Configuring Logging Policies on Firewall Devices

The Logging feature lets you enable and manage NetFlow “collectors,” and enable system logging, set up logging parameters, configure event lists (syslog filters), apply the filters to a destination, set up syslog messages, configure syslog servers, and specify e-mail notification parameters.

After you enable logging and set up the logging parameters using the Logging Setup page, the Event Lists page lets you configure filters (for a set of syslogs) which can be sent to a logging destination. The Logging Filters page lets you specify a logging destination for the syslogs to be sent. Finally, the Syslog and E-Mail pages configure syslog and e-mail setup.

This chapter contains the following topics:

NetFlow Page

A device configured for NetFlow data export captures flow-based traffic statistics on the device. This information is periodically transmitted from the device to a NetFlow collection server, in the form of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) datagrams.

The NetFlow page lets you enable NetFlow export on the selected device, and define and manage NetFlow “collectors” to which collected flow information is transmitted.

Navigation Path

  • (Device view) Select Platform > Logging > NetFlow from the Device Policy selector.

  • (Policy view) Select PIX/ASA/FWSM Platform > Logging > NetFlow from the Policy Type selector. Select an existing policy from the Shared Policy selector, or create a new one.

Related Topics

Field Reference

Table 1. NetFlow Page



Enable Flow Export

If checked, NetFlow data export is enabled.

Template Export Interval

Interval (in minutes) between transmissions of flow information to the collectors. The value can be from one to 3600 minutes; the default is 30.

Active Refresh Interval

For active connections, specifies the time interval between flow-update events in minutes. Valid values are from 1 to 60 minutes. The default value is 1 minute.

Delay Flow Create

Delays the sending of a flow-create event by the specified number of seconds. The value can be from one to 180 seconds.

If no value is entered, there is no delay, and the flow-create event is exported as soon as the flow is created. If the flow is torn down before the configured delay, the flow-create event is not sent; an extended flow teardown event is sent instead.

Collectors table

Lists the currently defined NetFlow collectors. Use the Add Row, Edit Row and Delete Row buttons below the table to manage these entries.

The Add Row and Edit Row buttons open the Add and Edit Collector Dialog Boxes (NetFlow).


Cisco Security Manager does not allow duplicate netflow collectors for ASA 9.6(4) to 9.7.0, and 9.8(2) and above devices. Change the current configuration or remove the duplicate or overlapping configuration (Platform> Logging > Netflow) for the device.

Add and Edit Collector Dialog Boxes (NetFlow)

Use the Add Collector and Edit Collector dialog boxes to define and edit NetFlow “collectors.” Except for the title, the two dialog boxes are identical; the following information applies to both.

Navigation Path

You can open the Add and Edit Collector dialog boxes from the NetFlow Page.

Field Reference

Table 2. Add and Edit Collector Dialog Boxes




Enter or Select the name of the device interface through which the collector is contacted.


Enter the IP address or the network name of the server to which NetFlow packets will be sent. You also can Select a Networks/Hosts object.

UDP Port

Specify the UDP port on the specified Collector to which NetFlow packets will be sent. Values can range from 1 to 65535; the default is 2055.

Embedded Event Manager

The Embedded Event Manager (EEM) enables you to debug problems and provides general purpose logging for troubleshooting. There are two components: events to which the EEM responds or listens, and event manager applets that define actions as well as the events to which the EEM responds. You may configure multiple event manager applets to respond to different events and perform different actions.


Embedded Event Manager is supported on ASA 9.2(1)+ only.

Supported Events

The EEM supports the following events:

  • Syslog—The ASA uses syslog message IDs to identify syslog messages that trigger an event manager applet. You may configure multiple syslog events, but the syslog message IDs may not overlap within a single event manager applet.

  • Timers—You may use timers to trigger events. You may configure each timer only once for each event manager applet. Each event manager applet may have up to three timers. The three types of timers are the following:

    • Watchdog (periodic) timers trigger an event manager applet after the specified time period following the completion of the applet’s actions and restart automatically.

    • Countdown (one-shot) timers trigger an event manager applet once after the specified time period and do not restart unless they are removed, then re-added.

    • Absolute (once-a-day) timers cause an event to occur once a day at a specified time, and restart automatically. The time-of-day format is in hh:mm:ss.

You may configure only one timer event of each type for each event manager applet.

  • None—The none event is triggered when you run an event manager applet manually.

  • Crash—The crash event is triggered when the ASA crashes. Regardless of the value of the output command, the action commands are directed to the crashinfo file. The output is generated before the show tech command.


Be careful when using a range of Syslog IDs and when using timers. Incorrect configuration can cause an ASA loop and prevent the applet from executing normally.

Configuring Actions

When an event manager applet is triggered, the actions on the event manager applet are performed. Each action has a number that is used to specify the sequence of the actions. The sequence number must be unique within an event manager applet. You may configure multiple actions for an event manager applet. The commands are typical CLI commands, such as show blocks.

Configuring Output Destinations

You may send the output of the action CLI commands to one of three locations:

  • None, which is the default and discards the output

  • Console, which sends the output to the ASA console

  • File, which sends the output to a file. The following four file options are available:

    • new—creates a new, uniquely named file each time that an event manager applet is invoked.

    • overwrite—overwrites a specified file each time that an event manager applet is invoked.

    • append—appends to a specified file each time that an event manager applet is invoked. If the file does not yet exist, it is created.

    • rotate—creates a set of uniquely named files that are rotated each time that an event manager applet is invoked.

Guidelines and Limitations

  • Supported in single mode only. Not supported in multiple context mode.

  • Supported in routed and transparent firewall modes.

  • EEM will be enabled irrespective of whether logging functionality is enabled on the device or not.

  • The EEM functionality on the ASA only contains a subset of the EEM functionality found on Cisco routers.

  • During a crash, the state of the ASA is generally unknown. Some commands may not be safe to run during this condition.

  • The name of an event manager applet may not contain spaces.

