PDSN Service RoHC Configuration Mode Commands

The PDSN Service RoHC Configuration Mode is used to configure RoHC (Robust Header Compression) parameters the PDSN service conveys to the PCF in the initial A11 RRP message before PPP authentication.


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDSN Service Configuration > PDSN Service ROHC

configure > context context_name > pdsn-service service_name > ip header-compression rohc

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



The commands, keywords and variables in this mode are available dependent on platform type, product version, and installed license(s).


For information on common commands available in this configuration mode, refer to the Common Commands chapter.


Enters the RoHC Profile Compression Options Configuration mode.and configures options that apply during RoHC compression for the current RoHC profile.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDSN Service Configuration > PDSN Service ROHC

configure > context context_name > pdsn-service service_name > ip header-compression rohc

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



cid-mode { large | small } max-cid integer 
default cid-mode 


Reset all options in the RoHC Profile Compression Configuration mode to their default values.


Use large packets with optional information for RoHC


This is the default packet size.

Use small RoHC packets.

max-cid integer

Default: 15

The highest context ID number to be used by the compressor. integer must be an integer from 0 through 15 when small packet size is selected and must be an integer from 0 through 31 when large packet size is selected.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the RoHC packet size and define the maximum


The following command sets large RoHC packet size and sets the maximum CID to 100:
   cid-mode large max-cid 100  
The following command sets the cid-mode to the default settings of small packets and max-cid 0:
   default cid-mode 


Sets the size of the largest reconstructed reception unit, in octets, that the decompressor is expected to reassemble from segments. The size includes the CRC. If MRRU is negotiated to be 0, no segment headers are allowed on the channel.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDSN Service Configuration > PDSN Service ROHC

configure > context context_name > pdsn-service service_name > ip header-compression rohc

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



mrru num_octets 
default mrru 


reset the value of this command to its default setting


Default: 0

This is the number of octets for the maximum size of the largest reconstructed reception unit allowed. num_octets must be an integer from 0 through 65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set the size, in octets, of the largest reconstructed reception unit, in octets, that the decompressor is expected to reassemble from segments.


The following command sets the largest reconstructed reception unit to 1024 octets:
   mrru 1024 
The following command resets the mrru size to its default of 0 octets:
   default mrru 


Specifies the header compression profiles to use. A header compression profile is a specification of how to compress the headers of a specific kind of packet stream over a specific kind of link. At least one profile must be specified.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > Context Configuration > PDSN Service Configuration > PDSN Service ROHC

configure > context context_name > pdsn-service service_name > ip header-compression rohc

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



profile { [ esp-ip ] [ rtp-udp ] [ udp-ip ] [ uncompressed-ip ] } 
default profile 


Default: esp-ip rtp-udp udp-ip uncompressed-ip

This command sets the RoHC profile configuration back to its default setting.


This enables RoHC Profile 0x0003 which is for ESP/IP compression, compression of the header chain up to and including the first ESP header, but not subsequent subheaders.


This enables RoHCProfile 0x0001 which is for RTP/UDP/IP compression


This enables RoHC Profile 0x0002 which is for UDP/IP compression, compression of the first 12 octets of the UDP payload is not attempted.


This enables RoHC Profile 0x0000 which is for sending uncompressed IP packets.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the RoHC header compression profiles to use.


The following command sets the profiles to use as esp-ip and rtp-udp:
   profile esp-ip rtp-udp