show lma-service

This chapter describes the outputs of the show lma-service command.

show lma-service statistics

Table 1. show lma-service statistics Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

MIP AAA Authentication


The total number of MIP AAA authentication attempts made by this system or the specified service.


The total number of MIP AAA authentication attempts that were successful made by this system or the specified service.

Total Failures

The total number of MIP AAA authentication attempts that failed made by this system or the specified service.

Actual Auth Failures

The total number of actual MIP AAA authentication failures received by this system or the specified service.


The total number of failures received by this system or the specified service.

Misc Auth Failures

The total number of miscellaneous MIP AAA authentication failures received this system or the specified service.

Binding Updates Received

Total Received

The total number of all binding updates received by this system or the specified service.

Total Accepted

The total number of all binding updates received and accepted by this system or the specified service.

Total Denied

The total number of all binding updates received and denied by this system or the specified service.

Total Discarded

The total number of all binding updates received and discarded by this

Initial Binding Update Requests


The total number of all initial binding updates received by this system or the specified service.


The total number of initial binding updates received and accepted by this system or the specified service.


The total number of initial binding updates received and denied by this system or the specified service.

Refresh Binding Update Requests


The total number of all refresh binding updates received by this system or the specified service.


The total number of refresh binding update requests received and accepted by this system or the specified service.


The total number of refresh binding update requests received and denied by this system or the specified service.

DeReg Requests


The total number of all deregistration request binding updates received by this system or the specified service.


The total number of deregistration request binding updates received and accepted by this system or the specified service.


The total number of deregistration request binding updates received and denied by this system or the specified service.

Handoff Requests


The total number of all handoff request binding updates received by this system or the specified service.


The total number of handoff request binding updates received and accepted by this system or the specified service.


The total number of handoff request binding updates received and denied by this system or the specified service.

Binding Acknowledgements Sent


The total number of all binding update acknowledgments sent by this system or the specified service.

Accepted Reg

The total number of accepted registration binding update acknowledgments sent by this system or the specified service.

Accepted DeReg

The total number of accepted deregistration binding update acknowledgments sent by this system or the specified service.


The total number of denied binding update acknowledgments sent by this system or the specified service.

Send Error

The total number of send error binding update acknowledgments sent by this system or the specified service.

Accepted Init Reg

The total number of initial binding acknowledgments sent by LMA with Success code.

Binding Update Deny Reasons

Insufficient Resources

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to insufficient resources, sent by this system or the specified service.

Mismatched ID

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to mismatched IDs, sent by this system or the specified service.

MN Auth Failure

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to a mobile node authentication failure condition, sent by this system or the specified service.

Admin Prohibited

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to requiring a message ID, sent by this system or the specified service.

Msg ID Required

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to requiring a message ID, sent by this system or the specified service.

DAD Failed

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to DAD failure, sent by this system or the specified service.

Not Home Subnet

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to an incorrect home subnet, sent by this system or the specified service.

Sequence Out Of Window

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to sequence out of window, sent by this system or the specified service.

Reg Type Change Disallowed

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to a disallowed registration type change, sent by this system or the specified service.

Unspecified Reason

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to an unspecified reason, sent by this system or the specified service.

Service-Authorization Failed

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to a service authorization failure, sent by this system or the specified service.

Proxy Reg Not Enabled

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to a proxy registration not enabled error, sent by this system or the specified service.

Timestamp Mismatch

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to a timestamp mismatch error, sent by this system or the specified service.

Timestamp Lower Than Expected

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to a timestamp lower than expected reason, sent by this system or the specified service.

Missing MN-ID Option

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to a missing MN-ID option, sent by this system or the specified service.

Missing HNP Option

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to a missing HNP option, sent by this system or the specified service.

Missing Access Tech Option

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to a missing access technology option, sent by this system or the specified service.

Missing Handoff Ind Option

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to a missing handoff indicator option, sent by this system or the specified service.

Not Authorized For HNP

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to a not authorized for HNP reason, sent by this system or the specified service.

Not LMA For Mobile

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to a missing LMA for the MN reason, sent by this system or the specified service.

Not Authorized For Proxy Reg

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to a not authorized for proxy registration reason, sent by this system or the specified service.

