Cisco Unity Connection User Guide, Release 1.x
Changing Call Transfer and Screening Settings

Table Of Contents

Changing Call Transfer and Screening Settings

Changing Call Transfer Settings by Phone

Changing Call Transfer and Holding Settings in the Cisco Unity Assistant Web Tool

Changing Caller Message Settings in the Cisco Unity Assistant Web Tool

Changing Call Screening Settings in the Cisco Unity Assistant Web Tool

Changing Call Transfer and Screening Settings

This chapter describes how to change and use call transfer and screening options for users who do not have access to the Personal Call Transfer Rules web tool. (If you have access to the web tool, see the sections on call screening and holding settings in the "Managing Personal Call Transfer Rules to Handle Incoming Calls" chapter instead.)

Call transfer and screening settings control how Cisco Unity Connection handles calls that are routed to you from the system—for example, from callers using Connection directory assistance. Such calls are known as indirect calls.

Direct calls are those in which another Connection user dials your extension or when an outside caller dials your direct line, if you have one. Connection transfer and screening settings do not apply to direct calls.

Table 18-1 describes the available transfer and screening options.

Table 18-1 Cisco Unity Connection Call Transfer and Screening Settings 


Call transfer

You can choose to answer indirect calls or to have them routed to voice mail. When you choose to answer indirect calls at your extension or at another extension that you specify, you may also be able to indicate how you want Connection to handle the calls when your phone is busy.1

Caller message

For indirect calls, you can choose whether the callers can edit their messages and mark them urgent.

Call screening1

You can choose to have Connection screen indirect calls. Connection can ask for the name of the caller and play the name for you before connecting the call. It can also tell you when it connects the call, or give you the option of taking an indirect call or routing it to voice mail for the caller to leave a message.

1 Busy and screening settings are unavailable when Connection is not set up to handle indirect calls; for some organizations, the phone system (rather than the voice messaging system) handles both indirect and direct calls.

Tip To set up call transfers for direct calls to your extension, talk to your Connection administrator. Your desk phone or even the phone system that your organization uses may offer transfer features that you can use to manage direct calls.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Changing Call Transfer Settings by Phone

Changing Call Transfer and Holding Settings in the Cisco Unity Assistant Web Tool

Changing Caller Message Settings in the Cisco Unity Assistant Web Tool

Changing Call Screening Settings in the Cisco Unity Assistant Web Tool

Changing Call Transfer Settings by Phone

Note This section describes call transfer settings for users who do not have access to the Personal Call Transfer Rules web tool. (If you have access to the web tool, see the "Changing Rule-Processing Preferences" section on page 19-26 or the "Using the Transfer All Rule Set" section on page 19-24 instead.)

Call transfer settings allow you to choose to have indirect calls ring your extension or ring another extension or phone number that you specify, or to be transferred directly to voice mail so your phone does not ring at all. When you send calls to voice mail, callers do not have to wait while your phone rings unanswered; your greeting plays immediately.

Note that when you choose to answer indirect calls at your extension, you can indicate what you want Cisco Unity Connection to do when your extension is busy. The settings are available in the Cisco Unity Assistant web tool (see the "Changing Call Transfer and Holding Settings in the Cisco Unity Assistant Web Tool" section).

The procedure in this section uses keypad mappings for the standard conversation. Keypad mappings for other conversations are provided in the "Cisco Unity Connection Voice Commands and Phone Menus" chapter. Ask your Connection administrator which conversation you are set up to use.

To Change Call Transfer Settings by Phone

Step 1 Log on to Cisco Unity Connection.

Step 2 If you are not using voice commands, skip to Step 3.

If you are using voice commands, say "Touchtone conversation" or press 9 to temporarily change to using touchtone keys.

Tip To switch back to using voice commands after you have finished changing call transfer settings, hang up and log on to Connection again.

Step 3 Press 4 4.

Step 4 After Connection announces your current call transfer settings, use the following keys to change them:


Switch between transferring calls to a phone and to voice mail.


Change your transfer phone number. To transfer calls to an external number, contact your Connection administrator.

Changing your transfer number does not change whether calls are transferred to a phone or sent to voice mail. Connection transfers calls to your transfer number only if you also specify that your calls are transferred to a phone.

Table 18-2 Use These Keys Anytime 


Cancel or back up



Changing Call Transfer and Holding Settings in the Cisco Unity Assistant Web Tool

Note This section describes call transfer and holding settings for users who do not have access to the Personal Call Transfer Rules web tool. (If you have access to the web tool, see the "Changing Call Holding Settings in the Personal Call Transfer Rules Web Tool" section on page 19-22 instead.)

