Change Management

You can enable Change Management if your organization needs to implement more formal processes for configuration changes, including audit tracking and official approval before changes are deployed.

About Change Management

Some organizations need to implement a formal approach to deploying configuration changes. This might include more auditing, and an official approval process that must happen before configuration changes can be made to a device.

If your organization uses a more formal configuration change process, you can enable Change Management to enforce the process. With Change Management, administrators must open tickets before they can make configuration changes. Then, once the change is complete, they must submit the ticket for approval before they can deploy the proposed changes. This allows you to enforce your official approval process and ensure that the right employees make the final decisions.

When using Change Management, administrators can see their own changes within a ticket, but they cannot see changes anyone else has made within a ticket. Because a policy is locked once a user makes a change within a ticket, users should not be able to make interfering changes. However, users will not be able to make changes while another user has made a change that is pending approval.

Administrators can create multiple tickets so that a single ticket contains only logically-related policy changes. Tickets with a more limited scope are also easier to evaluate and approve quickly.

The following topics explain the Change Management Workflow and which policies and objects are subject to the ticketing and approval process.

How to Configure Devices in the Change Management Workflow

When you enable Change Management, users who configure devices need to change their approach slightly. Configuration specialists need to take the following approach when making configuration changes to supported policies and objects.


Step 1

Create a ticket.

Step 2

Open the ticket.

Step 3

Make the configuration changes.

Note that the procedures explained in the online help and user guides assume that Change Management is not active, and omit any steps for creating, opening, or submitting tickets.

Step 4

Optionally, preview and validate the ticket to ensure the changes are complete and correct.

Step 5

Submit the ticket. At this point, the approver can either approve or reject the ticket.

  • If the ticket is approved, deploy the changes.

  • If the ticket is rejected, address the issues, and resubmit the ticket.

Creating Separate Approver and Configuration Roles

Some system-defined roles have permissions to modify (create/open/discard) and review (approve/reject) tickets:

  • To both modify and review tickets:

    • Admin

    • Network Admin

  • To modify tickets only:

    • Access Admin

    • Intrusion Admin

  • To review tickets only:

    • Security Approver

If you need more granular roles to separate these activities due to your organizational requirements, you can create separate roles to ensure that ticket approval is assigned only to those users who have the organizational authority to approve changes. To create new user roles, go to System > Users, and select the User Roles tab..

Following are the permissions, in the System > Change Management folder, relevant to ticket usage and approval. Note that these permissions are available only after you enable Change Management.

  • Modify Tickets—To create tickets (for yourself), to use tickets for configuration changes, and to discard tickets.

  • Review Tickets—To approve or reject tickets.

  • Both Modify and Review Tickets—To create tickets for yourself and others, use tickets, and approve/reject tickets. You can also take over tickets assigned to other users.

The approach you take depends on your precise requirements. For example:

  • If your approvers should also be allowed to make configuration changes, you can simply assign them the system-defined roles, such as Administrator. Then, create custom configuration-only roles that include the same permissions but not the Review Tickets permission.

  • If you need complete separation between approvers and those who make configuration changes, create custom roles for both, limiting the roles to either the Modify Tickets or the Review Tickets permission plus all other needed permissions for viewing or changing the supported policies and objects.

Policies and Objects that Support Change Management

If a policy or object supports the change management workflow, then creating, editing, or deleting the policy or object, including assigning a policy to a device, must be done in an open ticket.

Any action, policy, or object that does not support the change management workflow can be created, edited, or deleted, and so forth, without an open ticket. Even if a ticket is open, the changes made to unsupported policies are not included in the ticketed changes and are available for deployment immediately.

The following lists include the policies and objects that are supported. Anything not listed is unsupported.

Supported Policies

  • Access Control, including rules, references to other policies, and inheritance settings.

  • Device Configuration policies:

    • Interfaces

    • Inline Sets

    • DHCP

    • VTEP

    • All Routing

  • Decryption policy

  • DNS policy

  • FlexConfig

  • Intrusion policy and Network Analysis Policy (NAP), Snort 3 only.

  • Malware and File policy

  • Network Address Translation (NAT)

  • Network Discovery policy

  • Platform Settings

  • Prefilter

  • QoS

  • Umbrella SASE Topology

  • VPN policies, both site-to-site and remote access

  • Zero Trust Access

Supported Objects

  • AAA Server

  • Access List

  • Address Pools

  • AS Path

  • Cipher suit lists

  • Community List

  • Distinguished Name objects

  • DHCP IPv6 Pools

  • DNS Server Group

  • FlexConfig objects

  • Group policy

  • Interface

  • Key Chain

  • Network

  • PKI certificates, all objects

  • Policy List

  • Port

  • Prefix List

  • Route Map

  • Sinkhole

  • SLA Monitor

  • Time Range

  • Time Zone

  • Tunnel Zone

  • URL

  • Variable Set

  • VLAN Tag

  • VPN objects (IKEv1, IKEv2 IPSec and policy, PKI enrollment, certificate map)

Requirements and Prerequisites for Change Management

Model Support

Management Center

Supported Domains


User Roles

  • To enable or disable Change Management: Admin.