  • You cannot modify the None event and Crashinfo event parameters.

  • Performance may be affected because syslog messages are sent to the EEM for processing.

  • The default output is none for each event manager applet. To change this setting, you must enter a different output value.

  • You may have only one output option defined for each event manager applet.

The Embedded Event Manager table lists the currently defined event manager applets. Use the Add Row, Edit Row and Delete Row buttons below the table to manage these entries. The Add Row and Edit Row buttons open the Add and Edit Applet Dialog Boxes.

Navigation Path

  • (Device view) Select Platform > Logging > Embedded Event Manager from the Device Policy selector.

  • (Policy view) Select PIX/ASA/FWSM Platform > Logging > Embedded Event Manager from the Policy Type selector. Select an existing policy from the Shared Policy selector, or create a new one.

Related Topics

Add and Edit Applet Dialog Boxes

Use the Add Applet and Edit Applet dialog boxes to define and edit event manager applets. Except for the title, the two dialog boxes are identical; the following information applies to both.

Navigation Path

You can open the Add and Edit Applet dialog boxes from the Embedded Event Manager.

Field Reference

Table 3. Add and Edit Applet Dialog Boxes




Enter a unique name for the event manager applet. The name cannot contain spaces and must be less than 32 characters.


Enter a description for the event manager applet. The description may be up to 256 characters long.

Configuration Tab


When selected, the event manager applet is triggered when the ASA crashes. Regardless of the value of the Output field, the action commands are directed to the crashinfo file. The output is generated before the show tech command.


The state of the ASA is generally unknown when it crashes. Some CLI commands may not be safe to run during this condition.


When selected, you can trigger the event manager applet manually.


Manual triggering of the EEM applet is not supported in Cisco Security Manager. To manually trigger an applet, you must use a FlexConfig. See Managing Flexconfigs for more information.

Syslog table

The Syslog table lists the currently defined syslog message IDs for the selected applet. Use the Add Row, Edit Row and Delete Row buttons below the table to manage these entries. The Add Row and Edit Row buttons open the Add and Edit Syslog Configuration Dialog Boxes.


Configure an absolute (once-a-day) timer event Absolute timers cause an event to occur once a day at a specified time, and restart automatically.

Use the fields provided to enter the time of day in hours, minutes, and seconds. The time range is from 00:00:00 (midnight) to 23:59:59.


Configures a countdown (one-shot) timer event. Countdown timers trigger an event manager applet once after the specified time period and do not restart unless they are removed, then re-added.

Enter the time period in seconds. The number of seconds may range from 1- 604800.


Configures a watchdog (periodic) timer event. Watchdog timers trigger an event manager applet after the specified time period following the completion of the applet’s actions and restart automatically.

Enter the time period in seconds. The number of seconds may range from 1- 604800.


To configure specific destinations for sending output from an action, choose one of the available output destination options:

  • none—(default) discards the output.

  • console—sends the output to the ASA console.

  • file—sends the output to a file. Select the file option in the Action list.


The following four file options are available:

  • new—creates a new, uniquely named file each time that an event manager applet is invoked. The filename has the format of eem-applet-timestamp.log, in which applet is the name of the event manager applet and timestamp is a dated timestamp in the format of YYYYMMDD-hhmmss.

  • overwrite—overwrites a specified file each time that an event manager applet is invoked. Specify the file details using the File Location and File Name fields.

  • append—appends to a specified file each time that an event manager applet is invoked. If the file does not yet exist, it is created. Specify the file details using the File Location and File Name fields.

  • rotate—creates a set of uniquely named files that are rotated each time that an event manager applet is invoked. Specify the number of files to be rotated in the File Count field (valid values range from 2 - 100).

When a new file is to be written, the oldest file is deleted, and all subsequent files are renumbered before the first file is written. The newest file is indicated by 0, and the oldest file is indicated by the highest number. The filename format is eem-applet-x.log, in which applet is the name of the applet, and x is the file number.

File Location

Specifies the location of the output file. The location may also use FTP, TFTP, and SMB targeted files.

File Name

Specifies the filename of the output file.

File Count

Specify the number of files to be rotated when "rotate" is the selected Action.

When a new file is to be written, the oldest file is deleted, and all subsequent files are renumbered before the first file is written. The newest file is indicated by 0, and the oldest file is indicated by the highest number. Valid values for the rotate value range from 2 - 100. The filename format is eem-applet-x.log, in which applet is the name of the applet, and x is the file number.

Action Tab

Action table

The Action table lists the currently defined actions for the selected applet. Use the Add Row, Edit Row and Delete Row buttons below the table to manage these entries. The Add Row and Edit Row buttons open the Add and Edit Action Configuration Dialog Boxes.

Add and Edit Syslog Configuration Dialog Boxes

Use the Add Syslog Configuration and Edit Syslog Configuration dialog boxes to configure the syslog message IDs for an event manager applet. Except for the title, the two dialog boxes are identical; the following information applies to both.

Navigation Path

You can open the Add and Edit Syslog Configuration dialog boxes from the Add and Edit Applet Dialog Boxes.

Field Reference
Table 4. Add and Edit Syslog Configuration Dialog Boxes




Enter a single syslog message or a range of syslog messages. If a syslog message occurs that matches the specified individual syslog message or range of syslog messages, an event manager applet is triggered.


Syslog message IDs may not be entered twice or overlap within a single event manager applet.


(Optional) In the occurrences field, enter the number of times that the syslog message must occur for an event manager applet to be invoked. The default is 1 occurrence every 0 seconds. Valid values are from 1 - 4294967295.


(Optional) In the period field, enter the number of seconds within which the syslog messages must occur to invoke the action. This value limits how frequently an event manager applet is invoked to at most once in the configured period. Valid values are from 0 - 604800. A value of 0 means that no period is defined.

Add and Edit Action Configuration Dialog Boxes

Use the Add Action Configuration and Edit Action Configuration dialog boxes to configure the actions for an event manager applet. Except for the title, the two dialog boxes are identical; the following information applies to both.