BCE Prefix Do Not Match

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to a BCE prefix not matching, sent by this system or the specified service.

GRE Key Option Required

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to a GRE key option required reason, sent by this system or the specified service.

MCOA Unknown CoA:

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to a MCOA unknown CoA reason, sent by this system or the specified service.

Update Denied - Insufficient Resource Reasons

No Session Manager

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to insufficient resources - no session manager, sent by this system or the specified service.

No Memory

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to insufficient resources - no memory, sent by this system or the specified service.

Session Manager Rejected

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to insufficient resources - session manager rejected, sent by this system or the specified service.

Input-Q Exceeded

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to insufficient resources - input queue exceeded, sent by this system or the specified service.

Simul Bindings Exceeded

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to insufficient resources - simultaneous bindings exceeded, sent by this system or the specified service.

Address Alloc Failed

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to insufficient resources - address allocation failed, sent by this system or the specified service.

Update Denied - Admin Prohibited Reasons

MN-AAA Auth Option Missing

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to an administrator prohibited - MN-AAA auth option missing condition, sent by this system or the specified service.

H-bit Not Set

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to an administrator prohibited - H-bit not set condition, sent by this system or the specified service.

Invalid MN-AAA Option SPI

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to an administrator prohibited - invalid MN-AAA option SPI condition, sent by this system or the specified service.

Invalid MN-HA Option SPI

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to an administrator prohibited - invalid MN-HA option SPI condition, sent by this system or the specified service.

Congestion Control Denied

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to an administrator prohibited - congestion control denied condition, sent by this system or the specified service.

Policy Rejected

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to an administrator prohibited - policy rejected condition, sent by this system or the specified service.

HoA Not Authorized

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to an administrator prohibited - HoA not authorized condition, sent by this system or the specified service.

No Permission

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to an administrator prohibited - no permission condition, sent by this system or the specified service.

Bad Request

The total number of binding update deny messages, due to an administrator prohibited - bad request condition, sent by this system or the specified service.

Update Denied - Unspecified Reason

Newer Session detected by AAA

The total number of binding update discarded messages, due to newer session detected by AAA, sent by this system or the specified service.

Newer Session detected by PCRF

The total number of binding update discarded messages, due to newer session detected by PCRF, sent by this system or the specified service.

Newer Session detected by PCS

The total number of binding update discarded messages, due to newer session detected by PCS, sent by this system or the specified service.

Binding Updates Discard Reasons

Congestion Discarded

The total number of binding update discarded messages, due to congestion, sent by this system or the specified service.

Checksum Error

The total number of binding update discarded messages, due to checksum error(s), sent by this system or the specified service.

Initial Auth Pending

The total number of binding update discarded messages, due to an initial authentication pending condition, sent by this system or the specified service.

Session Not Found

The total number of binding update discarded messages, due to a session not found condition, sent by this system or the specified service.

HAMGR Not Ready

The total number of binding update discarded messages, due to an HA manager not found condition, sent by this system or the specified service.

Decode Failure

The total number of binding update discarded messages, due to a decode failure, sent by this system or the specified service.

Invalid Buffer Length

The total number of binding update discarded messages, due to an invalid buffer length, sent by this system or the specified service.

Revocation Pending

The total number of binding update discarded messages, due to pending revocations, sent by this system or the specified service.

Binding Revocation


The total number of binding revocations sent by this system or the specified service.

Retries Sent

The total number of binding revocation retries sent by this system or the specified service.

Ack Rcvd

The total number of binding revocation acknowledgements received by this system or the specified service.

Not Acknowledged

The total number of binding revocations sent, but not acknowledged, by this system or the specified service.


The total number of binding revocations received by this system or the specified service.

Ack Sent

The total number of binding revocation acknowledgements sent by this system or the specified service.

Sent Revocation Trigger Reasons


The total number of Binding Revocation Indication (BRI) messages sent by the LMA with an "Unspecified" revocation trigger reason.

Administrative Reason

The total number of Binding Revocation Indication (BRI) messages sent by the LMA with an "Administrative Reason" revocation trigger reason.

Inter-MAG Handoff-Same ATT

The total number of Binding Revocation Indication (BRI) messages sent by the LMA with an "Inter-MAG Handoff-Same ATT" revocation trigger reason.

