NETCONF Protocol Configuration Mode Commands

The NETCONF Protocol Configuration Mode is used to configure the ConfD/NETCONF interface (server confd) with the Cisco Network Service Orchestrator (NSO) and Elastic Services Controller (ESC).


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration >NETCONF Protocol Configuration

configure > context local > server confd

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



For information on common commands available in this configuration mode, refer to the Common Commands chapter.


For information on common commands available in this configuration mode, refer to the Common Commands chapter.


Automatically saves the current ConfD configuration to a specified URL whenever a change is applied by NSO through the ConfD interface. By default, this command is disabled.


This command is obsolete in StarOS 21.2 and later releases.


All (ASR 5500 and VPC platforms only)


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration >NETCONF Protocol Configuration

configure > context local > server confd

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] autosave-config url 


Disables the autosave configuration.


Specifies the URL where the ConfD configuration will be saved as:
[file:]{/flash | /usb1 | /hd-raid | /sftp}[/<directory>]/<filename> 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to save the current ConfD configuration to a specified URL whenever a change is applied by NSO through the ConfD interface.


The following command specifies a the URL to which the ConfD configuration will be saved:
autosave-config /flash/confd.cfg 


Enables bulkstats collection and reporting via REST interface. By default, this command is disabled.


All (ASR 5500 and VPC platforms only)


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration >NETCONF Protocol Configuration

configure > context local > server confd

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] bulkstats  


Disables bulkstats gathering on ConfD.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable or disable populating ConfD with bulkstats operational data. When enabled, StarOS will send schema information to confdmgr while gathering statistics. Collected bulkstats are stored in the ConfD database for later retrieval over REST interface.

By default, this command is disabled.

For additional information, see the NETCONF and ConfD appendix of the System Administration Guide.


The following command enables population of bulkstats operational data in ConfD:
The following command disables populating ConfD with bulkstats operational data:
no bulkstats 


Associates a username for all CLI operations via NETCONF. The user will be authenticated with verifiable credentials. This username is used for CLI logging purposes only.


All (ASR 5500 and VPC platforms only)


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration >NETCONF Protocol Configuration

configure > context local > server confd

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] confd-user username 


Disables the ConfD administrative username.


Specifies the username as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 144 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to associate a username for all CLI operations via NETCONF.


The NETCONF or RESTful session must still be established with verifiable credentials.

For additional information, see the NETCONF and ConfD appendix of the System Administration Guide.


The following command specifies a name to be associated with all NETCONF operations in the CLI logs:
confd-user admin4126 


Configures the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) collection interval for Node Selection and Load Balancing (NSLB).


All (ASR 5500 and VPC platforms only)


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > NETCONF Protocol Configuration

configure > context local > server confd

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



kpi seconds 

kpi seconds

Configures the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) collection interval for NSLB. Default: disabled.

seconds is an integer value of 0 (disabled), or 10 through 120 which sets the time interval in seconds for collecting the following KPIs:

  • Percentage session cpu usage

  • Percentage session memory usage

  • Percentage non session cpu usage

  • Percentage non session memory usage

  • Percentage session usage

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable ConfD/REST support for NSLB KPI collection.

For additional information, see the NETCONF and ConfD appendix of the System Administration Guide.


The following command enables KPI collection with the collection interval of 30 seconds:
kpi 30 
The following command disables KPI collection:
kpi 0 


Configures the NETCONF interface.


All (ASR 5500 and VPC platforms only)


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > NETCONF Protocol Configuration

configure > context local > server confd

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



netconf { notifications { events level { critical | error | warning | unusual | info } | snmp } | port port_number } 
 no netconf { notifications { events | snmp } |port } 


Restores all the NETCONF parameters to their default values.

notifications events : Disables sending of StarOS events via NETCONF notifications.

notifications snmp: Disables sending of SNMP alerts/alarms via NETCONF notifications.

port : Resets the port number to 830.

notifications events level { critical | error | warning | unusual | info }

When enabled, events logged in StarOS will be sent out as NETCONF notifications on the stream named "StarOS." Level specifies the lowest event severity level that results in a notification. Default: disabled.

  • critical - Level 1: Reports critical errors contained in log file.

