location, the average value for the filtered location is also shown in the report.

Visit Frequency: By Sub-brand

Displays a bar graph showing the average visit frequency for various brands in your business. This report enables you to identify which brand is more often visited. Besides this, the industry and organization benchmarks are also displayed in the graph.

Visit Frequency: Distribution

Displays a bar graph showing the total number of visits for various visit frequency ranges. Organization and industry averages are shown in the report.

Diagnostics: Factors that Impact or are impacted by the Core Metrics

Visit Duration by Visit Number

Displays a bar graph showing the time that the visitors spent in the locations for various numbers of visits. This report helps you to identify the change that happens to the visit duration based on the visit count.

Each bar represents the average visit duration of the visitors for various visit numbers. For example, the bar for seven represents the average visit duration of the visitors who have visited the locations seven times during the specified month.

Repeat Visitors: Across Locations

Displays a line graph showing the percentage of repeat visitors for all the locations. The organization and industry benchmark for repeat visitors is also shown in the report.

Repeat Visitors: Key Locations

Displays a bar graph showing the repeat visitor percentage for key locations. The top and bottom three locations in repeat visitors or important locations with the highest repeat visitors are shown in this report along with the industry and organization benchmarks for repeat visitors. If you are filtering a location, the average value for the filtered location is also shown in the report.

Visit Recency: Across Locations

Displays a line graph showing the gap between the visits of the repeat visitors for various locations. The visit recency is shown in the number of days. Besides this, the industry and organization benchmark for visit recency is also shown in the report.

Visit Recency: Key Locations

Displays a bar graph showing the gap in the number of days between the visits of the repeat visitors for key locations. The top and bottom three locations in visit recency or important locations are shown in this report along with the industry and organization benchmarks.

Repeat Visitors: By Sub-brand

Displays a bar graph showing the percentage of repeat visitors for various brands in your business. This report enables you to identify the location with which the brand is repeatedly visited the most. Besides this, the industry and organization benchmark for repeat visitors is also displayed in the graph.

Visit Recency- By Sub-Brand

Displays a bar graph showing the visit recency (gap in days between the two visits of a repeat visitor) for various brands in your business. The industry and organization benchmark for visit recency is also displayed in the graph.

Visit Distribution: Hour of the Day

Displays a bar graph showing the daily visits in the organization (average of all the locations of the organization) during various hours of the day. This report enables you to identify at what hour of the day there are more visits to the locations.

Each bar in the graph represents “the percentage of visits that occurs at that particular hour of the day” among “the total daily visits”. For example, the bar for 2:00 PM represents the percentage of visits that occurs at 2:00 PM among the average total daily visits.

Visit Distribution: Day of the Week

Displays a bar graph showing the average daily visits in the organization during various days of the week. This report enables you to identify on which day of the week there are more visits.

Each bar in the graph represents “the percentage of visits that occurs on that particular day of the week” among “the average total weekly visits”. For example, the bar for “THU” represents the “percentage of visits that occurs on Thursdays” among “the total number of weekly visits”.

Size of the Store and Visit Duration

Displays a graph showing the visit duration based on the square foot area of the locations. This report enables you to identify the influence the size of a location has on the time spent by visitors in the location.

In the graph, the blue dot in the graph represents the three child locations that have the highest visit duration and the three child locations that have the lowest visit duration. The grey dot in the graph represents other child locations. Each dot represents the total square foot area of that particular child location and its average visit duration.

Size of the Store and No. of Visits

Displays a graph showing the number of visits based on the square foot area of the locations. This report enables you to identify the influence the size of a location has on repeat visits to the location.

In the graph, the blue dot in the graph represents the three child locations that have the highest number of visits and the three child locations that have the lowest number of visits. The grey dot in the graph represents other child locations. Each dot represents the total square foot area of that particular child location and its average number of visits.

Retail Experience Grid

Displays a graph showing a consolidated report of the visit duration and visit frequency for the entire month from all the locations. The graph displays only root locations and group locations. The visit duration is displayed on the X-axis and the visit frequency is displayed on the Y-axis. Retail Experience Grid is available only for the retail vertical.

Workspaces Vertical (Behavior Metrics)

Campus-level computation is implemented for the Workspaces vertical. Earlier, network nodes in the location hierarchy were used to derive metrics. To improve the quality of the data reported for the Workspaces vertical, campus nodes are used to track visits and derive insights. In most real-time deployments for enterprises and universities, people move between multiple buildings that are close by within a campus. This behavior of people moving between networks is the motivation behind moving to the campus node as the single contiguous space to track visits and derive insights.


  • If you select a campus node from the Location option, campus average displays for the following charts: Workday Duration, Employee Frequency, Density Index, Entry Time and Exit Time charts.

  • By default, the campus and group location data are displayed at the root-level view. Network location data displays when no campus location is defined in the location hierarchy.

The Behavior Metrics window for Workspaces vertical displays the following information:

Core Metrics: How do individual workspace locations perform along key metric

Workday Duration

  • Workday Duration: The average number of hours the employees spent in the workplace is shown in this report.

  • Workday Duration: Distribution: The time spent by an employee at the workplace as a percentage of visits is shown in this report.

Employee Frequency

  • Employee Frequency: The average frequency at which the employees visited the workspaces are shown in this report.

  • Employee Frequency: Distribution: The number of visits by each employee to the workplace is shown in this report.