  • To both modify and review tickets:

    • Admin

    • Network Admin

  • To modify tickets only:

    • Access Admin

    • Intrusion Admin

  • To review tickets only:

    • Security Approver

Guidelines and Limitations for Change Management

  • When operating in change management mode, users can make changes to supported policies, but they cannot save the changes. For example, you could go through the dialog box to create a new Platform Settings policy without an open ticket, but when you click OK to actually create the policy, you will get an error and the policy will not be created.

  • The following activities require that all tickets be in a terminal state, that is, approved or discarded: backup/restore, moving a device between domains, upgrading Management Center.

  • Deleting a device from the inventory requires that all tickets involving that device be approved or discarded.

  • Some processes, such as deployment and backup/restore, prevent you from changing the Change Management mode. Wait until the process completes to change the mode.

  • Your ability to create objects while configuring a feature is constrained based on whether the feature and objects are all supported by change management. For example, importing a configuration is not supported by change management. Therefore, you cannot create security zone objects, which are supported, during the import. On the other hand, you can create new objects while configuring access control rules, because both are supported.

  • When using cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center, a user defined in Cisco Defense Orchestrator is available to be assigned tickets only after the user cross-launches cdFMC at least once. Until the first cross-launch, the user does not exist in cdFMC.

Enabling or Disabling Change Management

The default is that the Change Management workflow is disabled. Users do not need to open tickets and get approval when making configuration changes. If you want to enforce the Change Management workflow, you must enable it globally for the system.

Before you begin

There are several system processes that prevent you from enabling/disabling change management. If any of the following are in process, you need to wait for them to complete before changing these settings: backup/restore; import/export; domain movement; upgrade; Flexconfig migration; device registration; high-availability registration, creation, break, or switch; cluster create, registration, break, edit, add or remove nodes; EPM break out or join.

An access control policy cannot be locked when you change these settings. If a policy is locked, you must wait for the lock to be released before enabling/disabling this feature.


Step 1

Choose System (system gear icon) > Configuration.

Step 2

Click Change Management.

Step 3

Select Enable Change Management.

To disable the feature, deselect the option. All tickets must be approved or discarded to disable Change Management. You cannot disable Change Management if any ticket is in the In Progress, On Hold, Rejected, or Pending Approval state.

Step 4

Select the Number of approvals required, which is how many administrators must approve the change for the ticket to be approved and deployable. The default is 1, but you can require up to 5 approvers per ticket. Users can override this number when creating tickets.

Step 5

Select the Ticket Purge Duration, which is the number of days to keep approved tickets, from 1-100 days. The default is 5 days.

Step 6

(Optional.) Enter the Reply to Address and the email addresses for the List of Approver Addresses. You must also configure the Email Notification system settings for email to work.

Step 7

Click Save.

The system adds the Ticket (Ticket icon) shortcut to the menu bar, and the System (system gear icon) > Change Management Workflow command. Users can manage tickets using these methods.

Managing Tickets

When you enable Change Management, configuration changes for supported policies must be done within the context of a ticket. You open a ticket, make your changes, then submit the ticket for approval.

You can see a list of tickets, and create new ones, either on the Change Management page or through the Ticket quick-access menu. All ticket changes are synchronized in each menu, so you can switch back and forth at your convenience and use whichever method you prefer.


When you open a ticket and make a change to a supported policy, that policy is locked from changes by other users or through other tickets. The policy remains locked until the ticket is approved or discarded.


Step 1

Do any of the following:

  • Choose System (system gear icon) > Change Management Workflow to open a page showing existing tickets.

  • Click the Ticket (Ticket icon) quick-access menu. The icon can either be named Select a Ticket (if no ticket is opened), the ticket name if a ticket is opened, or unnamed if no tickets exist.

Both pages are organized the same. The Ticket tab lists all tickets, whereas the Review tab lists tickets that have been submitted for approval. The default view shows your tickets only.

Step 2

On the Ticket tab, take any of these actions:

  • To create a new ticket, click Add Ticket.