Inter-MAG - Unknown Handoff

The total number of Binding Revocation Indication (BRI) messages sent by the LMA with an "Inter-MAG - Unknown Handoff" revocation trigger reason.

Inter-MAG Handoff-Diff ATT

The total number of Binding Revocation Indication (BRI) messages sent by the LMA with an "Inter-MAG Handoff-Diff ATT" revocation trigger reason.

Per-Peer Policy

The total number of Binding Revocation Indication (BRI) messages sent by the LMA with a "Per-Peer Policy" revocation trigger reason.

Revoking Node Local Policy

The total number of Binding Revocation Indication (BRI) messages sent by the LMA with a "Revoking Node Local Policy" revocation trigger reason.

User Initiated Session Term

The total number of Binding Revocation Indication (BRI) messages sent by the LMA with a "User Initiated Session Term" revocation trigger reason.

Access Network Session Term

The total number of Binding Revocation Indication (BRI) messages sent by the LMA with an "Access Network Session Term" revocation trigger reason.

Out-of Sync BCE State

The total number of Binding Revocation Indication (BRI) messages sent by the LMA with an "Out-of Sync BCE State" revocation trigger reason.


The total number of Binding Revocation Indication (BRI) messages sent by the LMA with an "Unknown" revocation trigger reason.

Received Revocation ACK Status


The total number of Binding Revocation Acknowledgement (BRA) messages received by the LMA with a "Success" status.


The total number of Binding Revocation Acknowledgement (BRA) messages received by the LMA with a "Partial-Success" status.


The total number of Binding Revocation Acknowledgement (BRA) messages received by the LMA with a "Binding-Does-Not-Exist" status.

No IPv4-HoA-Bind

The total number of Binding Revocation Acknowledgement (BRA) messages received by the LMA with a "No IPv4-HoA-Bind" status.


The total number of Binding Revocation Acknowledgement (BRA) messages received by the LMA with a "Global-Revoc-Not-Authorized" status.


The total number of Binding Revocation Acknowledgement (BRA) messages received by the LMA with a "Revoc-MN-ID-Required" status.


The total number of Binding Revocation Acknowledgement (BRA) messages received by the LMA with a "Revoc-Failed-MN-Attached" status.


The total number of Binding Revocation Acknowledgement (BRA) messages received by the LMA with a "Trigger-Not-Supported" status.


The total number of Binding Revocation Acknowledgement (BRA) messages received by the LMA with a "Proxy-Bind-Rev-Not-Supported" status.


The total number of Binding Revocation Acknowledgement (BRA) messages received by the LMA with a "Revoc-Func-Not-Supported" status.


The total number of Binding Revocation Acknowledgement (BRA) messages received by the LMA with an "Unknown" status.

Binding Revocation ACK Discarded


The total number of binding revocation acknowledgements received and discarded by this system or the specified service.

Session Not Found

The total number of binding revocation acknowledgements received and discarded, due to a session not found condition, by this system or the specified service.

Badly Formed Request

The total number of binding revocation acknowledgements received and discarded, due to a badly formed request condition, by this system or the specified service.

Decode Error

The total number of binding revocation acknowledgements received and discarded, due to a decode error condition, by this system or the specified service.

Checksum Error

The total number of binding revocation acknowledgements received and discarded, due to a checksum error condition, by this system or the specified service.

Invalid Message Type

The total number of binding revocation acknowledgements received and discarded, due to a invalid memory type condition, by this system or the specified service.

HAMGR Not Ready

The total number of binding revocation acknowledgements received and discarded, due to a HAMGR not ready condition, by this system or the specified service.

Matching Request Not Found

The total number of binding revocation acknowledgements received and discarded, due to a matching request not found condition, by this system or the specified service.

Invalid Buffer Length

The total number of binding revocation acknowledgements received and discarded, due to a invalid buffer length condition, by this system or the specified service.

Tunnel Data Received

Total Packets

The total number of tunnel packets received by this system or the specified service.


The total number of IPv6-in-IPv6 tunnel packets received by this system or the specified service.


The total number of IPv4-in-IPv6 tunnel packets received by this system or the specified service.

IPv6 GRE (IPv4)

The total number of IPv4-in-IPv6 GRE tunnel packets received by this system or the specified service.