  • Employees: %Share By floor: The number of employee visits to a particular floor as a percentage is shown in this report. This information displays for location view.

  • Employees: %Share By zone: The number of employee visits at various zones as a percentage is shown in this report. This information displays for location view.


  • Presence: By floor: The employee presence in manhours by floor is shown in this report. This information displays for location view.

  • Presence: By zone: The employee presence in manhours by zone is shown in this report. This information displays for location view.

Visit Duration

  • Visit Duration: By floor: The time spent by an employee on each floor during a workday is shown in this report. This information displays for location view.

  • Visit Duration: By zone: The time spent by an employee at each zone during a workday is shown in this report. This information displays for location view.


  • Density: By floor: The employee presence per 1000 squarefoot on each floor in the workplace is shown in this report. This information displays for location view.

  • Density: By zone: The employee presence per 1000 squarefoot at each zone in the workplace is shown in this report. This information displays for location view.

  • Density Index: The monthly employee presence (man-hours) per 1000 squarefoot at the workspace is shown in this report.

Diagnostics: Analysis of factors that impact or are impacted by the core metrics

Entry Time

  • Entry Time: The average time at which employees enter the workspaces are shown in this report.

  • Entry Time: Distribution: The percentage of employees who entered the locations at various hours of the day along with the industry and organization average percentage for each hour of the day is shown in this report.

Exit Time

  • Exit Time: The average time at which employees exit the workspaces are shown in this report.

  • Exit Time: Distribution: The percentage of employees who exited the locations at various hours of the day along with the industry and organization average percentage for each hour of the day is shown in this report.

Employee Presence

  • Employee Presence: Hour of Day: The percentage of employees present at the workspaces at various hours of the day along with the industry and organization average percentage for each hour of the day is shown in this report.

  • Employee Presence: Day of the Week: The percentage of employees that were present at the workspaces on various days of the week along with the industry and organization average percentage for each day of the week is shown in this report.

Guest Presence

  • Guest Presence: Hour of Day: The percentage of guests present at the workspaces at various hours of the day along with the industry and organization average percentage for each hour of the day is shown in this report.

  • Guest Presence: Day of the Week: The percentage of guests present at the workspaces on various days of a week along with the industry and organization average percentage for various days of a week is shown in this report.

Education Vertical (Behavior Metrics)

Cisco Spaces supports a new vertical called Education in the Behavior Metrics app. All the key charts reflect information based on student metrics. The Education vertical chart resembles all the metrics similar to the Workspaces vertical.

The Behavior Metrics window for Education vertical will have the following information:

Core Metrics: How do individual locations perform along key metric

Visit Duration

  • Visit Duration: Across Locations: The average time spent by students per visit to the university during the month is shown in this report.

  • Visit Duration: Distribution: The time spent by a student at university as a percentage of visits is shown in this report.

Student Frequency: Across Locations

  • Student Frequency: Across Locations: The average number of visits by students to the university during the month is shown in this report.

  • Student Frequency: Distribution: The number of visits by a student at university as a percentage of visits is shown in this report.


  • Student: %Share By floor: The number of students visits at a particular floor as a percentage is shown in this report. This information displays for location view.

  • Student: %Share By zone: The number of students visits at various zones as a percentage is shown in this report. This information displays for location view.


  • Presence: By floor: The student presence in man-hours by the floor is shown in this report. This information displays for location view.

  • Presence: By zone: The student presence in man-hours by zone is shown in this report. This information displays for location view.

Visit Duration

  • Visit Duration: By floor: The time spent by a student on each floor during a workday is shown in this report. This information displays for location view.

  • Visit Duration: By zone: The time spent by a student at each zone during a workday is shown in this report. This information displays for location view.


  • Density: By floor: The student presence per 1000 square feet on each floor is shown in this report. This information displays for location view.

  • Density: By zone: The student presence per 1000 square feet at each zone is shown in this report. This information displays for location view.

  • Density Index: The monthly students' presence (man-hours) at the university area per 1000 square feet is shown in this report.

Diagnostics: Analysis of factors that impact or are impacted by the core metrics

Entry Time

  • Entry Time: Across Locations: The average entry time of students across locations is shown in this report.

  • Entry Time : Distribution: The number of students in university at a specific entry time (hour of the day) as a percentage is shown in this report.

Exit Time

  • Exit Time: Across Locations: The average exit time of students across locations is shown in this report.

  • Exit Time : Distribution: The number of students in university at a specific exit time (hour of the day) as a percentage is shown in this report.

Student Presence

  • Student Presence: Hour of Day: The number of students present during each hour of the day as a percentage is shown in this report.

  • Student Presence: Day of the Week: The number of students present during each day of the week as a percentage is shown in this report.

Guest Presence

  • Guest Presence: Hour of Day: The number of guests present during each hour of the day as a percentage is shown in this report.

  • Guest Presence: Day of the Week: The number of guests present during each day of the week as a percentage is shown in this report.

Pin a Location

If you want to add certain locations as favorites, you can pin those locations. You can pin a maximum of three locations at a time. By default, all graphs display the value for the pinned locations, if you have added pin locations. In the bar chart, each pin location is represented by a bar.

To pin a location, perform the following steps:


Step 1

In the Behavior Metrics window, click the Pin Locations.

Step 2

In the Pin Locations window, select the locations that you want to pin.

Step 3

Click Apply.