Navigation Path

You can open the Add and Edit Action Configuration dialog boxes from the Add and Edit Applet Dialog Boxes.

Field Reference
Table 5. Add and Edit Action Configuration Dialog Boxes



Ordinal ID

Enter the unique sequence number in the Ordinal ID field. Valid sequence numbers range from 0 - 4294967295. When adding an action configuration, the Ordinal ID will default to one greater than the highest Ordinal ID used.


Enter the CLI command in the CLI field. The command runs in global configuration mode as a user with privilege level 15 (the highest). The command may not accept any input, because it is disabled.

E-Mail Setup Page

The E-Mail Setup page (PIX 7.0/ASA Only) lets you set up a source e-mail address, as well as a list of recipients for specified syslog messages to be sent as e-mails. You can filter the syslog messages sent to a destination e-mail address by severity. The table shows which entries have been set up.

The syslog severity filter used for the destination e-mail address will be the higher of the severity selected in this section and the global filter set for all e-mail recipients in the Logging Filters page.

Navigation Path

  • (Device view) Select Platform > Logging > Syslog > E-Mail Setup from the Device Policy selector.

  • (Policy view) Select PIX/ASA/FWSM Platform > Logging > Syslog > E-Mail Setup from the Policy Type selector. Select an existing policy from the Shared Policy selector, or create a new one.

Field Reference

Table 6. E-Mail Setup Page



Source Email Address

Enter the email address to be used as the source address when syslogs are sent as emails.

Destination Address table

Lists the currently defined email recipients of syslog messages.

Use the Add Row, Edit Row and Delete Row buttons below the table to manage this list; the Add Row and Edit Row buttons open the Add/Edit Email Recipient Dialog Box.

Add/Edit Email Recipient Dialog Box

The Add/Edit Email Recipient dialog box lets you configure a destination address to be sent emails containing syslog messages; you can limit the messages sent according to severity.

The syslog severity filter used for the destination email address will be the higher of the severity selected in this section and the global filter set for all email recipients on the Logging Filters Page.

Navigation Path

You can access the Add/Edit Email Recipient dialog box from the E-Mail Setup Page.

Field Reference

Table 7. Add/Edit Email Recipient Dialog Box



Destination Email Address

Enter the recipient email address for the chosen type of syslog messages.

Syslog Severity list

Choose the severity of the syslogs to be emailed to this recipient; messages of the chosen severity and higher are sent. Message severity levels are described in Logging Levels.

Event Lists Page

The Event Lists page (PIX 7.0+/ASA only) lets you define a set of syslog message filters for logging. After you enable logging and set up global logging parameters on the Logging Setup page, use this page to configure event lists used to filter syslog messages sent to different logging destinations. (The Logging Filters Page lets you specify logging destinations for event lists.)

Use the Add Row, Edit Row and Delete Row buttons below the Event Lists table to manage the entries. Add Row and Edit Row open the Add/Edit Event List Dialog Box.

Navigation Path

  • (Device view) Select Platform > Logging > Syslog > Event Lists from the Device Policy selector.

  • (Policy view) Select PIX/ASA/FWSM Platform > Logging > Syslog > Event Lists from the Policy Type selector. Select an existing policy from the Shared Policy selector, or create a new one.

Related Topics

Message Classes and Associated Message ID Numbers

The following table lists the message classes and the range of message IDs in each class.

Table 8. Message Classes and Associated Message ID Numbers



Message ID Numbers


User Authentication

109, 113


Transparent Firewall

110, 220


PKI Certification Authority



Command interface

111, 112, 208, 308


E-mail Proxy



Failover (High Availability)

101, 102, 103, 104, 210, 311, 709


Intrusion Detection System

400, 401, 415


IP Stack

209, 215, 313, 317, 408


Network Processor



OSPF Routing

318, 409, 503, 613


RIP Routing

107, 312


Resource Manager



User Session

106, 108, 201, 202, 204, 302, 303, 304, 305, 314, 405, 406, 407, 500, 502, 607, 608, 609, 616, 620, 703, 710






199, 211, 214, 216, 306, 307, 315, 414, 604, 605, 606, 610, 612, 614, 615,701, 711


PPTP and L2TP Sessions

213, 403, 603


IKE and IPsec

316, 320, 402, 404, 501, 602, 702, 713, 714, 715


VPN Client



VPN Failover



VPN Load Balancing



Web-based VPN


Add/Edit Event List Dialog Box

The Add/Edit Event List dialog box lets you create or edit an event list, and specify which syslog messages to include in the event list filter.

You can use the following criteria to define an event list:

  • Class and Severity

  • Message ID

Class represents specific types of related syslog messages. For example, the class auth represents all syslog messages related to user authentication.

Severity classifies syslogs based on the relative importance of the event in the normal functioning of the network. The highest severity is Emergency, which means the resource is no longer available. The lowest severity is Debugging, which provides detailed information about every network event.

The message ID is a numeric value that uniquely identifies each individual message. You can specify a single message ID, or a range of IDs, in an event list.

Navigation Path

You can access the Add/Edit Event List dialog box from the Event Lists Page.

Field Reference

Table 9. Add/Edit Event List Dialog Box



Event List Name

Enter a name that uniquely identifies this event list.

Event Class/Severity Filters

This table lists the event class and severity level filters defined for this event list.

Use the Add Row, Edit Row and Delete Row buttons below this table to manage the entries. Add Row and Edit Row open the Add/Edit Syslog Class Dialog Box.

Message ID Filters

This table list the message ID filters defined for this event list.

Use the Add Row, Edit Row and Delete Row buttons below this table to manage the entries. Add Row and Edit Row open the Add/Edit Syslog Message ID Filter Dialog Box.

Add/Edit Syslog Class Dialog Box

The Add/Edit Syslog Class dialog box lets you specify an event class and a related severity level as an event list filter.