  • error - Level 2: Reports error notifications contained in log file.

  • warning - Level 3: Reports warning messages contained in log file.

  • unusual - Level 4: Reports unexpected errors contained in log file.

  • info - Level 5: Reports informational messages contained in log file.


Any event that is of category "critical-info" (regardless of severity) will also be converted to notifications.

notifications snmp

When enabled, SNMP alerts and alarms will be sent out as NETCONF notifications on the stream named "StarOS_SNMP". Default: disabled.

This configuration setting does not affect the sending of SNMP alarms; if SNMP alarms are configured to be sent to an external server, they will continue to be sent.

The notification will not contain SNMP OIDs but will contain the content used to generate the SNMP alert.

port port_number

When server confd is enabled, the port is set to the NETCONF default port, 830. This keyword sets the NETCONF interface port number to something other than 830.

port_number must be an integer from 1 through 65535.


A change to the NETCONF interface port value will result in a planned restart of ConfD and temporary loss of connectivity over the NETCONF and REST (if enabled) interfaces.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the NETCONF interface parameters.

For additional information, see the NETCONF and ConfD appendix of the System Administration Guide.


The following command will generate NETCONF notifications for StarOS events of severity warning, error, or critical:
netconf notifications events warning 
The following command disables NETCONF notifications for all StarOS events:
no netconf notifications events 
The following command sets the NETCONF interface port number to 500:
netconf port 500 
The following command resets the NETCONF interface port number to 830:
no netconf port 


Configures the REST interface.


All (ASR 5500 and VPC platforms only)


Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration >NETCONF Protocol Configuration

configure > context local > server confd

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



rest { auth-policy { none | peer | peer-fail } | certificate certificate_name | hostname host_name | port port_number }  
no rest [ auth-policy | certificate | hostname | port ] 


Restores all the REST parameters to their default values.

auth-policy : none

certificate : Removes any configured certificate and key. REST will not be operational without a valid certificate and key.

hostname : System name is used and matching of hostname is not mandated.

port : Use the default port, 443.

auth-policy { none | peer | peer-fail }

Controls the level of verification the server does on client certificates. CA (certificate authority) certificates can be configured using the existing ca-certificate command in Global Configuration mode.

  • none - No authentication performed.

  • peer - If the client does not provide a certificate, or the client provides a certificate and it is valid, the connection is allowed. If the client provides a certificate that is not valid, the connection is aborted.


    If peer is selected, CA certificates are recommended; otherwise, a client providing a valid certificate cannot be authenticated and connection will fail.

  • peer-fail - Server requires the client to supply a client certificate and will fail the connection if certificate is not successfully validated.


    If peer-fail is selected, one or more CA certificates must be present on the device; otherwise, the REST interface will not be enabled.

certificate certificate_name

Configures certificate and private-key for REST interface.

certificate_name is an alphanumeric string of 1 to 128 characters.


The certificate specified must be present on the device. Certificate and the associated private-key can be configured using the existing certificate command in Global Configuration mode.

hostname host_name

Specifies a hostname the web server will serve. If configured, mandates the web server to only service requests whose Host field matches the configured hostname.

host_name is an alphanumeric string of 1 to 63 characters.

port port_number

Sets the REST interface port number to the specified value.

port_number must be an integer from 1 through 65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the REST interface parameters.


Changes to any REST interface parameters may result in a planned restart of ConfD and temporary loss of connectivity over the NETCONF and REST (if still enabled) interfaces.

Changes to global certificates which ConfD is using while REST is enabled will also result in a restart of ConfD.

For additional information, see the NETCONF and ConfD appendix of the System Administration Guide.


The following command requires the client to supply a client certificate:
rest auth-policy peer-fail 
The following command specifies no client authentication is required:
no rest auth-policy 
The following command specifies existing certificate box1 for the REST interface:
rest certificate box1 
The following command removes any configured certificate and key. REST will not be operational without a valid certificate and key.
no rest certificate 
The following command mandates the web server to only serve URLs adhering to the hostname restconf:
rest hostname restconf 
The following command specifies that the system name is used and matching of hostname is not mandated:
no rest hostname 
The following command sets the REST interface port number to 700:
rest port 700 
The following command resets the REST interface port number to 443:
no rest port