Maps a QCI ID to a RAN profile ID and modifies data flow bit rate ranges.
Exec > Global Configuration > QCI - RAN ID Mapping Configuration
configure > profile-id-qci-mapping-table name
Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:
profile-id id qci num [ uplink { gbr rate [ mbr rate ] | mbr rate [ gbr rate ] } downlink { gbr rate [ mbr rate ] | mbr rate [ gbr rate ] ]
no profile-id id
Removes the specified profile ID entry from this map.
Specifies the profile ID to which a QCI ID will be mapped. id must be an integer value from 1 to 65535.
qci num
Specifies the QCI number to which the profile ID will be mapped. num must be an integer value from 1 to 255.
Specifies that the guaranteed bit rate (GBR) and/or maximum bite rate (MBR) setting that follow this keyword will be applied to the uplink data flow.
Specifies that the guaranteed bit rate (GBR) and/or maximum bite rate (MBR) settings that follow this keyword will be applied to the downlink data flow.
gbr rate
Specifies the guaranteed bit rate for the uplink or downlink data flow. rate must be an integer value from 0 to 4294967295.
mbr rate
Specifies the maximum bit rate for the uplink or downlink data flow. rate must be an integer value from 0 to 4294967295.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to map a QCI ID to a RAN profile ID and, optionally, modify data flow bit rate ranges.
profile-id 10 qci 1 uplink gbr 10000 downlink gbr 20000