Configures the matching criteria and precedence for mapping an LTE Policy with a peer profile.
Exec > Global Configuration > LTE Policy Configuration > LTE Peer Map Configuration
configure > lte-policy > peer-map map_name
Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:
precedence priority match-criteria { all peer-profile-name profile_name | peer-ip-address { ip_address(IPv4/IPv6) | ip_address(IPv4/IPv6)/mask } [ serving-plmnid mcc mcc mnc mnc ] peer-profile-name profile_name | serving-plmnid mcc mcc mnc mnc [ peer-ip-address { ip_address | ip_address/mask } ] peer-profile-name profile_name }
no precedence priority
Removes the selected precedence priority number from the peer map.
priority must be an integer from 1 to 1024.
priority must be an integer from 1 to 1024. Precedence 1 has highest priority.
Defines the criteria to be used to match peer nodes.
Specifies that all peer nodes are to be associated with the peer map.
To map a peer to a profile when there is no specific criteria required, use the all keyword.
peer-profile-name profile_name
Sets the peer profile with which the matching criteria is associated.
profile_name must be an existing peer profile expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 64 characters.
peer-ip-address ip_address | ip_address/mask
Specifies the IP address of the peer node.
ip_address must be specified using the standard IPv4 dotted decimal notation or colon notation for IPv6.
ip_address/mask must be specified using the standard IPv4 dotted decimal notation or colon notation for IPv6, followed by the mask.
serving-plmnid mcc mcc mnc mnc
Specifies serving nodes with criteria matching the PLMN ID (MCC and MNC) are to be associated with a specified peer map.
mcc mcc : Specifies the mobile country code (MCC) portion of the PLMN ID.
mcc must be a three-digit number between 100 and 999.
mnc mnc : Specifies the mobile network code (MNC) portion of the PLMN ID.
mnc must be a two- or three-digit number between 00 and 999.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to map LTE Policy to a peer profile based on matching criteria and precedence for the criteria.
A maximum of 1024 precedence entries can be configured.
The following command associates the peer profile named pp5 with peers associated with a serving node PLMN ID MCC of 111 and an MNC of 222:
precedence 100 match-criteria serving-plmnid mcc 111 mnc 222 peer-profile-name pp5
The following command associates the peer profile named pp5 with IP address of the peer node:
precedence 1 match-criteria peer-ip-address PEER-profile-name pp5