Class represents specific types of related syslog messages, so you do not have to select the syslogs individually. For example, the class auth represents all syslog messages related to user authentication.

Severity classifies syslogs based on the relative importance of the event in the normal functioning of the network. The highest severity is Emergency, which means the resource is no longer available. The lowest severity is Debugging, which provides detailed information about every network event.

Navigation Path

You access the Add/Edit Syslog Class dialog box from the Add/Edit Event List Dialog Box.

Related Topics
Field Reference
Table 10. Add/Edit Syslog Class Dialog Box



Event Class

Choose the desired event class. Event classes are described in Message Classes and Associated Message ID Numbers.


Choose the desired message severity level. Severity levels are described in Logging Levels.

Add/Edit Syslog Message ID Filter Dialog Box

The Add/Edit Syslog Message ID Filter dialog box lets you specify a syslog message ID, or a range of IDs, as an the event list filter.

Navigation Path

You can access the Add/Edit Syslog Message ID Filter dialog box from the Add/Edit Event List Dialog Box.

Related Topics
Field Reference

Message IDs – Enter a syslog message ID, or a range of IDs. Use a hyphen to specify a range; for example, 101001-101010 . Message IDs must be between 100000 and 999999.

Message IDs and their corresponding messages are listed in the System Log Message guides for the appropriate product. You can access these guides from

PIX Firewall



Logging Filters Page

The Logging Filters page lets you configure a logging destination for event lists (syslog filters) that have been configured using the Event Lists page, or for only the syslog messages that you specify using the Edit Logging Filters page. Syslog messages from specific or all event classes can be selected using the Edit Logging Filters page.

Navigation Path

  • (Device view) Select Platform > Logging > Syslog > Logging Filters from the Device Policy selector.

  • (Policy view) Select PIX/ASA/FWSM Platform > Logging > Syslog > Logging Filters from the Policy Type selector. Right-click Logging Filters to create a policy, or select an existing policy from the Shared Policy selector.

Related Topics

Field Reference

Table 11. Logging Filters Page



Logging Destination

Lists the name of the logging destination to which messages matching this filter are sent. Logging destinations are as follows:

  • Internal Buffer. Messages matching this filter are published to the internal buffer of the security appliance.

  • Console. Messages matching this filter are published to any console port connections.

  • Telnet Sessions. Messages matching this filter are published to any Telnet sessions connected to the security appliance.

  • Syslog Servers. Messages matching this filter are published to any syslog servers specified on the Platform > Logging > Syslog Servers page.

  • E-Mail. Messages matching this filter are published to any recipients specified on the Platform > Logging > E-mail Setup (PIX7.0/ASA Only) page.

  • SNMP Trap. Messages matching this filter are published to any SNMP management stations specified on the Platform > Device Admin > Device Access > SNMP page.

  • ASDM. Messages matching this filter are published to any ASDM sessions.

Syslogs From All Event Classes

Lists the severity on which to filter, the event list to use, or whether logging is disabled from all event classes. Event classes are described in Message Classes and Associated Message ID Numbers.

Syslogs From Specific Event Classes

Lists event class and severity set up as the filter. Event classes are described in Message Classes and Associated Message ID Numbers. Severity levels are described in Logging Levels.

Edit Logging Filters Dialog Box

The Edit Logging Filters dialog box lets you edit filters for a logging destination. Syslogs can be configured from all or specific event classes, or disabled for a specific logging destination.

Navigation Path

You can access the Edit Logging Filters dialog box from the Logging Filters page. For more information about the Logging Filters page, see Logging Filters Page.

Related Topics

Field Reference

Table 12. Edit Logging Filters Dialog Box



Logging Destination list

Specifies the logging destination for this filter:

  • Internal Buffer. Messages matching this filter are published to the internal buffer of the security appliance.

  • Console. Messages matching this filter are published to any console port connections.

  • Telnet Sessions. Messages matching this filter are published to any Telnet sessions connected to the security appliance.

  • Syslog Servers. Messages matching this filter are published to any syslog servers specified on the Platform > Logging > Syslog Servers page.

  • E-Mail. Messages matching this filter are published to any recipients specified on the Platform > Logging > E-mail Setup (PIX7.0/ASA Only) page.

  • SNMP Trap. Messages matching this filter are published to any SNMP management stations specified on the Platform > Device Admin > Device Access > SNMP page.

  • ASDM. Messages matching this filter are published to any ASDM sessions.

Syslog from All Event Classes

Filter on severity option

Filters on the severity of the logging messages.

Filter on severity list

Specifies the level of logging messages on which to filter.

Use event list option

Specifies to use an event list.

Use event list

Specifies the event list to use. Event lists are defined on the Event Lists Page.

Disable logging option

Disables all logging to the selected destination.

Syslog from Specific Event Classes (PIX7.0)

Event Class

Specifies the event class and severity. Event classes include one or all available items. Event classes are described in Message Classes and Associated Message ID Numbers.


Specifies the level of logging messages. Severity levels are described in Logging Levels.

Configuring Logging Setup

The Logging Setup page lets you enable system logging on the security appliance and configure other logging options. These options include enabling logging on the security appliance and failover unit, specifying the base log format and detail, and logging to longer-term storage devices, FTP server or Flash, before purging the internal buffer.

Related Topics


Step 1

Select Platform > Logging > Syslog > Logging Setup to display the Logging Setup page.

Step 2

Check Enable Logging.

This option enables logging on the security appliance.

Step 3

To enable logging on the failover unit paired with this security appliance, select the Enable logging on the standby failover unit check box.

Step 4

To enable EMBLEM format, or to send debug messages as part of the syslog messages, select the corresponding check boxes.

If you enable EMBLEM, you must use the UDP protocol to publish syslog messages. It is not compatible with TCP.

