IP VRF Context Configuration Mode Commands

The IP VRF Context Configuration Mode is used to create and manage the Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) context instance for BGP/MPLS VPN, GRE, IPSec tunneling or service interfaces for virtual routing, addresses, address resolution options, etc.


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IP VRF Context Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip vrf vrf_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



The commands or keywords/variables that are available are dependent on platform type, product version, and installed license(s).


For information on common commands available in this configuration mode, refer to the Common Commands chapter.

associate l2-mapping-table

Associates a global QoS-to-Level 2 mapping table with this VRF.








Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IP VRF Context Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip vrf vrf_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



associate l2-mapping-table { name table_name | system-default }  
no associate l2-mapping-table 


Disassociates an existing L2 mapping table from this VRF.

name table_name

Specifies the name of an existing internal table from which to map QoS to L2 values.

table_name is an alphanumeric string of 0 through 80 characters.


Associates the system-default table with this VRF. This is useful if the base-context has a different explicit mapping.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to associates a global QoS-to-Level 2 mapping table with this VRF.

Internal-QoS will be mapped to an actual L2 value (either or both of 802.1p/MPLS) using a per-VRF based table.


If an l2-mapping-table association is made at both the VRF and VPN level, the VRF level takes precedence.

The mapping table is configured via the Global Configuration mode qos l2-mapping-table command.


The following command associates this VRF with Qos-to-L2 mapping table vrf10.
associate l2-mapping-table name vrf10 


Allows you to enter descriptive text for this configuration.




Security Administrator, Administrator


description text 
no description 


Clears the description for this configuration.


Enter descriptive text as an alphanumeric string of 1 to 100 characters.

If you include spaces between words in the description, you must enclose the text within double quotation marks (" "), for example, "AAA BBBB".

Usage Guidelines

The description should provide useful information about this configuration.

ip aggregate-address

Specifies an IPv4 address/mask for aggregating frame routes in the VRF.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IP VRF Context Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip vrf vrf_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ip aggregate-address ipv4_address/mask [summary-only] 
no ip aggregate-address ipv4_address/mask 


Deletes the specified IPv4 aggregate address.


Specifies the IP address and mask in IPv4 CIDR dotted-decimal notation.


When this option is configured, the constituent routes are removed from the VRF.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure aggregate framed-routes in a VRF. It enables inserting an aggregate-address in a VRF and its advertisement in the routing domain if at least one constituent framed-route exists in that VRF. By default, the constituent routes will also be present along with the aggregate address. However, if the summary-only option is configured, the constituent routes will be removed from the VRF. Up to 32 aggregate addresses can be configured in a VRF.


The following example sets an IPv4 aggregate address for the VFR:ip aggregate-address

ip guarantee

Enables and disables local switching of framed route packets.








Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration

configure > context context_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[no] ip guarantee framed-route local-switching 


Disables local switching of framed route packets.

framed-route local-switching

Enables local switching of framed route packets. By default, this functionality is disabled.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable and disable local switching of framed route packets. This functionality will be applicable only when there are some NEMO/framed route sessions in a context.


The following command enables local switching of framed route packets:
ip guarantee framed-route local-switching 

ip maximum-routes

This command configures the maximum number of routes in an IP VRF routing table configured in this context.


This command should only be used for framed or NEMO (Network Mobility) routes of the VRF.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IP VRF Context Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip vrf vrf_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



ip maximum-routes max_routes 
no ip maximum-routes 


Disables the configured maximum routes in specific IP VRF context.


Sets the maximum number of routes in a specific IP VRF context.

max_routes must be an integer from 1 through 32768 or 65536 (release 17.0+).

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the maximum number of routes in a particular VRF routing table. When the number of routes in the VRF is more than the maximum limit configured, a critical log is generated indicating that the number of routes is over the limit. Once the number of routes in the VRF goes under the limit, a clear log is generated.

The maximum routes configured using this command will be sent to the threshold configuration logic for appropriate action. For more information on threshold configuration, refer to descriptions of the threshold route-service and threshold poll route-service interval commands in the Global Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


The following command sets 1000 routes as a maximum limit for specific VRF context:
ip maximum-routes 1000 

mpls map-dscp-to-exp

This command maps the final differentiated services code point (DSCP) bit value in the IP packet header to the final Experimental (EXP) bit value in the MPLS header for incoming traffic.


This command has been deprecated beginning with Release 15.0.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IP VRF Context Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip vrf vrf_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] mpls map-dscp-to-exp dscp dscp_bit_value exp exp_bit_value 


Disables the configured DSCP bit value mapping to the EXP bit value from a specific IP VRF context.

dscp dscp_bit_value

Specifies the final DSCP bit value which is to map with the final EXP bit value in MPLS header for incoming traffic.

dscp_bit_value specifies the value of DSCP bit values separated in eight groups and represented with integers from 0 through 7.

The default representation of DSCP value in eight groups is given in the following table:
DSCP Marking Value DSCP Map Group
0-7 0
8-15 1
16-23 2
24-31 3
32-39 4
40-47 5
48-55 6
56-63 7

exp exp_bit_value

Specifies the final EXP bit value in MPLS header to which the final DSCP bit value 0 to 7 (represented in eight values) coming from incoming traffic will be mapped.

exp_bit_value is the value of EXP bit in MPLS header and must be an integer between 0 through 7.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to map the final DSCP value coming from incoming IP traffic to a final EXP value in MPLS header. This mapping determines the QoS and service parameters to which the packet is assigned.


The following command maps the DSCP value 3 (24 to 31) to EXP bit 3 in MPLS header:
mpls map-dscp-to-exp dscp 3 exp 3 

mpls map-exp-to-dscp

Maps incoming the Experimental (EXP) bit value in MPLS header to the internal differentiated services code point (DSCP) bit value in IP packet headers for outgoing traffic.


This command has been deprecated beginning with Release 15.0.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > IP VRF Context Configuration

configure > context context_name > ip vrf vrf_name

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] mpls map-exp-to-dscp exp exp_bit_value dscp dscp_bit_value 


Disables the configured EXP bit value mapping to DSCP bit value from specific IP VRF context.

exp exp_bit_value

Specifies the incoming EXP bit value in MPLS header to which the internal DSCP bit value 0 to 7 (represented in 8 values) in IP traffic will be mapped.

exp_bit_value is the value of the EXP bit in an MPLS header and must be an integer from 0 through 7.

dscp dscp_bit_value

Maps the DSCP bit value with the incoming EXP bit value in an MPLS header.

dscp_bit_value specifies the value of the DSCP bit values separated in eight groups and represented with integers between 0 through 7.

The default representation of DSCP value in eight groups is given in the following table:
DSCP Marking Value DSCP Map Group
0-7 0
8-15 1
16-23 2
24-31 3
32-39 4
40-47 5
48-55 6
56-63 7

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to map the incoming EXP bit value in MPLS headers to the DSCP bit value in IP traffic. This mapping determines the QoS and service parameters to which the packet is assigned.


The following command maps the EXP bit value 4 to DSCP value 6 (48 to 55) in IP header:
mpls map-exp-to-dscp exp 4 dscp 6