Configures the gNB S1-U IP addresses in ranges. By default, an gNB S1-U IP address is not configured.
For IPv4 addresses or IPv6 addresses, a maximum of 50 entries can be given in a PRA profile. Altogether, a maximum of 100
entries can be given in a PRA profile and only one PRA profile is supported.
Exec > Global Configuration > LTE Policy Configuration
configure > lte-policy
Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:
[ no ] pra-profile dcnr-5g-radio profilename1
[ no ] gnb-s1u ipv4-network <address>/[ mask ]
[ no ] gnb-s1u ipv4-range from <start-ip/mask> to <end-ip/mask>
[ no ] gnb-s1u ipv6-prefix <address>/[mask]
[ no ] gnb-s1u ipv6-prefix-range from <start-ip/mask> to <end-ip/mask>
[ no ] gnb-s1u ipv6-prefix-pattern <address/mask> start-bit <bit position>
end-bit <bit position> pattern <pattern in hex value>
Configures PRA Profile.
profile_name : Specifies the PRA profile name with a string of size 1–63..
do : Spawns an exec mode command which displays information to the administrator.
end : Exits configuration mode and returns to the Exec Mode
exit : Exits current configuration mode, returning to previous mode
gnb-s1u : Configures gNB S1-U Addresses for 5G radio connectivity
no : Disables option.
Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.
ipv4-network : Configures gNB S1-U IPv4 network for 5G radio connectivity.
ipv4-range : Configures gNB S1-U IPv4 address range for 5G radio connectivity.
ipv6-prefix : Configures gNB S1-U IPv6 network for 5G radio connectivity.
ipv6-prefix-pattern : Configures gNB S1-U IPv6 prefix range with hex-pattern for 5G radio connectivity.
ipv6-prefix-range : Configures gNB S1-U IPv6 prefix range for 5G radio connectivity
gnb-s1u ipv4-network address/mask
Configures block of addresses. If the mask is not specified, a default mask of 32 bits for the IPv4 address is considered.
When gnb-s1u ipv4-network is configured, it indicates that any IPv4 address will be considered as gnb-s1u address, and no lookup is done with the already
configured IPv4 addresses in the profile. In this input, default mask is taken irrespective of any configured mask.
gnb-s1u ipv4-range from <start-ip/mask> to <end-ip/mask>
Specifies a range of IP addresses for a given mask. The mask value should be the same in the start-ip and in end-ip. Following are few conditions:
In the range, if Network ID is specified, then starting address and ending address is calculated according to the mask.
In the range, if host address is specified then it will be taken.
You can specify either Network ID for both the starting address and ending address or Host ID for both the starting address
and ending address.
In the range, if mask is not specified, a default mask of 32 bits is considered for IPv4 and the specified address is considered
as host address.
gnb-s1u ipv6-prefix address/mask
Configures block of addresses. If the mask is not specified, default mask of 128 bits for an IPv6 address is considered. For
example, if an ipv6 range is specified from 2001:4900:0050:2001::0/64, then all addresses with the network id 2001:4900:0050:2001
is considered.
When gnb-s1u ipv6-prefix :: is configured, it indicates that any IPv6 address is considered as gnb S1 U address, and there is no lookup with the already
configured IPv6 addresses in the profile. In this input, a default mask is taken irrespective of any configured mask.
Configures S1-U IPv6 addresses.
gnb-s1u ipv6-prefix-range from < start-ip / mask > to < end-ip / mask >
Specifies a range of IP addresses for a given mask. Ensure to enter the same mask value in the start-ip and in the end-ip:
from : Enter the first gNB S1-U IPv6 address in the range.
to : Enter the last gNB S1-U IPv6 address in the range.
For example, If you specifiy ipv6 range from 2001:4900:0050:2001::0/64 to 2001:4900:0050:20aa::0/64”, then all addresses with
the network id “2001:4900:0050:2001” to “2001:4900:0050:20aa” is considered.
gnb-s1u ipv6-prefix-pattern <address/mask> start-bit bit position
end-bit bit position pattern pattern in hex value
start-bit bit position : Starting bit position of the pattern. It should be outside the mask bits
end-bit bit position : Ending bit position of the pattern. It should be outside the mask bits.
pattern pattern in hex value : Enter the pattern in hexadecimal. A maximum of 64 bit pattern is supported.
The start-bit and end-bit position should not be within the mask bits. For example, if you specify gnb-s1u ipv6-prefix-pattern
2001:4900:0050:2000::0/16 start-bit 61 end-bit 64 pattern 0x3”, then all addresses with the network id “2001:4900” and with
bits 61–64 matching to 0x3 are considered. A maximum of 64-bit pattern is supported for an IPv6 address.
Limitations: Following are the limitations:
It is recommended to provide non duplicate, or non overlapping IP addresses, or non conflicting inputs across the CLIs.
It is recommended not to configure multicast or broadcast IP addresses.
Usage Guidelines
Enter the gNB S1-U IP addresses in ranges. By default, an gNB S1-U IP address is not configured.
For IPv4 addresses or IPv6 addresses, a maximum of 50 entries can be given in a PRA profile. Altogether, a maximum of 100
entries can be given in a PRA profile and only one PRA profile is supported.