Step 5

To write the internal buffer data to an FTP server for future processing prior to clearing the buffer, do the following:

  1. Check FTP Server Buffer wrap.

  2. Enter the IP address of the FTP server in the IP Address field.

  3. Enter the user name of the account used to log into the FTP server in the User Name field.

  4. Enter the path in the Path field, relative to the FTP root, where the file should be stored.

  5. Enter and confirm the password used to authenticate the user name.

Step 6

To write the internal buffer data to Flash for future processing prior to clearing the buffer, do the following:

  1. Check Flash.

  2. Specify the maximum amount of memory to allocate to the storage of internal buffer data.

  3. Specify the minimum memory that should remain free on the Flash drive. If this minimum value cannot be retained while writing out the data from the internal buffer, the messages will be pruned to meet the space requirements.

Step 7

To specify the maximum queue size maintained on the appliance for viewing by an ASDM client, enter that value in the Message Queue Size (Messages) field.

Logging Setup Page

The Logging Setup page lets you enable system logging on the security appliance and configure other logging options.

Navigation Path

  • (Device view) Select Platform > Logging > Syslog > Logging Setup from the Device Policy selector.

  • (Policy view) Select PIX/ASA/FWSM Platform > Logging > Syslog > Logging Setup from the Policy Type selector. Select an existing policy from the Shared Policy selector, or create a new one.

Field Reference

Table 13. Logging Setup Page



Enable Logging

Turns on logging for the main security appliance.

Enable Logging on the Failover Standby Unit

Turns on logging for the standby security appliance, if available.

Send syslogs in EMBLEM format (PIX7.x+, ASA, FWSM 3.x+)

Enables EMBLEM format logging for every logging destination. If you enable EMBLEM, you must use the UDP protocol to publish syslog messages; EMBLEM is not compatible with TCP.


This setting is not compatible with CS-MARS.

Send debug messages as syslogs (PIX7.x+, ASA, FWSM 3.x+)

Redirects all the debug trace output to the syslog. The syslog message does not appear in the console if this option is enabled. Therefore, to see debug messages, you must enable logging at the console and configure it as the destination for the debug syslog message number and logging level. The syslog message number used is 711011 . Default logging level for this syslog is debug .

Memory Size of Internal Buffer (bytes)

Specify the size of the internal buffer to which syslogs is saved if the logging buffer is enabled. When the buffer fills up, it is overwritten. The default is 4096 bytes. The range is 4096 to 1048576.

Specify FTP Server Information (PIX7.x+, ASA, FWSM 3.x+)

FTP Server Buffer Wrap

To save the buffer contents to the FTP server before it is overwritten, check this box and enter the necessary destination information in the following fields. To remove the FTP configuration, deselect this option.

IP Address

Enter the IP address of the FTP server.

User Name

Enter the user name to use when connecting to the FTP server.


Enter the path, relative to the FTP root, where the buffer contents should be saved.


Enter and confirm the password used to authenticate the user name to the FTP server.

Specify flash size


To save the buffer contents to the flash memory before it is overwritten, check this box. This option is only available in routed or transparent single mode.

Maximum flash to be used by logging (KB)

Specify the maximum space to be used in the flash memory for logging (in KB). This option is available only in routed or transparent single mode.

Minimum free space to be preserved (KB)

Specifies the minimum free space to be preserved in flash memory (in KB). This option is available only in routed or transparent single mode.

ASDM Logging (PIX7.x+, ASA, FWSM 3.x+)

Message Queue Size

Specify the queue size for syslogs intended for viewing in ASDM.

Configuring Rate Limit Levels

The Rate Limit page lets you specify the maximum number of log messages of specific types (e.g., “alert” or “critical”), and messages with specific Syslog IDs, that can be generated within given periods of time. You can specify individual limits for each logging level, and each Syslog message ID. If the settings conflict, the Syslog message ID limits take precedence.

The Add/Edit Rate Limited Syslog Message Dialog Box is used to specify the maximum number of messages that can be generated for a particular Syslog message ID within a given period of time.

The Add/Edit Rate Limit for Syslog Logging Levels Dialog Box is used to specify the maximum number of messages that can be generated for a particular Syslog logging level within a given period of time.

Related Topics

Follow these steps to manage rate limits for message logging:


Step 1

Access the Rate Limit page by doing one of the following:

  • (Device view) Select Platform > Logging > Syslog > Rate Limit from the Device Policy selector.

  • (Policy view) Select PIX/ASA/FWSM Platform > Logging > Syslog > Rate Limit from the Policy Type selector. Select an existing policy from the Shared Policy selector, or create a new policy.

Step 2

Add, edit and delete rate limits for Syslog logging levels:

  • To specify the maximum number of messages that can be generated within a given period of time for particular logging level, click the Add Row button under the Rate Limits for Syslog Logging Levels table to open the Add/Edit Rate Limit for Syslog Logging Levels Dialog Box. Choose a logging level and define a rate limit.

  • To edit the rate limit for a particular logging level, select the appropriate entry in the Rate Limits for Syslog Logging Levels table, and then click the Edit Row button under the table to open the Add/Edit Rate Limit for Syslog Logging Levels Dialog Box. Alter the rate limit as necessary.

  • To delete a rate limit entry from the Rate Limits for Syslog Logging Levels table, select it and then click the Delete Row button under the table. A confirmation dialog box may be displayed; click OK to delete the entry.

Step 3

Add, edit and delete limits for log messages according to message IDs:

  • To specify the maximum number of messages that can be generated within a given period of time for particular message ID, click the Add Row button under the Individually Rate Limited Syslog Messages table to open the Add/Edit Rate Limited Syslog Message Dialog Box. Choose a Syslog message ID and define a rate limit.

  • To edit the rate limit for a particular Syslog message ID, select the appropriate entry in the Individually Rate Limited Syslog Messages table, and then click the Edit Row button under the table to open the Add/Edit Rate Limited Syslog Message Dialog Box. Alter the rate limit as necessary.

  • To delete a message limit entry from the Individually Rate Limited Syslog Messages table, select it and then click the Delete Row button under the table. A confirmation dialog box may be displayed; click OK to delete the entry.