  • To view the details of a ticket, click the > next to the ticket name. The Details page includes UUID, name, description, user, last modified date, and comments. The History page includes the status changes for the ticket. The image at the top shows where the ticket stands in the overall workflow.

  • To preview the configuration changes for an open ticket, click Preview (preview icon).

  • To validate the configuration changes in an open ticket, click Validate (Validate ticket icon) or More (more icon) > Validate. A dialog box opens showing error, warning, and informational messages, if there are any validation errors.

  • To open a ticket, click Open (open ticket icon) or More (more icon) > Open.

  • To close an open ticket, click Put Ticket on Hold (X) or More (more icon) > Put Ticket on Hold. Closing a ticket does not submit it for review, nor does it release any locks placed on edited policies.

  • To submit an open ticket for review and approval, click Submit for Approval (Submit for Approval icon) or More (more icon) > Submit for Approval. The ticket must be open to be submitted.

  • To discard a ticket, click Discard (discard ticket icon) or More (more icon) > Discard.

  • To take over or reassign a ticket, click More (more icon) > Take Over Ticket when viewing all tickets in the system.

  • To search for a ticket, type a string in the search box. The search looks at ticket name, description, and responsible user.

  • To filter the list by ticket status (on the Change Management Workflow page), click the status above the list: New, Open, On Hold (ticket was closed), Rejected, Pending Approval, Approved. Each status has a count of the number of tickets in that state. Click All under My Tickets to return to the default of showing all of your tickets, or All under Tickets in System to see everyone’s tickets.

Step 3

On the Reviews tab, take any of these actions on submitted tickets. The list is empty if there are no submitted tickets. In addition, only users with Review Ticket permissions can see this tab.

  • To preview the configuration changes for a ticket, click Preview (preview icon).

  • To validate the configuration changes in an open ticket, click Validate (Validate ticket icon) or More (more icon) > Validate.

  • To approve the ticket, click Approve (Approve ticket icon) or More (more icon) > Approve.

  • To disapprove the ticket, click Reject (Reject ticket icon) or More (more icon) > Reject.

Creating Change Management Tickets

When using the Change Management workflow, you must do all configuration changes within the context of an open ticket. If you do not already have a ticket, you must create a new one.


Step 1

Choose System (system gear icon) > Change Management Workflow, or click the Ticket (Ticket icon) shortcut menu.

Step 2

Click Add Ticket.

Step 3

Configure the ticket options:

  • Name—The name of the ticket. The name can include letters, numbers, spaces, and the following special characters: #-_!

  • Description—An optional description of what you intend to configure using this ticket. For example, if you have a case number related to what you intend to fix using this ticket, that would be useful information in a description.

  • Number of Approvers—How many administrators must approve the change for the ticket to be approved and deployable. You can specify 1-5.

  • Assign to—Select the user who will own the ticket and be responsible for implementing the changes. Choose self to assign it to yourself.

Step 4

Click one of the following: .

  • Create—The ticket is added to the list of tickets, but it is not opened. You need to open it before you can work within the context of the ticket.

  • Create and Open—The ticket is added to the list of tickets and also opened.

Opening a Ticket for Configuration Changes

Before you can make changes within a ticket, you must open the ticket.

If you have another ticket open, the system puts it on hold (closes it) for you before opening the new one.


Step 1

Choose System (system gear icon) > Change Management Workflow, or click the Ticket (Ticket icon) shortcut menu.

Step 2

On the Tickets tab, click Open (open ticket icon) or More (more icon) > Open for the ticket.

Step 3

Optionally, enter a comment for the action.

Step 4

Click Open.

You can now start your configuration changes. The name of the Ticket icon changes to the name of the open ticket.

Previewing a Ticket

You can preview a ticket while making your configuration changes, or before approving it. The preview shows all configuration changes made within the context of the ticket.


Step 1

Choose System (system gear icon) > Change Management Workflow, or click the Ticket (Ticket icon) shortcut menu.

Step 2

Click Preview (preview icon) for the ticket.

The Preview dialog box opens. Changes are color coded according to the legend at the top of the dialog box.

Step 3

Select the policy whose changes you want to view in the Changed Policies list.

You are shown both the current version of the policy as it is defined in Secure Firewall Management Center (on the left) and the proposed changes defined within the ticket.

For policies that contain pages, such as Platform Settings, you can select the overall policy to see all changes, or specific pages within the policy, in the Changed Policies list.

You cannot alter the changes from within the preview. If you need to change something, you must close the preview and return to the policy you want to change.

Step 4

Optionally, click Download as PDF to save the preview to a PDF file for offline viewing or archival purposes.

Step 5

Click OK.

