show fa-service

This chapter includes the show fa-service command output tables.

show fa-service

Table 1. show fa-service name Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Service name

The name of the FA service for which the information are displayed.


The name of the context in which this service is configured.


Status of connectivity of this service with context and IP address.

Max Subscribers

The number of subscribers are allowed to configure in this service.

Local IP Address

IP address to which this service is bound and communicate with HA.

Local IP Port

The port number on which this service is to communicate with HA.


The maximum time that the FA session can exist before it becomes expired.

Registration Timeout

The maximum duration of inactivity for a session registration before it becomes expired.

Advt Lifetime

Lifetime for an advertisement message.

Advt Interval

Interval between two advertisement messages.

Num Advt

The total number of advertisement messages broadcasted.

Advt Prefix Length Extn

Indicates the setting of prefix extension length in advertisement message.

Reverse Tunnel

Status of reverse tunnel.

GRE Encapsulation

Status of Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE).

Optimize Tunnel Reassembly

Status of tunnel reassembly optimization.

Allow Priv Addr w/o Rev Tunnel

Status of setting to allow private addresses without reverse tunnelling.

Dynamic MIP Key Update

Status of setting to update dynamic MIP key.

Ignore Dynamic MIP Key

Status of setting to ignore dynamic MIP keys.

Remove MN-AAA/MN-FAC extns

Status of setting to remove MN-AAA and/or MN-FA extensions from messages.

Standalone FA service

Show the standalone FA service status. If "Enabled" system performs as a standalone FA only.

Proxy MIP

Status of Proxy Mobile IP support.

Proxy MIP Max Retransmissions

Total number of retransmission for Proxy Mobile IP support.

Proxy MIP Retrans Timeout

Timeout duration in seconds between two of retransmissions for Proxy MIP support.

Proxy MIP Renew Percent Time:

Percentage of timeout duration. Once this much percent of timeout duration exhausted the Proxy MIP message will be retransmitted.

For example, If retransmission timeout is set for 4 secs. and renew percent time is configured for 75%, the Proxy MIP messages will be retransmitted after 3 seconds.


The configured Security Parameter Index (SPI) number between FA and HA.


Remote Addr

IP address of HA.

Hash Algorithm:

Hashing algorithm applicable for HA.


SPI number set for HA.

Replay Protection:

Type of reply protection enabled for reply messages.

Timestamp Tolerance

Total variation allowed in timestamp mismatch.

HA Monitoring:

Status of HA monitoring configuration.

GRE Sequence Numbers

Status of GRE sequence number setting in messages.

GRE Sequence Mode

Specifies the GRE sequence mode.

GRE reorder Timeout

Total timeout duration for GRE reorder.

GRE Checksum

Status of GRE Checksum setting in messages.

GRE Checksum Verification

Status of GRE Checksum verification setting.

Registration Revocation

Status of registration revocation setting.

Reg-Revocation I Bit

Status of I-bit setting for registration revocation.

Reg-Revocation Max Retries

Maximum number of retries allowed for registration revocation.

Reg-Revocation Timeout

Total duration allowed between two retries for registration revocation.

Reg-Rev on InternalFailure

Specifies whether registration revocation will be triggered on internal failure or not.

Default Subscriber

Name of the default subscriber.

Max sessions

Maximum number of subscriber sessions allowed.

Max challenge len

Length of challenge key for subscriber authentication.

Challenge Window

total number of windows opened for challenge.

Service Status

Status of this service.

MN-AAA Auth Policy

Specifies the lookup criteria for authentication policy between MN and AAA in RRP. Possible settings are:



Status of setting for optimized retries when authentication policy is not received for MN and AAA.

MN-HA Auth Policy

Specifies the lookup criteria for authentication policy between MN and HA in RRP.

AAA Distributed MIP Keys Override

Specifies the setting for the FA service to override dynamic keys from AAA with static keys to support MIP registration with HAs which do not support dynamic keys.

Newcall Policy

Specify that new call policy enabled or disabled to handle new calls.

Idle Timeout Mode

Idle timeout mode allowed for this service.

Ignore Stale Challenge

Status of setting to ignore old/stale challenge messages.

Limit Reg Lifetime

Status of setting to limit registration lifetime.

Dynamic HA Failover

Status of setting to handle dynamic HA failovers.

AAA HA override

Status of setting to override HA settings if received from AAA.

HA Failover

Status of setting to handle HA failovers.

Retrans Timeout

Timeout duration between two retransmission of probe on HA failover.

Retries Before Swtichover

Total number of retries before switching to another HA.

Maximum retries

Total number of retries allowed.

Load Balance

Status of setting to handle HA performance issues or HAa failovers by load balancing.

HA Monitoring

Status of setting to monitor HA.

Inactivity Timeout

Timeout duration after which a probe message will be sent to HA.

Monitor Reply Timeout

Timeout duration to wait for reply from HA after which a probe message will be resent to HA.

Maximum retries

Total number of retries allowed.