Rate Limit Page

The Rate Limit page allows you to specify the maximum number of log messages of a particular type (for example, alert or critical) that should be generated within a given period of time. You can specify a limit for each logging level and Syslog message ID. If the settings differ, Syslog message ID limits take precedence.

Navigation Path

  • (Device view) Select Platform > Logging > Syslog > Rate Limit from the Device Policy selector.

  • (Policy view) Select PIX/ASA/FWSM Platform > Logging > Syslog > Rate Limit from the Policy Type selector. Select an existing policy from the Shared Policy selector, or create a new policy.

Related Topics

Field Reference

Table 14. Rate Limit Page



Rate Limits for Syslog Logging Levels Table

Logging Level

The Syslog logging level for which you are specifying a rate limit.

No. of Messages

Maximum number of messages of the specified type allowed in the specified time period.

Interval (seconds)

Number of seconds before the rate limit counter resets.

Individually Rate Limited Syslog Messages Table

Syslog ID

Identification number of the Syslog message for which you are specifying a rate limit.

No. of Messages

Maximum number of messages with the specified ID allowed in the specified time period.

Interval (seconds)

Number of seconds before the rate limit counter resets.

Add/Edit Rate Limit for Syslog Logging Levels Dialog Box

Using the Add/Edit Rate Limit for Syslog Logging Levels dialog box, you can specify the maximum number of log messages for particular log level that should be generated within a given period of time. You can specify a limit for each logging level or syslog message ID (see Add/Edit Rate Limited Syslog Message Dialog Box). If the settings differ, the rate limited syslog message-level settings override rate limit logging level settings.

Navigation Path

You can access the Add/Edit Rate Limit for Syslog Logging Levels dialog box from the Rate Limit page. For more information, see Rate Limit Page.

Related Topics
Field Reference
Table 15. Add/Edit Rate Limit for Syslog Logging Levels Dialog Box



Logging Level

The syslog logging level for which you are specifying the rate limit.

Number of Messages

Maximum number of messages of the specified type allowed in the specified time period.

Interval (Seconds)

Number of seconds before the rate limit counter resets.

Add/Edit Rate Limited Syslog Message Dialog Box

Using the Add/Edit Rate Limited Syslog Message dialog box you can specify the maximum number of log messages of a particular Syslog ID that can be generated within a given period of time. You can specify a limit for each syslog message ID or logging level (see Add/Edit Rate Limit for Syslog Logging Levels Dialog Box). If the settings differ, the rate limited syslog message-level settings override rate limit logging level settings.

Navigation Path

You can access the Add/Edit Rate Limited Syslog Message dialog box from the Rate Limit page. For more information, seeRate Limit Page.

Related Topics
Field Reference
Table 16. Add/Edit Rate Limited Syslog Message Dialog Box



Syslog ID

Identification number of the syslog message for which you are specifying a rate limit.

Number of Messages

Maximum number of messages with the specified ID allowed in the specified time period.

Interval (Seconds)

Number of seconds before the rate limit counter resets.

Configuring Syslog Server Setup

You can configure general syslog server settings to set the facility code to be included in syslog messages that are sent to syslog servers, specify whether a timestamp is included in each message, specify the device ID to include in messages, view and modify the severity levels for messages, and disable the generation of specific messages.

Related Topics


Step 1

Do one of the following:

  • (Device view) Select Platform > Logging > Syslog > Server Setup to open the Server Setup Page.

  • (Policy view) Select PIX/ASA/FWSM Platform > Logging > Syslog > Server Setup from the Policy Type selector. Select an existing policy or create a new one.

Step 2

Change the basic message configuration as required:

  • If your syslog server expects a different facility than the default, select the required facility in the Facility list.

  • If you want to include the date and time a message was generated in the message, select Enable Timestamp on Each Syslog Message.

    • If you want to configure logging timestamp in the rfc5424 format, select Enable Timestamp Format(rfc5424). This option is applicable for ASA 9.12.1 devices and later. Example output of the timestamp:


  • If you want to add a device identifier to syslog messages (which is placed at the beginning of the message), select Enable Syslog Device ID and then select the type of ID:


For an ASA cluster, each unit in the cluster generates its own syslog messages. You can configure logging so that each unit uses either the same or a different device ID in the syslog message header field. For example, the hostname configuration is replicated and shared by all units in the cluster. If you configure logging to use the hostname as the device ID, syslog messages generated by all units look as if they come from a single unit. If you configure logging to use the local-unit name that is assigned in the cluster bootstrap configuration as the device ID (Cluster ID option), syslog messages look as if they come from different units. You can also specify whether or not the interface IP address of the Control unit should be used for all cluster devices.
  • Interface—To use the IP address of the specified interface, regardless of the interface through which the appliance sends the message. Click Select to select the interface or the interface role that identifies the interface. Interface roles must map to a single interface.

For ASA clusters, to specify that the interface IP address of the Control unit should be used for all cluster devices, select the corresponding option under the Interface Name field.

  • User Defined ID—To use a text string (up to 16 characters) of your choosing.

  • Host Name—To use the hostname of the device.

  • Cluster ID—To use the unique name in the boot configuration of an individual ASA unit in the cluster as the device ID.

Step 3

Use the Syslog Message table to alter the default settings for specific syslog messages. You need to configure rules in this table only if you want to change the default settings. You can change the severity assigned to a message, or you can suppress (disable) the generation of a message.

You select the message number whose configuration you want to change, and then select the new severity level, or select Suppressed to disable the generation of the message. Typically, you would not change the severity level and disable the message, but you can make changes to both fields if desired. Click OK to add the rule to the table.

For a description of message severity levels, see Logging Levels.

  • To edit a rule, select it and click the Edit Row button, make the desired changes, and click OK.

  • To delete a rule, select it and click the Delete Row button.