Submitting a Ticket

After you have completed the changes needed for a ticket, you can preview and validate the changes. Then, when you are satisfied with the changes, submit the ticket for review and approval.

Changes made within the ticket are not applied until you submit the ticket and the ticket is approved. Until approval happens, all policies modified within a ticket are locked to that ticket and cannot be changed by anyone else.


Step 1

Choose System (system gear icon) > Change Management Workflow, or click the Ticket (Ticket icon) shortcut menu.

Step 2

Click Submit for Approval (Submit for Approval icon) or More (more icon) > Submit for Approval for the open ticket.

Step 3

Optionally, enter a comment for your action.

Step 4

Click Submit.

Discarding a Ticket

If you no longer need to make the changes for which you created a ticket, you can discard the ticket. When you discard a ticket, any changes that you made within the ticket are removed.

You cannot undo this action and retrieve a ticket with its changes. If you need them, you must create a new ticket and start over.

You cannot discard a ticket after you submit it. However, if the approver rejects the ticket, you can then discard it.


If you have permission to modify tickets, you can discard tickets that belong to another user. This makes it possible to deal with situations where an admin is on vacation or otherwise unavailable to manage an in-process ticket. If you have Review Ticket permission, you can alternatively reassign or take over the ticket rather than discard it.


Step 1

Choose System (system gear icon) > Change Management Workflow, or click the Ticket (Ticket icon) shortcut menu.

Step 2

Click Discard (discard ticket icon) or More (more icon) > Discard for the ticket.

Step 3

Optionally, enter a comment for your action.

Step 4

Click Discard.

Approving or Rejecting a Ticket

When a user submits a ticket, it must be approved for the changes made within the ticket to become active and available for deployment.

Whether you can approve your own tickets, or there is a separate approver, depends on your workplace policies and how user roles are assigned, not on the management software.

The Details view includes a summary of how many approvers are required for the ticket, and who has approved the ticket.

If the changes are inadequate or undesirable, you can reject the ticket. Rejected tickets go back to the submitter, who can then make additional changes and resubmit the ticket, or simply discard the ticket and the configuration changes it contains.


Step 1

Choose System (system gear icon) > Change Management Workflow, or click the Ticket (Ticket icon) shortcut menu.

Step 2

On the Review tab, click Preview (preview icon) for the ticket and evaluate the proposed changes.

You can also click Validate (Validate ticket icon) or More (more icon) > Validate to check for errors.

Step 3

After completing your evaluation, do one of the following:

  • To approve the ticket, click Approve (Approve ticket icon) or More (more icon) > Approve.

  • To disapprove the ticket, click Reject (Reject ticket icon) or More (more icon) > Reject.

Step 4

Optionally, enter a comment for your action.

Step 5

Click Approve or Reject, as appropriate.

Taking Over or Reassigning Tickets

Sometimes it might be necessary to take over a ticket that someone else created. For example, the ticket owner might be on vacation or is otherwise unavailable, and the ticket is blocking updates that need to be deployed.

You can also use this procedure to reassign your own ticket to another person.

Before you begin

Following are the permissions required to take over tickets:

  • Admin user—You can assign tickets to yourself or other users.

  • Modify or Review ticket + System > User Management > Users (custom role)—You can assign tickets to yourself or other users.

However, you can assign a user only if the user has the same role as the current ticket owner, or the Admin role. This ensures that the new user has the permissions required to configure the features currently modified within the ticket.

You cannot reassign a ticket that has been submitted for approval.


Step 1

Choose System (system gear icon) > Change Management Workflow.

Step 2

Click on All under Tickets in System.

Step 3

Click More (more icon) > Take Over Ticket.

Step 4

Select the user who should now own the ticket.

The list of users is restricted to those who have the permissions required to edit the policies already changed within the ticket. For example, if a ticket contains changes to the access control policy, the list of users contains only those users who are allowed to modify the access control policy.

Step 5

Enter an optional comment and click Takeover.

History for Change Management


Minimum Management Center

Minimum Threat Defense


Taking over tickets and additional support for Change Management.



You can take over another user’s ticket. This is useful if a ticket is blocking other updates to a policy and the user is unavailable. In addition, the following features are now included in the Change Management approval workflow: Decryption policies, DNS policies, file and malware policies, network discovery, certificates and certificate groups, cipher suite lists, Distinguished Name objects, Sinkhole objects.

Change management.



You can enable change management if your organization needs to implement more formal processes for configuration changes, including audit tracking and official approval before changes are deployed.

We added the System(system gear icon) > Configuration > Change Management page to enable the feature. When enabled, there is a System(system gear icon) > Change Management Workflow page, and a new Ticket(Ticket icon) quick access icon in the menu.