IPv6 GRE (IPv6)

The total number of IPv6-in-IPv6 GRE tunnel packets received by this system or the specified service.


The total number of IPv4-in-IPv4 tunnel packets received by this system or the specified service.


The total number of IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel packets received by this system or the specified service.

IPv4 UDP (IPv4)

The total number of IPv4-in-IPv4 UDP tunnel packets received by this system or the specified service.

IPv4 UDP (IPv6)

The total number of IPv6-in-IPv4 UDP tunnel packets received by this system or the specified service.

Total Bytes

The total number of tunnel bytes received by this system or the specified service.


The total number of IPv6-in-IPv6 tunnel bytes received by this system or the specified service.


The total number of IPv4-in-IPv6 tunnel bytes received by this system or the specified service.

IPv6 GRE (IPv4)

The total number of IPv4-in-IPv6 GRE tunnel bytes received by this system or the specified service.

IPv6 GRE (IPv6)

The total number of IPv6-in-IPv6 GRE tunnel bytes received by this system or the specified service.


The total number of IPv4-in-IPv4 tunnel bytes received by this system or the specified service.


The total number of IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel bytes received by this system or the specified service.

IPv4 UDP (IPv4)

The total number of IPv4-in-IPv4 UDP tunnel bytes received by this system or the specified service.

IPv4 UDP (IPv6)

The total number of IPv6-in-IPv4 UDP tunnel bytes received by this system or the specified service.


Protocol Type Error

The total number of protocol type data errors received by this system or the specified service.

Invalid Pkt Length

The total number of invalid packet length data errors received by this system or the specified service.

No Session Found

The total number of no session found data errors received by this system or the specified service.

Tunnel Data Sent

Total Packets

The total number of tunnel packets sent by this system or the specified service.


The total number of IPv6-in-IPv6 tunnel packets sent by this system or the specified service.


The total number of IPv4-in-IPv6 tunnel packets sent by this system or the specified service.

IPv6 GRE (IPv4)

The total number of IPv4-in-IPv6 GRE tunnel packets sent by this system or the specified service.

IPv6 GRE (IPv6)

The total number of IPv6-in-IPv6 GRE tunnel packets sent by this system or the specified service.


The total number of IPv4-in-IPv4 tunnel packets sent by this system or the specified service.


The total number of IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel packets sent by this system or the specified service.

IPv4 UDP (IPv4)

The total number of IPv4-in-IPv4 UDP tunnel packets sent by this system or the specified service.

IPv4 UDP (IPv6)

The total number of IPv6-in-IPv4 UDP tunnel packets sent by this system or the specified service.

Total Bytes

The total number of tunnel bytes sent by this system or the specified service.


The total number of IPv6-in-IPv6 tunnel bytes sent by this system or the specified service.


The total number of IPv4-in-IPv6 tunnel bytes sent by this system or the specified service.

IPv6 GRE (IPv4)

The total number of IPv4-in-IPv6 GRE tunnel bytes sent by this system or the specified service.

IPv6 GRE (IPv6)

The total number of IPv6-in-IPv6 GRE tunnel bytes sent by this system or the specified service.


The total number of IPv4-in-IPv4 tunnel bytes sent by this system or the specified service.


The total number of IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel bytes sent by this system or the specified service.

IPv4 UDP (IPv4)

The total number of IPv4-in-IPv4 UDP tunnel bytes sent by this system or the specified service.

IPv4 UDP (IPv6)

The total number of IPv6-in-IPv4 UDP tunnel bytes sent by this system or the specified service.

Tunnel ICMPV6 Packets

Packet Too Big Rcvd

The total number of tunnel ICMP packets - too big received by this system or the specified service.

Packet Too Big Dropped

The total number of tunnel ICMP packets - too big dropped by this system or the specified service.

Packet Too Big Relayed

The total number of tunnel ICMP packets - too big relayed by this system or the specified service.

Total Disconnects

Lifetime expiry

The total number of disconnects due to lifetime expiry initiated by this system or the specified service.


The total number of disconnects due to deregistrations initiated by this system or the specified service.

Admin Drops

The total number of disconnects due to admin drops initiated by this system or the specified service.

Other Reasons

The total number of disconnects due to "other reasons" initiated by this system or the specified service.