  • If you are using NetFlow, you can easily disable the generation of syslog messages that have NetFlow equivalents by clicking the Disable NetFlow Equivalent Syslogs button. This adds the messages to the table as suppressed messages. Note that if any of these syslog equivalents are already in the table, your existing rules are not overwritten.

Syslog Relay Configuration

In addition to events being received by the Cisco Security Manager server, they can be forwarded to a maximum of two external/remote controllers (syslog hosts). Syslog relay will forward the received messages to another syslog host using the UDP syslog protocol.

If you want the syslog messages that are forwarded from the Cisco Security Manager server to have the Cisco Security Manager server's IP address as the source IP address of the syslog message, you must enable it through CLI command:

  1. Navigate to CSCOpx\MDC\logrelay and open the file.

  2. Set the values of ext1 and ext2 to false like this:

## Source Preservation
#logrelay.dp.txring.ext0.preserve.source=true logrelay.dp.txring.ext1.preserve.source=false


By default the value is true for all collectors, by setting ext1 and ext2 as false, Cisco Security Manager will send the sylog messages with Cisco Security Manager IP. This modification can be done only for remote collectors and not for the local collector (ext0).

Server Setup Page

The Server Setup page allows you to set the facility code to be included in syslog messages that are sent to syslog servers, specify whether a timestamp is included in each message, specify the device ID to include in messages, view and modify the severity levels for messages, and disable the generation of specific messages.

Navigation Path

  • (Device view) Select Platform > Logging > Syslog > Server Setup from the Device Policy selector.

  • (Policy view) Select PIX/ASA/FWSM Platform > Logging > Syslog > Server Setup from the Policy Type selector. Select an existing policy or create a new one.

Related Topics

Field Reference

Table 17. Server Setup Page




The syslog facility code that the appliance includes in messages destined for syslog servers. The default is LOCAL4(20), which is what most UNIX systems expect. You can select a facility between LOCAL0(16) and LOCAL7(23).

Syslog facility is useful when you have a central syslog monitoring system that needs to distinguish among the various network devices that generate syslog data streams. Because your network devices share the eight available facilities, you might need to change this value.

Enable Timestamp on Each Syslog Message

Whether to include the date and time a message was generated in syslog messages. The default is to not include time stamps.

Enable Syslog Device ID

Whether to configure a device ID in non-EMBLEM-format syslog messages. If you select this option, select one of the following to use as the device ID, which is place at the start of all syslog messages:


For an ASA cluster, each unit in the cluster generates its own syslog messages. You can configure logging so that each unit uses either the same or a different device ID in the syslog message header field. For example, the hostname configuration is replicated and shared by all units in the cluster. If you configure logging to use the hostname as the device ID, syslog messages generated by all units look as if they come from a single unit. If you configure logging to use the local-unit name that is assigned in the cluster bootstrap configuration as the device ID (Cluster ID option), syslog messages look as if they come from different units. You can also specify whether or not the interface IP address of the Control unit should be used for all cluster devices.
  • Interface—The IP address of the selected interface. Enter the name of the interface or click Select to select it from a list (or to select an interface role that specifies the interface). Messages include the IP address of the interface specified, regardless of which interface the adaptive security appliance uses to send the log data to the external server.

If you select an interface role, that role must map to a single interface on the device.

For ASA clusters, to specify that the interface IP address of the Control unit should be used for all cluster devices, select the corresponding option under the Interface Name field.

  • User Defined ID—A text string you define as the device ID. This string can be up to 16 characters, but cannot contain any of the following special characters:

& ’ " < > ?

  • Host Name—The hostname of the security appliance.

  • Cluster ID—Use the unique name in the boot configuration of an individual ASA unit in the cluster as the device ID.

Syslog Message table

Use this table to enable or disable the generation of specific syslog messages, or to change the severity level of a message. If you do not want to constrict which message types are generated, or change any message severity levels, you do not need to configure anything in this table. The table shows the messages you have configured with the message level and whether generation is suppressed (“true” in the table).

  • To add a rule, click the Add Row button and fill in the Add/Edit Syslog Message Dialog Box.

  • To edit a rule, select it and click the Edit Row button.

  • To delete a rule, select it and click the Delete Row button.

Disable/Enable NetFlow Equivalent Syslogs

If you are using NetFlow logging, you might want to disable the generation of syslog messages that duplicate NetFlow messages. If you click the Disable button, these duplicate syslog messages are added to the Syslog Message table as suppressed messages, and the button is renamed Enable NetFlow Equivalent Syslogs.

Clicking the Enable button removes the duplicate syslog messages from the table, meaning that they will no longer be suppressed, and the device will start sending them again. However, if you manually edited any message that was added to the list by the Disable button, the Enable button does not remove them.

Logging Levels

The following table describes logging levels.

Table 18. Logging Levels

Logging Level





System unusable. Generates messages that identify system instabilities.



Immediate action needed. Generates messages that identify system integrity issues that require immediate administrative action.



Critical condition. Generates messages that identify critical system issues.



Error condition. Generates messages that identify system errors during operation.



Warning condition. Generates messages that identify system warnings. For example, device might be configured incorrectly.



Normal but significant condition. Generates messages that identify normal operations that are typically considered significant events.



Informational only. Generates messages that identify system information that is typical of day-to-day activity, such as network session records.



Generates syslog messages that assist you in debugging. Also generates logs that identify the commands issued during FTP sessions and the URLs requested during HTTP sessions. Includes all emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notification, and information messages.



No logging.

Add/Edit Syslog Message Dialog Box

The Add/Edit Syslog Message dialog box lets you modify the logging level or suppression setting for a syslog message.

Navigation Path

You can access the Add/Edit Syslog Message dialog box from the Server Setup Page.

Field Reference
Table 19. Add/Edit Syslog Message Dialog Box



Syslog ID list

The message log ID of the message whose severity level or suppression setting you want to alter. These values and their corresponding messages are identified in the System Log Message guides for the appropriate product:

PIX Firewall




Starting from Cisco Security Manager 4.10, you can enter a syslog message in the Syslog ID field. Make sure that you enter a valid syslog ID corresponding to the device; else the deployment may fail.