Call transfer settings allow you to choose to have indirect calls ring your extension or ring another extension or phone number that you specify, or to be transferred directly to voice mail so your phone does not ring at all. When you send calls to voice mail, callers do not have to wait while your phone rings unanswered; your greeting plays immediately.

When you choose to answer indirect calls at your extension, call holding settings allow you to indicate what you want Cisco Unity Connection to do when your extension is busy. Holding options are described in the following procedure.

To Change Call Transfer and Holding Settings in the Cisco Unity Assistant Web Tool

Step 1 On the Cisco PCA Home page, click the Cisco Unity Assistant link.

Step 2 In the Cisco Unity Assistant, on the Preferences menu, click Transfer and Screening.

Step 3 In the Transfer Calls To field, choose the applicable destination for calls:

Extension <Your Extension>

Calls are transferred to your extension.

Another Number

Calls are transferred to the number you enter in the text box. (To transfer calls to an external phone number, such as a home or mobile phone, contact your Connection administrator.)

My Personal Greeting

Calls are transferred to voice mail without ringing a phone.

Tip As a convenience, you can edit the transfer number in the text box even when you have specified that Connection transfer calls to your extension or to voice mail. Connection transfers calls to the number in the text box only when the radio button next to it is selected.

Step 4 If you chose to transfer calls to your extension, in the If My Extension Is Busy list, choose how you want Connection to handle calls when your extension is busy:

Send Callers to Voice Mail

Connection plays your greeting, then prompts the caller to leave a message.

Put Callers on Hold Without Asking

Connection puts the caller on hold and does not offer the option of leaving a message.

Ask Callers to Hold

Connection gives the caller the option of holding or leaving a message.

Step 5 Click Save.

Changing Caller Message Settings in the Cisco Unity Assistant Web Tool

Note This section describes caller message settings for users who do not have access to the Personal Call Transfer Rules web tool. (If you have access to the web tool, see the "Changing Caller Message Settings in the Personal Call Transfer Rules Web Tool" section on page 19-22 instead.)

Caller message settings allow you to choose what callers can do when they leave messages for you. The following options are available:

Listen To and Rerecord the Message

Connection gives callers the options of listening to, adding to, rerecording, or deleting their messages.

Mark the Message as Urgent

Connection asks callers if they want to mark their messages urgent.

You can change caller message settings only in the Cisco Unity Assistant, not by phone.

To Change Caller Message Settings in the Cisco Unity Assistant Web Tool

Step 1 On the Cisco PCA Home page, click the Cisco Unity Assistant link.

Step 2 In the Cisco Unity Assistant, on the Preferences menu, click Transfer and Screening.

Step 3 Check or uncheck one or both of the Listen To and Rerecord the Message and Mark the Message as Urgent check boxes.

Step 4 Click Save.

Changing Call Screening Settings in the Cisco Unity Assistant Web Tool

Note This section describes call screening settings for users who do not have access to the Personal Call Transfer Rules web tool. (If you have access to the web tool, see the "Changing Call Screening Settings in the Personal Call Transfer Rules Web Tool" section on page 19-23 instead.)

The following call screening options are available:

Tell Me When the Call
Is Connected

Cisco Unity Connection tells you when it connects the call.

Tell Me Who The Call Is For

Connection plays the recorded name associated with the dialed extension. Use this setting when two or more people share a phone.

Ask Me If I Want
to Take the Call

Connection asks if you want to take the call or have the caller leave a message.

Ask for Caller's Name

Connection records the name of the caller and plays it for you before connecting the call.

You can change call screening settings only in the Cisco Unity Assistant web tool, not by phone.

To Change Call Screening Settings in the Cisco Unity Assistant Web Tool

Step 1 On the Cisco PCA Home page, click the Cisco Unity Assistant link.

Step 2 In the Cisco Unity Assistant, on the Preferences menu, click Transfer and Screening.

Step 3 In the Screen Calls section, check one or more check boxes to set your screening options. Note the following considerations:

For the option of declining a call for someone you share a phone with, check both the Tell Me Who the Call Is For and the Ask Me If I Want to Take the Call check boxes.

For the option of accepting or declining a call based on the identity of the caller, check both the Ask Me If I Want to Take the Call and the Ask For Caller's Name check boxes.

When you accept, Connection connects the call. When you decline, Connection routes the call to voice mail.

Step 4 Click Save.