Logging Level list

The logging level that you want to assign to the message. For logging levels and descriptions, see Logging Levels.

Select (default) to use the default level assigned to the message.


Whether to suppress the generation of the syslog message. Suppressing a message disables its generation, so you will not see it in syslogs.

Disable Syslogs on Standby

Whether to block specific syslog messages from being generated on standby ASA devices. This feature is available from ASA version 9.4(1) and Security Manager supports this feature starting from version 4.9.

Defining Syslog Servers

The Syslog Servers page lets you specify the syslog servers to which the security appliance will send syslog messages. To make use of the syslog servers you define, you must enable logging using the Logging Setup page and set up the appropriate filters for destinations using the Logging Filters page.


If you want to view events from an ASA device using Security Manager Event Viewer, ensure that you define the Security Manager server as a syslog server. Also, if you use CS-MARS or other applications to manage syslog events, include those servers in this policy.

By directing syslog records generated by a security appliance to a syslog server, you can process and study the records.

Before You Begin

Enable logging. See Configuring Logging Setup.

Related Topics


Step 1

Select Platform > Logging > Syslog > Syslog Servers to display the Syslog Servers page.

Step 2

Do one of the following:

  • To add a new syslog target, click the Add Row button.

  • To edit an existing syslog target, select the check box for the row, then click the Edit Row button.

Step 3

Enter or select the interface name in the Interface field.

The list displays all interfaces defined at the current scope.

Step 4

Enter or select the IP address of the syslog server in the IP Address field.

Step 5

Determine whether to use UDP or TCP, then click the appropriate radio button under Protocol.

Step 6

Enter the port from which the security appliance sends either UDP or TCP syslog messages. The port must be the same port on which the syslog server listens.

  • TCP—1470 (Default). TCP ports work only with a security appliance syslog server.

  • UDP—514 (Default).

Step 7

To generate syslog messages using the EMBLEM format, select the Log messages in Cisco EMBLEM format check box.

To enable this option, you must select UDP protocol to publish messages to this syslog server.

Step 8

Click OK.

The definition appears in the Syslog Servers table.

Syslog Servers Page

The Syslog Servers page lets you specify the syslog servers to which the security appliance sends syslog messages. To make use of the syslog servers you define, you must enable logging using the Logging Setup page and set up the appropriate filters for destinations using the Logging Filters page.


If you want to view events from an ASA device using Security Manager Event Viewer, ensure that you define the Security Manager server as a syslog server. Also, if you use CS-MARS or other applications to manage syslog events, include those servers in this policy.

Navigation Path

  • (Device view) Select Platform > Logging > Syslog > Syslog Servers from the Device Policy selector.

  • (Policy view) Select PIX/ASA/FWSM Platform > Logging > Syslog > Syslog Servers from the Policy Type selector. Select an existing policy or create a new one.

Related Topics

Field Reference

Table 20. Syslog Servers Page



Syslog Servers table

The syslog servers to which this device sends syslog messages. The table shows the device interface that publishes messages to the server, the server’s IP address, syslog protocol and port number, and whether the messages are in Cisco EMBLEM syslog format.

There is a limit of four syslog servers that can be set up per context.

  • To add a server, click the Add Row button and fill in the Add/Edit Syslog Server Dialog Box.

  • To edit a server, select it and click the Edit Row button.

  • To delete a server, select it and click the Delete Row button.

Queue Size

Specifies the size of the queue for storing syslog messages on the security appliance when syslog server is busy. Minimum is 1 message. Default is 512. Specify 0 to allow an unlimited number of messages to be queued (subject to available block memory).

Allow user traffic to pass when TCP syslog server is down

Whether to restrict all traffic if any syslog server that is using the TCP protocol is down.

Add/Edit Syslog Server Dialog Box

The Add/Edit Syslog Servers dialog box lets you add or edit the syslog servers to which the security appliance will send syslog messages. To make use of the syslog servers you define, you must enable logging using the Logging Setup page and set up the appropriate filters for destinations using the Logging Filters page.


There is a limit of four syslog servers that can be set up per context.
Navigation Path

You can access the Add Syslog Servers dialog box from the Syslog Servers page. For more information about the Syslog Servers page, see Syslog Servers Page.

Related Topics
Field Reference
Table 21. Add/Edit Syslog Server Dialog Box




The interface used to communicate with the syslog server. Enter the name of the interface or interface role object, or click Select to select it from a list or to create a new object.

IP Address

The IP address of syslog server. Enter the IP address or the name of the network/host policy object that defines the address, or click Select to select the network/host object.


Starting with Cisco Security Manager 4.13, IPv6 addresses are supported for the syslog server.


The protocol used by syslog server, either TCP or UDP. UDP is the default. TCP ports work only with a security appliance syslog server.


You must select UDP if you intend to use the EMBLEM format.


The TCP or UDP port from which the security appliance sends syslog messages and on which the syslog server receives them. The default ports for each protocol are:

  • TCP—1470.

  • UDP—514.


If you are defining the Security Manager server as a syslog server, you can find the port number on the Security Manager Administration Event Management Page.


During the installation or upgrade of Security Manager, the Common Services syslog service port is changed from 514 to 49514. Later, if Security Manager is uninstalled, the port is not reverted to 514.

Log messages in Cisco EMBLEM format (UDP only)

Whether to log messages in Cisco EMBLEM format. The syslog server must use UDP.


If the syslog server is a Cisco Security MARS appliance, do not select this option. Cisco Security MARS does not process the EMBLEM format.

Reference Identity

Beginning with version 4.12, Security Manager enables you to select Reference Identity policy object name from the Policy Objects Selector.

Reference Identity is enabled only if the Port is TCP and is disabled if the Port is UDP.

For more information, see Reference Identities.